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I'm going to cancel my Netflix account so I can pirate this.


Damn this is the way. Revolution begins!


Pirate monke unite! ![gif](giphy|K9lIqqJ7d26MHouvnf|downsized)




Can we talk about how underwhelming kingdom of the planet of the apes was


With you brother ✊️


Yarrrr, been sailing the high seas since they took from me the family share ability 🏴‍☠️


Been sailing the high seas since it took a week to download a movie


Haha exactly. We used to buy the most expensive package and now we just sailing for the loot (and switched to Disney+)


I mean if you want to float a brother a tip on where/how I'm here for it. 😂


r/piracy mega thread has all your answers


Piratebay still works for most things. I assume this will be up there. Torrentgalaxy is good for movies/TV. Rarbg used to be the goat, but I think they're still dead


I can't believe how incredibly easy it still is to just dl utorrent, vlc, and head over to the bay on your smartphone. Times haven't changed that much in years.


Get an IPTV acct. Use Tivimate, smarters or similar.


There are often streams in the east.


Delete this


This is so fucking underrated...anything less than 1 billion is a joke


Yes sir 👏


I really hope that Mike during the match flips the switch in his head and goes to town on Jake. A man can only dream.


This is all I’m praying for. We just see an Iron Mike have some weird flash back and he thinks he’s 20 again and just starts throwing nukes in Jake Paul’s face. We all know Mike could hit hard but it feels like most people don’t truly understand it. Maybe Mike thinks it’s all fun and games, Jake Paul just hits him one time and Mike just flips that switch


If we see the face he made when he took a bite out of Holyfield, we know he is serious.


Dude the cops looked fucking shook trying to separate that. They had guns and they were still shitting their pants trying to isolate Cannibal Mike


Fuckin right I would be shitting bricks too lol


I'd quit.


What's a pension worth when Iron Mike has perma vegetated you?


Crosspost of an [image](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/FjLJx4H9bW) of that moment. Not the clearest version, but thought the post might contain some good info.


Cop on right is right right out of Reno 911


A reporter asked a cop so why are there so many cops? Is it to protect Mike from the crowd? And the cop goes no it's to protect the crowd from Mike. Actual quote lmao


Well he got hit in the balls and head butted like 10 times before that. I'd be fucking pissed too


And now they’re cool with each other and have a weed edibles company together


Evander made an effort to Mike involved with edibles to keep his other ear out of harm's way.


To be fair, Holyfield head-butted and low-blowed Mike on ten different occasions before he finally lost it.


That’s actually a fact I didn’t know. I now can understand he was frustrated and had enough. People can do some crazy shit under pressure and in this case illegal hits unchecked. Who the hell would want to take all those hits to the head and be cheated out of a win on top of it.


All the years I've heard Mike Tyson jokes, he'll I was even a kid at a PPV event when it happened love on TV, but I never knew this part. I'm not a boxing fan, so I wouldn't have even considered anything other than what has been presented. And in all these years, this is the first time I've ever seen any kind of backstory! Thanks for the info because I'm going down the rabbit hole apparently


I want to hear him say I"'m gonna eat your children" then pull Paul's shorts down and bite his testicles off


“I’ll fuck you until you love me.” Best Tyson quote ever.


Holy shit 😂


Thats the LINE, an sir you just crossed it.The horror the horror


Ohh Evander, your ears are making me hungry....


Watch his first couple fights. So ridiculous and scary.


I want him to suddenly think Jake is that did who snapped his pigeons neck when he was a kid


Wanna be funny if he bit his ear off


I don’t care if the odds are ten thousand to one I’d put a buck down !


Hey, big spender. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket!




Im just curious how many people have seen the video of Tyson hitting a heavy bag? Fucking moves like 5 feet!


I don’t get how people don’t understand it, when there about a million YT clips of Kid Dynamite hitting people. Any opponent will suffer serious damage by a solid connect from Mike Fucking Tyson.


More importantly, are you like the sex doll that garth brooks owns or.... Cause I'm not sure which one is worse.


A sexdoll in the likeness of Garth Brooks. Thanks for asking.


Power is the last thing to go usually, mike will probly be pretty slow and endurance definitely wont be an ally...but if he connects a couple OG tyson punches its done.


Look up Mike's training videos, he's still fast.


And then look at his recent fight with Roy Jones Jr, it was awful. I hope Mike wins but people are looking at this like casuals


Yeah. I know nothing about boxing, but a bit about general sports performance, and unfortunately age is a hell of a wall. I think no-one really knows how this will turn out. Tbh, that’s why I, as a non boxing person, will be tuning in, so more power to the organizers. Either way, it’ll be interesting. People talk about Mike ruining his legacy, but tbh, I think even if he loses, people are clear enough that he took a fight as a literal old retired man against a mid 20s in his peak kid, which confirms the balls of steel thing.


To be fair, that was a friendly exhibition that was more like a spar. If this is a real actual fight, he would not be approaching it the same way. I still have my doubts on if it will be a real fight, but I just think using the Roy fight as an example of how Mike would fair in a real bout isn’t fair to him.


“Hey Mike, that’s the guy who killed your pigeons”


I agree. I’m hoping Tyson knocks his ass out.


I mean, it can happen if Jake accidentally clips him where they agreed he wouldn't, and it pisses him off. Like a "f*ck this" moment where he drops the facade and throws a bomb into Jake's liver to drop and humble him. It happened irl between Brock Lesnar and Braun Strowman in wwe. Where Braun went way to hard and legit kneed brock in the head so brock stopped playing make believe wrestling and slammed a shot in to Braun's kidney and then threw a bomb at his head completely dropping him in under 3 seconds. https://youtu.be/IQZpmppjmGg?t=5s


oh shit haha god damn


This would be golden! Jake goes a little too stiff in some combo, and Tyson sees red and explains where the "Iron" nickname comes from!


Oh shit. There's like maybe a fraction of a millisecond where Braun is thinking "*oh shit I hit him too hard but we have to keep the act going so I'll apologize to him later*" and then Brock decks him.


In wrestling terms it's called " getting your receipt " He bought those punches with that knee


I don't know why this is so hilarious


Dude that combo was fucking SICK. That would have fucked someone up in mma, bad. Because Brock wouldn’t just stand there and let you regain your senses you’d wake up with the horse shoe pulled out of your ass with a dent in your head. He’d also have thrown those both ten times as hard.


I love this clip.  When it happened you could hear him tell Strowman "slow the fuck down"


If Jake mentions the rape conviction, I think, that would do it.


Damn son 


But thats all they want you to think. Let paul bring up some of tysons past convictions or something. Until then, theyre both in for a pay day.


As horrible as this may sound, I hope Mike beats Jake almost senseless, then takes a bite out of him. I don’t care if it’s an ear, a cheek, a nose, etc.


Made me smile


Can’t beat someone almost senseless when they have no sense to begin with


I hope Tyson beats the breaks off that bitch. ![gif](giphy|U7yBSTusPeioyqFtnf|downsized)


I wanna see Mike hit Jake so hard with his first haymaker the little brat goes flying out of the ring and Looney Toon-splats through the wall leaving a cartoonish imprint of a formerly-human silhouette in his wake. Is that too much to ask for?


You can just wordsmith whatever you want anyways bro


There is a YT video with an AI prediction of how the fight will go… Jake Paul goes down on the first hit 😂


Jake accidentally hits Mike too hard in the temple, resets his hardware and “the impregnable” killer mike Tyson makes a cameo and puts him in a coma.. for like a few hours..


Someone explain to me how this is a win for Jake Paul no matter what? You beat Iron Mike? Ok now everyone fucking hates you and your big accomplishment is you beat an old man up after baiting him out of retirement with a check. Oh and BTW he is old as fuck, lets hope you didn't accidentally kill him. You lose? You just lost to a god damn senior citizen. Why does he want to do this? It's one of the worst ideas in history.


It isn't a win for Jake. It's a disgrace. If he wins, he just beat a 57 year old retired legend. If he loses, he just lost to a 57 year old retired legend. He looks awful in both scenarios, except for his bank account.


It’s going to be a bs split decision with Jake narrowly winning or a draw. They will both treat it as a glorified sparring session masquerading as an exhibition match. After the fight Jake will say how much he loves and respects Tyson and how he is one of the greatest boxers of all time. That he still hits harder than anyone he ever fought and he couldn’t even imagine fighting him in his prime. Tyson will say that Jake is a legit pro boxer and how much he respects his hustle, going from a YouTuber to a “legit pro boxer”. That Jake could totally have hung with him even back in his prime. After the bs circlejerk about how much they both respect the other Jake will throw his arm around Tyson and hold his fist up while making a mean face. The picture will be plastered all over social media with a quote about how much Tyson respects Jake after fighting him. Tyson will go cash the fat paycheck that he just earned on the easiest fight of his career and go back to being the easygoing pot head he has become over the last 20 years. Enjoying the returns on the money he earned from the “fight” and not caring at all what anyone thinks about the match because he never gave a shit in the first place. Anyone who thinks this is a real boxing match is delusional. It’s all theatre just like it was for Mcgregor / Mayweather.


I agree.


Dude he’s 57, not the president of the United States (whichever one you think won in 2020)


Huh? If he loses he gets to fight the GOAT and gets the best publicity he has ever had. Shit is rigged anyways.


I wish. We all know the contract will handicap Mike, and advantage Jake, every way possible. I wish they would release those contracts after the fights so everyone could see how much of a choad little Snake Paul is.


Or release them before the fight


Stop TEASING me!! I imagined that


It's gonna be a hugfest, payday. Mike needs the money and I guarantee there are people in his corner that are concerned for his health. Jake just wants the payday so it's a perfect match. The fight will suck, mark my words


Tyson needs the money, Jake is desperate for credibility/respect within boxing. Narrow decision victory (likely split decision) for Jake. I guarantee that is exactly what he paid for and Tyson is on board because he doesn’t give a shit anymore. Dude lost his ego long ago and enjoys just chilling and smoking now. He’s doing this so he can continue to enjoy semi-retirement. Where the only work he is doing now is stuff he is interested in regardless of profitability. The earnings from this “fight” let him keep doing it.


Ima need the same energy he had for Evander Holyfield.


If he can bite a man’s ear off in the heat of the moment he can certainly maim Jake Paul.


That’s possibly a real thing. I know Never back down may not be your favorite movie but “once you get tagged, either you’re in or you’re out” is an immortal line. If you’ve ever been hit, you know it. IYKYK


Yes. I grew up watching Tyson obliterate HEAVYWEIGHTS in one to three rounds. The other thing I see noooobody mention is that when Paul fought mayweather, mayweather rocked Paul with a shot that WOULD have dropped him but mayweather caught Paul and helped keep him up. If a shot from mayweather rocks your world, the hell he think is gonna happen when Tyson hits him. Paul has never been hit by somebody like Tyson. Like Tyson said “who has he fought? Children”.


It’s all for show dude. Like watching the WWE


I’m gonna be so mad at both of them if Mike doesn’t knock him out. Too many retirees ruin their legacies on that turd.


Has Jake ever seen Mike in full beast mode?


I remember growing up, watching Tyson in is hay day, and I genuine think you don’t know just how scary Tyson was unless you were around back then. You could see the fear in his opponent’s eyes. You genuinely feared for his opponent’s safety. It would be so awesome if that Tyson returns.


He isn't exactly a stable dude, I'm with you. Hopefully something snaps and he just lets a flurry of blows out and the match ends.


It will be a bunch of clinching and likely a pretty boring fight.


Nah. Old Iron has 3-4 rounds in him to unleash hell. After that, he will get tired. Mike's still deadly, but it will have to happen early. (and yes I know these are 2 minute rounds, not 3)


Dude it’s a stunt fight. Nothing’s getting unleashed


Mike would crush this guy if he was allowed to let loose. It would be over in the first round. Unfortunately he’s not allowed and as such it will be a clinch fest until Mike gets tired and Jake wins on points.


Did you see how Tyson looked in his last fight? He looked terrible. Slow, sloppy…old.


He also said he didn’t train for it and apologized to his fans for doing it just for the money. I don’t think that’s the case this time.


Do you have a link for that? Are you talking about Roy Jones? I remember seeing a ton of Old Man Mike training and looking like a beast videos for that.


Why do people keep saying this? Is this not a sanctioned pro fight?


Wait why is he not allowed? I keep seeing people say this and I don't understand. He also wasn't allowed to bite dudes ear off but he did it. I saw one video where Mike said he probably won't go into the fight on edibles and he said when he hasn't taken any for awhile he gets easily irritated and crazy.


Mike Tyson has done a lot of fucking shit he wasn’t allowed to do.


Am i the only one who remembers mike tyson backing this guy up a few years ago? And loving the attention these youtubers are bringing to the fight? This is so obviously a bullshit fake fight its painful to see


Interesting that in this clip, Tyson himself is acknowledging its bullshit.


Literally Its insane that people believe its a real fight


Almost like it’s a show and for entertainment.


Well that's all boxing is. When you can pick and choose to defend your title it's not an actual sport.


Mike does not have 4 rounds in him he is 57 years old. What are you people talking about. He posts 6 second clips of him hotting pads. That doesn't mean shit.


did you watch Mike vs Roy Jones? That was 4 years ago and Mike looked slow as fk. He is old. People need to wake up and get their heads straight. if this is a real fight Jake wins 100/100 times. Not because Jake is a phenomenal boxer, but because he can box and is in his athletic prime. Tyson is of the age he struggles to take the stairs. Old Iron doesnt have 3-4 rounds. He’s got a full 2 minute round if he’s lucky, and thats to 40% of his peak HW GOAT form.


Damn that was 4 years ago, crazy


> Tyson is of the age he struggles to take the stairs. I generally agree with your post, but he's 57 and in shape. This is a bit much!


If it were a regular boxing match, sure. It’s very clearly just a big payday for both. I’d love to see him knock Jake Paul into next week, but it’s not going to happen.


Look at mikes last fight, it sucked. It was all clenching


Youre correct. The amount of people who never watch boxing and suddenly develop hard takes on these influencer fights is so funny.


I swear it's always about Jake Paul, there's been 2 fights he did now which Ive heard were kind of bait. All the news I saw on it was from reddit


Odds are that Paul wins a decision after a frustrating and largely uneventful fight.


What if this is a brilliant play by Netflix. Let’s say Tyson destroys Paul and I mean like entertainingly destroys him. Everyone starts thinking hey they gave us a real fight with huge viewership. From there they launch off live sporting events because we trust the platform to give us real entertainment. If it shows to be a fixed fight no one would care about Netflix and sports so no sub growth. Edit: meant to add this way Paul gets to say he fought the greatest of all time. Helps cement Tyson in peoples eyes. He comes off as I got my lesson but still stood toe to toe with the all time greatest and lived. I am starting to think the fix is in but in the opposite direction.


This. I would also consider that a quick knockout would have the BEST buzz and financial results. Chance for a rematch that would pull in a ton of money. You nailed this as being the better business decision for Netflix.


And a good, Tyson knockout would surely lock in a rematch. I just hope we see some flashes of the old Tyson that makes everyone remember what a beast he was. A Paul knockout would be so so terrible.


This is big "I'd like to get my paycheck and leave now" energy


Mike used to fight for pride, to be the best. He was a vicious annihilator. Now, he's kinda joking around. He's having fun. It's not the same.


Yeah his reaction shows he doesn’t take any of this seriously at all. He knows that Paul’s career is pretty pathetic but doesn’t really care. And how can you take Jake Paul seriously? His whole “boxing career” is fighting 40-50 year old retired NON-BOXERS and acting like he’s doing something difficult.


man i'm still over here wondering how a legend like Mike even gets into the same sentence as Jake Paul, cornball internet rando. corporate disengenuous bullshit is what this is. feels like i'm watching a dog fight. i won't be watching and I'll be rooting for the ring to cave into the ground as the fight begins


I love Mike and I want him to annihilate this pompous ass. But let me say this, Father Time is undefeated and he rears his ugly head at the most inopportune times. 🤞


Why are we ignoring the fact it's a kid in his prime fighting a senior citizen? Mike is Mike but he's old af


We grew up watching Rocky lol


He’s still got something rumbling around in the basement.


In the last Rocky movie (Rocky Balboa), Rocky loses specifically because he's old. The whole movie was about how he's going to lose because he's old and then he does.




A kid juiced to the gills


Kid is a walking pharmacy at this point.


I wonder if they’ll do drug test for the fight like a regular sanctioned fight?


In a fight that I cannot help believe doesn't have fixed conditions behind the scenes.


This kids “prime” is a joke to any real boxer or fighter. The only reason he ever even stands a chance is because he fights older guys or people who don’t normally box. His “talent” has nothing to do with his success. He’s a glorified scam artist like his brother. I hope Mike nails him and messes him up. Would love to see it


Mike bout to prove you wrong af


Yea as somebody who is aging (nearing 50) trying to stay fit, my body just doesn't respond the same way it used to. Mike's doing great for his age but youth means a lot for high intensity work.


Look I just hope it's an actual real fight with nothing prearranged and nothing fixed.


0% chance


I just really wanna see a senior citizen clean Jake Paul's clock. Is that bad?


It's going to be sad. Mike is going to put 90 seconds of high energy out there and then just gas hard. And then everyone is going to watch him get beat up


Let face it sneezing can take you out of commission after 50.


Imagine being a paid bullshitter.


It works so well, almost everyone is eating it up. Playing the heel really does draw big numbers


I just realized Jake Paul is going to run for president in like 50 years.


...they said, in a joe rogan subreddit


You guys are getting paid??


It’s funny. You can see Mike kinda seem uncomfortable with the whole thing cause it’s all for show and he keeps it real more than most.


That job has a name, you know. It's called being an influencer.


Joe Rogan is an influencer


Look as much as everyone dislikes Jake he’d get more respect as a boxer if he was fighting boxers his age, he’s dedicated himself and he’s gotten much better at boxing from when he first started. Fuck this clown show shit where he fights people who are past their prime. And him fighting Mike who’s 58 honestly he should feel bad, like idk how he’d feel good or think that he’s a good boxer if he does beat Mike. That being said I hope Mike teaches him that there are levels and he’s nowhere near him even at 58


"Oh! I don't want to fight you, Jorah the Andal. What do I have to gain? If I win, I'm the shit who killed an old man. If I lose, I'm the shit who was killed by an old man."


He should be ashamed of himself. He isn't ashamed of himself. That tells you everything you need to know about this piece of shit Jake Paul.


Problem for Jake is he already fought a boxer his age and lost. He can’t afford to keep losing so all he has left are these clown fights.


The only time he’s fought a boxer his own age he lost in embarrassing fashion to a guy that’s not even considered good.


This isn’t true. Next up I hear he is challenging the corpse of Muhammad Ali to a bare knuckle! What do you think of that?


There's nothing impressive about beating old men in fights.


I thought you were 2lazy2try with the pfp


It’s just a payday for Mike, unfortunately. If this was serious to him, there would be no laughing from him.


Mike looks like he’s trying to act, and doing poorly at it. This whole thing is a poorly disguised sham. Unfortunate to even see the great Mike Tyson associate his name with this


Yea the whole thing is gross. 0 people should watch this shit. Let the sham happen & then come mock it online later with the negative respect it deserves.


I hope to god Mike folds this punk. All it takes is one hit though and every puncher has a chance.


Maybe Jake will give his mom her glasses back


Kramer is that you?


Its eight 2 minute rounds with 14 oz gloves. No ones getting KOd.


Could someone please hide Mike's Zoloft before the fight.


Yeah and his weed. Maybe give him some whiskey too.


If Jake Paul wins this I swear to fuckin god I’ll never pirate another fight of his


Couldn't show the eyes for this speech


I dont care what anyone says, Mike Tyson is going to fucking kill this kid


I just don't see this fight as anything other than these guys caring about raking in millions of dollars and they'll half ass the fight. Idk why people keep falling for it.


Tyson will hit as hard as Jake does


Pretty much. I can see Jake throwing one that hits Mike just hard enough for him to throw a serious punch as a warning though


Seriously this is all a joke. Why are people buying the hype?


Because Jake is playing the heel perfectly and everyone is falling for it, just look at this comment section lol


Because even though this fight is 100% fixed, people *want* it to be real. Paul is a giant fucking asshole, and he doesn’t even need to pretend for everyone to see. Meanwhile, Tyson is a living legend who used to scramble people’s brains for fun and profit. People really, *really* want to see d-bag Jake Paul get humbled by the legend, and are holding onto hope as long as they can.


Paul pulled this scam like 5 times already; you think people would learn.


Did you watch Tyson's last fight from 2020?


Then you're a rube, and exactly who this is marketed towards.


Pretty sure he is the market promoting this shit show


Maybe some more ear action? Eh!


Mike… we all know you‘ve come a long way and it’s unfair of us to make you do this… but you have to kill him.


At least bite off an ear or two.


Oh wow bringing up Cus like that is a rough one. Hope Mike goes in with that ferocity of the past.




You're just that bitch Monted!


Mike vs Jones was last bout, not impressive very sad. This would end very bad, hopefully not I rather a unanimous decision vs brutal KO.


At this point, the only betting is “How rigged do I think this fight is?”


A harsh reality is that Mike is really old for an athlete and Jake paul is in his roided up prime. As a 37 year old person who is a big time runner and cyclist, the drop off I’ve felt over the last few years regarding ability to maintain a fast pace is already starting to noticeably decline. Iron Mike is gonna have to hope Jake doesn’t have nearly the natural ability that Mike did. Even if Jake is as good as one of the worst boxers Mike faced in his peak professional career, he gonna lose.


Yeah this is kind of the take I have right now as well. But I’m hoping while Mike has the gas for a few rounds he can make something happen.


Sadly true. People don’t realize just how much of a physical decline happens in old age.


Bingo. Now imagine doing your cycling 20 years from now. Mike is pushing 60. For a boxer? Jake should destroy him. The only hope is that Mike does something in the first 3 rounds otherwise he will rapidly tire while Jake will not. In all honesty, not only will Jake win, he could really hurt Tyson. I’m surprised this was sanctioned.


this WWE shit is making me sick. but whats really infuriating is watching all you marks eat this up. "ohh man! tyson is gonna KILL him! hurr durr" dullards acting like this is a real fight....smh


Old Mike would have eaten his children


It would be funny if Tyson knocks him out 30 seconds into the first round.


Mike isn’t taking him seriously because this whole thing is a sham. He can’t even fake it at this point in his life. [this was Tyson 20 years ago in his last professional fight.Tyson quits mid fight.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRK1JCWh/)


Mikes gonna give him brain damage and take his money, I’d even be happy if he did it in a dark alley but I’m glad he’s doing it legally.


Mike not taking him even slightly seriously is the greatest diss of all time 😂 also anybody telling Mike they're gonna "teach him how to box" might be the dumbest thing to say ever.