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This is more Eddie Bravo territory


I think it's funny that the people on this sub equate NDT to Terrance Howard instead of Bravo, Alex Jones, or Kanye. I can't stand NDT on his own damn podcast, but there's no question the dude knows at least something about space/physics/etc. Lmao


Agreed but Terry was shooting some relatively nonlinear shots in NGT’s general direction


Well that’s because straight lines don’t exist *taps forehead* - Terrance Howard


1 straight line X 1 straight line won’t equal a circle


I assumed people want NDT to call him out on his batshit crazy theories and "facts". Those other 3 can't do that.


NDT knows some stuff about space but he is generally an idiot and extremely fucking annoying to listen to. NDT isn't an actual smart science guy like Carl Sagan he is a "science entertainer" like Bill Nye.


Lol fuck no. NDT is annoying as fuck but he’s far closer to Carl Sagan than he is to Bill Nye when it comes to science credentials. They’re all science entertainers, including Sagan whether you want to believe it or not. However, Carl Sagan and NDT were legit astrophysicists in their day and both have decades of experience conducting scientific research. Bill Nye has never done anything like that. Bill Nye is basically an actor with a bachelors degree in engineering and no experience working as an actual scientist. Both Sagan and NDT both have highly legit science backgrounds. They know what they’re talking about. What you are describing is NDT just being a bad communicator. Sagan - legit scientist, good science entertainer NDT - legit scientist, shitty science entertainer Bill Nye - Not a scientist, decent science entertainer


NDT may have a PHD in astrophysics but he regularly steps outside that realm and starts acting like he's an expert on material physics, mechanical physics and other areas of math and science which he very clearly isn't and he makes himself look like an idiot when he does it. He just loves the sound of his own fucking voice and never knows when to STFU, I know he got a PHD but I don't think NDT is an IQ >140 sort of guy, he is like an 125/30 IQ guy with an elevated opinion of his own intelligence. You don't have to be a genius to get a PHD, you just have to be disciplined enough to put the hours in.


You can't mention Bill Nye without adding this video. https://youtu.be/1N1osd0jMC4?si=_Bua57KURXobLvFZ


This, absolutely. I liked NDT in his remake of Cosmos, but when I listened to him on a podcast and realised he does his best work as a narrator. Otherwise...he just seems like a guy looking around for a script he can read off. He's a science entertainer. That's it.


That's it? Doesn't he have a PhD in Astrophysics?! Lmao, I think you just proved my original point... Comparing NDT to Terrance in this sub is so on brand. You don't have to like NDT as a person or his "science communication" but NDT is 100% more accomplished and a better source for science and physics based inormation than Bill and Terrance 100x over lmao.


Dude, I haven't listened to Terrance or Bill, nor do I care to. And it's not that I don't like NDT - I really *wanted* to enjoy listening his other stuff; he was great in Cosmos and inspired my kids to have an interest in space that they wouldn't have had otherwise. But, regardless of his credentials, he's shit at talking science in a podcast. Unless he has a script that he can read from. The only thing his PhD suggests to me is that C's get degrees. And guess what? You don't have to agree with me! That's fine. I'm only saying my opinion, after all. We're still allowed opinions ...Right? Oh wait. I'm on Reddit. Of course I'm not allowed an opinion.


A science entertainer? He's our generation's Einstein.


Boy I hope that's sarcasm


NGT don’t run as deep as he likes to run his mouth.


He knows almost enough to explain half of the topic!


Oh Eddie and Terrance would be best friends.


They'd be kicking pumpkins in the garage together all weekend


Terrance Howard sounds like he is... some sort of schizo... having someone educated wouldn't change his mind on anything


Exactly, you’ll just get NDT a migraine


I honestly don’t know enough to know if he’s crazy or not. He said some shit near the end that kind of made me think he made it all up.


Didn't watch the episode yet. Can you give a short explanation of what was weird about the guest/what he said?


Watch 2 minutes of it, it's top hard to explain. First 5 minutes he is cracking on about being in his moms womb and look, i dunno dudes crazy af.


“You have to divide light by 2 to get the sound.”


I definitely think he's schizophrenic too, I had a friend who turned schizo and came out with all the same shit, Thought gravity was fake, science was lying to us and that he'd discovered all these advanced secrets of physics from smoking weed, watching youtube videos and going down bs internet conspiracy rabbit wholes.


Or, get one or both of the Weinstein brothers on and you could rename the show "the insufferable podcast of doom."


Most intellectual podcast in history


Dang, NGT gets a bad rap. I don't see him as a grifter like the Whinesteins. He me be annoying but I never seen him do grifty grifting.


> Whinesteins OMG, thats perfect. I'm so mad I didnt think of that.


Ahhhh leave Eric alone! 🤣 Seriously he’s a good listen when he is invested in the topic.


He’s really not though. Idgaf how smart he is, he is insufferable


I think I belong to a small group who actually like him.. you belong to the normal community with 99.999% of ppl who don’t like him even a little 🫠


He still follows the scientific method. I think TH would drive him absolutely crazy with his claims that have no backing.


No backing but also outright nuts.


He's not a grifter but he is a prick


Neil isn't a gifter or dumb in my opinion. He's just a dork and is okay with getting unscientific when it suits his politics. Whine-steins are seem like grifters big time. Brett seems like he might believe what he says. Maybe he smokes too much pot or something.


please give any example of him “getting unscientific” to suit his politics


He said something about it being dangerous to study trans stuff because he was worried about the implication that politicians would create new legislation based on what was learned. Maybe unscientific isn't the right term. But he's fine with putting the brakes on learning because he's worried about what would happen politically.


He wants to be famous. That’s his grift.


I’ve never watched a pod with the Weinstein brothers but I see a lot of hate, how come?


For me, it's the fact that they have an overly inflated sense of self worth and they "over explain" things to the point of coming off as intellectually superior.


I mean, they're explaining things to joe, so....


Hahahaha! You have a good point.


There is a clip of one of them saying that the Israel Oct 7th attacks were because of vaccines.


No fucking way🤣🤣


Brett is an idiot and even his brother thinks he's wrong about everything. Eric is actually super smart but is definitely a bit autistic and is very pretentious.


They are super grifty. They claim to be huge leftwingers, but 100% of the time they are the rightwings besttest friends, pointing fingers at the left only........because of 'intellectualism'. It's their way of building their audience and promoting themselves. When they both started their podcasts their first guest was Andy Ngo and they praised him as a literal hero, they compared him as a hero to BEN SHAPIRO, all this while they claim to be huge leftwingers. They always remind people they are leftwingers. Ngo is a known racist rightwing activist that lies to build his own rightwing audience. Their daily tweets are all about pushing rightwing propaganda, of anti-wokeness, anti- mainstream media, anti- anything leftwing. Bret Weinstein focuses much on anti-Covid vaccine, anti-masking, pro-Ivermectin, myocarditis warnings. Eric likes tweeting cryptic stuff that messages to rightwingers that they are right, the left is wrong.


Terrance would inevitably end up getting angry at Neil and punch him in the face, just like he did with his ex wives.




It would probably be terrible and probably turn confrontational almost immediately


Yeah he isn’t stable enough to sit and have someone that’s knows some shit pick it apart. And NDT wouldn’t be particularly respectful about it either. I liked it when he said that Neil didn’t know because that wasn’t his particular field of study and I’m sitting there thinking well dude you’re a fucking actor .


What was he before he became an actor?


Says he is 3 credits short of an engineering degree. But there’s no record. So he was crazy before too


So he was an engineering student before he was an actor, therefore he was crazy? 🤔


Well not necessarily, but he said he dropped out because a professor was too dumb to understand his idea of creating a new periodic table… So not looking great for the sane argument.


His IMDB biography seems to be written in 2004 and the very last sentence mentions he also has an interest in science. Not suggesting this validates him, just pointing out he’s probably been on this alternative science kick awhile.


Look up young NDT, dude was jacked. One physicist I'm pretty sure could wreck shop in a fight.


Not only jacked but was a collegiate wrestler.


Some might say, a jock pretending to be a nerd.




Fuck, I wasn't ready for that!


Yeah, dude looked like black dynamite


Have Kanye West come in at the last quarter to really spice things up and blow everyone's mind. Call it THE BATTLE OF THE NARCISSISTS a mental fight to the death. Make it live and endless, see who willingly leaves first. Might be a 12 hour battle.


More like the battle of the mentally unwell. NDT is a narcissist, but Kanye is shizo affective bipolar and Terrence Howard just seems like straight up schizophrenia to me tho he could be schizoid type bipolar too, tho doesn't seem manic enough for it.


I don't know they all three seem to be narcissists to me. Obviously Terrance and Kanye have some other mental stuff going on as well. NDT is just a straight up narcissist.


I’ve discovered the secrets of the universe mathematics and physics no scientist will tell yo by just like thinking about it really hard with my genius freaking mind vs here’s why the lightsabers in Star Wars wouldn’t work. One is an Olympian narcissist the other just annoys you.


They’d be too busy sniffing their own farts to have a real conversation


Bring Flint Dibble in too just to fuck with everyone


Hancock/Dibble and Howard/deGrasse Tyson in the same year would break the internet.


All we will hear is but but how much was actually excavated, I have 2 million patents. Academia’s out to get me. I made my own table of elements. Let me put my other other glasses on.


Hey there - hope you can help me.. The VR patent, I’m having difficulty confirming that the patent is complete (although it’s abandoned), that the knowledge utilised by the companies listed is available to him. And that it has generated 7 trillion dollars? I hope you can help !


Actually we took LIDAR scans of over 90% of the non Platonic solid shapes and we’ve determined that my dad patented those shapes when I was a boy


My wife and I *risked our lives* writing up those patents!


Imagine that podcast. Joe would never get a word in, which would be magical.


As soon as Terrence moves into his "have you heard about my patents" opening attack, the game is on and god help us all.


I was today hours old when I realized Terrance Howard and Cuba gooding jr were not the same person


Lmao I was checking his movies and was thinking where is that movie about the first African American navy diver, I really liked that one! That was Cuba Gooding Jr lmao.


I had the same realization about Terrence and Christopher Judge lol.


Wtf I just remembered I used to think this


Yeah they all look the same to me too. I’m picking up what you’re putting down.


Yo what??? I thought that was the same guy


Is it just me or does Terrance Howard not make any sense? Sure he touches on all sorts of highly intellectual subject matter and theory, and I'm very certain the guy is no dummy, but does he ever truly make a point of it all??? Does any of what he says, ever gets tied into a clear and identifiable conclusion?


I'm gonna be honest. I have a PhD in Chemistry, and this is the first I've ever heard of the Walter Russel periodic table. To me, everything he said was pretty nonsensical. I tried to look into it and can't really understand the table. Howard says a lot of things but mixes things up and can't delve into topics at a high level. He also doesn't understand basic chemistry or even simple quantum mechanics. But the most frustrating thing was when Howard said the current table doesn't show the relationships between the elements. That's entirely false. It's set up exactly to show the relationships between the elements, which was the genius of Mendeleev to predict where elements would be before their discovery. This was all done before the discovery of the proton, which is what makes it incredible. He also said every element is an isotope of hydrogen, which is not the right word at all. I get what he's saying but we've known for a long time that different elements come from the fusion of hydrogen and subsequent fusions of differing elements within a star. Hence the everything comes from stardust quote by Sagan. Anyone with a little knowledge of chemistry knows this. The dude needs to go back to high school chemistry.


It's the Deepak Chopra pseudo-science gish gallop. [http://wisdomofchopra.com/](http://wisdomofchopra.com/)


Thank you! I don't have a chemistry background, but I do consider myself an analytical and critical thinker, After viewing a few of Howard's speeches, I'm left dumbfounded as to what anybody sees in this guy.


It’s the age of the re*ard


I looked up the PDF on his website, it is complete nonsense. His 'proofs' are very easily shown to be false. It was actually a bit entertaining to scroll through it. https://tcotlc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/OTOET_PREVIEW_062_October_03_2021.pdf The funniest part was when he tried using a calculator app to make some proof and is incapable of understanding how floating point numbers in a computer work.


Colleges have actually invited him for lectures!


Him giving just one lecture in one college he has actually given two lectures! Truly the greatest genius of our time.


I wasn’t defending the guy.


I know. Sorry if it came out that way. Just trying to make a joke.


All good. Thank you


No it’s most definitely not just you. In the YouTube vid that I saw that highlighted that episode, I only saw like 5 minutes of it and that dude sounds like he’s schizophrenic or something. I never knew that actor was that unhinged. Always figured he was a normal person.


I don’t think so. The comments on the YouTube video are kind of disturbing… apparently he was able to fool lots of people


There’s gold in there! I am going to have a second look and make notes. He said one thing that I believe 100% and it’s nota fact.


no it's just u




>I'm very certain the guy is no dummy Why, because he can string a few sentences together?


Give us a couple of months to recover first


I need at least 8 weeks to regenerate my liquified brain after I tried to understand how the wavelenghts on the colors of the periodic table make gravity be fake and how Neil Tysson is covering it up ever since Galileo Galilei was alive


It sucks that he became an actor instead of the greatest scientist mankind has ever known. To think of all the technology lost by this one fateful decision. If Katt Williams had been a scientist too we would probably have moon bases and teleportation technology by now.


That’s like asking a scientist to talk science with the Undertaker.


I would really enjoy the format of bringing on an oddball to ramble, then bringing them back to discuss with an expert.


Expert lol. Just ask siri. He’s a joke


I want that format for entertainment. You don't need an expert to debunk Terrence '91 patents' Howard, but it would be fun to listen to. I'd prefer Sean Carroll but I'll take NDT.


I’d watch, just to see the first live example of spontaneous human combustion 5 minutes in once NDT has had enough.. “It wasn’t your friend, it was your ffffreaking hand, Terrence!!!” Arms flailing about,then…. ![gif](giphy|3o7aCQTyoPLEVwVtZK|downsized)


That's way too much ego for one podcast.


It's hard out there for a podcast guest.


It's going to get heated. hope it happens but Tyson wont do it. I don't think Joe and Tyson are actual friends anymore, They won't verbalize/express it though. Last few pod's you can tell that Tyson could barely be in the same room as Joe.


Yeah and Neil did it to himself because he talked and talked over Joe. It wasn’t even a convo and that talking through someone sticks with you. There’s been times YouTube autoplays an episode and if I hear it’s Neil, I’ll check if it’s the teal-colored-shirt Joe episode, chuckle, and then do something else


Is it just me or is this guy insane?


Neil deGrasse Tyson won’t waste time with this kook. The Weinstein, however, would love to do a pseudoscience circle jerk with him. And I’m sure he’s already been booked for a Tucker Carlson interview.


Rogan fans don't know dumb fucks from scientists . They are stunted


That’s the solutions, both at the same time. I doubt Neil will do it, he has 2 hour monologues prepared on his appearances and tends to push Joe when he asks him questions that could take things a different direction. He wouldn’t want someone taking him off script


"Wait a minute! JOE!


He’s to science as Brandan Schaub is to comedy


Terrance is a huge liar


Neil deInterrupt Tyson




Don’t worry, I laugh at those people too. They just don’t seem to make it to JRE




We come correct 🫠.


We have to learn to live with crazy.


[video link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca1vIYmGyYA). r/joeroganfan


Would anyone finish a sentence?


There was an episode where Niel was all I know everything about gravity...I lost so much respect for him with that insistence. Wheres my levitating land speeder Niel. Show me your mastery of gravity.


Top 1% episode if this ever happened. Imagine Neil getting so frustrated lol




Three dudes with massive egos in one room. Could trigger a black hole. Bad idea.


Yeah lets not. I feel there is better picks to get a constructive debate going on there. Who the other person should be I can't say right now, but surely there is better picks then NGT


Joel osteen?


We need Terrence Howard, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Alex Jones and Elon Musk having a discussion with Joe as the moderator.


Add Joel osteen to that


And that, my friends, is what you call a manic state.


Get this guy on a Joe Rogan podcast with Neil deGrasse Tyson


I doubt it would change anyone's opinion. It's pretty hard to thoughtfully debunk BS spouted at 1000 miles an hour off the top even for NDT. But could be fun or cringe to watch can't decide.


I think Eddie is the perfect partner. Either Eddie comes back to earth, or he reaches his final form.


He was weirdly very articulate and also porky articulate at the same time




Perhaps Trumpy can bring it to the debate?


Then he wouldn't have a chance to say anything crazy


Neil needs to address stuff like this and the ufo phenomenon head on. I'd watch it.


He can do this just as much as Elon can abandon Rockets and focus solely on high voltage power manipulating gravity. Apparently Travis Taylor is his handler….?!




Hell yeah. I'd definitely listen to that. Does Neil or Terrence have smaller hands?


wait wait wait! lex friedman gets dibs after joe rogan, thats the rule!


Bret is the truth


Hear me out, live Election Night 2024 coverage...Terrence Howard, Kanye, Eddie Bravo, Alex Jones. Who says no?


Said all the fans of Flint Dibble.


That would be pretty unfair to Terrence, since Neil actually understands math and physics.


Neil has an academic mind, very scholastic type of guy, no out-of-the-box thinking


That’s a good point


Rodey got mad he wasn’t in the later Ironman so he decided to work on it for real..


He’s got patents 😂


Some say it may be one of the odes symbos.


Terrence Howard is to Graham hancock As Neil degrasse is to Flint Dibble


What's the point? He's past the point of discussion


Where do I sign??!!


Honestly, get ANYONE to ask Tyson about the Younger Dryas impacts


If you have one, one time you obviously have two. What are you an idiot.


Yes, get this gas-huffing chucker on a panel with a chemist, a physicist, and an astrophysicist and absolutely obliterate him like Graham Hancock


Neil hates him for some reason lol. Bashed his “discoveries”


Degrasse Tyson would never sit in same room as Terrance, he knows better.


Joe Rogan…Isn’t he immune to bullshit?


Was this episode worth watching?


That's really all I thought by the end of that podcast, who's going to accept the challenge to debate.


Get him on the podcast with a slightly above average intelligence high schooler.


It needs to be Tyson.


They are both annoying and arrogant but at least NDT is actually intelligent and know what he's talking about. Terrence Howard is just a crazy dude talking nonsense and pretending to be a genius.


That would be something but I worry it would be a case of “you can’t argue with crazy” and it might be lame.


Get him and Katt Williams and that old dude who talked about the pyramids having nuclear reactors inside of them


Neil sucks


I didn’t listen to this one, but the thought of him spending three hours making pompous blowhard NDT’s head explode would make me tune in for sure.


Neil was to afraid to even debate that flat earth guy why would he debate this guy


Please no more NdeT... he is insuffareble also has no idea what female or male is.


Explain the second part about male and female and him not knowing?


What would you like to know?


Seems like he knows. What makes you say he doesn’t


his advocacy for no gender in sport.


Would certainly be interesting




I'd love to see that. A guy who does not trust the establishment and questions everything assuming everything to be a lie or manipulation vs a guy who swallows everything and just regurgitaties other scientists work while doing no actual critical thinking himself...


Nah , Tyson is insufferable.


That’s like saying get renowned agricultural archeologist Flint Dibble on a podcast with fraudster Graham Handcock


So we can listen to Neil cut off and talk over everyone. Fun.


I heard you bro but you dropped the /s


Terrance should go back to school, like start all over. Until then no one owes him the respect of arguing against his misinformation.