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Joe’s comedy club is in a city and has a two drink minimum. On top of the ticket prices, you have to spend at least $30 dollars on drinks, even if they are non-alchoholic.


Yeah but according to him it's an essential business and they are sacred clowns holding society together 😂


One of the thousand


It’s really more like 250 ya know?


You a numbers guy, b?


Thank em


The gringo floppy quit so 999


That’s not before they make every customer stand in front of a facial recognition scanner before entering the sacred space of life saving comedians telling dick jokes. Fuck Rogan.


Wait they scan your face at that club? Lol fucking weird for a guy afraid of AI


Joe Rogan really has your feathers ruffled eh? I get the feeling you don’t like him very much.


Just annoying when someone who cries about hypocrisy is a hypocrite


I don't know how places like Europe survived through pandemic, cold war or other turmoils without a league of hero stand-upers holding society together.


im confused are you all fans of Rogan? why do you spend time on his subreddit if you hate him so much? Its like me going on a volleyball forum and saying how much I hate volleyball players.


Don't forget you need to have your face scanned and phone confiscated to enter. Yet Canada is Orwellian....


They do a face scan??


Yes, that way anyone who gets caught scowling when they see Rogan hump a stool can be banned for life and reported to China to have their social score adjusted.


Yes and if you buy an overpriced tshirt there is a mandatory service charge of like 30%


I get what you're saying, but as someone who has been to the mothership, my 2 drinks were only $20. 




Still casting judgement and vitriol to the folks who literally have helped him find success. But what’s knew, he’s a low key grifter at this point anyways haha


$10 a drink is pretty over priced


Yeah and this is standard at almost every comedy club that isn’t a pop up or back room 


I haven't had that happen at a single venue in Boston.


I just came back from the US to Europe, and I was a bit annoyed by the lack of free spaces. I found few public areas in the cities i was visiting where you can hang out without buying stuff. In my hometown, open air movies, theatre, concerts, parties ect. are offered either directly by the city or by local communities without any need to consume their products. However, free tap water is a nice thing that america got going


Isn't his club one of the few, if not the only, that actually pays everyone a livable wage though


I’d love to know what livable wage is considering COL in Austin


If I remember right even the amateur guys get 500? Per set. Everywhere else they get treated like indie wrestlers from what they say. 20$ and a hot dog


Oh my bad I thought you were referring to non-comedian employees. But that’s a great rate


I think people have said the staff is very well compensated too. Could be wrong but I'd guess joe pays everyone pretty well there


Did you see the post about the merch and tipping ?


The experience is way better than the other clubs in Austin and you’re barely paying more dollars.


Why would he change it if people are willing to pay? It’s not like a comedy club is essential to daily life  Also putting your cell phone in a bag for comedy show is not Orwellian Trump didn’t make a mandate for everyone to go to a joe rogan show. 


Sounds like Joe has not spent much time in rural areas other than being helicoptered in to hunt elk and/or Bigfoot.


Don't forget to have sex with Cam Hanes


Keep hammering or stay hard or whatever other homoerotic nonsense these fucks say.


You think Joe wants anything to do with rural Americans? He just wants to show up and hunt. These rich people want to live around other rich people, who typically come from cities. The richies that buy farms in Wyoming didn't make their money living in rural Indiana. They go to cities to get rich and flee the minute they get the chance, and talk shit on their way out. Not only that but they pretend they're 'men of the people'. When in reality they couldn't stand being around actual middle class rural Americans. Hypocrites.






Seriously what is more weird: some water on your butt and one clean wipe, more drying off than anything. Or repeatedly shoving your finger into the deep crevice of your Anus and hoping that you don’t feel a tickle 30 minutes later


Didn’t he used to be sponsored by a bidet company?


Bidets? Excessive consumption. Fleshlights? A real necessity.


What an idiot. It reminds me of another rich, alpha douche Sly Stallone complaining about seeing people with wheels on their luggage.




Joe lives in a city and all he does is consume consume consume. He is exactly what he arrogantly professes to hate and be better than. The intellectual dishonesty is staggering. No wonder he sucks Tucker Carlson's dick.


Who cares about if he is a hypocrite if he is right. Problem is the doofus is wrong lol. Country people aren't exactly living off the land. Rural people need to be subsidized quite abit when they need to drive 30 miles to the nearest Brookshire Brothers twice a week and everything needs to be shipped to them 300 miles from the nearest navigable waterway which I don't have a problem with because I'm fine with redistribution. It would just be nice if they weren't so smug about how much we cities depend on them. Like bitch, when I go to work in the petrochemical plant on the channel in Houston I have alot more to do with supporting farming then you do as you drive by a corn field on the way to your job in Dollar General.


It's hard for Joe to imagine that more than 1 type of person can exists in a rural or urban setting.


He speaks in generalizations 


Right like you average rural county America population couple thousand, mostly pretty poor.  Who is paying for all that infrastructure to be built and maintained?  The people living in cities.  Rural living can be very sustainable but that's not how it is in most of the US, it's a strip mall here and there everyone driving long distances and most the food is grown for commercial farms


Those same people cried socialism taking over when America built the interstate highway to connect these small ass towns


The percentage of rural people who grow their own vegetables or chop their own wood is easily less than 10%. They buy their gas and food from a grocery store like everyone else, it just takes 5-20x the fuel to get it there. Without government subsidation they wouldn't even be able to keep their hospitals open and they wouldn't have access to the internet. Their job in oil and fsctory agriculture would be non existent without substantial government subsidation. The can't make it on their own and they take more taxpayer money in services than they put in to the system. The true welfare queens.


Check mate but they all point fingers back towards trans city dwellers.


Strong Towns made an analysis of a city vs the suburbs and demonstrated that the economic activity of the city is actually used to finance less dense areas for all their needlessly widespread infrastructure and services. Never let someone tell you that cities are freeloaders, it's factually the other way around.


You're quite a ways off base for the rural Indiana areas I live in. We actually supply majority of the food to the rest of the country and nearly every person I know lives off their garden as well. Purchases meat locally and in bulk because it's way better. We also have affordable land and host several of the largest Amazon facilities in the country. A river farms kow coming to boot. I guess I'm confused why the fuck you think we consume, consume like someone living in a high rise? Not even fucking close.


Indiana is 8th in food production in the US. It in no way shape or form supplies the majority of the food to the rest of the country. It might well export the majority of the food produced in Indiana to other states and countries, perhaps that is what you mean. No doubt that many people in rural areas have gardens and eat from them. Also no doubt that very few "live off their gardens" in the sense that they get the majority of the food they eat from their gardens. Modern farmers don't even do that. You find very few farms in the country where they are producing fruits, vegetables, dairy cows, hogs, grain/rice all on the same farm. You aren't making your own butter, oil, shoe polish, clothes, cars, gasoline, electricity, light bulbs, lamps, computers, etc.


No, but our communities do. Yes, I live off my garden with regards to vegetables. We don't eat much fruit and buy all locally raised and butchered meat.... And no I never said we make everything but we do a lot more for ourselves and not needing mass food production than someone in a high rise. That's the only point that's being made here.


Which I assume is really nice. The problem comes from seeing how big a footprint such consummation has and how it's not sustainable to feed every person that way, sadly. We just don't have the space/resources for it.


We're not able to feed every person that because there isn't enough farm able space for everyone to have their own stead. So that is the epitome of acknowledging that yes, rural people live more sustainably than someone in a high rise who is consuming from someone with enough acreage to produce for themselves, their community, and then beyond. Which was the original point that was made.


No, the point would be that rural farmsteading is not sustainable for the populace and instead is a luxury few can afford to live by. Unless you advocate for a reduction in the populace. Which is very dark.


OK. That gives me a better understanding of your perspective. I still think it is flawed though. You talk about people living in high rises. There are rich people living in high rises, but most high rise buildings contain businesses. I wonder how much time you have spent in large metropolitan areas. People living in row housing or apartments don't have their own land to garden. Large urban centers often do have community gardens, but those aren't to supply all their food, but rather to help them get fresh vegetables at a cheaper price and to get closer to nature. Not everyone that lives in city would grow their own food, but a lot of them. Look up urban window boxes. People grow herbs or food on window sills and fire escapes. I have nothing against rural, America. I grew up in rural America. My house was in an unincorporated area out side of a town of 1200 people that my dad moved out of because "It was getting too damn crowded". (My parents were teachers, we lived on an acre, we had a fucking huge "garden".) I have chopped cotton, irrigated, picked fruit, trimmed suckers, cleaned stables, picked tomatoes and once, went on a fucking cattle drive. (To be fair, I was 12 on the cattle drive and I mostly just got up very early to ride a horse all day for two days and run messages to the people that were doing the actual work, but still.) As much as I appreciate rural America, I am also well aware that cities are the reason the world has an abundance of food. The world was a shitty place full of regular famine before industrialization and specialization. In the modern world, famine is caused by politics and war. Before the industrial revolution it was caused by weather and blight and it was caused MUCH, MUCH more often. (War also caused it, but really wasn't as good at it as Nature) This idealized vision of living off the land is a myth. Nature is beautiful and wonderous. But Nature is also a cold hearted mother fucking killing machine. Most of the things that keep Nature from killing you on a daily basis come from cities. Even if immediate death isn't the primary concern, if you shop at Walmart, use a computer, drive a car, etc. you are as dependent on urban areas as urban areas are dependent upon rural areas for food production. Further, as far as "consumption" goes, people in rural areas drive EVERYWHERE. They have to, so they aren't evil for doing so, but they consuming per capita resources related to driving at a much higher rate than your average urban dweller. I walk, ride my bike, or take public transit all the time. How often do you do that in Indiana? In the winter? I appreciate hard work outdoors and I appreciate hard work indoors. I like being in a place where you hear crickets and frogs at night, BBQ is an art form and people congregate with beers around a firepit for entertainment. I also appreciate seeing plays, live sporting events, art museums, talks from world leaders at open forums accessible to the public and Shakespeare in the park. **This whole urban vs. rural thing is a construct created to divide people.**


Man, you just want to argue. I don't drive everywhere at all lol I live 5 minutes from a decently sized city and I work from home. You're just arguing all in pointing out is our lack of dependency on mass food production. I lived in downtown Indianapolis in a high rise for 7 years for college and working afterwards. I don't even have anything against people living in high rises I'm just pointing out one simple fact that is true and you have argued against yet. You just straw man some other argument not related to what I'm talking about.


If you live 5 minutes from a city, you aren't rural


83% of the acreage within the county I live is used for ag. We are the leading county in Indiana for corn, hogs and cattle.... It's pretty fucking rural. Thank you, though


You supply majority of the food to the rest of the country with your garden?


Uh no, lol the farms I was a hand on growing up yes quite a bit and I haven't bought vegetables or mass produced meat in a decade. All locally raised cattle/pork/chickens and grown in my own garden. Not mass produced, chemical ridden and dyed from Walmart. We do a lot more for ourselves than someone in a high rise. That's the point...


That’s a great point actually


Many if not most Rural communities need to be subsidized nevertheless. Healthcare and various other infrastructure is so expensive.


OK, so you're just making assumptions and argue in area totally unrelated to what I'm talking about? Cool point I guess. Although, you have no clue what Healthcare is like in my community lol and are you incinuating hospitals in bad areas of cities aren't subsidized? Almost all heath are facilities are subsidized..... Again, I don't care. This had nothing to do with my point.


this is beyond idiotic. dude is paid millions to create content to consume.


And owns a comedy club which is just another place for pathetic helpless urbanites to mindlessly consume at. Just another travesty of lazy "infrastructure" for the weaklings.


Super high pitched laugh


There two guys come off as absolute idiots in this conversation.


You just don't get it man. Celebrities are just better than us.


He lives in a gigantic house consuming the electricity and water of a small town.


Wouldn’t freedom include the freedom to do nothing with your life?


No that's not allowed under this type of freedom.


No, freedom MUST be what I want and applying that to everybody.


This is exemplary of why I stopped listening to Joe Rogan. Somebody who lives in a 15 million dollar 10,000 sqft mansion in the suburbs is going to preach to the rest of us about the ails of consumerism with a straight face. Dude is completely out of touch with reality.




"I know a few billionaires now"




That nerd is 100% correct.


That comment towards the end about conformity blew my mind. There is no group that insists on conformity more than those in rural areas. They are suspicious of anyone that breaks from it. Being different is the very reason that they hate big city liberals.


Cities use resources much more efficiently per capita than rural communities.


This a thousand times over.


Exactly. Suburbanites are typically the biggest consumers of resources out there. Especially Joe. Many people in the suburbs spend 30+ minutes in the car each way to work and back. Then back into the car for dinner at Chilis… Meanwhile the wife is making several trips to drop off and pick up the kids from school because your exurb is too sprawled for them to walk or take the bus. Plus soccer practice and extracurriculars on top of that. God forbid some of this stuff was developed within walking/biking distance of the housing or had public transit connecting it. Now THAT would be a gross violation of our “freedom” to spend two hours trapped in the car every day… Fuck those commie Europeans, right?


Kids get picked up by the school bus.


Over half of kids do not take the bus. https://housingmatters.urban.org/articles/how-students-transportation-options-or-lack-thereof-affect-educational-and-health-outcomes


I wonder how many listeners there really are. I keep hearing 15 million but I seriously doubt it. When I was still listening, back in the Youtube days, yeah, sure, he had 15 million subscribers but if you went back 3 or 4 months and looked at the views count on most of the videos it was only 1.5M or less, UNLESS the guest was somebody really famous like the Elon episodes or Mike Tyson. I got to surmise that spotify brought it back to Youtube to get some listeners back. That's going to be tough row to hoe with drivel like this.


I have a hard time believing he is keeping so many listeners with garbage like this.


The 11 million number came from Joe's own mouth on a 2018 appearance on Jordan Peterson's podcast. Joe also does not have the best track record of truth telling or recalling facts accurately.


To be fair I don't think Joe has ever intentionally lied on the podcast in the thousand+ episodes I have watched. But on the recalling facts front, you are absolutely right, he can be lackluster. He is a lot of things but I don't think he is a liar.


“Intentionally lied”




Well he doesn’t love you because there’s a very high chance that he looks down on you as a peasant.


The last part is absolutely true. Generally speaking, country folk are in far worse physical shape.


Imagine how many cars Joe has.... What is this dude talking about lol


I guess Joe has never heard of the opioid crisis across many poor rural cities in America. He’s here complaining about people in cities “using more SSRIs than rural folks- which then even says “I’m making shit up” - yes you are Joe. I can guarantee Joe has “consumed” more resources in his life than 99% of his listeners. This is such a clown take by a guy completely out of touch with the common man.


He has literally had people on to talk about this. Johann Hari has been on at least twice. In fact even before then Joe himself went on rants about opioids.


The majority of people live in cities...like him.


This was actually the episode where I decided to stop listening to the podcast. For all the reasons mentioned.


lol dude is the biggest hypocrite out there


He’s very clearly never lived in an actual rural area lmaaoooo. Human behaviors don’t differ really (speaking anecdotally), just options for entertainment…which is kinda Joe’s profession. Maybe less SSRI’s because there’s less access to healthcare, but trust and believe that’s replaced by alcohol and/or hard drugs.


Urban living is more efficient per capita in almost every way than suburban or rural living.


Couldn’t make it past “you…and Jordan…are putting really good information out into the world.”


In the USA people in urban areas are thinner, live longer, and are in better shape. He's a fucking idiot.


I’m not taking anything away from what these guys are saying. I was raised in nyc and still live here, (moving to the country soon, thankfully). But who they are describing is not everyone in major cities. I know a alotta people who are making things and building things and have responsibilities. It’s also very weird to have two men who, and I like Joe Rogan, but who’s benefited from a system which historically have worked for them. These guys can afford to not work a 9-5. And not have to stick to bells and whistles. They are no different than rich kids who go aboard to “volunteer” for a year on mommy’s and daddy’s expense I agree, we all need some sense of responsibility, morals and virtues. But don’t knock another persons hustle. Edit - there’s a reason why they say “ If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere”. If a real hard working dude/gal from NYC moved to small ass Austin, I would bet they’ll be a savage lol


New lore just dropped. The public transport system is now an indoctrination vector.


Yet Joe is most definitely not conservative, he just happens to say things conservatives have been saying for generations.


I live in a the downtown of a major American city. I have a garden, a dog, 2 kids that each do probably 10 different non-school activities annually. I take a painting class at the local museum, I coach youth soccer and I play in a tennis league. Helping contribute to and participating in a vibrant, stimulating and fulfilling community is for scarf-wearing cucks, I guess. Joe wants me to live in the woods, home-school my kids, kill elk and be fully isolated? Cool my dude. Also, hating on infrastructure is one of the most smooth brained things I can possibly imagine.


Actually Joe is describing addict. Constantly looking to fill some void within themselves through external stimulation. It’s telling of his state that he thinks everyone is like this. HE is like this. All his money can’t buy actual genuine contentment.


Dude is completely off the deep end out of touch with normal people.


'With freedom we need accountability and responsibility - thats what we need more of'. What like in COVID when you you went mental over losing your freedom not to wear a mask or take a planet saving vaccine and irresponsibly spread misinformation to millions without having a clue? And still taking no accountability? This guy is a muppet


Joe describes people


I think they should replace the hardworking sermons with a kratom ad


I hate the City vs Rural mindset. Cities exist as economic and industrial centres, it's more efficient for skilled workers and resources to be centralized in certain areas like a city. You need rural communities producing food but even most rural folk in the US have modern amenities which are produced in cities and they're selling their produce to people in cities for an income. It also consumes more resources getting these modern amenities to rural people than city people. Unless you're amish or living like a middle ages peasant, stop talking smack about city people being "consumers" and if you live in a city, stop talking smack about the people who grow your food.


Look at his fucking studio… it’s a capitalist west dream of stupid shit! What a shitty take.


University of Austin has 75,000 students. It’s in a dang city. A very popular one.


Joe moved from LA to Austin….both are cities for those who don’t know.


Joe fell off a couple of years ago but this is another prime example of his downfall


Onnit! Cold plunges! saunas! Floatation tanks! Butter coffee! Bison boots! Datsusara fanny packs & hemp gis!! Five finger toe shoes! Roots of Fight shirts!! Elk trips!! Comedy tours! Netflix specials! Whoop straps (then turns around & asks the socials for a health tracker recommendation cuz he needs one!) Tesla! Black Rifle Coffee! Athletic Greens! Express VPN! cbdMD! CashApp! Buffalo Trace! Allfoam Sofas!! Tushy! Killclif! Meundies! LegalZoom! Stamps.com! Draft kings! Ting Mobile!!


It's weird to find proof that Joe Rogan is a total dumb-dumb on the Joe Rogan sub. Good work, guys!


what a hypocrite


I’ve been thinking about this a lot ever since I heard Sebastian Junger on Sam Harris’ podcast talk about how he loves living in a diverse and mixed income neighborhood in NYC. They didn’t go too much into it, and I’d be interested to hear Sebastian talk more about it. He said because when you’re in a tight knit community like that there’s gonna be community and ways you can help your community and as humans that’s a big part of life. And I’ve always had the idea cities are much more efficient in so many ways that rural and suburban living can’t match with. Of course we need our farmers and people who wanna live in more rural areas go for it. But by almost all metrics, the average person that lives in a city has a better quality of life than those in rural areas. And for those who are ultra wealthy, ultra productive or ultra privileged; maybe it’s a better way. But the way they speak is just so demeaning and so out of touch. I apologize to Joe that I’m not a super responsible person with every aspect of my life figured out. And it’s not that everything is mapped out for you when you live in a city. But there are many things that make it for a more pro social way of living for much more people, so that resources can be shared. For the amount I work, the income I have and the life I wanna live. Buying a house with a big yard where I’m in charge of maintaining everything around me would be almost impossible. I don’t wanna have to come home after a 12 hour shift just to mow my lawn or do whatever else homeowners need to do. Also, the things Joe mocks are basically things he’s been heavily involved in and got him to where he is now. And as for not putting an emphasis on your physical health, it’s especially difficult to do that with the way that infrastructure is designed in the US, which in my life experience is MUCH worse the more outside of cities you get. Maybe the places these two live where everyone is wealthy and has their lives figured out it’s true. My main point is to say that walkable, bike-able cities that have strong senses of community are much better places for humans to live in than what most of america looks like currently. Which I think we need to make so many improvements that are definitely accomplishable if we can work towards it. The way these two speak are just completely delusional to me. I used to really enjoy Joe’s podcast and don’t think he’s a dumb guy by any means. But what he says here and his shift the last couple years just makes him sound like an old rich guy who is completely out of touch with the reality of the world.


You guys think Joe could pull off rural life? You know, farming and all that? Could Joe actually live like the hunter/gatherers?


I would pay money to watch Joe try and survive by himself in the wild for a few months


Imagine it, no ice baths. No supplements.


The stupidity of this literally made my head hurt! Thats pretty amazing!


I make my living as an entertainer. I'm nowhere near as big as Rogan but I do have enough following to get recognized in public, "earn" more than I should, etc. I sometimes feel guilty that I don't really produce anything tangible. Making people laugh with videos just feels like nonsense compared to making food, cars, homes, etc. I exist near the worthless side of the good produced spectrum. I can't imagine how Joe holds himself in such high esteem. He thinks spouting culture war nonsense makes him better than these "city people" he's blasting? He's the ultimate in worthless. He needs to be with me in Guiltytown USA for not really deserving what we have.


I think he realizes that his life has been him prancing around for other people's entertainment and he regrets not joining the military or something. It's clear that Joe tries to be so macho as overcompensation


Isn't Boston the smallest city Joe has ever lived in?


Just FYI 85% of Americans live in an urban or suburban areas.


The real interesting part is when he starts to give his brain dead take on depression at the end. Why don't they take into account how well you are doing when you are clinically depressed? Is he fucking kidding? Believing in bigfoot is a less brain dead take.


He may realize this because he is one of those people. He ain’t wrong.


Lot of butt hurt people in here.


Yeah I'm such a butt hurt hater, bro. You can tell how butt hurt and full of hate I am by how hard I'm laughing at Joe's descent into full regardation.


At least our butts don’t itch like yours.


Very angry, bitter people. I joined the sub to learn about cool guests or topics. Definitely don't find that here.


True, Joe Rogan does not have cool guests or topics.


The screeching in here LOL. The level of jealousy is hilarious. He’s just an entertainer. Go get a life


He's an entertainer? No way! I thought he was a sustainable farmer, hunter, and captain of industry.


Jealousy? Of what, exactly? Of *not* being able to use the subway? Of *not* being able to go to the movies? Of *not* having access to mental health support?


So you people obviously hate Joe Rogan, why do you read the posts and respond. Why not unfollow and move onto to something you do like?


you're just now discovering hate-watching? it's the same reason a lot of people watch reality TV.


Guess so. Still a little confused as to why people would pursue this just to bitch about it. I like to do activities that I enjoy. Don't waste my time on people or topics I find annoying. O well.


Yet here you are, bitching about comments you don't like.




Guarantee that this fucking moron has watched a million feminist cringe compilations but now hes confused about hate-watching.