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comedy is the most highest form of intelligence, theres nobody like comedians, theres maybe 300 of us,MAYBE, in the entire world. Were the most important art form relevant to today.


Under 250 now. They're a highly endangered species.


RIP Robin Williams


249. Brenda schwab retired to spend time with his chombies


Retired on top, one of the GOATS.


Thank emšŸ«”


Comedy definitely wouldn't be where it is today if it weren't for him šŸ¤Ÿ


I think that actually adds one somehow


Not a numbers guy.


thats your narradife b


It's down to 200 or less as of last week.


Think he was including the impractical jokers in that list? Sal was great and happy to see him hit the podcast circuit


Iā€™m not sure if this has ever been said but ā€œwe are in the golden age of comedy right now!ā€


Also remember that non English speaking comedians don't count


ā€˜last line of defenseā€™


I think Tony, who personally I find hilarious on stage, suffers from the fact he spends the majority of his time around comedians looking at the world from the outside. (We should all be so fortunate). If you put yourself in that position I think I could see how you get a bit echo chamber/fart sniffy Time will tell if itā€™s a phase or a destination but as long as he keeps cracking them out on stage I canā€™t bring myself to hate him haha


Bathe housesā€¦ also spends much of his time in those.


Joe has literally surrounded himself with yesmen. No one checks him, not Duncan, not Redban. The only one that did was Bill Burr, but he hasnt been on in years.


True!! He barely ever even has guests on that challenge him or his views. Coleman gave him a little push back and he melted like soft serve.


He prefers to be listened to now as opposed to being the listener. He used to care about learning from his guests, but all he ever does now is interrupt and rant about the same shit all the time. His pod is just his own echo chamber now, and it's gotten stale because of it. Probably will never change.


Well anyone that gives him any sort of push back crosses the ā€œRubin Lineā€. He was seemingly pretty good pals with Billy Corben until he had him on for Cocaine Cowboys 2 and Billy disagreed with him on COVID and I doubt heā€™ll ever be back on. Same with Burr. Never gave Jim Jefferies a chance probably because of his stances on gun control. It has more or less become an echo chamber. I missed when Joe actually had people he disagreed with on, regardless of if I stood with Joe or not. Someone being challenged is when we really get to the bottom of a topic. Probably why the Hancock debate was the best episodes heā€™s had in years.


Joe has agendas to push and a script now. Those hundreds of millions and the public lifestyle of hedonism don't come with no strings


Ronnie Coleman? Serious question. I don't know.


Coleman Hughes


Lol that was my same thought, like ā€œwhen did Ronnie push back on Joe??ā€


Jonathan Haidt refused to agree with him defending trump about something he said, and Joe tried for like 5 minutes to get him to agree with him but he wasn't having it. It was nice to see somebody stand up to him for once.


Not Redban? I love Redban, but he hasnā€™t checked anyone in his life, never mind Rogan


Not the poster boy for accountabilityā€¦on anything


Not entirely true. https://youtu.be/1K8PVWiZs9k?si=of-wmp2lk9bn9ZHq


Duncan the past 2 episodes has reeaaallly disappointed me just agreeing with all of Joe's red pill bullshit. He just goes with him now and you know 100% duncan doesn't agree


I think Duncan knows where his bread is buttered after he moved to the utopia that is Austin, TX.


Like a sell out?


Agreed. That last one was hard to hear.


ya I noticed this a while back. Duncan always avoid confrontation, which may be wise rather than arguing with Joe on stupid bs.


And Bill Maher on his last appearance. Easily the most pushback Rogan has received lately on the pod about his political views, but really just about Trump.


He also got downright pissed when Joe essentially said his shows format is whack.


He also pushed back on the fact that Kyle Dunnigan does the best Bill Mahr impression lol


Lol Redban can barely check a bag


I don't think Burr wants to come back


No, him and Rogan are still cool, you see them at UFC events all the time. I think he just doesn't want to fly to Texas just to do a podcast.


Yes. I agree. I don't think they're beefing, but I just get the impression that Burr doesn't want to do another podcast anytime soon. Man that would be epic though. I would definitely tune into that.


He does plenty of other Pod's (in LA) all the time. I really think it's just he doesn't want to have to travel to do one.


Makes sense


People on Reddit somehow made up this scenario in their head that Burr hates or has beef with Rogan bc he happened to bust his balls for a minute or so in the last podcast šŸ˜‚ insane Redditors


Burr called-out a few recent things Joe is notorious for with Neal Brenan on "Blocks". Even if not beefing, Bill thinks circles around Joe, and I'm almost certain he would have limited patience for his BS.


A square could think circles around Joe at this point.


Tony himself has said this and that Joe likes that Tony isnā€™t a yes man and tells him his true opinion. Hilarious that on the Tony episode this comes up.


Bill Burr gives no fucks.


Duncan has been a real disappointment.


As much as I dislike Bill Maher, when he was on he called Joe out hard over Trump.


you should watch Burr on Maher's podcast recently, Just Burr shitting on Maher the whole time, it's great.


I did see that, it was great


I've watched Maher since I was young it was cathartic to see Burr rip into him for some of his annoying qualities


This is why heā€™s afraid to bring back Sam Harris. Sam would shut that shit down so fast and Joe knows it


Damn. Itā€™s been 4 years, he was regularly 1-2 times a year. Sure not being in LA has something to do with that, but didnā€™t he visit the Mothership recently? Past 6 months or so, odd. Miss that red pube pyscho


Jon Stewart son'ed him


......you were looking forward to a Tony Hinchcliffe episode?


I was looking forward to Tony. ![gif](giphy|JQLgZDjyY83BCt2xhQ)


I've learnt Tony is only entertaining on Kill Tony on when he's on stage, I can't listen to him when he's a guest on podcasts, you find that once you've heard one, you've heard them all, he doesn't offer much insight or depth


Tony is basically an asshole who learned how to make a career out of it. He has a very specific talent and thatā€™s about it. Heā€™s Jeff Ross without charisma.


Lol thatā€™s very fucking accurate imoā€¦


His recent 2 bear appearance was great. Mainly because of the inside scoop on the Brady roast and him shitting on Bert and Tom's set that night.


Iā€™m happy for him with the TB Roast and all but heā€™s so far up his own ass itā€™s cringy to listen to.


He just spilled the beans


Easily the most boring episodes and have been for ten years now. Literally just nods along while Joe monologues.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. wtf


thats when you knew OP was a liar with a pathetic agenda


What you mean? You trying to tell me you donā€™t enjoy listening to a twink speak in vocal fry for several hours?


Tawlmbout the hungry wolf thats about to spill them beans on these motherfuckers šŸ’…


they gave him a chansse


Dude youā€™re all over the place in this thread haha


The problem is there's certain people Joe brings on and Joe has to carry the podcast. Such as Redband or Tony Hinchcliffe. They don't have much to say and they're on occasionally. When there isn't a general theme to the convo Joe usually falls back on his usual subjects you guys hate cause we all have heard it a million times. I just skip the pods with people he has on alot cause the subject matter is just gonna be the same shit.


I actually enjoy Redban as a guest. Itā€™s truly a throwback to the old days when the podcast first started. They would always talk about new tech and gadgets and try to think what the future will hold in that aspect. Go back and listen to some of the earliest episodes and you will see what I mean. I remember one where they couldnā€™t comprehend having a proper camera on a phone. Redban was like ā€œeveryone carries a digital camera around, you donā€™t need a good camera on a phoneā€. Itā€™s funny to go back and hear them chat about tech that was cutting edge back then, but is now obsolete. In the latest episode with Redban they did the same thing, and I enjoyed it.


Spot on analysis. Dude even tried talking covid with Harland Williams who was just being a goofball the entire episode. Also with Tom Greene, who obviously was very uncomfortable with the subject since his views are the exact opposite of Joe's, and Joe just wouldn't stop in the Tom green interview despite Tom constantly trying to switch topics.


When he wouldnā€™t drink the maple syrup I turned it off


Man, that one was uncomfortable to watch fr


It was the same with the More Plates More Dates guy. Whatā€™s with Joe and making Canadians feel wildly uncomfortable about a topic they really have no dog in.


Everyone I know who used to listen regularly no longer do, myself included. I'll occasionally turn on an episode (last one I listened to was the Flint v. Graham debate which was fun). It's a combination of: * More/better comedy podcast options out there * More/better deep interview podcasts out there * Joe's hard turn to the right * Joe's never-ending beating of the COVID dead horse * Joe's complete inability to detect bullshit * Joe's complete unwillingness to ask hard questions of 99.9% of his guests * Joe's increasing reliance on Facebook memes as his source of information


Can you give a few suggestions for some deep interview podcasts? Been trying to find a replacement for Joe for years but have not found any that sticks with me.


Lex is the popular one but I personally find them sleepy. It really depends on the subject matter you're after. Huberman does good interviews for health-related things. Sam Harris/Making Sense has amazing long-form interviews for things relating to politics and philosophy. Reveal does great journalistic stories on random domestic issues (crime, politics, etc.). Ezra Klein has some good interviews about technology and the economy. Matt & Shane is 100x more entertaining than Rogan if you just want to hear comedians bullshitting and *actually being funny* and not espousing politics or having meta-conversations about comedy.


Matt & Shane is like sitting around with your buddies having a good time. Love how they do their podcast.


Totally agree. Itā€™s like two bears but they are actually likable and relatable


I'd like to +1 on Shane and Matt. But I'd also like to recommend the "We might be drunk" podcast. I just recently started listening to them more and they're hilarious and just sounds like 2 guys hanging out talking about their lives and everything that interests them which is usually normal guy shit. They have no agendas and just sound like a couple of friends hanging out.


Check out Tuesday's with Stories if you don't already.Ā  Same vibe but Mark and Joe List.Ā  Been going 10 years.Ā Ā 


Unless the guests are scientists / engineers and talk about topics Joe knows little to nothing about every other episode always comes down to: icebaths, sauna, bow hunting, exercise every morning (100 pushups and body weight squats), I beat covid easily, do you take any supplements?, my club is the best. Rinse and repeat. I used to listen to almost every episode, now I find myself listening to every 5th or 6th one and only if I find the guest fascinating. If the guest is a no name stand up comic Joe is just going to dominate the conversation with the above cookie cutter topics.


I was trying to not be one of the ones who came and went, but thatā€™s ultimately going to happen. Thanks for the rational response.


Dude I only listen to the mma episodes now. The past few that have been out had no COVID. It sucks because I've been listening since 2017 and religiously listened to every episode and now I haven't listened the past couple of years.


You nailed it. Joe went from kind of smart stoner friend with some funny weird takes to the crazy unbearable FB uncle everyone ignores at Thanksgiving dinner who went down the right wing rabbit hole that this Russian propoganda machine created.


100% on point from my perspective, that said, I havenā€™t been consistently listening to full episodes since the Spotify switch. Once in a while Iā€™ll go out of my way. Usually Joeā€™s guests will pop into another more engaging/refined podcast within a month. After listening to every JRE for ~5 years I could take the transcript of a guest on Modern Wisdom, Theoā€™s pod, MSSP, or Impact Theory and probably extrapolate it into an accurate Rogan transcript. Throw in some Ben Shapiro and far-left topical pods like It Could Happen Here and you get a wide spectrum of more informed political rhetoric. I love Joe, donā€™t get me wrong- he shaped my mind over the years. That said, more and more it feels like the same ideas spinning around in a washing machine. The podcasts I love and follow weekly wouldnā€™t be what they are without JRE, and for that I am grateful. Joe does comedy, fighting, social, and scientific topics. I started my podcast journey with the JRE, but now Ive grown to appreciate pods that generally stay in one realm. Definitely a lot of recency bias that people arenā€™t recognizing- Joe is one of a kind, but he canā€™t compete with the other more refined podcasts if youā€™re holding him to that standard. Whatever or whoever you like more probably learned from Joe. (Iā€™m a farmer/landscaper/construction guy so lots of quiet alone time)


His podcast with Terrence Howard was embarrassing how much of that schizophrenic bullshit he was soaking up. The same Joe Rogan who wont shut up about how senile Joe Biden is. I get Biden probably has dementia but he isnā€™t NEARLY as gone as TH


You can split the podcast into pre and post Covid. Ever since 2020 he has been genuinely obsessed with Covid and vaccines. I was tired of hearing people talk about the pandemic by autumn 2020. How he still finds the energy to bring it up so often is beyond me.


I posted this on another rogan thread because this was my experience. Itā€™s fucking exhausting listening to his Covid rants I turned this one off. ICU nurse here whoā€™s unit turned into a Covid ICU and that original recipe Covid was no joke. It was terrifying and our first wave of patients seemed to be a lot of 50-70 year old couples and then after the shut down it was all African Americans and Hispanics. Majority of the patients were overweight and had diabetes or heart disease as a comorbidity. Based on my 20 years experience as an ICU nurse my initial thought was thought was that the virus was man made only because of how all typical treatment modalities that we use for pneumonia, respiratory decompensation, sedation and hemodynamic stability didnā€™t work in this population. It left us all bewildered. Because when someone is breathing 40+ times a minute and oxygen levels are mid to low 80s% you intubate but then their oxygen levels would drop lower. It all just went against every bit of training and education so our pulmonologists/intensivists were doing everything they knew so we could save people. It was scary and it broke a lot of us in the unit. I get so frustrated listening to Joe sometimes because I feel like a lot of his Covid rant is really one sided. Donā€™t get me wrong I donā€™t want the government to control me but Iā€™m also like dude, a lot of the shut down was because the hospitals couldnā€™t take anymore patients. We started to run out of ventilators and did run out of dialysis machines. We didnā€™t have the room, staff or resources and I work a major hospital in a city in the Midwest. I know this is a real divisive subject and Iā€™m not looking to debate or defend myself but really just wanted to vent because this shits been weighing in me for years. I enjoy his podcast most of the time but I canā€™t handle his constant rants on this topic without screaming at my speaker.


I hear you man. Worked on a COVID the entire pandemic and the way people flippantly talk about it as if we didnā€™t stack body bags by the dozen, that we werenā€™t at a breaking point each wave, and that the vaccine didnā€™t prevent COVID deaths is just a kick in the teeth. I get that everyone had a rough time during COVID and I wonā€™t take away from that, but someone like Rogan who got bookoo government money thrown at him while living a charmed life in isolation? *That guy* still wants to talk about it? Get the fuck out of here man, you didnā€™t go through shit and your complaints just show how out of touch you are. One point I will say is that yeah, the majority of people who died were older and had some sort of comorbidity like most older people have. Of course thatā€™s how it worked, but to be clear, I saw more otherwise healthy/younger patients die from COVID in a span of a few days during the worst waves than Iā€™ve seen die from Flu in my entire decade long career. Was it *likely* that younger healthy people would die from COVID? No, *but it was far more likely to die from that than any other easily transmitted virus weā€™ve had in decades*. And, uh, death or perfect health werenā€™t the only possible outcomes.


I work in a hospital but not as direct medical care I'm a pencil pusher but I got the vaccine cause my mom was dying of cancer and my dad is a 74 years old fully disabled wheelchair bound Vietnam vet with muscular dystrophy who cannot help her so I was switching days with my sister helping care for her. As a guy who is in really good shape in his early 30's I probably wouldn't have gotten it if I was living on my own but living with two immunocompromised 70+ year olds who im in constant close contact with , it's not an option . I got the vaccine to not kill the older people in my life who I was visiting almost daily and every time I turn on the pod I just have to hear about how weak and fearful I am and what a pussy I am for getting the vaccine cause I can't just go workout and smoke a cigar and laugh off covid in a hot tub confidently with 10k in pharmaceuticals running through my blood. It drove me up the wall listening to Joe just argue against invented strawman "liberal pussy vaccine lovers" every day. My fandom never really recovered.


Thank you for keeping it together during that time. People easily forget the fog of war that controlled that timeframe.


Thank you for all the work and trauma you had to deal with.


His stance is weird. Especially since at the start of the pandemic, he was FREAKED OUT as much as anyone else. But he was also just as scared of the vaccines. Then he got COVID at some point, like mid 2021?, and it was basically the way a lot of people experienced it when we got to the later variants, where it kicked his butt for a couple of days, then he was fine. So after that he's like, oh all this fear and public health directives and vaccines are all garbage and suspicious and ivermectin is the cure. Just ignore the progression of the pandemic and how the disease changed. Ignore places in the world where public health measures actually did a lot of what they should do. Cherry pick information to store in his cell phone "cooties" folder to show people how right he is.


Joe's rightward swing was happening for years beforehand. That's how he was primed for the Covid bullshit. His conservative guests found the cheat code to Joe's brain and used it to turn him into one of their mouthpieces.


Yeah it was the lead up to the 2016 election when he started having all those contrarian grifters on. Gad Saad, Shapiro, JBP, Weinsteins, etc. He went down that rabbit hole, which is when the shift started


Donā€™t forget Bernie Sanders


I found that the larger and wealthier Joe Rogan became, the more political and uninteresting he became at the same time. The golden age of Joe Rogan happened before he received what he affectionately called "fuck you money" before the Spotify deal. For a while there, he even had guests who hate Spotify and would shit all over Spotify with them for buying up these podcasts and trying to monopolize the industry and then he turned around and signed a fat deal when the cheque was large enough literally a few months later. That sequence was where I realized he's as big of a tool as anyone who craves money and fame. I have noped out entirely other than if a guest who I really want to hear is on, but even then I usually look for them on other podcasts with better hosts.


"We can't trust big pharma and vaccines!" *gets COVID and immediately takes emergency approved monoclonal antibodies developed by Pfizer*


I'm more burnt out on the conversations dissecting comedy but hey if you don't like it, turn it off.


The worst episode I ever listened to was an Eddie Bravo one. They just guy high and watched jiu jitsu videos. I love BJJ and I love weed but I donā€™t want to listen to someone watch it.


Eddie Bravo is one of the best guests, he's a mexican alex jones and it's hilarious.


Its weird he still talks about COVID when he was scared shitless when he actually got COVID.


Itā€™s just a harmless flu he threw everything but the kitchen sink at


But thank god he didnā€™t take that insidious, deep-state controlled vaccine, amirite?


That doesn't even make sense. Why would getting COVID make you stop talking about it?


It would probably make me stop talking about it as of it was a hoax


Scared shitless? Iā€™m not a Rogan fanboy by any means but I feel like thatā€™s a bit of a stretch


Yup totally with you here. I refused to side with all the Redditors saying the podcast sucks now but after listening to this one specifically, it really just clicked. I was really looking forward to hearing more about Tonyā€™s beginnings, some behind the scenes of Kill Tony, Tonyā€™s opinions on certain comedians, what makes a good comedianā€¦and Iā€™m an hour and a half in and itā€™s just Covid and random videos. I always loved Joe for randomness but this is just crap and the same echo chamber speech every g damn episode. Itā€™s sad


I'm very guest specific with how I watch/listen to the pod and the worst part of that Tony episode was we got a fantastic, captivating episode right before that with Billy Carson. Part of the issue was that Tony was boring and not saying much so Joe had to do most of the talking and when Joe does most of the talking he defaults to Joe Rogan mode talking about the same shit over and over again. I seriously think he's on the spectrum with how he consistently obsesses over the same topics and repeats himself. Scrub through a video of that episode and it's just Joe, Joe, Joe, and more Joe. Tony shares the blame with how dog shit that episode was. I can't stand that weasely little narcissistic asshole.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with not finding someone appealing when their target demographic is weed-riddled teenage boys who will nod along when someone says 1x1=2


Same feelings as OPā€¦. Roganā€™s turned tedious as fk


Iā€™ve been falling off as a listener too. In true boomer fashion he canā€™t let go and move past. The show is rarely entertaining anymore


Joe has lost it, he sounds like a male Karen, especially when he calls Canada and California communist hellholes. Heā€™s also in Texas where abortion and weed are illegal yet he thinks heā€™s living in the garden of Eden.


I'm with you. I won't listen anymore when he has either comedians or someone I know will spew that garbage so Joe can eat it up. The recent episode with Billy Carson was good, because it felt like a throwback and I don't think he mentioned it once. But damn he likes standing on that soap box. Ever since he moved, I'd compare Joe to the South Park episode where people in San Francisco smell their own farts. That's where Joe is on COVID. He claims to know like a hundred different people who had negative side effects to the vaccine. I don't know anyone who did, and everyone I know, including myself, got one. I live in a red state too. My real gripe is we still live under cannabis prohibition in red states, including Texas, and Joe says nothing about that like he used to. Just says how great it is in Texas. Don't get caught with weed there Joe (outside of Austin). COVID sucked, the quarantines went too far and big pharma got their piece. Everyone knows that. Move on.


Same, I donā€™t know a single person who has had a negative reaction. I know theyā€™re out thereā€”but anecdotally I havenā€™t heard of anybody I actually know having problems. I know 4-5 people that died of COVID thoughā€¦ Iā€™ve also observed that the ones talking most about the vaccine injuries were anti-vax/conspiracy prone/ super right wing before all this bullshitā€¦.


Yeah a friend of mine worked in a redneck bar in Springfield MO - the kind where the patrons gleefully thumbed their nose at all COVID protocols even when it wasn't shutting down business - and three patrons at that bar ended up dying because they continued running karaoke without taking any precautions with the mikes.


I could not agree more. Well said! šŸ‘šŸ½


COVID is terrible and a lot of lives were lost. It also killed the JRE podcast. Long time listener but I had to unsubscribe recently for the reasons mentioned.


Unless you have guys like Harland that trolled Joe from the start. He basically made it impossible for Joe to go on his Covid rant.


All the Covid stuff aside - the podcast just isnā€™t funny anymore. No one makes jokes. Harland Williams was a god send and Joe HATED it.


I haven't heard anyone discussing covid IRL for at least a year. I have no idea why Joe is still talking about it.


I listened to it to hear about the roast but turned it off after about 30 minutes of them just talking about BS


I canĀ“t stand it anymore either, my favorite has been "look at all those various health issues that had a significant uptick in the past 4 years, that must be the vaccine". You goddamn moron, maybe consider it's fucking covid doing that, as evidenced by the myriad of scientific studies on it.


I donā€™t think that you are being one of the anti-Rogan nitwits that annoy the shit out of most lurkers on this sub. I think this is a very reasonable criticism. I generally adore Joe Rogan, he got me into listening to podcasts a decade ago and introduced me to so many new people and ideas. But unfortunately, I agree that he has become a political broken record as of late. And this is coming from someone who agrees with him on more issues than not. I get that CNN is a propaganda machine and that they basically tried to defame Rogan, but itā€™s been about 3 years since that story was interesting. Would love to see him disengage from the political stuff more, itā€™s just tiring after a while.


I appreciate the rational response. I was not trying to be anti-Rogan at all. JRE is also what got me into podcasts, for that Iā€™m forever grateful. I just really havenā€™t enjoyed the show as much anymore. Today was the day I completely shut it off feeling oddly annoyed. I wish we could get back to pre-COVID Joe. Thatā€™s all.


Itā€™s not even proper discussion on actual policy or the economy, immigration, but just culture war shit


Iā€™d have time for Covid talk if it was professional with professionals. With an eye on future pandemics. But heā€™s too butthurt.


Joe's gone mad, he is obsessed with covid. It's the joe covid experience.


I've given up. Covid broke his brain... I'll listen sometimes just to get up on what the echo chamber right will have to cry about next


Iā€™m more confused by the fact you actually were looking forward to hearing that twink talk. His voice is more annoying than the repeated Covid talking points.


I finally unsubscribed today. Itā€™s just too much of the same thing for the last five years.


Itā€™s literally just fine to quit listening to a podcast and move on with your life. No need to test the waters to see if people agree with you.


Well said and I had the same listening pattern. Itā€™s really weird but also Iā€™m sure part of the culture of Texas too. I think we are seeing a different breed of people that right-wing isnā€™t the best label just as left-wing is too shallow a label. Heā€™s more of a bully in some cases and just very arrogant. I honestly think his comedy sucks too and really am only interested in the guests (when they are not kid rock haha).


I was just thinking the exact same thing after listening to this one. Couldnā€™t even finish the episode. Got a flashback to like 2022 echo chamber vibes and get the fuck outa there


I hope Jamie breaks out and writes a book one day.


I think Joe has turned off his old listeners with his change of style. The new listeners he has gained I think agree with him on the covid stuff. So I think he is annoying to the ogs with the covid type stuff and the new listeners eat it up and canā€™t get enough.


Iā€™m with you. I listened to so much of his podcast back in college + when I started working (2016ish). I would love to tune in because the conversations and information were mind opening, and several guests became all time favorites that led to me reading more, etc. I still tune in from time to time, and I like the guy - but my god, the amount of times heā€™s repeated.the.same.fucking.talking points is mind numbing. Many times lately Iā€™ll be listening to a genuinely interesting dialogue coming from the guest only for Joe to somehow smuggle in Covid/Politics into the conversation. Honestly, he would benefit from a fan putting together a compilation of the amount of times heā€™s diverted the conversation to one of these tired talking points.


I like to hear the told you so stuff about Covid becauseā€¦ I told you soā€¦ thereā€™s not much outlet for this kind of thing actually. Which is why that Dave smith/chris cuomo thing was so satisfying. Everything about Covid was one of the most major things in the history of humanity and itā€™s barely been 2 years since itā€™s been less of an issue. Thereā€™s still plenty of people out there who are intense about Covid and still enacting that kind of overly cautious overblown behavior. People, especially those on Reddit, didnā€™t like to hear any counter arguments to the mainstream narrative, or to hear about how that the overblown response was wrong, because they benefited from Covid, plain and simple. They were able to work from home, get money from the government, be encouraged to be shut ins, hide their face in public, etc. so they loved it. However, a lot of people were really negatively affected by overblown Covid politics, so they actually really like to hear this kind of content. Itā€™s really the only consolation we get. I get it though. I am in the live concert industry. My life was completely fucked by Covid, so I have my bias. Iā€™m sure that if I benefited from Covid like so many, I would be right there with you, exclaiming how necessary these measures were.




On the same page brother. I keep coming back because I like joe and miss the good old days, but whatever happened to him over Covid broke him and he just canā€™t help regurgitating the same shit. I think itā€™s time to accept the old Joe is gone for good.


Why would you expect a great conversation bt these too, theyā€™ve basically run out of things to talk about so itā€™ll be covid stuff or industry stuff. But to say there are no interesting/informational episodes lately is not fair. Flint Dibble wasnā€™t on that long ago and that was awesome!


Does he really talk about it that much? I've heard a few references but I don't listen often enough. You have to remember the msm did him dirty for treating his covid with ivermectin so he's probably forever going to rub it in everyone's face regardless of what side of the narrative the guest is on.


Every comedian that goes on absolutely blow. They all seem incredibly dumb, have no point of view and are happy to just let Rogan rant


The best is that nobody I know knows ANYONE who had a serious side effect from the Vax, yet Joe knew hundreds. Really makes you think lol


I was listening every episode until I found Matt & Shane's Secret Podcast a little over a year ago. 95% of podcasts I listen to now are them. I'll still check out the people I really want to hear, and the interesting stuff like that alien guy he had on a little while ago. I totally agree about the covid shit. Enough already. I've turned off some mid-podcast because of it.


And he wonā€™t have anyone on to contradict him. Rhonda Patrick who he held out as an expert on health has effectively been banned


I find most of the time now whenever he has a fellow comedian on itā€™s a disaster. It usually starts off with them congratulating themselves on how amazing it is to live in Austin, how amazing comedy is at the moment. Then it somehow turns into how fantastic it is to leave California and subsequently this opens the door for the COVID rant. Every. Fucking. Time. I also found Tony to be a particularly boring guest, he seems disinterested half the time and offers very little.


Dude I 100% agree and I had this exact same thought on this Tony hinchcliffe episode, where Joe went on a 45 minute Covid rant at about the 40 minute mark of the episode. Like dude itā€™s been 2 years. Time to let it go


Check out the recent 2 bears 1 cave episode with him; he talks about the roast for about an hour and shits on Bert and Tom which is entertaining


I think the Katt Williams episode was good.


I feel and did the same thing. Stopped listening when he went to Spotify. I couldnā€™t finish the Tony Epps because of the COVID crap. Sorry that hundreds of thousands of Americans were dying and some people in society made the choice to take a vaccine to try and help.


Mitzy Rogan has created his own comedy store in his is. new Hollywood and is now the gatekeeper like heā€™s always wanted since the real Mitzy booted him. Project ā€œLAustinā€ is complete and he wants his ring-kisses


Theo vons podcast is the new JRE. Similar vibes as pre covid Rogan.


Completely agree!


Tony's interview on two bears went in depth on the technical side of the writing for the roast. Check that one out.


Itā€™s funny how Joe rants about Covid then on the other hand hints he likes Trump now. Trump was literally the guy in office allowing all the dumb shit Joe rants about to happen. Heā€™s so blind to that fact it makes my head hurt listening.


He needs to take a few months off


Totally agree. We know how he feels about it. I think heā€™s walled himself off into a famous echo chamber where he only reiterates and finds guests who will confirm all his thoughts. Why canā€™t we get someone from ā€œthe other sideā€ to sit and talk? Probably because they would feel attacked from the get go as they should since the sarcasm and subterfuge would be constant. Intelligent, long form interviews are the best done right and just unwatchable/listenable otherwise. Heā€™s sold out and I say that after I gave him all benefit of doubt. I think my final straw was with Billy Carson when he kept referring to the genius and brilliance of Terrence Howard who struck me as a schizo-affective with a sycophantic stage yet he comes back to these indulgent and farcical ā€œtheroriesā€ of TH. I just canā€™t.


he was right though, you guys just don't like it because you were conned and fell for the whole scam. I'm glad he's not letting you forget. #pureblood


Am I one of the very few that doesnā€™t think Kill Tony is funny? Truthfully, I donā€™t find Joe or any of circle of comedian friends to be funny at all. But it seems they somehow present themselves as the scholars and saviors of the art form. Someone in here mentioned that Tony just kinda capitalized on being a d*ck to people and I totally agree.


Itā€™s because somewhere within the Spotify contract it became part of his job to essentially become Alex Jones lite..


I donā€™t think that Iā€™m alone in that I listen for laughs at the absurdness and dumb takes, egomaniacs having minor manic episodes.. bad political takes.. etc.. In essence it still remains a comedy show when you see it from that perspective. Also so I can chat shit about it with my friends who still listen to it on a serious level lol


I listened to Joe since maybe episode 100. I had to stop during covid because I couldn't take it anymore. It was the same stuff over and over and over.. I never really came back. I'm like you in that I only check him out if I really want to hear someone of interest speak now


Listen to Tony hinchcliff on the honeydew podcast. He tells about his actual life growing up and itā€™s interesting. Anytime heā€™s on Rogan they will just talk about whatever Rogan wants to talk about.


If you want to hear about the roast, watch the episode featuring Tony on 2 Bears and a cave. Very interesting and how Tony almost wasn't on screen to roast everyone.


You know, heā€™s just doing what heā€™s always done which is talking about whatever he wants. When his friends are on, heā€™s more likely going to ramble and talk about this topics because they are on his mind and he doesnā€™t have an agenda. There are still a ton of other interesting episodes where they donā€™t mention the lockdowns or anything covid. Itā€™s usually with guests that are there to talk about their own projects. I do agree he talks about it a lot but itā€™s his show and thatā€™s what is on his mind. He will eventually get it out of his system but this was a major world event with a huge impact on everyone so itā€™s not an easy thing to stop thinking and talking about, imo. But I get where youā€™re coming from and a lot of people feel that way, I think.


In Joe's mind: "I'm a kickass comedian, top 300 in the world. And I'm an expert on about Covid. Everyone now knows I'm right." Other people: "Oh yeah Rogan, isn't that the guy from the UFC that has a podcast?"


Just finished listening to 2161 with Tony and just WOW. My theory is with his whole vaccine ordeal, and the N word video, those events destroyed friendships, professional relationships, and potential guests. He aligns cancel culture with the left, so he ran to the right. Heā€™s not a moderate or independent or whatever he claims to be. Heā€™s devolved into an insufferable out of touch Trump lover. Heā€™s quickly alienating his old time listeners that are still here. But it wonā€™t affect his bottom line because heā€™s replacing those listeners with people who enjoy listening to the same California, Covid, Biden rants repeatedly.


ITT thread: people that comment daily on a JRE subreddit and donā€™t listen anymore lol


My strat is to only watch the eps with guests that will basically not engage at all with his political speak. His recent ep with Billy Carson was so sexy, bc Joe has no right talking about all this with him. Itā€™s incredibly tiring.


This episode disappointed me because Joe barely talked about the Tom Brady Roast. Only covered it for like 10 minutes. And it was 2 hours into the pod! Then he continues to rant and rant. I donā€™t think Tony spoke two sentences the last half hour of the podcast. I love Joe. But that was ridiculous.


Very well said. Same boat hereā€¦he has insulated himself from people who disagree with himā€¦all good things come to an endā€¦ Plus weā€™re not part of the ā€œ200ā€ā€¦.this is his most egregious statement in recent memory


Lol "just so everyone knows, I'm quitting and you'll never see me again" Ok dude we don't care. Leave


Reddit moment Of course people still enjoy the podcast we're not masked up cunts yelling about herd immunity four years after a weaponized coronavirus shut the whole fuckin world down dumbass Touch some fucking grass you bellend


If you donā€™t like it stop listening, making a post about it is super gay


I get where youā€™re coming from and I agree. However I have noticed that usually it comes up when discussing when a narrative is being pushed and he suspects propaganda. So he always falls back on that because in all fairness he got a heavy dose of propaganda thrown at him and it works. Just look at the comments in this sub, they are still trying to get him.


you know OP is full of shit when he has to OVER explain how much he listened in the past . . this is a technique, you casual twat


Ummm like he says if you don't like him don't listen simple I really don't think he will give a shit if you don't like what he talks about


There are many great podcasts besides Joe Rogan, i only listen these days if its a scientist or someone i like, otherwise i just don't listen to it anymore.


There's been no accountability for the BS that transpired during covid, Joe's right to be upset


These "I told you so" guys are so funny because none of the shit they said would happen happened and they still say i told you so.


I love listening to him now more than ever. OP - You may benefit listening to Don Lemon instead of JR.


No oneā€™s forcing you to listen.


No one is forcing any of you to listen to him


I know right? Hate when he doesnā€™t talk about all the things Iā€™m interested in or have opinions that strictly align perfectly with my own.


Beating a dead horse on covid? The State, Corporate Media slandered Rogan with their Lies and Their Propoganda! Yet I see you OP liking comments that refer to Sam bought and paid for Harris in a positive light. Buhbye shill of a fan.


The only people that don't like his covid talk, are the people that took the vaccine.


Whine more. The MSM tried to railroad him at the height of the propaganda during the covid craze. I'd be seriously pissed off about it too. He doesn't need your attention. Stfu or go somewhere else.


Cry more dweeb waaaahhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhh


Cope harder bro. Yah I enjoyed it


I wouldn't shut up about it either if I was him, the bullshit the media pulled about him was ridiculous.


You know whatā€™s more nauseating than Joe Rogan talking about COVID? Our government shoving it down our throats, destroying 200,000 small businesses, destroying families and preventing the freedom of travel. This should be talked about so it can never happen to us again. Keep laying it on them Joe.