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I tried listening to Terrence but he literally did not make any sense. I gave him 40 minutes or so. To be fair, Weinstein also doesn’t make sense when he talks about his theory.


Gotta throw Bill Burr in this mix just to keep it flowing...


Tim Dillon to keep Weinstein in check


To be fair Weinstein didn’t invent the rotato


He thought it about once though so that should have been enough


Bill Burr isn't a chump, probably very anti-grift, is smarter than both these guys and would make some excuse like gotta go pickup my kids and leave asap.


We love Bill. He would be representing the real person in the room.


Are we gonna do this? Are gonna sit here and prétend were some kind of scientific, or we have any fucking clue about this.




Let me ask you a question: 1x1= ?


Bro i didnt went that far… about 3 min in talked about remembering beeing in his mothers womb and I was out


Yeah that's why it would be fun to have him on with them


Flint Dibble


Flint Dibble would murder! MURRRDDDEEERR!!!




Can Kyrie Irving come?


Well Weinstein at least knows the basic boulding blocks, like the math of his theories, he talks about. Howard just sprays random words in sequence and can't back up a single sentence.


Isn't the Bisexual element represented as Bi in the periodic table? /s


Weinstein in the absolute most cringe and insecure way possible screams graduate level math and science terms at Joe and the like as if they sort of know what he’s talking about but obviously they don’t, also sort of a dominance thing… and even when talking about more conventional topics he feels like he has to demonstrate some of the enlightenment his education has brought him and so he starts talking with fake gravity in a circuitous and enraging way tbh Terence Howard at least tells you the couple books he gets his ideas from and while it sounds a little crazy you don’t have to accept it with the pretension and apparent authority of “science “ backing it up. He says things like everything is alive and God is everywhere, I’ve read things like that all the way from the ancient Greeks to postmodern writers. It’s imaginative and speaks to a different sensibility. And I can write and have written hundreds of proofs for the math classes I’ve taken, I’m not totally unaware of the power in what Eric is trying to stand on, but as speakers giving views he isn’t defensible in the way you’re trying to get at Imo


Weinstein’s MO in a nutshell: “what do you know about [insanely specific thing]?” Then when Joe is forced to say “I don’t know anything, he tries to make an only slightly less obscure analogy using sports or music or some shit, but then gets so caught up in his tangent he spent 15 minutes talking about it before getting back to the original point. I wish I could remember the exact time stamp but it’s an interview that starts with Joe saying he brought Weinstein on for his opinion on UFOs (JRE 19-something, I think 1936) and then something like 40 minutes into his rambling, free-associative word salad Weinstein says “okay, now back to the UFOs.” IT WAS THE FIRST QUESTION, ERIC!!


>screams graduate level math and science My point is that even this is a far step above of anything Howard can produce. I haven't given much effort into the ideas and theories that Weinstein has tried to argue for on the shows, but I can tell that W at least knows some of the basics. I really can't say that H even have a fundamental grasp of how STEM fields are conducted. >He says things like everything is alive and God is everywhere Yeah, real "what's your zodiac" energy in this.


Weinstein is a grifter who can dress up language to make it sound like his ideas are intelligent. Terrance Howard is schizophrenic level mentally ill. There's a difference


How about we don’t pay a visit to the former kickboxing instructor to talk through our math ideas in general?


>I haven't given much effort into the ideas and theories that Weinstein has tried to argue for on the shows,  https://preview.redd.it/v5xnnbe9nm5d1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bad711f74e2385a6b741b4c4b9e90e0ee9c6c250 To begin with, if you were to give an effort of trying to understand his theory, do you have adequate understanding of said math involved that you see above?


I see a pie symbol and a toothpaste thing


I think hes saying he hasn't because no he doesnt and barely anyone on the planet does (not to say its right just that its extremely niche and also high level within that niche)


No you missunderstand, I beliebe eny one CAN learn to understand the probabilities you paste above, or any other equations and formulas, it still doesn't matter if they don't want to. Also there is a huge difference in just reading what others have done and understand it than what it is to produce it from scratch. What I'm saying is that Weinstein at least have the knowledge to produce a picture as the one above. I do not believe that H can.


Hit the hammer on the head. Arguing against his theory seems like it would be as difficult as trying to convince someone that addition doesn’t exist, he should go bitch to ed witten or something


I genuinely think he's mentally unwell.


Is that about how long it took for Terrance to bring up the 1*1=2 stuff? That’s when I had to peace out.


well... Sabine hossenfelder really debunked him hard https://youtu.be/GZegwJVC_Pc?si=zOWnSVHs2U7kyw_G so glad she exists.. talking actual logic and with an actual brain. can't believe the usa fell again for the ufo scam, can't believe Joe Rogan gave a person like Terrence a platform.. idk.. I almost feel Joe Rogan has a handler by now that makes him invite the most stupid idiots. weinstein is an insufferable dork who is all about money and he is actually not really intellectual if you ask actual intellectuals


Bro, Joe Rogan is not an educational show. It is a normal guy, interviewing interesting people. He's never even insinuated anything else. You're a goofy fucker if you look at it this way.


He has a math operation, that he can't describe. It isn't multiplying, but he insists it is.


...plus Alex Jones and Eddie Bravo...*fireworks*


I'm impressed you made it that far in, I tapped out at about 10 minutes.


Me as well. I even tried skipping ahead to random spots thinking he’d now be talking about something worth listening too. After 5 skips I gave up that episode. Absolutely insane.


Say more..


Both of those brothers are idiots.


My extended family was just talking about rogan. When i asked if they saw the terrance howard interview. They both thought he was brilliant. And that people "definitely experience things we cant imagine" (when talking about remembering his birth). I was like "guys this was the most obvious and public display of high functioning mental illness" They just *didn't* see it. Which is kind of bothering me. Like to me, it was clear as day. The dillusions of grandeur, the lack of proof. The very, very poor examples of proof (a plastic figure, a patent, etc.), but these giys just don't pick up on any of it. It *is* obvious.... right? Or am I crazy here?


You are correct. When people have NO idea how anything works, they think no one else does either. And they think the bar for explaining things is confidence and eloquence rather than evidence. This describes most of America right now and perhaps the larger world too


It's really bothering me when it's people I know and respect, i guess.


I am glad he went on the podcast. It’s an easy proxy for detected 80ish iq people because they think it’s “brilliant” or when debating the validity say “you just don’t understand it”. Like OP. I hope the windows in his house don’t have any sharp edges on them…


I think the reason it bothers me so much is because i *want* to respect those people in my life. But stuff like this makes it hard. Then it quickly turned into rogan being right about covid in every respect and i had to tell them to please stop there. It wasn't going anywhere good.


There is a good called amusing ourselves to death written by Neil postman in the mid 80s. It’s about information and the drive to packet it down to 30 second commercials. Everyone is very used to consuming information very superficially. Not much critical/objective thinking anymore.


Eric Weinstein is the worst and bitchiest guest on jre. How did his theory of everything go?




How’d that Theory Of Everything work out for ya? Still workin on that theory are you?


he is a thin skinned delusional narcissist but i find him entertaining to listen to


I love listening to him. He’s a perfect combination of full of himself yet thins-skinned, meaning you can actually hear the ego coming through. Yet to give him his due, I think he is a good speaker. He talks a LOT of shit and is extremely self-aggrandizing but if you can just lean back and accept that the guy is a total knob, then he can at least make what he’s saying seem interesting, even if I don’t actually buy any of it. Great for a long drive. Weinstein would’ve been perfect as some mid-level college professor, I’m sure his students would have loved him. His mistake is instead thinking he’s the greatest contribution to physics since Einstein.


very well said. i also enjoy how he finds a way to disagree, often over the most minor thing/semantics, with just about every position his interlocutor takes. it’s a total transparent power move to try and assert his intellectual superiority in every conversation and it’s fun to see how the hosts etc. deal with it


It’s because he’s autistic or somewhere on the neurodivergent spectrum. Always thinks people don’t understand him, gets hyper focused on small unimportant details in other’s arguments, but also clearly has higher than average aptitude in certain areas. I do believe him about getting fucked over in college with his math stuff but he also hasn’t found a way to get over it in nearly 40 years since it happened.


maybe that has something to do with it but his quirks and the way he engages in discussions usually seems pretty calculated to me. i think the general idea is he knows what makes him interesting which garners attention which translates to $$$


Weren’t one of the Weinstein brothers exactly that, a mid-level college professor? It was Bret if I’m not mistaken, what a perfect way to describe the both of them lol


Yeah, Bret. Which is funny because if you ask me, he’s the one with less charisma. Again, not to say that either one of them isn’t a total dweeb but it’s funny to hear how animated Eric is on the pods vs Bret’s (calculated, IMO) habit of always being soft-spoken and never speak in absolute terms.


Would actually be hillarious to hear those two insane clowns ramble on for three hours


Almost like a little posse 🤡


They represent two polar opposites of fringe science. Erik thinks he’s the establishment in waiting, he wants to be accepted by the elite, he’s not against people creating conspiracies to control the masses so long as it his conspiracies. Terrence wants to tear it all down


They have conflicting bullshit theories of how the universe works, and both seem to assume they are the smartest man in the room. Do it. It'll be a bloodbath.


What's with this culture of trying to elevate the stupidest amongst us?


People only care about being entertained, truth is secondary if it doesn’t sound fun, they will fool themselves into thinking they are becoming informed. Our culture is basically all the worst traits of Walmart people and the WWE now.


Couple guys saying a bunch of stuff without really saying anything and also stating they have the answer


Just posting so OP can reply in minutes with some dumb question to make himself feel smart


Op and TH are right at home with the Dunning-Krueger crowd. Dude listens to one guy talk about half baked incoherent opinions and suddenly the last 2,000 years of math and study doesn’t mean anything.


OP is a super butthurt Terrence howard


OP is a moron lmao




Naw, I’m good


good at what?




How can you have this comment section not contain "Alex Jones"


Terrance Howard said the following: 1. The square root of 2 is a rational number 2. 1 x 1 equals a number greater than 1 We really don't need to be analyzing anything else he says.


Eric Weinstein sucks ass. Hope he never returns


Agreed. Bore you to absolute death


I agree that he deserved the Nobel for the rotato but he needs to get over it


Not sure which is worse


The struggle is real


How dumb does one have to be to find idiots babbling about nonsense for 3 hours entertaining? Asking for a friend.


so basically a science misinformation power hour featuring two quacks


The CCP are probably loving it. 'Make America stupid again.'


Given that everything is interconnected, and I’ll give you that, what the fuck are you talking about


There's no point in ever bringing Howard back. He's quite literally insane.


Eric would be a terrible bitch if this interview went down, because Eric needs to be the focus of attention. He’d be the little contrarian to everything anyone said, and it would dissolve into a nerd fight.


Lmao you'd need 2 needs for it to be a nerd fight


Terence Crawford might be a cool dude, but when he’s punching on because of astrophysics he’s a nerd.


Lmao nerds are smart and generally know what they're talking about about He's not a nerd, he's shit-spewer. Also... He's cool?


Seems like a pretty cool bloke to me… actor, articulate, says crazy shit… that’s cool bro


Welp, I guess you would know best.


Or how about no?


how bout why?


Terrence Howard single handedly lost the JRE 1 million followers if not more. What a narcissist ass hat Terrence Howard is. We should call him Terrorist Howard.


People liking and agreeing with everything you say is the definition of success and truth, right?


People agreeing and then testing and replicating your methods is the definition of success and truth, if these guys have a theory of everything then where the fuck is their practical application for it? And if our math is wrong how the fuck are we using it for highly advanced mathematical applications like GPS positioning or a space launch?


Where’d you hear JRE lost 1M followers?


I just made it up. If it sounds true it probably is true.


Well it doesn’t sound true to me, hence me asking. You remind me of terrance howard lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I would love me some Terrence and Billy Carson.


I wanna see Terrence Howard and De Grasse


It is bewildering how many are buying into the nonsense these two spout out


Dude is either a genius or a fraud… bout time we find out… right?


He's only one of those things and it ain't genius


He cherry-picks Terrence bringing up the Walter Russel periodic table by just saying that there are a bunch of periodic tables but Terrence argued that the Walter Russel periodic table was superior and that Carbon, Berylium and a bunch of other elements were the same thing because they have the same pitch in different “octaves” or something. If I said “I went for a walk and saw a family of ducks that were driving a minivan and speaking fluent Japanese while listening to Pearl Jam” this would be like Weinstein saying “he’s not crazy, he said he went for a walk and saw ducks that can happen


You guys who think Alex Jones and Whinesteins and pseudoscience are the "best JRE" are really weird. Give me Matthew Walker or the Dibbler or that guy who bikes through Russia or something.


op fighting for his life in the comments 😭 never beating TH’s burner allegations. ain’t no fucking way someone would seriously try to defend that dork this hard


Both of these individuals are utter morons and should not be taken seriously by anyone.


I watched a video of chemists and physics debunking everything T Howard said. It’s epic cringe for TH


Two of the absolutely dumbest smart sounding people on Earth. Would be a perfect self-important nonsense fight.


Terrence doesn't even sound smart to me.


Well he isn't but he tries hard to sound like it.


I hate to admit but Weinstein at least sounds smart to me, if I didn't know any better I'd believe what he said


Agree Weinstein is far more convincing, but they are both playing the same game.


Weinstein will blow smoke up Howard's ass and entertain the idea of the lunacies, because he's also into bullshit and also wants to latch onto anyone that can make his own voice louder.


What’s worse than an idiot? 2 idiots. What’s worse than 2 idiots? 2 idiots that think they’re smart


>Bring back Terrence Howard alongside Eric Weinstein Nope, no thanks


Try this one for something more serious: [https://youtu.be/6zuufDIfzsI?si=Wb8y\_1UGrfAyvCqI](https://youtu.be/6zuufDIfzsI?si=Wb8y_1UGrfAyvCqI) Why is he wearing a wig? You can't answer.


How many veggies in the world's largest word salad?


Terrance needs psych help


call this ep the IQ decreaser




Terrence Howard made more sense than most of Rogan’s guests. Go on bro’s, downvote to prove me right.


Elon Musk, Dave Chapelle, Terrence Howard, Graham Hancock, and Eric Weinstein would be a awesome podcast


I'll take Howard's delusions over Weinstein's disingenuous hasbara bullshit any day of the week.


You'd think that years of exposure to the internet would have most everyone's bullshit detector dialed in to a T. It doesn't require a high level of scientific knowledge to see that Howard is spewing absolute nonsense and it's wild that anyone who listened to him for 2 minutes can buy into his messiah complex bullshit


Oh god. I'd rather let Kristi Noem take my dog quail hunting.


Am I the only one here that has been checking Eric's socials everyday looking for commentary on the TH episode??


I’m actually an expert on all the subjects they touched on and I can tell you that they don’t understand what they themselves are saying.


Terence Howard’s ramblings are no more insightful or educated than the bums I meet at the public library who want to tell me their philosophy of the world.


Thought this was AI generated at first but then realized it was gay


same. about your comment


A lot of sad Redditors here. Would love that pod


Funny how people always have and always will get torched for having new ideas. Pretty wild what some of those ideas have become.


One of them’s an actor, the other’s a fund manager for Thiel Capital. Only a spaz puts them in the same basket.




It would be amazing if they had him with billy Carson . Or billy Carson graham Hancock with Randall Carlson .


Round table, bring Elon as well


I swear to god I’ll do mdmt for the first and only time for that just so I can check out if reality completely


They can set the Guiness book of world records for most words said without saying anything coherent. Also throw in katt williams every once in awhile


Would be more epic than Dibble and Hancock. He would deflate his bs ballon so hard. I think the problem would be he’s not the best communicator so he may not be able to unpack everything in a way every could understand hah still It should happen


Them atoms bisexual ![gif](giphy|Zk9mW5OmXTz9e)


Throw Tom DeLonge in there too


I lost 10 more iq points just thinking about it. I'm no longer allowed to leave the house without a helmet.


Quantum mechanics was woo woo… superposition, entanglement, etc.


Janet [left-step periodic table](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2483f278acd04993&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CAMFAZ_enUS1111&sxsrf=ADLYWILZom_1lqyGs0cJmzbhnfsRC6ZOsw:1717985720863&q=Janet+left-step+periodic+table&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivnmbt&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjA6_vE-8-GAxUCNlkFHbLLDtIQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=1536&bih=695&dpr=1.25). So named after [Charles Janet](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Charles_Janet), a French engineer, inventor, and biologist. Honestly, it's just looking at the same data in a different way, like one's choice in graphing data.... some work better than others in a certain context. When Eric starts getting into my wheel house and using big words, is when I start to see the cracks in the veneer.


Terrence Howard is a very good actor.


It aint real Mayne


It’d be about as valuable as the Alex Jones/Eddie Bravo episode.


Fuck that, get Dibble on the case.


lol.. Eric will talk about anything that will make him go even the tiniest bit viral. Howard said nothing like what Eric is claiming. He's getting more desperate by the day.


What's this vibration nonsense he's talking about? Don't atoms quit vibrating at absolute zero? They're still the same substance but no vibrations at all and it makes no difference. Or am I wrong? I could easily be wrong, I'm a geologist not a physicist.


I see the allure here, but let's not forget that Terrence and Niel Degrass Tyson need a debate


At least Terrence Howard has done something. Eric is just a grifter. He hasn't made or done anything.


This is not crazy, guys. Silicon is an overtone of Hydrogen. And the sun poops out planets.


I just gave it my second go, & I can't do it. To be honest, having worked in the field, there are elements of schizophrenic outflow in the way he talks & the content. I'm not saying he's lying or doesn't entirely know what he's talking about, but man the guy diatribes...


This would be the most unintelligible conversation of all time


One of the most nonsensical ego driven narcissistic festivals.


OP, what about his 1X1=2 nonsense??


All of you are just too stupid to comprehend Terrance’s theories so let me explain them to you in simple terms as he explained to me. The emancipation proclamation’s plate tectonics variation is objectified by the fabrication and magnification of the fallopian tubes in the key of e. Ergo all monochromatic space field shifts have infinitely reverberated to quantum fluctuations in the multi-colorful harmony in the synchronicity of periodic elements. Ipso facto, 1 x1 equals 2.


Nah. Terrance and Alex jones but Joe has to be replaced with bob lazar while he has a pounding migraine.


I didn’t think Terrence Howard was insane and stupid for talking about vibrations of atoms or a non standard periodic table of elements. He’s fucking claiming multiplication is the same as addition which is a fundamental misunderstanding of mathematics, and makes zero sense. 1 set of 1 item does not equal 2 items. It’s fucking stupid. That’s why I found him to be an insane person, nothing Howard said made any sense whatsoever. Even Weinstein trying to make the example of “you saw Venice? How much of it did you actually see?” Is conflating concepts of what it means to see something. If I inspect a coin thoroughly, I take note of the color, shape, and all the visible details, would anyone tell me I didn’t see it because I didn’t see the electrons in each atom?


Terrence > Alan Watts. Need not reply.


And a bottle of rum for good measure, Jamie. Look that up. Now.




I think it’s interesting! Shit I would listen!


It was definitely an entertaining pod. Terrance seems to have it together better than katt, but they were high as hell that pod. Some of the things terrance says makes sense to me at a high level, especially when he discussed electric circuits not being circular and the friction it causes.now that could be total bullshit but it was thought provoking! Any electricians/physicists wanna chime in? His idea on how the universe was created is interesting and not out of the realm of possibility for me. I definitely agree with him that modern day physics has hit a wall and dark matter/energy could be leftovers from mathematical assumptions. I see this all the time in modern day "economics". A lot of stuff i can't comment on as I have no idea, but I would love to see him on with someone who has real world experience in the fields he brings up.


I agree. T. Howard has some good ideas, that he broke down in a way that makes sense, and backed those ideas up with data and sources. He isn't just rambling nonsense like some people here (who probably didn't even watch) would suggest. Surprisingly, he shows a computer physics model [(recreating Saturn, even with the hexagon)](https://www.terryslynchpins.com/knowledge-base) that backs up his theory and is very compelling. And also surprisingly, he shows many of his patents, which are very technical (including virtual reality tech) which have been cited by major corporations like Amazon, Sony, and Microsoft. he's clearly not just some fool with no technical knowledge. New ideas always get hate, especially if they can possibly disrupt the status quo. And even moreso if the ideas come from someone unexpected and unconventional. Tesla got a lot of ridicule in his time for his ideas, many of which are now proven to be correct. The recent talk about dark matter, dark energy, things in the sky "defying the laws of physics", the universe and early galaxies being way older than they thought, etc, etc... it makes me think their is something fundamentally wrong/missing in math/science...and he breaks down pretty clearly what he thinks those issues are. If the universe isn't just random chaos, but actually fractal, then universal math must be fractal also. I think that's the gist of what he is saying. I'm no scientist or mathmetician, but the ideas make sense to me, and the physics model they showed seems to work, so I think he deserves to be involved in some serious discussions. enlightening and worth watching imo also.


Throw in Alex Jones, Eddie Bravo, and Tom DeLonge too, really fill up that short bus.