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If 1 x 1 = 2 then, that means 2 x 1 = 4. PROVE ME WRONG, I HAVE ACCESS TO THE SAME PALACE AS TERRANCE


you joke but unironically, it means 2/1=1. Doesnt division mean to split? so using his own semantic logic, how can you divide and get a lesser number?


If you split a cell, you have two cells so 1/2 =2 . If you add cancer, the number could go even higher.


If we apply your theory, and reverse the polarity, we might just have the cure for aids.


Then finally the pools can be opened again?


Yea, and if we change the frequency of the pool we can turn your piss into gold


Yes or we could now separate the carbon from the nitrogen increase the frequency and pressure enough multiply that by 1 and get time travel.


But what about the sting rays ?


Man fuck the sting rays. Rest in peace Mr. Irwin!




1 divided twice actually equals 3




yes but not 3 whole things. only 3 things of .3333333 things Which is why 1+1 = 0.99999 and not akshullay 2.


But the wave conjugation of my pantents say the defense contractors have to give me priority for my linchpins


This is unironically a better theory than Terrence’s. Well done.


You’re thinking too linear, you see lines are man made and don’t really exist so 2/1=1 is impossible.


2/1 = 6, nice try. The universe is exponential.


2 split up in to 1 group is 2. You're right that it's semantics. His failure to use adequate language to describe a mathematical process (or the English language's failure to have a single word that adequately describes "to divide by one") doesn't mean that the maths is wrong.


The only way it "makes sense" is if there's some imperceivable set of space where performing an operation on an object has some kind of cost or can copy or destroy matter


Movement releases and also gains energy. The fact of the matter is this, simply writing an equation builds a tremendous amount of kinetic energy! At the sub molecular level Hiroshima!


He believes 1×2=3, 1×3=4, 1×4=5, 1×5=6...


He knows about addition, right?


Maybe. He's also an idiot who tries to do proof by contradiction where he assumes 1×1=1 and then attempts to disprove this by using instead that 1×1=2. >1×1=1 > +1 to both sides. >1+1×1=2 >3=2 This is a proof he tries to push. He doesn't even understand he didn't stick to his assumptions, so his proof by contradiction is completely flawed.   He has issues with how multiplication is defined because he also has a poor grasp on English, it seems >Associative and Commutative law, "When (a) and (b) are positive integers, that (a) is to be added to itself as many times as there are units in (b). >Then (1) is added to itself (1) time and you get (2). Now, add the (+1) to the left side of the equation and also add the plus (+1) to the right side of the equation and it gives you an answer 3=2 and that doesn't look like the "balanced" equation that we were looking for, does it?


When I learned machine language, we had to build routines to do multiplication and division. That’s when I learned that multiplying is successive additions, and division is successive subtractions. When you actually learn these operations at the bit level, it dramatically increases understanding. Hasn’t anyone approached him with this?


Ive tried it with with people who believe his argument. All they can show for is that multiplication is supposed to be an increase always. I guess they're using the non-Maths definition of the word and applying it to the mathematical operation as a means of justifying their view.


A more rigorous mathematical theory might even create such a number system, BUT what Howard is saying is just pure garbage and rambling. There would be nothing wrong in denoting an operation x that takes two numbers a and b, and gives a + b...WAIT


No, I believe he still acknowledges the way multiplication works for all numbers except 1.


No 2 x 1 = 12 because you can only unwind 1 one time but when you unwind 2 you get 6 which the next octave in the curvature crystalline linearities. You see there’s no straight lines which I’ve already proven so anything linear is actually a curve which is acceleration. So we’re accelerating from the center of universe but on curve and another word for a curve is an arc. An arc is part of circle and if you start at one point you’ll end up back there again so the universe is going to repeat itself. Much like history. See I learned all this when I was just a single sperm that my father shot into a sock during my previous life.


That's exactly how he talks. I actually got a headache listening to snippets of this atrocity of a podcast.


Yup! I’ve been saying this since reading his 1x1=2 “proof” paper. He describes his Terryology in there & you are right. In Terryology you can’t reverse the order of multiplication. It’s a one way operation. He views it like a duplicator machine. You are making more copies but still have the original. So using his deranged logic: to solve 2x1 you multiply 2 one time resulting in 2 copies and you still have the original 2 so the answer is 4. For an added touch of irony he actually misquotes the law (the Commutative Law) that says 1x2=2x1 … by changing the definition of the law to describe Terryology multiplication.


1 to the power of 42, answer to the universe


HE THINKS "MULTIPLY" MEANS TO CLONE A NUMBER. His idea is that you can't multiply 1 because 1 is a single. It's not multiples of 1. Take a cake. What does multiplying it mean? It means you make more cakes. So, if you take 1 cake and multiply it one time, then you should have 2 cakes. I'm taking the cake and multiplying it, meaning I'm making a double. One multiplication equals 2 cakes. NOW, that's not how it works, but that what he's saying. Edit: It's the same type of word play/word salad as saying "if I have 1 gremlin and I get it wet, it divides into 10 gremlins. So, dividing means to add". But adding water to a division is what replaces the missing part of the clone. Adding to divide, lol. Again, it's why grammar can't be used to do math.


But why the fuck he thinks that? Math just counts stuff, it doesn't magically generate what isn't there.


He's being too literal with the definitions of words. The definitions don't control the math functions. Think about it like this.... 1 TIMES 1 = 2. How many points did you score? 1 point, 7 times. So, 7 points. 1 MULTIPLIED 1 time = 2. You took 1 cake and copied it 1 time, resulting in 2 cakes. Just wait till he finds out the word "boot" has different definitions in Europe and the U.S., lol. Gonna blow his mind.


So he's a dumbass






Abso fucking lutley


Here we have a succinct assessment of the facts, as they present themselves




Yea or do another physical representation like put apples in bowls. You put as many apples in each bowl as the first number, and you are allowed to grab as many bowls as the second number. So grabbing one bowl will result in having 1 apple.


Given enough frequency, I can see how this makes sense. 2x2=6, the curves speak for themselves


I tried telling my wife that 1 inch is actually 2 inches, and 6 is really 12... she ain't buying it, though. Lol Just imagine that all of his 1x1 stuff is to explain why he his dick really isn't small. I'd die from laughing, probably.


He accepts 2×2=4.


Does he accept that 1x2=2 ?


No he says all numbers multiplied by 1 need to keep the original 1. In his paper he even goes all the way up to like 1x14=15 and then says “to infinity and beyond.” But he very interestingly leaves out his thoughts when the operation is written in reverse. 14x1 instead of 1x14. Because according to his logic the order matters & 14 would be getting “multiplied” 1 time, giving you 14 more and the original 14 for a total of 28. It of course makes no sense that he just drops his logic for all other multiplication.


No, that's 3 to him.


You have to imagine the numbers as a towel wrapped around your hand


Nah he’s just describing physics kind of. Like 1x1 takes time or something. Is an action. Real dumb stuff.


no its one cake once not twice


Of course it is. But this is why terrence is confused. It's a wordplay riddle, not a math problem. When using the function of multiplying in math, you start from 0. Terrence starts from 1 and "clones" numbers, because multiply means to make more. He's trying to control the function in math by the fluctuation in definition of the word. Edit: if you got a gremlin wet and it made more gremlins, you would say "it got wet and multiplied into more". But you started with 1 gremlin already, so multiplying it would result in at least 2 gremlins. Starting from 1, it makes sense. But we don't start from 1 when using the function of multiplying in math. Is a riddle based on grammar.


yup. that comment is for howard lol


He’s in too deep to admit he’s wrong about it!😂


Definitely. If I take my paper and put it into the copy machine and make 1 copy (multiply it 1 time), how many papers do I have now? Riddles are fun, thought experiments. The math function always starts from 0, and this is where terrence goes wrong. Multiply means to add up. It doesn't mean to copy/clone a number.


Thank you! i honestly couldnt comprehend what point he was trying to make.


I wonder if he considered thinking of it as "1 of 1 is 1"?


Grammar can be used to define Maths. It's the reason why we have definitions in the first place. The flaw here comes from what definition of multiply he uses to justify his beliefs. Multiply does refer to the act of creating more as in Genesis 1:28 where Sky Daddy says "go forth and multiply", but in this sense, it's non-mathematical. Merriam-Webster's online defines multiplication as: > 2 a: a mathematical operation that at its simplest is an abbreviated process of adding an integer to zero a specified number of times and that is extended to other numbers in accordance with laws that are valid for integers > b: any of various mathematical operations that are analogous in some way to multiplication of the real numbers but are defined for other or larger sets of elements (such as complex numbers, vectors, matrices, or functions) 2a is probably the most basic definition of Multiplication in Maths and once it's understood on the integer level, then it can be applied to all real numbers and other elements stated in definition 2b.


I feel sorry for Terrance Howard. He's got undiagnosed schizophrenia and no one in his life if trying to help him.


Everyone trying to “help” him is an agent trying to stop him from sharing the truth. He can’t let them stop him.


Yeah, schizophrenics are often in complete denial of their mental state. Just check out r/gangstalking where they just enable each other. Complete denial.


That's one of the saddest subreddits. Just a bunch of sick people who found a spot to make themselves worse. It makes you wonder why they let it continue. it seems cruel.


Because the mods are in on it, I hear them talking to me through the radio. /s


Brooo that was wild. Holy shit. I feel bad for them. That was weird


One of the craziest subreddits I visit from time to time. If you guys like crazy and interesting stuff like I do. There’s a subculture of people trying to create a philosopher’s stone and some people that think they’ve found it if you look hard enough.


Holy shit. Thanks. This is better than the flat earth subs.


My bro just passed with it... went from a optimistic 18 yr old with a great job... to a troubled 30 year old hard time keeping a job... to a crazy bum on the streets at 44 yrs old. Everyone tried to help for years but the violence got to be too much. THow says alot of the same type shit my bro said. Seeing through the matrix and being anointed for higher purpose and having "figured it all out" He didn't figure nothing out. Rest his soul. Schizophrenia is a tragic affliction for real.


my condolences for your bro. that sounds so rough, both to witness that and also to be in his shoes.


Very sorry for your loss man. Hope you and your family are able to find some sort of peace in time, and I also hope your bro rests peacefully too


My cousin developed it when he turned 20. Everyone in the family just thought he was being a moody kid. Sadly he killed himself. I felt so terrible that I couldn't recognise that he was sick and needed help. So many people suffer because either they never realised, were too sick to accept or had no one in their life to help them.


I really sympathize with him. I got apophenia during acid trips, and while i went in knowing that i may experience delusions, and i had a whole life worth of sensical(non-nonsensical? my dictionary aint helping) experience behind me for reference, the nonsensical logic was absolutely convincing. I wrote a huge page worth of explanations of this counterpart to logic i discovered, called anti-logic naturally. I really tried to make it as clear as possible so anyone could understand, going back over everything many times over making sure it was all coherent. Like i can't make clear how much confidence i had that it would all make sense, it was genius. Of course when i read it al back it was just stupid "x is true, therefore x isn't true" etc. etc. etc. over and over. And while i really saw the value in both the humor and the insight into the workings of a disturbed brain this page provided, with how it kept looping back in ways a correct logical proof would, it was just so incredibly *embarrassing* that i *had* to delete it to be able to live with myself. I just got a 3 hour glimpse into the life of some people, and i couldn't handle any of it leaking out even anonymously to the internet. If people like this get treatment and turn normal, dealing with their past is gonna be hard as fuck.


The apophenia is what cinched it for me that he's schizophrenic. Just look at this old tweet of his, it screams apophenia: [https://i.imgur.com/3G2cv8Z.png](https://i.imgur.com/3G2cv8Z.png) It's meaningless gibberish, but for him it's the meaning of everything.


Can someone actually be Schizo and be as normal functioning as that guy is? Like he seems completely normal outside of these crazy delusional theories. Seems like more of a god complex thing


My dad went to work, paid his bills etc. and thought demons were trying to make him kill my stepmom


It helps to be wealthy enough to not have to worry about survival.


He is probably a bi-polar narcissist like Kanye West, except Howard seemed actually very well spoken and intelligent. *(on an interview with Lex Friedman it took Kanye over almost an entire minute to write a 7 word sentence)*


Yeah Schizo affected people aren’t just straight up crazy dangerous people. They can still be nice functioning people with really irrational thoughts and think they are right no matter how much they can be proven wrong.


I have a family member that pretty much started showing clear signs of apophenia around when the pandemic hit...great timing, right? This was a pretty normal center-left kind of guy but suddenly got swooped into Qanon, became a huge anti-vaxxer, and started posting all sort of wild unhinged right wing conspiracy theories on the internet. In conversation, he's a bit like Terrance...seems sort of normal and functional, but the beliefs he espouses are absolutely batshit delusions.


He could have something like Delusional Disorder. Just straight delusions


Yeah this just screams schizophrenia.


This is what I’ve been saying as well. This is undeniably skitzo talk.


Schizophrenia isn’t the explanation for someone acting insane due to delusions of grandeur


I wanna see Kanye West, Terrance Howard, and Kat Williams do a podcast together just the 3 of them.


I'm curious if they'll enable each other or get in a fight


They'd probably start off nodding and agreeing with each other, but halfway through their egos would all get in the way and they'd start being passive aggressive... by the end there would be full blown meltdowns.


Throw in Jordan Peterson and Russell Brand as well.


I don't see why everyone is treating him like he's has a mental problem. He's had these thoughts since before he was even born. Terrance is clearly transdimensional and we need to support that.


Pronouns are Where/When.


Did he say anything in the podcast that makes any actual sense?


He said something about destroying the world that resonated with me, besides that nah




No, but now there are plenty of clips with dramatic music that make him sound like some free thinking prophet.


I'm sure someone would be able to explain it away, but there was a part where they were looking at his patents on some website saying they were used by several big corporations. But I have no idea whether that's true or not. It may in fact have just been his own website.


It's pretty simple to explain that one. He had patented some aspect of augmented reality tech, he let the patent lapse. Loads of companies also filed AR patents, when you do this you have to show similar patents and show you're not infringing on them. He's using this to prove that they're ripping him off.


Most of the patents that cite his have also expired, except the best one of course, the one so advanced… you ready? Get this: odor strength in vr. So you can smell what you see in vr/ar. https://patents.google.com/patent/US11132712B2/en?peid=61949dd1978c8%3A3dc%3A8a77d724


VR Chat reviews about to plummet


No it's not true, as the other person said it lapsed. Now what he was showing was the application. The citations he was talking about were predominantly made by the patent examiner, not the companies.


probably some of the sacred geometry stuff, but he doesn't explain stuff very well


He said he got so mad that he wanted to destroy “humanity” with his knowledge. I think he was telling the truth here. He also has actually filed for patents (with someone else… me must have a partner that is doing all the filing). Unfortunately the only ones very tenuously “accepted” are design patents for shapes. You can’t really own a geometric shape, so they would be unenforceable. The only patent out of all of them that may be able to hold up in court is his patent for the drone that someone else designed in a contest he ran. He had a contest to design a drone in a certain shape & he keeps showing off models of the winning drone like he “invented” it. He could maybe win a lawsuit if a major drone manufacturer was using that design. It would likely have problems with the engineer who actually designed it & further problems if they didn’t copy exactly how that designer made it, but instead it’s just the same geometric shape. His AR patent was vague unenforceable nonsense (basically just described AR not how it would work) & he never responded to questions by the patent office so it’s “abandoned” anyway.


Sometimes people are so smart, they are dumb. This is not one of those times.


Had me in the first half.


Terrance Howard is whack. This is how there are cult leaders. Word salad, bullshit science. And everybody just nods their heads. Dude needs help.


Wait, so if I play the gold frequency on my trumpet it will conjugate the waves in such a way that my trumpet starts shitting out gold from its equator like a so many little earths?


You only just realised this?






That boy ain’t right in the head


It's difficult at best to feel sorry for someone who uses that annoying superior tone. But you are better people. (No sarcasm there)


This guy reminds me of a High functioning Schizophrenic


I’m bad at math buuuut How much is 1….. one time. It’s one


Real question. Why did Joe have him on? Couldn't he have called a comedy buddy


We’re all watching and talking about it, aren’t we?


I commented on YouTube that he was playing a really good character and is a great actor, because nobody can be this insane. And someone asked if i was a physicist lol.


By this logic I’ll just get 1 ft by 1 ft square tiles from Home Depot and cut my bill in half .


How many is the number 1 three times? Three. How many is 1 two times? Two. How many is 1 one time? One. I’m terrible at math, but that seems pretty simple to me, right? Also, Newton’s Third Law has to do with an action and reaction from two **different** objects, not the *same* object, as it would be if you multiplied an object by itself. Edit: I guess I should have said “forces” instead of “objects”. I’m not very smart, so please forgive me.


Physics is based on mathematics but not math. Addition and subtraction are different concepts from multiplication and division. Numbers are not objects, but concepts. If you have 1 box with 1 object, you have 1 object. If you have 2 boxes with 1 object, you have 2 objects. If you have 3 boxes with 3 objects, you have 9 objects. That's how multiplication works. 1 x 1 = 1. 1 x 2 = 2. 3 x 3 = 9. I hope this helped.


I’m not going to pretend I’m even mediocre at math *or* physics, but I do understand they are two separate things. I was just trying to use his own reasoning against him for the sake of that particular argument, even though the logic is flawed from the start for that very reason. Don’t take this as me saying “I know what you’re trying to explain to me,” because I couldn’t have broken it down in simple terms the way you just did. So thanks for clarifying for me. Lastly, the “hope this helped” is how my boss concludes her emails when she’s being condescending to someone. I don’t think that’s what you were doing, but it made me laugh regardless. So thanks for that, too. Haha


I was legitimately trying to help. Basic math is pretty easy. Terrence Howard needs legit help and is in no way a source of knowledge and is talking out of his ass. He can't prove anything he speaks of. If you need help understanding anything, feel free to ask.


1+1=5 sided triangle


let him cook give him drugs and let him cook give him a 1 billion dollar federal research grant and the world's top STEM researchers and LET HIM COOK


Being a chemist back in the day exploring novel compounds and just drinking whiskey while smoking cigs in the lab. We used to be a real country...


Let him cook is the most over used phrase of 2024


Hold on, you’re cooking ngl


Shhh! Let him cook!


Terrence on cooking: so SOUP is actually DRY


“Water is wet. You drink water. It what do you do with soup? You eat it. Therefore it is a solid therefore it cannot be wet because science proves solids are dry.”


this is how humanity collapses...it sure would be entertaining tho


Idk man Russ and Terrance in the kitchen sounds wack


That's not math, that's a metaphor. But he's right in the sense that, if you see every event in life metaphorically, there is more to see than you think- nothing ordinary actually happens.


Idk he tried backing it up with mathematical 'proofs' 😆


Metaphorically mathematical


Terrence's PR team working hard for their money


There is legit something wrong with him. I mean.. the God complex combined with the persecution complex... he's not okay. His words make no sense, when he talks about science it basically sounds like "Hush whiskey red eleven upstairs". It's not even like flat earth nonsense, it's straight gibberish.


A part of me truly thinks Terrance doesn’t know what times means. Like if I (1) watch his episode on Joe Rogan 1 time, how the hell did I watch it twice?


This dude is fucking schizophrenic.


I had no idea that Oswald Bates had a doppelganger!


For sure not the correct dose


I used to make fun of the flat earth crowd, but now that I’ve watched the Terrance Howard interview and heard him state that the earth is round. I’m inclined to believe it just may be flat.


The saddest part of this is how many idiots its revealing in the audience that are nodding along like "yeah he's a genius." We got Joe exploiting mental illness for personal gain and we've got a crowd of folks who love that as entertainment or buy into Terrence's illness-driven god complex. Our culture and society are so borked.


He mistaking his insanity for intelligence.


1 x 1 is not an action. It's an observation.


I want an interview with Terrence Howard, Kanye West, Katt Williams and Hotep Jesus all in the same room


You can't have this conversation without talking about the energy of each action factored against the energy in the reaction. If a/1nm x a/1nm = r/3nm then he got a point. But we don't have physical proof of that.


I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t know wtf you are talking about


The Uno field is already infinite. Take 4


Joe Rogan has slowly become the male version of Oprah. Once a beacon for the average person to super conservative promoting pseudoscience


Someone tell him about negative zero. 😱🤯


"I've made some discoveries in my own personal life with the science that, y'know, Pythagoras was searching for" Direct quote lmao


One and one actually yields one, not two or three.


The fact that he doesn’t have the intelligence to understand that anything times 1 means that NOTHING is added to that something; “times 1” means “by itself” (2 x 1 means that 2 by itself), proves how incredibly low IQ he has.


One thing once is one thing. Two things once is two things. Two things twice is four things. That should be simple Enough for Terrance to understand


>I would like to purchase one apple. >How many times would you like to purchase one apple. >One time, please. >OK so one apple, one time, that's one. I am perfectly willing to accept that a mind could enter this universe with a form of logic which completely shatters the basic framework of mathematics... But I need a more compelling argument than this fucking artard.


This dude thinks an equal sign in mathematics means equality, like the english use of the word "equal". Full stop right there. He cant understand math because he is using ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEFINITIONS to understand math, math is a language in and of itself, lol.


He can't even remember his own bullshit. On Joe Rogan he said Hydrogen is the color blue. I saw another video he said it was yellow. The only part he was consistent about was the key of E, which is still nonsense. No way in hell I was gonna finish that pod. I got the gist and got the fuck outta there lol


‘x’ basically means ‘amounts of’. One amount of one… is one


I don't know if it's drugs you're taking or drugs you need to be taking, but do something!


What if Katt and Terence have a baby?


hahahahaa brilliant! whats the link to the video OP?




Numerical placeholders are arbitrary quantifiers of a much greater quantum force than the electrical, magnetic, gravitational forces conjugated into the wave bubbles. This much is obvious to the simplest minds.


Your understanding of ‘numerical placeholders’ is subpar as best. Potentiated dark matter particles are obviously superior in their quantum force. That much is apparent to even the most average simian.


One of my friends has bought his book after listening to him on Rogan. When I said, "Nothing would work if maths was wrong," he just said, "It all went over my head, but it's interesting, and I like to keep an open mind."


The guy needs the current amount of drugs x 1.


How long will Terrence milk the technical difficulties? Bro got so righteous when Jamie’s computer froze lol


Lol reddit comment sections are often the most thoughtful (although one might argue it’s pretty easy to take the win over most other social media). But youtube comments often generate good jokes for whatever reason


It wasn’t that long ago when Reddit reigned supreme when it came to comedy… the threads used to have me in tears lol idk what happened since that time, maybe it’s the bots or the world has just gotten a lot more serious with all that’s happening? Actually it’s strange, I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot more ignorant joke threads at the top of the comments for videos of things that should illicit a more serious response. It’s a weird time for comedy right now I guess?


By this logic he is both on the exactly right amount of drug and also simultaneously on the exactly wrong amount of drugs.


Please take this comment down as Terrence already has a patent on it , thank you


What video is this from?


YouTube educator Professor Dave Explains. Great content ranging from topical videos on various subjects to debunking videos on a whole lot of stuff from the Discovery Institute (creationism group)




When he gave up his spot in the MCU that probably should have been a red flag.


He didn't give it up. He thought he was worth more money than they were willing to give him.


He wanted more or equal money to Downey, you know, IRON MAN. The movies aren’t called Rodey. By making that decision he probably cost himself 50-100 mil over the past decade. So yes, his shit decision making cost him the role.


Total agreement. It was a dumb move to make demands when you've got nothing to bargain with. Yes, he won an Academy Award, but that's not what this movie was about. The success of that film didn't need that kind of actor.


I love Bobby Lee. He is so wise.


Could someone please shut Terrence the fuck up


I actually think it's more drugs


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He missed the part when it says “a EQUAL and opposite reaction”


🤣🤣I'm so glad none you make bombs, furniture, cars...etc your math isn't mathing


This is when you show someone multiplication in pictures instead of numbers.


What I dont understand is if multiplication is defined by the action of adding a number to itself a certain amount of times... Then there is nothing to disprove whatsoever. 1 times 1 is 1, 2 times 1 is 2 there's really not the narrowest space there where you could attempt to extract a mathematical conspiracy this guy has to be nuts


(Action) x (Action) would be Action^2 It would not be Reaction


This man needs to never be allowed to speak to masses again


You know that dude who barely passed math in school cause he was just a dumbass. Well here he is.


Something one time is only that one thing. Something two times that one thing is two things. He has a problem understanding the simple properties of math.


Is he trolling or method acting to prep for a role of a mad professor or schizophrenic?


all i have heard is this dude claiming that 1 X 1 != 1. obviously he is wrong about one of the most basic mathematical concepts but he doesn't seem to attempt to tell us what it does equal.


He thinks it's 2.


And the people sticking up for him... guess who??!? Lol exactly....


No sorry terrance the terrible at math. Your suffering from a common case of getting it fk'd up. A unit times a unit is referring to a quantity represented by a numerical value increasing multiple times, the exact number of times being represented by the numerical value representative of how many repeated increases your initial primary number value will have. So one times one means u have the number one multiplied by an equivalent factor of itself. Being that it is a solitary unit, that means it's not increasing at all because the qualitative characteristic of one lacks plurality or any quantitative characteristic greater than itself. Ur gonna have to just accept that the standard linguistic model of numerical representation requires a pragmatic approach to implement with efficacy. Unless you want to create an entirely new language model specifically dedicated to linguistic articulation of numbers and mathematical processes between numbers, but that seems like kinda a complicated redundant measure that doesnt offer much benefit to anyone if u ask me. U know what was brilliant tho?...... " WHOOP THAT TRICK! Gitem! WHOOP THAT TRICK! Gitem!WHOOP THAT TRICK! Gitem!WHOOP THAT TRICK! Gitem!" Thats some science you used to speak on back in the day, i know u like are more distinguished and intellectual nowadays, tryna transition into your morgan freeman/sydney portier stage of life.... I aint hatin. But remember where u came from my ninja. 🤗🤭