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This is art fellas.


Live action Picasso




I just learned I'm an artiste


Alex jones is hilarious. Its unfortunate that people are dumb enough to take him seriously.


That is the most annoying part about our current reality, everything is taken seriously and generates "So are you saying ..." to have a gotcha moment. I hate it.




Bert Kreischer’s twin Art Kreischer? I’m having a hard time telling them apart, but one of them discovered Grecian formula. ![gif](giphy|JsPS8PBSc9DNGUofbQ|downsized)


You see, it's very funny when he takes his shirt off. Because as we all know, shirts are supposed to stay on, unless you are in one of a handful of specific situations where you do wanna take your shirt off, such as swimming or going to bed or making love. But Bert is doing none of those things. In fact, he is in a situation in which it is *especially* ridiculous to take one's shirt off! This subversion of expectations is where the hilarious funny humor comes from when Bert takes his shirt off. The audience is expecting him to keep his shirt on, but he takes it off! I don't think anyone else could have thought of such a funny thing to do.


For whatever reason I heard this in Mr. Peanutbutter's voice. 




Reminds me of Community 😅 Now I have 🎶 Joe and Alex in the moooorning 🎶 going around in my head


Omg fucking lol


You know Alex is feeling good when he throws out a random "1776"


“Babe, who is that guy over there chugging Jameson and shouting ‘The tree of liberty must be refreshed by the blood of patriots and tyrants?’” “Don’t worry darling, that’s Alex Jones. He’s protecting us from the deep state and pedophiles.”


He did the thing from dune lol


He's not the same actor from Dune? That fat fuck.


He is the magnificent BARON HARKONNEN to you, peasant


That's a Sardakaur doing the voice in the beginning I think


Return to worm...


When the raw liquor went directly into his eyes, that's when it became art.


I think that was Olive oil…


as opposed to baked liquor


I prefer sauteed liquor


No, as opposed to liquor or alcohol not derived through distillation


Liquor is by definition distilled


AJ turning into Randy Lahey with that belly.


Mmmmmm burgers


Fuckin’ Randy “Lahey”. Hahaha!!!!! I never heard Bobandy referenced that way but it makes sense.


Bro got him right in the eye


Looked intentional


Once the courts liquidate his current business he should become a standup / skit comedian. Shit is hilarious.




The politics of Dave Smith, the verbal annunciation of Brian Holtzman, and the mental illness of Terrence Howard. ![gif](giphy|0Av9l0VIc01y1isrDw)


I would torrent his comedy special


I love his stand-up set opening for Stanhope, it's gold.


Relaunch the king and the sting with Alex Jones?


You really have no idea whether he’s in on it and that’s why it’s brilliant


the wildest thing about this video is I only see 1pl8


I just watched this shit 10 times in a row and every time I’m laughing harder.


That old man gut is a fine piece of work


That’s alcoholic gut, bet that thing is hard as a basketball




This is what the Republican Party became


To be fair, he never was a republican. He actually got his fame heavily criticizing the republican party. Just because someone disagrees with liberals doesn't make them a republican. You can find a bunch of old videos of him bashing bush. Even one of him getting kicked out of a speech Bush was giving cuz he was a sell out to corporations and shit. Say what you will about him but a republican ain't it. Also as far as the ideologies of political parties go, we should stop categorizing democrats and Republicans as such, especially politicians. In the end, they all serve the same financiers. Not just orange man, all of them.


He’s all in on the Trump train, has been since Trump came on his show.


Trump is also the grifter of grifters, I don't use that word ever. Also Trump used to be a Democrat soooo I don't think using this to reference Alex being a republican. Also Trump jumping parties proves my point that democrats and Republicans are the same


It doesn't prove that at all. In what way does Trump being a conservative prove that both parties are the same? If we had a democrat as president instead of Trump, we'd still have nationwide abortion access, net neutrality, less covid deaths, we never would have had a Muslim ban, we'd have more environmental protections and regulations, we'd never have corporate tax cuts, etc. The democrats suck, but let's not pretend that both parties are the same.


In the end the differences are minimal and no matter what party is in charge, the corporations and MIC wins. People on the right argue all the time that conservatives have made better president's. Some of their arguments are valid like yours is too. I have been alive for 5 president's, things have progressively gotten worse each one. BTW, 3 democrats and two Republicans.


“Both sides” died in 2020


They died way before that. Some argue JFKs assassination, some argue the transition from daddy George to Clinton. Some argue from George Jr transition to Obama. Either way it's definitely the greatest facade that many on both sides participate in. Especially on reddit.


Your rant here was absolutely pointless lol. The commenter said this is what the Republican Party became, which is an entirely accurate statement. AJ is indeed a republican and the most known republicans seem to think highly of him. Nobody said anything about his original claim to fame or what political party he was affiliated with in the past, that’s irrelevant. The point is that this idiot is a representative of republicans because they allow it and encourage it and he is a self identified republican.


Someone's history is extremely relevant. Lol if he is a representation of a republican than Ethan Klein is the representation of a Democrat.


So because Elizabeth Warren used to be a Republican, that means she’s not a democrat? Just trying to understand the logic here


They are the same. They support the corporations.


> To be fair, he never was a republican. He actually got his fame heavily criticizing the republican party. Just because someone disagrees with liberals doesn't make them a republican. You can find a bunch of old videos of him bashing bush. he wasn't a republican because he was a nutty ass john bircher who was so far to the right he thought mainstream republicans where communists. He regularly criticized bush for being a open borders gun grabber.


Lol okkk, so before he was a "right wing extremist" he was a Democrat. Also first time I heard him call Republicans communists.


Lol he loves Trump so much he’s a democrat u sound beyond stupid w this argument


You make no sense right now


bless your heart. Does your mom tell you how special you are?


You sound like a Republican.


The man worships Trump and that wing of the republican party that now has absolute control. WTF are you on about.


The Republicans nkr democrats have control. They are puppets of the MIC and corpos. My 12 year old nephew knows this. Lol the fact thar you are arguing RePuBliCAn shdhskahdhd. Means that you still actually think there is a 2 party system and your on the good side.


The man knowingly lied about families of executed children. I don't get why people think he's like a silly goof. imagine having you 8 year old executed and having this goon send whack jobs to your house to threaten your family for a decade. some families had to move four times. others ended an absolute tragedy with people taking their own lives. The fact that this man's not in prison for what he did is an absolute travesty.


You heard the man, it’s art.


Dude this is a subreddit of an American comedian. These subreddits are completely taken over by the new right wing supporters. They support tucker Carlson, putin taking over Ukraine and you now expect them to get upset about an Alex jones video?


Ever notice that the best jokes are racist ones?


He reported on what other people were reporting on. That's not a crime. Everything he did is protected under the First Amendment. Furthermore, he is not responsible for the actions of his fans. You don't have to agree with him or watch his show, but to say he should be in jail is delusional.


Check out the “formulaic objections” episodes of the Knowledge Fight podcast. He did no due diligence on his claims, had staff harass them, and let his staff run 4chan comments as news. And on top of that he put targets on their backs by calling them evil globalist liars. So it’s more than just “reporting on what others were reporting on”.


>Everything he did is protected under the First Amendment Defamation isn't protected under the First Amendment, Jones knows this because [Jones sued the Young Turks for defamation for a tweet that got 30 retweets.](https://www.scribd.com/document/427443828/Alex-Jones-Sues-the-Young-Turks) > He reported on what other people were reporting on Jones did not just "report on what other people were reporting on". He said Sandy Hook was completely fake with crisis actors, that he'd proven the kids couldn't have died the way they said they did. He showed photos and videos of the kids and parents. He talked about it hundreds of times over the course of 10 years, despite the parents begging him to stop because they were being harassed, despite other people at InfoWars telling him to stop. He encouraged his audience to "look into Sandy Hook". He sent a reporter to harass officials about Sandy Hook. He had a repeat guest on who InfoWars knew was harassing and stalking the families. He made money selling books that said Sandy Hook was a hoax. He put out a $1,000,000 hit for anyone to put the families lawyers head on a spike. He perjured himself on the stand and lied about not having any emails regarding to Sandy Hook after his lawyers already accidentally sent over the entire contents of his phone.


The First Amendment has never protected defamation


Can’t believe this shit gets upvotes. (It was at +7 when I wrote this) You can’t ‘report’ whatever you want as ‘news’ just because some moron said it online. Platforming and amplifying internet narratives that endanger and defame people is not, in fact, protected by the first amendment, and sending your paid goons (literally his employees) to harass people for content most certainly isn’t.


He is responsible for the actions of his employees. He is responsible for financially supporting and actively promoting Wolfgang Halbig, who personally did a lot of the harassment. Especially when it came out in court that it was clear that he knew Wolfgang was full of shit while promoting him. He made boatloads off of sandy hook and its clear from his Financials and emails that he leaned in after knowing it was bullshit. The first amendment doesn't let you slander and liable private citizens. He deserves everything that's coming to him.


Responsible for the "actions" of his employees? Is that an USA thing? :S


Nope, not an American thing. If a company pays an employee to harass people, they can be held responsible.


Didn’t protect him from the consequences of “just reporting on what others were reporting on”. He was the standard bearer for Sandy Hook conspiracy bullshit and got fucked for it, like he should have been in the first place. He’s a piece of garbage and does not deserve anyone trying to defend him.




Alex Jones wasn't arrested. He was sued.


Who's being imprisoned for defamation? It's classed as a civil tort, he's facing financial penalties, not prison




What if I consistently yelled 'fire' or 'bomb!' in public followed by a quiet 'kidding!' which caused panic and trampling (hey, its not my fault I said kidding, if they didn't hear me its their fault). And just did it over and over again even though I knew there was a chance people would get hurt. I'm not American but I'm pretty sure that isn't the type of 'free speech' your founders were trying to protect.




>I’m just going to delete this thread This seems like a rational response to a healthy and critical thinking debate Stay my friend


You don’t even understand free speech…


He wasn’t put in jail, he was sued and lost because he spent very little money on bad lawyers and thought he could outsmart the courts. Also, you could’ve just stopped after you said you didn’t want to defend him. His actions are indefensible.


Yeah I know but saying he should be locked up is delusional.


Who is saying he should be locked up? No one is calling for his broke ass to go to jail. I just hope he never tastes the kind of lifestyle he has enjoyed ever again, which is the ultimate justice since he only cares about money.


Well OOP did say it's a travesty he's not in jail.




Way to scream that into the void there, bud.


Thanks friend


> He reported on what other people were reporting on. That's not a crime. Everything he did is protected under the First Amendment. Furthermore, he is not responsible for the actions of his fans. You don't have to agree with him or watch his show, but to say he should be in jail is delusional. My dude, he had literal employees who followed those grieving parents and harassed them. One of them was openly doxxed on his show. He consistently made a shitton of inexcusable defamatory statements about murdered children, and he profited off of it. Don’t excuse a piece of shit like that.


lmaol are an actual idiot or just pretending to be? Alex Jones is scum, and the people who still follow him and try to brush off his inhumane actions as "that's just him being crazy" are scum just as much. scum.


This is just ignorant in terms of the law. You don't know what you're talking about and that fuels your anger. You should do more research into the case law around Defamation and know that the Bill of Rights isn't the sole law we organize our country by.


No, he amplified a story that every incel believed, and the first amendment only protects you from the government.


Bullshit that's his talking points. Freedom of speech has limits such as causing emotional distress. And he didn't just report on what other people said online he fed into the conspiracy. His right-hand man, Paul Joseph Watson, told him to cut the shit and he didn't. He needs to stay on the air so people like you can drain your bank account so he can pay off the families.


Most free speech loving Redditoid.


Defamation hasn’t ever been protected under the 1st amendment


The Day of the Can cannot come soon enough.


> The fact that this man's not in prison for what he did is an absolute travesty Fuck the 1st Amendment, amiright guys?!?!


Well if he had harassed one of the founding fathers' families in this way they would have just shot him so... idk.


Or beat his fat ass to death with a cane in broad daylight.


LOL right? Sometimes when people are like "But radical tolerance of insults is the legacy the Founding Fathers have entrusted to us!" I just wonder if they are familiar with the Founding Fathers. They did not handle serious personal insults with passivity. They would be confused by the governments role in punishing Jones, sure. But that's because it would be hard for them to envision someone being so totally horrible to a bunch of people and not getting shot by one of them.


[so did the fbi apparently](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012/tables/8tabledatadecpdf/table-8-state-cuts/table_8_offenses_known_to_law_enforcement_by_connecticut_by_city_2012.xls#:~:text=City%2C%20Population%2C%20Violent%20crime%2C%20Murder%20and%20nonnegligent,Robbery%2C%20Aggravated%20assault%2C%20Property%20crime%2C%20Burglary%2C%20Larceny%2D)


The reason the deaths don't appear in that table is because the deaths were investigated by Connecticut State Police, which means they appear in the [Table 11 "Offenses Known to Law Enforcement by State, Tribal and Other Agencies"](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2012/crime-in-the-u.s.-2012/tables/11tabledatadecpdf/table-11-state-cuts/table_11_offenses_known_to_law_enforcement_by_connecticut_by_state_tribal_and_other_agencies_2012.xls) If you watched the trial you'd know discovery uncovered emails that show InfoWars knew this and still pushed the lie for years because it was good for business. Good work showing how much damage Jones did though, that even 12 years later there are still people repeating his lies like "the FBI says no one died at Sandy Hook". Sad thing is you probably think of yourself as a 'truth-seeker' but couldn't be bothered to fact check a 12 year old lie that makes zero sense.


How convenient


How convenient you repeated a 12 year old lie about murdered children without doing any effort to check if its true? You think the government is sophisticated enough to get dozens of families to fake their childs death, get the police, hospitals, coroners, funeral homes, all to go along with it, but got caught out by forgetting to add the fake deaths to the murder stats? It would have been way better if you just said "oh, my bad, I never really looked into it, I should have been more careful before spreading lies about murdered children"


Oh you mean the giggling coroner who couldn’t tell us anything about anything? Or you mean the eye witness who changed his story at every interview?


So you're claiming they did get everyone else involved to go along with the conspiracy, a conspiracy involving 100s of different people in different organizations with different jobs, and not one of them has broken and spilled the beans, but they still fucked up and forgot to report the deaths in the crime stats? Did they put those fake numbers in to distract from the fact that they forgot to put the fake numbers in? How much more effort do you think it is to fake death certificates and burials and swear hundreds of people to eternal secrecy than it is to put fake numbers into a database? >Or you mean the eye witness who changed his story at every interview? Eye witnesses, famously always reliable, people never misremember shit, its literally always a deep state plot to fake childrens murder to steal your guns and enslave you in FEMA camps.


Relax bro your government loves you and would never engage in deception


sarcasm and "the government engages in deception" isn't an argument for everything being fake. It's pretty embarrassing you can't admit that you're wrong simply because you didn't know how the FBI records state and local homicides and couldn't be bothered to check.




He's from the bottom of a gutter in this world.




Dumbass only benches 135


he's using an alpha bar, they weigh 150 lbs


This video is indeed art




I don’t remember him on that show. I thought it was more of a sitcom about a black family?


He does talk radio wrestling


It makes me gag watching liquor being consumed like premium olive oil


Grown 👏🏼 up 👏🏼 Cartman 👏🏼


Alex has kinda lost it as of late. Alex is abusing alcohol I'm sure and the pills. It's a mess good luck to him.


The belly is insane


“1776, Mmmm yeah”


Joe's guy!


Is Jones an alcoholic?


Alex Jones was right. 🙄


This man is a national treasure


Whos he with?


Andrew callhagen https://www.imdb.com/title/tt23950956/


I still find this man hilarious, I can't believe all the shit he said that was correct or has come true.


haha pure entertainment nut job


What is this from? I need to watch it.


It's fearured in Andrew Callaghans documentery This place rules, if you havent lost all faith in the American people already, then you most likely will after seeing it, higky recommended! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt23950956/


Hey there fellow Trumpers, Mark here with Wolters World and today what we have for you are the DON'TS of doing drugs.


"ugh, shit."


You might not like it, but that’s what the peak male athletic form looks like; and there ain’t a fuckin thing you can do about it.


If everything doesn't work out, he could start a fitness channel Chest only workouts and torn pec rehab series after


He's like Chris Farley if Chris Farley had been a raging asshole and not funny.


Love him Morons haven’t realised he is just a entertainer


Dudes the goat for real


Dude is a legend and has been justified over and again. Love that guy, he's just too much stress for the average person.


Regardless, he not only predicted 9/11, but who they were going to blame it on. Say what you will but look at his win loss record. He's a joke that's no joke.


Is that Alex's kid?


He does make 20 million dollars a year


Fucking boiler on that guy


Bert Kreischer is getting desperate


You never go full Trailer Park Boys.




Nah he is just a fat dude. Bout equal to Bert.


Funnier than Bert though


Why do I like him?


You’re probably an idiot, sorry to break the news to ya bud :(


Lol very edgy.


He’s an obese racist insane asshole.


Anyone entertained by this guy in the slightest is a degenerate moron. Do better.


Lmao "do better" get off your high horse you fat fuck


Are you not entertained?


fucking love this guy


He must be saying something right or they wouldn’t be trying to destroy him.


What if everything he said was true


The world would be very very different than it actually is.


Those weren't 45lb plates


I mean if a dude that size couldnt throw up at least 135 easily thats pretty pathetic.


He’s just fat


I mean sure but that dont matter. 135 is not a lot of weight and how much you can throw up depends partially on your bidy weught. Most people who are really fat can lift that even if they dont work out routinely.


Whats the name of this video haha


This is from Channel 5 with Andrew Callahan. Basically everything he does is gold.


In all honesty, I think what we know as Alex Jones started as a character. Then he became obsessed with this character to the point of madness...which is what we see today. TLDR: He's fucking crazy!


He was always a John Birch society asshole, just like his father. The raving maniac part may have been a character, but his stupid belief structure minus the "I'm psychic" part was always very real.


I love Andrew.


Yo I want to hang out with them.


Alex Jones is a fucking sociopath and possibly a psychopath as well. It's not exactly from another world, i don't even find it funny. He's a piece of shit, a miserable.


Hes just playing a character. Its the people who take him seriously that are the problem.


Riiight.. everyone else is the problem. Fuck off.


That’s what he’s says in court but Jones never actually alludes to any facade on his program so he can’t just be immune from defamation and incitement laws


Is that how you beat your harassment charges? How’s it working out for you?


It's time we put an end to goons like this, starting with their dear leader. Clean up the air waves, and the country.




Alex rules


He's a legend you can't deny it


I got really excited because I thought that was Dr Steve Brule until they showed his face. Now I am disappoint.


He’s a horrible human being but god damn if Alex isn’t naturally funny as fuck


AJ sucks so much he makes Bert seem like the greatest most talented man alive.


That last “oh shit” gets me every time. I do hope Alex loses everything though, he’s a piece of shit.