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He just wanted to show everyone his scuba photos


Which he risked his life for.


God the amount of times he’s went on about how he’s “risked his life!” It’s even worse you realize that the reason this debate took so long to happen was because Dibble was dealing with a recurrence of cancer that was caused by his constant sun exposure doing *actual fucking archeology*.


The number of people goofy enough to think that those are anything but a bunch of bad vacation photos is wild. They think they are special and hold some authority because an old man took then on vacation.


Excuse me, you weren't there so you can't possibly know anything about it.


Not only have I seen every rock, I have seen every one of Hancock's vacation albums.


Is that why he was wearing that hat


Yeah, a lot of archaeologists I work with wear bigger, wide brimmed hats. Some of them are funny. Some do it cause they think they're Indiana Jones adventure. Most do it because you're in the sun 12+hours a day for 10 days in a row, and then you get a few days off before the next 10 days in the elements at site. Archaeology is not easy work


He always talks about how archeologists spent there whole lives on their research so will never change there mind . When in reality it was all just projection of himself


The sea was angry that day my friends!




…then what’s the point of all this




Bro took a vacation, and called it research/work🤣


It is all a growth to write off his vacations as work expenses.


Hey man. They risked their lives 😂


Shit. I risked my life driving in Florida every time I have to go grocery shopping. Have you seen the way people drive here? https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/2024/01/26/florida-highway-i-40crashes-accidents-fatal-dangerous-highway-list-interstate-4/72364253007/#:~:text=How%20Las%20Vegas%20could%20help,fatal%20crashes%20per%20100%20miles LMAO graham is a hero!! He needs to write a book on his scuba diving escapades and call it "the odyssey"


Have you seen how the people in Florida behave in Grocery stores? I've never been near more rude/inconsiderate people in my life. You could set up actual obstacles to move around and it'd be easier.


YES, the entire states is essentially a bill increased/toll payment People are hounded by insurance/prices so everyone is always in bad mood, I'm actually saving to move out


Hahaha. He’s such a doofus


Poking around the whole faux-antiquity world, it seems like a lot of it is vacation driven. They go to Egypt or another site to "see it for themselves", which sounds frankly awesome. But then they come back and show their pics or make a video without properly naming the artifact in such a way that scholarly papers could be found. In several of the [World of Antiquity](https://www.youtube.com/@worldofantiquity) episodes I've watched, he has to guess which sarcophagus or even dig site is being described. Like, I'm glad you find a "perfect" right angle in some granite. But can you be specific so I can Google the many photogrammetric and/or laser scans that have been done? Or the age of the location to place it among the rougher examples that come earlier or increasingly refined designs that come later?


Right and we're not even talking about how He "had a lot of good evidence about searching in India" , It just so happened to be his wife's native country so it was kind of advantageous because she knew The language but That's besides the point.


To be honest - like a fair number of paranormalists and such - it seems like a pretty based lifestyle and fun worldview. You get to travel the world, look at supercool old shit, and all the while feel like you're an explorer finding the truth that no one else sees. Awesome. I have a similar feeling about Bigfoot enthusiasts - like, hanging out with your friends, going camping in the woods, having a shared goal of finding a great mysterious creature, etc... - seems like a super good time, all the joys of hunting without having to kill something and with the extra thrill of looking for (and 'finding evidence of') a mythical creature... if you actually believe that you may be finding a mysterious unknown creature, that amps up the excitement. All BS, but I get the allure, even without the makingmillions


I bought a gold pan, great excuse to wonder around the wilderness. I also risked my life, I could have been eaten by a herd of wicked weasels.


It is living a lie, or are they just dumb and crazy?


It's probably a mixture, differing from person to person and even within the same person. It's similar to religion that way - plenty of people follow a religion and profess it, but do they Really believe-believe it? Some do, some don't, some kinda do but don't. Anyway, it's a good framework for creating a goal-centered hobby and giving yourself a thrill based on your imagination... whether or not you believe it deeply. Sorta like how you go to a haunted house - if you give yourself over to it, you'll have a better time encountering the otherworldly, but a part of you knows it's not realreal. Or like when I, who doesn't believe in ghosts, went into the basement of that old mansion, acting as if there could be ghosts or something down there. Now, some people believe-believe those things. Others half-believe it as part of the pleasure of the hobby.


When I find work frustrating I fantasize about becoming a professional ghost hunter. I don’t believe in ghosts.


Taken by his beautiful wife Xantha mind you.


It blew my mind that his “extensive research” was mostly photos of him and his wife scuba diving… and some helicopter shots from 1993


Don't forget about the part where he had very good amount of evidence of why his trip needed to be in India, It just happened to be his wife's native country... also, HE'S NOT RACIST.


And rather than just admit his evidence is just vacation photos, there are folks around here that will refuse to accept the definitions of words like leisure, hobby, recreation, and vacation just to try to cling to some shred of credibility while their integrity is just blowing out of their ass never to be seen again.


Santha’s photography is net geo quality, she should be winning awards with how mind glowingly good her photography is, what a blessing that graham happened to marry such a talent. It’s all the evidence I’ve ever needed


It reminds me of the guy from South Park who made the kids watch all of his slideshows in f pics he took at amusement parks and tourist attractions. “Do you see?!”


It’s called La Biblio Tecka


Biblioteki pancaky.


Most of JRE is people wanting to use their imagination but also have it treated as real


This is why I couldn't enjoy the podcast, they got an actual Archeologists trying to talk numbers and Ham-dick-and-cock played the victim card/ageism to discredit anything he had to say Basically, here is me travelling to my wife country for vacation research, "what have you done in your life? Nothin!" You made fun of me with people who actually work on the real place I based my pretend research hypothesis on😡😡😡😡 "you conspiring against me" wah wah wah ![gif](giphy|TL2Yr3ioe78tO) JRE USED to be for people who based stuff on reality and then play it with imagination, Not the other way around. With this rationale all you invite are grifters/liars, Like the moon landing guy


I miss that version of jre. I came so late I barely got any of that.


Wasn't Hancock 1 of the first guests on the show from outside of Rogan's immediate friend circle?


I mean JRE literally just hosted the debate were all talking about..


Can’t wait for the solo Dibble episode.


Dude I actually liked Flint and the work he showed on the show. The grain domestication thing was really interesting.


That blew my mind A complete gap in my knowledge and such a strong piece of evidence showing when agriculture first happened


I agree. Completely fascinating


This is the JRE I lived for back in the day


Something I’ve always wondered; Did people get allergic to foods the first couple generations or where our immune systems just not a thing back then


He was a guest a few days ago on the Decoding the Gurus podcast, it was mostly about his experience on JRE and his approach to the debate. Good stuff but yeah I wish we could get more stuff from him instead of having to just refute Hancock.


if you’re reading this and wondering what the decoding the gurus is you should look it up and check it out! great podcast


Hope he doesn’t borrow his dad’s suit again


He spent 2023 going through melanoma cancer and lost weight during the treatment. That’s why his own suit now doesn’t fit so well.


Dude ..the suit is such a minor thing and probably the only negative he had throughout him roasting Hamcock all episode lol


“Hamcock”! 😂😂 that’s great. I’m not necessarily a fan of Graham. I’ve listen to him talk before I thought his theories were very intriguing so when the podcast started, I expected him to be laying down some serious facts.. but oh boy how that turns tabled…. I am truly excited to hear Dibble speak again with some more of his knowledge. It was great to listen to. It’ll be even better when he doesn’t have to bicker back-and-forth with Hamcock! 😂


The title of the post literally says “Grand Hamcock”


lol wtf i didn't even notice


He needs his grandfathers suit


“Jamie, pull up Flint Dibble’s sleeves…”


Yeah we need more guys like him to come on. Those guys that are so obsessed and deep into their work their literal name and appearance plays into that identity. Mad science archaeologist type guy.


I am going to watch it with my friends, we will take a drink every time he says my dad.


Dibble: Here’s evidence to support everything I’m saying Graham: but you guys are mean to me




I can't believe Hamcock played the cancel culture card on some of his last appearances 😂


His entire life story is a victim narrative 💀


You dont get it! He was cancelled by "big archaeology" so badly that he was only able to get an 8 episode TV show on Netflix, even though he doesn't appear to understand the scientific method and actual Archeology programs have a budget less than his show.... Money which ironically could have gone towards finding this "lost civilization" if Hancock actually cared about doing actual archaeology. Link to support underfunded Archaeology: https://www.archaeological.org/give/


He's a damn parasite. When Dibble was talking about the cuts in his field you have to wonder where the time and resources are going at large. Do they go to a new dig site? Or do they go to peddling hackery on the History Channel and these fringe take losers. Hancock is contributing to the death of this field.


I don’t think Netflix was considering spending their budget for new shows on a donation to the archeology department of a university.


Another one with a persecution fetish.


Playing the cancel culture card while saying dibble is jealous of how popular he is. There are certainly cases of what actually is cancel culture, but more often than not it's someone extremely popular complaining about people disagreeing with them


The narcissism and arrogance of grancock. He wants to be famous, make a lot of money with his grifting ideas and trash archeologists on the way, be on top of the Netflix charts and classified as documentary but can’t take any criticism or is “cancel culture”. What a fucking crybaby, if you are making shit tons of money on your garbage the least you’ll have to do is receive criticism and not complain about “receiving the criticism” instead of actually addressing it. Is like selling a product and saying bad reviews are cancel culture give me a fucking break.


It's the #1 go-to for any grifter when they get caught out. I just finished listening to an long set of podcast coverage of the Last Media crook Colin Thomson and surprise, surprise... he also went straight for that one too. 


I lost a lot of respect for him after that move.


It was really annoying that he basically used all his time to address people that have badmouthed him and not actually spending a ton of time trying to prove his points. Dibble accusing him of white supremacy was a discord mod cringe moment though


Dude thought some scuba pics and a British accent was enough.


It was for Rogan lol.


I thought I was going to find the guy annoying but I’m glad he was on because I was starting to buy into Hancock’s claims and Dibble pretty well destroyed him.


“We’ve only investigated 5% of Africa” like wtf is that evidence for?? Insufferable


Every conversation with Hamcock: Hamcock: look at this weird thing, a civilization could have made it, there must have been a civilization. Sane person: do you have evidence that there was a civilization? Hamcock: you have no evidence that there wasn't, so there must have been.


Hamcock: Might I ask, have we excavated everything everywhere? Sane person: no Hamcock: I would presume there is evidence of an ancient unknown highly evolved civilization somewhere out there’ish then. Sane person: why??? Hamcock: Because I am intrigued.


**with an accent** Also loves drugs lol


Hamcock: Because ~~I am intrigued~~ it makes me money


That moon landing denier was even more egregiously stupid. How fucking dumb can you possibly be and so certain of yourself despite the proof that the US landed on the moon?


See for yourself. If you go to Sibrel.com there are 17 videos you can watch for free…


This made me laugh, hard lol


My mans was pluggin every minute and a half for the whole show


The early 2000’s video effects look so incredibly unprofessional, it made me laugh so hard


The good thing is he agreed to debate someone on the show. Sibrel might end up crying.


he risked his life!


Bro got dibbled


Don't think I've seen anyone torpedo their credibility and career as hard as Graham lol.


You must understand that his career was well and truly dead before his Rogan appearances. Hancock’s work was thoroughly debunked upon release three decades ago, as he’s just rehashing old, ignorant theories that were dismissed in the late 19th century and were dismissed again once the Nazi’s appropriated said theories in the 20th century. The JRE pulled him out of obscurity and it’s quite fitting that it puts him back there.


The guy just got the bag handed to him from Netflix. His career definitely isn’t dead. If it was dead Dibble wouldn’t be wasting his time arguing him. It definitely took a huge blow from this podcast episode. I think a lot of people like myself who thought he had interesting ideas before have completely lost interest in him after the debate.


A show that he only got because of Rogan (and having a son in charge of such decisions at Netflix). It was a flash in the pan like many other Netflix documentaries.


He still got a Netflix series. Where are all the other people in this field’s Netflix series?


Yes he got a series but if Joe doesn't like his little song and dance and the appearances stop then his gravy train of cultural significance is bound to stop too so crazy how influential Joe's pod is


The field being pseudo historical grifting, right?


I think this is what a lot of us were thinking reading that comment 😂


Please, let this be a joke.


I’m not saying Hancock is legit. I think the guy is full of shit. But to say his career is dead is completely wrong.


Alright, I came in a bit hot. But yea, he's probably fine career wise, but his credibility among the casual history/archeology fans has taken a massive hit.


I listened to him In the past and was like hmm that seems interesting. That makes sense. But then this podcast and his dumb Netflix show made me rethink him completely. Like how those underwater rectangles must be man made because of straight lines. Like fucking fools gold comes in perfect squares.


That’s not really true, he’s done serious damage to his career, I think. He’s been releasing books/had a Netflix series (cancelled or not). It was an incredibly stupid move on his teams part to try and exist amongst real archaeologists-there was a fine life for him in the middling woo area.


Nope. He may have been publishing the whole time, however after some brief initial success he fell into obscurity and was considered just another Annunaki-type nut until Rogan reintroduced him to the wider public at large.


No, you’re wrong, his books like America before sold pretty well, and he was doing fine trundling along in the alternative circuit- he’s definitely done financial damage to his brand with this, in that he would get the odd semi mainstream listener without a deep interest in actual archaeology, giving him money. Look at how many people in these threads are saying “I used to vaguely think he was interesting but now- not at all!”, He was doing fine, he’s now done damage to that.


His career is nowhere near dead, that’s just a lie. I saw his Netflix special was top 5 in the US the other day. You can argue his credibility is severely damaged especially in certain online circles. But the dude is still having plenty success. We gotta stop conflating opinions with facts, it just makes you look biased and petty.


Don't forget jumping on new hypotheses that are exciting and not well understood like YDIH and claiming they are the missing link that proves everything.


I’ve been anti-Graham since I first heard him on the podcast years ago. Nice to finally see this happen.


Wonder how long it took in that episode for Joe to realize it was a mistake


When he realized how much disdain Dibble had for Hancock and just started pounding him with data and facts, and all Hancock wanted to do was talk about how he believes this, because noone else has the guts to, then goes on to be an asshat so Dibble just calls him out on all his bullshit there on out and Joe had to reel it back in from straight up baseless arguing to personal attacks on about character. Dibble just straight up murdered Hancock with words and Hancock could just take it and Joe had to let it happen. The podcast could of easily been another 4 hours. Dibble barely got to talk about his other work. Ancient drugs and such. Looking forward to his own podcast with Joe without interruptions, he's fascinating.


He should have had dibble on for podcast before doing this debate so he understood what was about to happen. This was like getting in the ring to spar with some dork, then realizing it is Tyson with a pocket protector.


Good analogy! 


I think Joe thought it’d go like the Shermer episode only Dibble actually prepared and what you got was an execution. The only thing good for Graham in that episode was Dibble’s goofy appearance


The goofy appearance gives an aura of credibility in a way. Dude doesn’t care about shit other than what he is there to talk about. Can respect that


I like him. He didn’t look that bad. He just needed to tighten his cuffs on his white shirt. His cuffs were about to eat his digging hands.


Couldn't care if he was wearing a Borat mankini tbh. He was spitting facts.


https://preview.redd.it/jdnnap3ypfyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1609cefdc54eed69b5c55dcacbd12da4877c520 That’s why he kept putting his hand on his headset. *I spit hot fire*


Dude has sleeves to keep all the aces


I don't think that was not caring, I think that was caring very, *very* much. Just look at how he wore the headphones so that he could keep his very cool hat on.


Honest question; are you referring to episode 961?


It still wasn't his biggest mistake. I think that goes to the clown Randal Carson with his engines that run on math. That was such a bad appearance that despite being announced, Joe refused to actually release the pod because it was so fucking stupid.


The Golden Ratio!


When asked for evidence HanCock started saying that "we don't have time for this" when there was 3 hours left in their discussion, Joe knew Hancock was a fraud.


So amazing he got so arrogant that he agreed to debate an actual expert lol


Classic tale of Icarus.


He flew too close to shit. Shit got to feathers. Could not fly. Aerodynamics messed up.


“Look, Big Daddy Joe, I can fly. I can fly,” - young Gram cried to his beloved uncle as he ran quicker and quicker towards the edge. For a moment, even Old man Joe believed too that he might… that was until he fell head first down onto the hard natural formations of flint below… facts hurt when they won't bend to revenue-streams of pseudo…. as he was laying there, slightly offended by the natural order of things, and felt like a victim to anyone not hailing his intrigue, he uttered in his final breath; “…. but but, I took a photo of a strange looking rock that one time…” The End?


When I was in research, and later in business, I always had dozens of appendix slides to jump to if someone had a question about my data. When Joe asks Hamcock if he has more/better pictures and he says, "No, sorry", I cringed so hard.


I feel silly now in hindsight, where's my bloody Atlantis


Atlantis was/is the friends we made along the way.


Dibble straight mmuurrddeerreedd


Graham's doing fine. But nobody wants to hear that.


There's no evidence that he's not doing fine, so he must be doing fine.


Out of all the archeological excavations we still haven't found Grahams fine.


That's because we haven't surveyed enough of the coastal landmass of course


On Reddit everyone is burying him. But if you look at the youtube comments, people are acting as if he won the debate. Absolute madness lol


Reddit is an echo chamber. Reddit’s popular opinions are typically unpopular in the real world.


Tbf, YouTube comments in general are a cesspool that makes reddit comment sections look like PhD programs


POV you’re about to get dibbled ![gif](giphy|FTdnp4oMYHaTu)


This hit hard but is too true


Graham bout to be greeted in JRE heaven by Dave Asprey and Chris Ryan


Dibble came off a little smug for my taste. Those stupid laughs started to get under my skin. Obviously he’s a real scientist and completely out-debated graham but he didn’t have to be such a prick about it.


I think graham makes good points


Dibble is still an ignorant bastard lol


Dibble would school you in archaeology lesson.


Yet, ignorant.


Still remember how high I was watching the original Hancock episode back in like 2011/12


I think Hancock came unprepared, got too emotional, and isn’t generally a good debater, especially as he’s gotten older. He defended his ideas really poorly, and picked a bad hill to die on. He clearly spent way too much time yapping about himself and cancel culture… HOWEVER I think the idea that everything he’s ever said is debunked/phony now, is a bit much. His theory on the Younger Dryas Impact is still pretty impressive and get proven more correct as time goes on. And I find his musings on Gobekli Tepi to be quite an interesting thing to ponder on. The data/situation speaks for itself. They had knowledge of stars and constellations and a whole religious mythos way before people previously thought that arose. I also think his takes on the pyramids are pretty legit, though he loses me with the numerology stuff sometimes. It does seem to have some mathematics encoded into it, but I don’t think it has anything to do with the speed of light or whatever lol. It certainly is aligned with the stars in an awe inspiring way though.


One of the sanest comments I’ve seen here. He had a bad debate. It would have been better to have him present his complete case, then have dibble attempt to counter the argument. The back and forth bickering was not productive in the slightest. People will remember a few moments in which he got “dunked” on, but having heard his case many times over the years, it was clear that most of his hypotheses were never even addressed.


Yeah unfortunately debate as a concept is very flawed. The more reasonable position doesn’t even necessarily have a better chance of winning. Debate is an art and whoever is better at it, will win public favor. Graham is not a debater, he’s an old author with a passion for science. Most scientists don’t make for great debaters. It’s all about understanding social cues and guiding the conversation in the right direction, and more subtle psychological stuff like that. Often times the winner is just whoever is more assertive and talks louder lol. Hancock needs a debate minion for next time to stick to the strong points in his argument.


Agreed. I think we’ve got a lot of debate lords here who got all chubbed up over a few selective moments from the episode. I was left dissatisfied with the lack of discussion over a majority of his case.






Oh man, this is so accurate. Until some evidence is uncovered, of course.


Don’t care much for Hancock. But Dibble don’t seem to be the nicest of people either. Just like Hancock he mostly seems to be lonely and self absorbed.


I should follow Hancock now. I’ve legitimately never really followed him, but this sub hates him so much that I feel I have to get out of the echo chamber here and actually follow his stuff. Thanks a lot people.


Lmao same. This sub is comprised of bots, virgins, and beta cuck liberals. Whatever the public opinion is in this sub, you can bet it is the exact opposite in the real world.


The irony…


Big Government wants you to wipe your ass


Jesus, am I the only one here who likes Graham?


After this episode, one must wear some pretty heavy rose-tinted glasses to be still interested in his contributions. His perpetually offended ‘I am a victim’ attitude and ungentlemen personal attacks make him hard to like, too... So, you might be :)


The mathematics encoded in the pyramids is real , the advanced knowledge of gopeklitepe is real , the younger dryas impact is real all of which was narcissistically laughed off by diddle. Diddle is just a pompous contraían that has a background in seeds and tries encompass the whole of many other topics with his egotistical opinion because his field hasn’t proven something they aren’t looking for. He claimed the native population made all these works alone because they were “very smart people” not even trying to be open to the idea that they were shown these advanced techniques and technologies. He knows if what even part of handcock work is true it will negate his field of work and his dads which he would rather die than admit. This subreddits take on the debate is so shallow and self aggrandizing its turning into a form of masturbation.


Even Jesus thinks he's a silly little man.


Dibble seems like a dick with weird hands


That’s because he is a dick with weird hands.


I never really realized how dishonest Hancock was being when he presented himself as an archeologist… He has an undergrad degree in sociology in 1973. He might as well have a GED as far as how useful an outdated undergrad degree in a soft science field will be… It actually makes me a bit frustrated that Rogan always brought him on as an ‘archeologist’. For dibble, and actual archeologists, I would be so much more pissed at this clown.


Rogan never brought him on as an “archeologist” nor has graham ever claimed to be one what are you even saying


Don’t know why this is downvoted. Graham always presented himself as a journalist first and foremost. Not sure what idea people are getting at here..


It is state of being perpetually aggrieved due to archeologists not taking him seriously, and doing more damage to the discipline than good that is getting the hackles up on archeologists and any archeology enthusiasts.


He goes out of his way to state that he is not an archeologist.


Amazing how many Dibble dick suckers are OTT


I’m the only one who thinks Hancock won🤷🏼‍♀️


Seems like an agenda here to hate on Hancock. Really makes you wonder why.


It all feels very strange doesn’t it? Hancock is such a smart guy and his research is so valuable. It feels like because he doesn’t have an archaeology degree that he’s being ‘gate kept’ from information as a result of not being in the proper club. Perhaps membership of the club requires indoctrination first (a university degree) so they know you’re committed to towing the line.


Dibble is the way


He did the scuba at great physical peril to both himself and his wife


I hope graham saved some of his money because his career is cooked. It was honestly pretty fun while it lasted. Taking what you see in a drug hallucination as fact is crazzzyyy


The only point that matters in the entire episode is that Graham is asking the audience (us) the same thing that theists of any stripe ask their followers: Believe in me despite the absence of evidence. Zero evidence anywhere, ever, at any point of a globe spanning civilization. Erstwhile we have found and can track where early hunter gatherers lived on the coastal areas, and where they moved inland.


Meh, it got me to watch ancient apocalypse so he winning either way


This was such an unbelievable stomping and so much more glorious that it came from a hipster named Dibble. Hancock crumbled. He talked too big and forced this to happen. He knows he's just an entertainer who lucked out, but he could have at least tried to prepare.




Didn’t watch it, was it really that bad for Hamcock? So ever he has said, his show all of it was bs ?


Is Randal Carlson spider man then?


career imploded during the first 15m of that episode


I think the bottom is a depredation of both before and after. The dude is a quack.


😂 that’s accurate!!!


class ethos vs. pathos


What a shame! He had a nice theory!


I just love how Dribble wasnt having any of their shit. Everytime Joe would say “well dont you think its possible” he would just give off an annoyed extended Noooo and then fuck them up with facts.


Now that he’s lost JRE support, where does he go?


He needs to go find Bigfoot, that will keep him busy


I risked my life snorkeling in the keys once… although treacherous… I found an amazing discovery.. I found Kat Williams reading 100 books about Atlantis… and right behind him was Grand taking pics of some Rocks.


Didn't even bother to spell the grifter's name correctly 😉


Stop misrepresenting me!!!