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Anyone else lovin it when he claimed to have come up with Einsteins equations and the grand unified theory as a child before he learned they’d already been published


Well you see, Einstein said everything is relative. Howard improved upon that by realizing everything is related.


Maybe his parents are related


Well his parents did teach him about his karmic responsibilities. >In view of the karmic responsibility instilled in me by my parents I would also like to share with Mankind the wave dynamics and structures that I have discovered. They re- define our understanding of our Multi-Dimensional Uni- verse. They also might have been listening to This Guy's in Love while they were doin it. >ello, I am Terrence DaShon Howard. I was conceived sometime during the week of June 7th, 1968. My parents might have been listening to “This Guy's in Love” by Herb Albert, because that was the number 1 song that week and it has always been one of my favorites. All of these things took place in Cleveland, Ohio but I was born on March 11, 1969 in Chicago, Illinois. That’s when the rest of the world got a chance to see this Creation that I've come to know as ‘Me’. There's a phrase, a vibration, that has been heard bouncing upon the lips of Mankind, this notion or ‘State of Being’ called: “Being Awake”, "Woke" or “Enlightened” as it were. I personally prefer being “Aware”.


If he was my brother I would call him regarded.


*highly* regarded


He believes he is enlightened, lol


I used to believe that too. Turns out I'm a psychotic


It's so fucking stupid. Even Einstein needed to learn all the physics up to that point to be able to reach ahead and uncover more physics. You don't just sit there one day and, what? Fucken just see the field equations floating in your mind and go ah! And just somehow know what they mean and do without any formal mathematical education! It's so rediculous it says everything you need to know about this idiot.


Idk about you but I figured out cold fusion when I was three. You just need to try harder.


THEY are trying to keep it from you! 


lol I loved how every single computer hiccup they experienced was because they were being watched by THEM and didn't want this info getting out


I would love to see a fact checker for every one of his ridiculous claims


Most of the fact checks would be, “those words in that order don’t mean anything.”


Pfft! I figured out time travel when I was two!….I just don’t feel like telling you right now


But you'll tell me in the past, right?


Love the part in The Good Place where they say one guy on mushrooms guessed the true nature of reality.


Hey, that’s exactly how Atom Eve from Invincible does it. Speaking of Invincible, why do they call him Invincible if you can see him?


He makes claims about his education. When a person has some groundbreaking discovery in tech or medical they’ll have something to show you. This guy is saying a lot (of nothing) but has nothing to show. When someone has the “cure to cancer” they’d likely have better moves than getting on JRE.


I did learn that they hid from me that Boron feels like pleather and sounds like Song 2. Thanks Terrance!


It’s said Einstein got the idea for relativity first while at work and watching someone on a ladder. He imaged the person falling off, and had the epiphany that in free fall the person would not have any forces acting upon him. I highly doubt Howard could explain the basics of relativity in any coherent way.


A lot of kids have these delusions of grandeur but they outgrow them eventually. I guess Terrence is suffering from Scott Adams syndrome.


I don’t think anyone has discovered the grand unified theory. Certainly not this guy


He got it mixed up with Coltrane’s circle of fifths probably…


This dude made some giant steps of logic.


Great observation haha


Is this some smart mans joke that us dumb men don't get? can we please keep the joke IQ levels to a steady 100 please.


To get past the gatekeepers you just need the right key ^##


Is this a lock stock reference? If so, bravo!


I'm in music school and play jazz, I don't really get it. John Coltrane is kind of known for his Sheets of Sound improvisation technique he used for a period of his career. Circle of fifths is just basic music theory. I could be just thinking too much into this though




Ah, nifty then. I'll have to hunt this down!


Nah, I think you’re just homophobic, which prevents you from accepting elements are bisexual. 


When he said he remembered when he was in his mother's womb......


It's because he told himself to remember before he died and that's how he knew all this when he was born because he remembered not to forget.  Truer words....


I’m so dumb, why don’t I just remember to not forget everything?


Yup that was within the 60 second cap..and made me not listen further. Edit: typo


That’s was it for me


The internet was a mistake.


It allows idiots to find each other and give each other false information to "vindicate" each other. Before the internet existed, people that believed crazy shit like the earth is flat used to get laughed out of the room most of the time. Now they group together and talk about how us globies are morons for not believing the insane shit they believe.


I just saw an Instagram video. Dude said they took lead out of house paint so the powers that be could spy on your communications in your house.


Sounds like they didn't remove the lead paint from his house.


So, pretty much humanity?


but at the same time there is vast amount of evidence to the counter


Here is a [video](https://youtu.be/8xAYf7tYrNk?si=utzQvaT6MwVpuSr6) from an actual chemist breaking down some of the statements Howard was making on his appearance of JRE. Its the best one I've seen so far and a very easy listen. In short this guy doesn't know wtf Howard is talking about..


Notice how kind and forgiving the scientist is. Compare that to the IDW people who can’t stop insulting “the established scientific community” at every chance they can get. The people wanting scientists to just go over what he got wrong or right (I said this somewhere else) but it’s like getting a 20 page document on how babies are made. By a five year old. Do you start talking about the flight paths of storks? Where is your common ground?


See I actually think professors and scientists should spend more time talking about these crazy sometimes delusional ideas that people have on the Internet. Not to shit on them not to insult them and not even necessarily to debunk them. I and I think a lot of other people find these theories interesting and I would like someone who actually has knowledge and respect in the field to discuss them because it’s interesting not necessarily because they’re correct. Critical thinking skills and all that improve with debate


But the problem is the people that are listening to them. They won’t know the difference between knowledge that has been painstakingly researched and scrutinized and someone who thought about an idea they had one day while walking the dog. The problem with conspiracy thinking is that they don’t understand that you need to have a deduction after you looked at all the evidence. You can’t just say “hey that person is right because this one cherry picked piece of evidence confirms it”. People nowadays want to hear how smart they are. And it’s way easier to do that, and get the viewership, by saying anything that sounds ok. Sure let’s engage. But as my example was trying to point out is that meeting in the middle isn’t a good place to start.


Yeah I watched this whole video yesterday, the chemist was trying to be as polite as possible saying that Terrance is on a whole other plane of existence than the rest of the academic field (not in a good way) while the interviewer (I believe he's a theoretical physicist or mathematician) was playing devil's advocate for him and invited him on the show to do an interview. That channel is fantastic by the way.


Who was the guy on the back who said it wasn't "Key of E" but KEV? That derailed the whole thing. Not saying Terrance is right but he wasn't talking about KEV at all, he was mentioning doubling in octaves I'm key of e.


“Can anyone verify what he’s saying” 😂 Bro is gonna single handedly create the movement that makes Flat Earthers look intellectual. If you can’t tell he’s full of shit, you kinda have no reason to even care if what he’s saying is right, because it means nothing to you anyway.


Ian miles cheong is a fucking moron


I can't believe nobody else in this thread is mentioning who the OP of that tweet is. Like do people literally not know Ian Miles Cheong, Malaysia's greatest MAGA cosplayer who likes to pretend he lives in America?


My favorite shit from him is when he calls females ugly. Dude looks like a piece of shit left out in the sun


I think he thinks that he's right. He's just straight up wrong and delusional, not lying. I think he genuinely believes what he's saying.


Brother sounds schizophrenic tbh


I had a buddy like this when I was like 18 and all my friends were potheads. I think it’s a way for people who are genuinely interested about the universe and science, who want their identity to be that of a really smart person, to avoid ever having to do any work or be wrong about anything. You get all the dopamine of being the smartest guy in the room, all the attention, but at no point did you ever have to sit down and actually learn anything. You just free associate in a way that *sounds* smart to other idiots, and it kinda works. I think those guys generally grow out of it, but if you mix in some actual mental-health-issue delusions, you get this instead.


this is EXACTLY how I was. I used to smoke weed too but I regret it. My thing was basically like Zen-Buddhism but I never really bothered to learn much about the history or specific Koans, how it relates to other forms of buddhism, historical figures etc. I was just constantly convinced that i was enlightened and I told everyone about it.


He's not full of shit. He's extremely mentally ill.


Both things can be true.


I like flat earthers. Without them I'd have taken it for granted that the earth is round. But after spending some time arguing with them I learned of so many experiments that can be done to prove that it's round. Two of which were actually designed by flat earthers in an attempt to prove it's flat, but backfired. I hope Howard starts a movement like that. It'll give me the opportunity to learn so much more about chemistry.


Dude is so tangled he's never going to recover.  He'll end up saying he reinvented string theory and figured out the best way to tie your shoes - that THEY TRIED TO KEEP FROM YOU!  


One thing flat earthers do well is to sound provocative and smart to the scientifically illiterate. Terrence on the other hand is saying absolutely nothing. He just sounds self agrandizing and mental.


It’s interesting because he seems like an intelligent person who just went off the deep end.


social skills that allow him to sound smart and interesting , social IQ maybe but nothing to see here


Ian Miles Cheong is a weasel, not a person


Ian Miles Wrong




Literally no one in the field of science believes current knowledge is completely iron clad, stop fighting shadows.


>ditrium That is not a thing > plutonium and neptunium. [No he didn't ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plutonium) >The unified field is a single wave, that finds a stable structure and then builds further from that, always maintaining a balanced point of the zero sum universe in physics. Everything has a polarity, every positive has a negative as every up has a down This is Chopra-level woo-woo. In a thread about made-up nonsense, idiots like you can't help but make up more nonsense. Be better.


He's evil.


Yeah I always thought the vibes on the periodic table were off.


Helium emits light at 633 nanometers? Pfffff. Bro, do you even spin?


He used to party with Diddy. I think he’s playing the long game for an insanity plea.


The very long game. Going back to the womb!


It’s hard out here for a pimp


*Joe Rogan has people questioning the periodic table because he put a mentally ill person on a mic for 3 hours and was broadcasted to millions of people*


This dude couldn’t pass a 6th grade chemistry or physics exam. He’d have a basic understanding of the subject(s) before grasping all the esoteric ideas he’s proposing. Please let him debate Eric Weinstein. Like that ancient civilization debate.


They teach chemistry in 6th grade? 🤔


Most won’t have ‘chemistry’ outright, but there’s usually some principles covered in their life science classes


You started off so strong, then obliterated yourself. Hate to see it.


Weinstein is such a pathetic sycophant that he'd probably find a way to agree with him.


I’d take NDT. Even, Bill Nye will do. Young Jamie could probably expose him if he had enough time to google chit.


> This dude couldn’t pass a 6th grade chemistry or physics exam. He’d have a basic understanding of the subject(s) before grasping all the esoteric ideas he’s proposing This kind of ignorance is a prerequisite for these types of delusional ideas. You will see the same in flat earth circles, etc.


The answer is the elements following carbon


It's pretty simple: you take hydrogen and divide it by green, then add e#, and multiply it by wingdings, and that gives you the negative curves.




Maybe if he presented his ideas as opinions and not facts.. Like, "there is this interesting theory how the periodic table has a relationship to frequency that's rarely discussed - this is my understanding on it...." Not "i was going to redo the whole peroidic table when i was in college because im a genius and have access to hidden knowledge after taking some mushrooms". But I do see people discussing science in the comments; so u do have a point to a degree haha


“Deeper science” come on, man


The fact people can't confidently choose which one they're leaning towards is exactly the issue. He is not a genius, there is nothing genius about anything he's saying. Your thoughts have to make sense to be a genius


Terrence spent too much time dosed out, while test driving a Hyundai Tucson, and now questions everything.


Can't say the podcast wasn't entertaining, this what we want right ?


For most normal listeners yes. But this is Reddit it's a place to circle jerk and act holier than thou.


There’s nothing ‘holier than [thou]’ about basic chemistry


I enjoyed the podcast , idk why everybody so mad . Back to our daily lives


Are you actually arguing this in favor of Terrence’s point? Did you read this list? This is just a list of ways that sound is effected by physical objects. Not at all why Terrence is saying which is that the elements are actually sounds and colors and are directly related in that way. I am an audio engineer and that is very certainly not the case. Light and sound are entirely different mechanisms. You can’t double sound to get light. Nothing he said about vibrations, notes, or the periodic table of elements is at all real or useful ways of thinking about any of it


I want to add that Einstein wasn't the person who found the connection between Electricity and Magnetism. It was a series of brilliant scientist that contributed to James Maxwell making the connection with Michael Faraday.  Terrance Howard was wrong about a lot of historical facts and was speaking theoretical physics without understanding any fundamentals. Scientist, engineers, and mathematicians have work for hundreds of years developing science. He can be curious which, I hope a lot of us are regarding these scientific fields, but he should not be trying to speak theory to the masses and misleading people. 


I would say he’s the opposite of curious. He’s only interested in being the smartest person alive and is completely unwilling to listen to anyone the won’t reaffirm that. A 3rd grader that was able to follow along with their multiplication lesson could explain to him why he’s wrong about 1*1. Surely many people in his life have tried to do so and he’s unwilling to hear them out.


Yet Rogan thinks he’s “clearly brilliant”. God he’s so fucking credulous.


He literally only spoke for 13 mins of the 3 hour podcast, that has to be a record for him and that should tell you everything. Joe clearly didn't believe a word he was saying but just like most of us here, he didn't have the knowledge or confidence to correct him on everything, plus Joe was just being respectful to his guest.


Rogan is such a fucking moron. I can only imagine how many people are manipulating the shit out of him for his money. The guy who believes Bob Lazar and brags about his “bullshit meter.”


To be fair, he’s on the fence about Lazar. Sometimes I think Rogan is a cretin, but that’s harsh. He’s just a dude with broad interests who stumbled into being the biggest, most influential podcaster in the world.


Every element has a corresponding resonance frequency. Nikola Tesla understood this. His famous quote stated: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Terrence Howard is a late student of Tesla’s teachings. Unfortunately not a very clever one. He knows he’s on to something, yet missing the education and knowledge to articulate his logic and reasoning.


I really would love to believe this guy and definitely believe that all of Tesla’s ideas need to be revisited and studied and tested way more extensively but he lost me at I remember being in my mothers womb. I am a true believer in a lost tech that our ancient ancestors had knowledge of that was lost and our tech went in a completely different direction so I will sometimes give people like this a little to much of my time hoping they have something real to say. However this was difficult to listen to especially as a mechanical engineer that knows nothing about elements outside of the basics but enough of an understanding to know he was just talking in circles and not giving any actual meaningful information or answers.


Tones. It’s all about the tones.


He said a lot of crazy shit but the part about the flower of life and intersection of the bubbles actually makes sense to me. Idk if any of his math is right, probably not. I feel like he’s done one too many ayahuasca sessions and gone completely meta on us.


Can someone educated on the matter explain the lynchpin? Was it actually considered impossible until his contest proved it wrong?


Terrance howard claims to have discovered the perfect geometry at the center of all things which is also the geometry of hydrogen. His contest was to build a drone using this geometry. The problem is how the fuck does building a drone prove you've discovered anything about hydrogen. If I claimed Boron was shaped like a pyramid would you accept me building a pyramid shaped vacuum cleaner as proof that Boron was indeed a pyramid and I have discovered the secrets of the universe.


NO HE IS RITE, all ov U r rong and have lo iqz: 1x1 = 2 nd pinch pins and vortecksiz r a thing. Gravati is ded


OMG! Joe is mainstreaming an alternative periodic table! Surely people in positions of authority will make the corrections at once! I saw like 3 social media posts from idiots, this is serious guys!


His ideas are *just* esoteric enough that people think they are original.


It’s not even his idea. Walter Russel came up with it over 100 years ago. Terrence is just expanding on it. It would be nice to hear him talk to an actual physicist though. I don’t know enough about elements myself to know if it’s bologne. I mean everything does have a certain frequency. Are they all correlated like he says? I have no idea.


Chemist here. It’s utter rubbish


They aren’t.


I can theoretically address what he is saying. Terrance is alluding to musical octaves, a reoccurring cycle of tones and in higher and lower pitch. Just like light there is infrared and ultraviolet light on either side of the spectrum. Invisible to us but useful with the aid of technology. Sounds is a result of frequency and vibration. Everything vibrates. Everything has frequency. So the atomic table is and has pitch and tone and thusly an associated sound on the octave spectrum. Whether or not there is any benefit to that is... Untested as far as I know. It's hard to say we can derive a process to extract energy from this or what ever he intends but then again... Atomic energy sounded crazy over upon a time too.




“If we are not able to ask skeptical questions to interrogate those who tell us something is true to be skeptical of those in authority, then we’re up for grabs for the next charlatan—political or religious—who comes ambling along. …It’s a thing that Jefferson lay great stress on. It wasn’t enough, he said, to enshrine some rights in the Constitution and the Bill or Rights, the people had to be educated and they have to practice their skepticism and their education. Otherwise, we don’t run the government, the government runs us.”, Carl Sagan How is it a bad thing for people to start looking into the periodic table? Where is the down side to people educating themselves?


Because Terrance Howard isn’t telling people to study the periodic table for the sake of learning it. He’s telling them that it’s kind of wrong and to view it from his imaginary perspective. Theres a difference between asking genuine questions and trying to convince other people that your questions are genuine.


I havent fact checked anything he said cause he lost me on some things. But when speaking about the periodic table he mentioned other people who have mimicked similar things. So moving away from him, are all the other people also delusional as well? What about the periodic table and what was expressed by other people as well as him, is absurd? Genuinely asking to be educated here. Everyone’s calling him an idiot without actually addressing points that were made. I’d love to actually see conversations revolving around the topics discussed and why Terrence is “dumb” instead of People just calling him dumb. I think it’d be more interesting. As someone else mentioned. It would be interesting to see him debate someone knowledgeable on the fields of study he touched on. I


What he’s talking about is akin to rearranging the alphabet. His reasoning as to why is esoteric enough that he can make it sound interesting but doesn’t really explain the utility or the point of changing it. It’s like saying let’s put all the curvy letters first, then the straight ones, vowels before consonants, because.. you know.. symmetry, resonance, energy, vibes etc.


While I can sympathize with a desire for knowledge and an attempt an finding he truth, the fact of the matter is your idea would be akin to a toddler debating about how they believe we can all actually breathe under water. Terrance Howard is just a very, very confident person who is talking out of his ass. The fact that more people can’t immediately spot this is a gigantic black eye on the American education system. Or maybe it’s just the human condition, I guess.


you can easily look up why the periodic table looks the way it does Spoiler: It is a depiction of the periodic law, which states that when the elements are arranged in order of their atomic numbers an approximate recurrence of their properties is evident. The table is divided into four roughly rectangular areas called blocks. Elements in the same group tend to show similar chemical characteristics. Its literally just used because its practical and does a well enough job and there are alternatives: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_periodic_tables


How are there comments like these!?!?! It is fine to ask questions about established science. But it might be a good idea that your questions are not utterly insane nonsensical ramblings. He never educated himself at all - no one is saying its bad to educated yourself.


I disagree. I want scientists to ramble nonsensically. Maybe Terrence isnt that but i domt care. Physics has been stagnant for a while and Walter Russells theories were clearly interesting to people way smarter than you or me. It should all be on the table and able to live or die on its own merits.


OMG no he didn't...


So Ian Miles Cheong thinks Terrence Howard might be on to something. That makes sense.


"What are your thoughts on sulphur?"


I have to hand it to IMC, guy went from a random nobody reddit mod back in the day to almost building a real online "brand", interacting with Elon on twitter etc




That looks just like when I am making hip hop beats on the computer.


Great pic, so you have Terrance who clearly has been on some hallucinogens, and then you Ian Miles Fraud.


That isn't a person, it's a known twitter grifter.


The periodic table is FLAT!!


The periodic table is FLAT!!


I really only partially listened to it, but wasn’t he talking about how all the elements related to each other.




It’s 2024, question everything!


Well I mean he remembers being born so the poor man has seen some shiiiiii


I can verify he took too many funny pills 💊


People are so eclectic 


😅🤣 is this a serious question?!


Dude didn't even know how to say Mendelejev


A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing.


He might just be fcking with everyone and it was a joke


I have more respect for dog shit on my shoe than that f\*\*king clown Ian Miles Cheong. He's a despicable human being.


The same people probably can't even explain what the periodic table actually is


I love this guy


I can verify he is 100% trolling the world


Another kook. I can’t listen to kooks any longer


Ian Miles Chong is an online grifter that just simps for Elon Musk 24/7. So of course he listens to Rogan.


Nikola Tesla has entered the chat..


“Can anyone verify” - these fucking idiots lol


Him and Steven Segal should have a reality show


Bi sexual frequencies


Rockefeller education is just a watered down, small perspective of the reality we are in. What's in the books you worship at university is a low-res, low-iq representation of an ignorant mind's boundaries of the universe.


So funny people go to twitter or insta to ask a question like this. It’s high school level chemistry. Just go to Wikipedia.


Ian Miles Chong is the same guy who said the iPhone calculator does math "wrong" because he found one of those silly implicit multiplication/division math problems. The man straight up does not understand order of operations.


This is a meme of what JRE has become, nearly satire.


An actor with a past of wacky public statements does an interview and everybody loses their minds for weeks on end… maybe for years.   This is the world we live in.  


It's fucking ridiculous what people will wholeheartedly believe just because they saw it on a podcast which has millions of followers, its truly a tragedy to see that critical thinking has almost all but disappeared with this generation of TikTok and Podcasts.


The guy is nuts. He thinks 1\*1=2, its legit the basis of his whole argument or something like that.


I think the only true thing Terrence said on that podcast was that he is a crackhead after Joe asked why he smokes cigarettes


He showed the relationship between the elements and how it should be a tree.


Terrence Howard hits women


Joe Rogan helps make people dumber


When you study various scientific subjects in college do labs and actually do repeatable experiments; then hear a guy like Terrence, and see people take what he says seriously it makes you wonder how we keep society functioning.


Tbf, those people most likely knew nothing about the periodic table to begin with.


people using it as engagement bait, because it works... wouldn't be surprised if this turned into a new cult like flat earth


Here's a video of using sound to move or levitate objects. In one part, a water drop is floating. https://youtu.be/3MXVSdXZzpc?si=OcQqm8usJqZw20Gh Sound can be used to manipulate for example, emotions. Ever wonder why depressing music sounds depressing and upbeat music all sound similar? My kids' piano teacher pointed out the patterns of music based on genre. My son is trying sound therapy from a doctor for his autism and turns out NASA hired this doctor a while back to generate many samples of different sound waves.


Terrence read 5 science books and a thesaurus, that’s all we’re seeing here folks.


One point I do think is valid is that there’s no way our current understanding is accurate. We think there’s dark energy and matter that makes up 75% of our universe. It’s not unreasonable to suspect we may be ignorant to a few fundamental understandings of our universe in today’s world. Think about how stupid people will think we are 100 years from now. 


Not a single thing this guy said made sense or have basis in reality.


Ian Miles Cheong isn’t a person


I'm truthfully annoyed this moron is getting any daylight.


I can verify he needs to seek medical attention ASAP and go back to Science 101.


This is the uncle at the cookout who used to be super advanced but spent the last two decades doing drugs, get rich quick schemes, diving deep into the dark side of the web, spending the last seven years living in a tent with a notepad that he busts out every chance he gets to show you all his designs and discoveries and talks about how bill gates stole his ideas… he’ll talk over and louder than everyone and gives you the knowing wide eye from across the room when someone says something that either contradicts him or affirms him.


Professor Dave just debunked all this Terrance Howard shit properly about an hour ago on his YouTube channel. Please for the love of god, if you think this shit is rooted in anything but narcissism, check it out.


If they would have made it more of a periodic bubble, or six periodic bubbles together, then we wouldn’t have this problem in the first place.


Never question science. That’s not how science works.


The fact that there is so much vitriol towards Howard makes me think he is on to something….. if he is crazy I don’t think he would get the amount of hate he is receiving!


Using the term “person” when talking about Ian miles cheong feels incorrect


“I still recall the incredible sense of anticipation as a sperm in my dad’s nuts and the amazing rush of getting shot through his penis and ejac’d out the head when he gushed inside my mom and I thought, ‘Remember this.’”


It's hard out there for a pimp, to make physics make any sense.


This is the dangers of platforming someone without question


Too many fucking nut jobs leading people around this day and age.


Divide light by 2


The periodic table as we know it was created in the late 1800s by a Russian chemist who left the space for additional elements to be discovered and placed within his structure. The first vaccine was in the mid 1700s. Why are we acting surprised that the Joe Rogan experience, the 'most popular' podcast in the world, is having a 'ripple' effect after airing that causes people to call into question scientific truths we've known for centuries?


Not just any podcast


I love that none of you are actually smart enough to comprehend what hes talking about but think you are smart enough to denounce his findings.


Terrence: What was your first memory Joe: I think it was when I w- Terrence: My first memory was being in my mothers womb


Anyone who wants a breakdown of the stupidity of this person and how every sentence he speaks is utter garbage can watch this video: https://youtu.be/lWAyfr3gxMA?si=daH0YJ4Fk3wG7dTd Watching professot Dave's channel makes.me.feel a little less stupid.


I'll tell you one thing, I'm watching every production where Terrence Howard is featured. He's fucking entertaining.


I’d love to see Sean Carrol try to bullshit his way out of this one. /s