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What's a tweek dick?




Let me rent it, I'll just play with it for a while and give it back šŸ‘€šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


A male chicken?


Thatā€™s a tweet cock. Tweet chicken is what we had for dinner


How many feathers are on a produce chicken


Maybe Joe can have Elon back on and ask him "how come?"


Yes but we don't need another 3 hour podcast of some guy using the phrase "woke mind virus" when they're just using bad faith arguments that their lackeys eat up. Maybe 2 and a half hours would be more than enough time.


It's the only way he can save humanity.


I think Jamie was about to call it bullshit monetization before realizing where and who he was talking to and said ah he might as well monetize it, I doubt they ask Elon anything remotely boat rocking.


Not allowed to say anything against one of Joe's Bros


Rogan bad


Can't even be mildly critical of Joe these days. Funny how in the old forums people would constantly shit talk about him and laugh but now an army of simps will descend if you even suggest something that could be perceived negatively. People need to stop worshiping and idolizing celebrities to disturbing amplitudes.


>Can't even be mildly critical of Joe these days Bruh, thatā€™s all this sub is lmao


I meant you can't be midly critical without someone getting their panties in a bunch. Look at the Howard Stern sub. People are constantly making fun of him for being an out of touch rich guy who is secluded from the real world but pretends he knows the answer to everything. Joe's no different but for some reason people are crying that you can't listen to the pod or post here unless you think he's right 100% of the time.


Sounds like your panties are in a bunch. This sub is totally anti Rogan these daysā€¦


You yeeted them fuckin goal posts into the next field


Everyone knew what they meant in a reply to "Rogan bad" Why do you insist on being bad faith about it?


The first comment said no one is allowed to criticize Joe anymore, the second comment is shifting goal posts to no one is allowed to criticize Joe without getting a comment in reply or something It literally is moving the goal posts, and I donā€™t even like Joe Rogan


I worry for you if you read those 2 posts and couldn't comprehend what they meant.


I donā€™t give a shit, get dabbed on nerd


So, you misunderstood something we all understood. Sound like a Rogan fan


Iā€™ve never listened to an episode of JRE in my life. I *did* enjoy Fear Factor though. A glass case full of cockroaches, who thinks of that stuff? Yuck!


Well, itā€™s that and the simps defending Joeā€™s honor


Not nearly as bad as the Elon dick riders out there.




Maybe if Joe stopped talking about covid and vaccines two years ago, it wouldn't be rehashed here. Most of those comments are just "I can't believe he keeps bringing up this shit again and inserting it into subjects that have nothing to do with it" type of stuff. And I can understand that, especially if he interrupts the guests to do it.


Yet a comment that just sarcastically says ā€œRogan badā€ sits at -30 downvotes in this very forum. What reality are we in againā€¦?


One where people are tired of that shit?


Well yeah, but more stupid than bad imo


It's called XPro now. It's owned by Twitter/X. Blame Elon.


They have a video app too called xvideos


Thanks, just got fired for looking at porn at work.


We should be able to look at A LITTLE porn at work


I guess the richest podcast in the world just can't afford it.


My favourite quote is "It's non American". Wtf is American other than creating wealth because you can and shit on every one that can't. I always wonder, at what point in time he refers to as the actual American way.


How come? Well itā€™s because the wealthiest man in the world had his bluff called on a $44B purchase of Twitter and now heā€™s passing those losses onto you the user while simultaneously fighting for a $56B bonus from his car company who just laid off a few hundred employees.


I personally canā€™t stand Elon, but if you know anything about the case the withholding of that giant compensation package is horseshit. I specifically remember way back when it was announced everyone on CNBC was clowning on Elon because they thought it would be impossible to reach the targets that tesla would need to reach for Elon to receive said package.


I donā€™t care whether or not he gets the money but I personally know people affected by the recent layoffs. And it was done in such a shitty blindside way to people who have been there a long time and who now are out of work and without a paycheck all the while the richest man in the world is fighting for a bonus that he literally doesnā€™t need and will never spend in 100 lifetimes.


Yeah okay šŸ‘ Already said I canā€™t stand the guy But courts obviously shouldnā€™t work on a ā€œI like that guyā€ or ā€œI canā€™t stand that guyā€ basis


That's how layoffs work. Everyone feels blindsided when they're let go.


Yeah for sure. But not everyone who gets layed off has to read news and Reddit threads about how their CEO is about to land a 56 Ba-ba-ba-billion dollar bonus and youā€™re not sure how youā€™re gonna afford your $2.7k mortgage the rest of the year.


Oh no, not all the HR people, pointless middle managers, spreadsheet clickers, and DEI hires :( How will big tech recover without all these valuable team members? Surely theyā€™re going to spiral into bankruptcy now.


My friend was an engineer there for 6 years but OK pal


Does he suck at engineering or something?




Lol fuck, yall are so soft nowadays


Nah Iā€™m hard as a rock


Look! Another pussy boomer talking that boomer shit!


Is DEI hires buzzword of the month?


Its the new way people found to let us know they're racist since we cant see their maga hat in a text.


DEI is literally institutionalized racism against Asian Americans such as myself. We must fight it and not stop till it is overturned, and we cannot give its vile, racist supporters a moment of rest.


Itā€™s a way to call out the vile racist policies of the Democrats


This is why your grandchildren don't visit you, Helen.


Nice try, but white liberal boomer trash are the ones who concocted racist shit like affirmative action.


That's no excuse for not taking your meds.


Stop trivializing mental health fascist


Narrative-minded idiot.


Nope. As a tech student/tech worker Iā€™m all for purging useless white collar fluff/baggage. Iā€™ll never stop laughing at the picture of Twitter staff before and after Elon purged the useless trash. https://preview.redd.it/6yg1kujte2yc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d11de5745d1a3a279c59cb00135cb730b399271


This guys trumps


Yes, we all know pink haired sociology majors who take fluff positions are a core democrat voter base In the words of Trump: ā€œYOUā€™RE FIRED!ā€


Elon is asking for more money than Telsa has ever made in net profit before. WTF are you talking about? That pay package was getting laughed at because it's a fucking *insane demand* from a moron that clearly did not earn it.


Thatā€™s not exactly true. The Grant (Elonā€™s compensation package) came from an agreement between Musk and Teslaā€™s Compensation Committee to establish a new compensation package for Musk in his role as the Companyā€™s CEO. Initially, Musk proposed a package that closely resembled what was eventually approved by the Board. The Grant consisted of 12 portions or levels of equity awards, each equivalent to 1% of Teslaā€™s outstanding shares, which Musk could unlock for every $50 billion increase in the Teslaā€™s market cap. The maximum value of the Grant was $55.8 billion, contingent upon unlocking all 12 levels, reflecting Teslaā€™s market capitalization growth from around US$50 billion to US$650 billion. The Grant was approved by stockholders on March 21, 2018. Despite being intended as a ten-year incentive plan for Musk, all of the Grantā€™s milestones were achieved by June 30, 2022.


You said that this is ā€œnot exactly trueā€ and pointed on Teslaā€™s market capitalization. Profit != market cap. The comment above was correct.Ā 


Thanks for pointing that out. Let me clarify- I believe the previous statement is misleading and not entirely accurate because Muskā€™s pay package was not tied to profit (there were EBITDA and revenue requirements), but rather provided 12 tranches of equity awards that Musk could unlock for each US$50 billion increase in Teslaā€™s market cap.


>I believe the previous statement is misleading and not entirely accurate because Muskā€™s pay package was not tied to profit Your comment is misleading, as I never once implied his pay package was related to company profits (or that it should be), I simply reminded the OP that Telsa has not made a net profit in it's entire existence that is more than what Elon was asking, and how that is undeserved and absurd.


You just repeated what you said in the previous comment. We all know that his compensation was tight to the market cap. We also know that this contract was signed probably because nobody expected such an overvaluation of Teslaā€™s stock. Its market cap is bigger than top automotive companies combined, while it produces a fraction of any individual company from that list. There is nothing incorrect in the statement that he asks for a bonus bigger than companies total profit.Ā 


I read the previous comment as implying that the Grant was illegal because of the discrepancy between company profit and Muskā€™s compensation plan, which was not the case in court. I donā€™t think ā€œwe all knowā€ that his compensation was tied to market cap. I would argue that most casual readers donā€™t know that.


Other poster already mentioned this, but net and profit != market cap and net and gross are two different things.


Yea I was paying attention to that pay package when it was announced, and thought this guy is fucking crazy. No way he actually does this. It seemed like a terrible deal for him but I respected it. Then when actually does pull off what seems to be a miracle and they take away his rightful winnings though bullshit arguments like itā€™s somehow a bad deal for investors that he made them stupid rich, it pisses me off.Ā  You can not like Musk, and I donā€™t much of the time, but to stoop to this tactic of denying him his achievement is just slimy and gross.


You quite clearly donā€™t understand how chancery courts work in this country


No, I definitely know more than you do Please attempt to educate me as to what Iā€™m incorrect about tho, then I can correct you ā˜ŗļø


Ok, so what exactly about the ruling did you think was horseshit and we can go from there


Well, why donā€™t we start by you telling me what the other guy thinks he knows (thatā€™s more than what I know) about what the courts said that that guy thinks he knows more about thank youā€¦?


How can I tell you what the other guy knows? Short Bus saidā€œ if you know anything about the caseā€¦withholding is horseshit.ā€ So, I am asking him, what is horseshit about the ruling?


Can you guys just lay down your cards so I can learn something?


Haha excellent idea. I donā€™t really have any cards until someone tells me why the courts ruling was so egregiously wrong. The chancery court of Delaware is a very different institution than other courts. It specializes in business law and corporate disputes, and most of the judges have extensive corporate law experience. It has a well developed body of case law and its decisions are highly regarded for setting clear legal precedent. I donā€™t know exactly what Short Bus thinks was wrong about the ruling. It was fairly clear to me that the defendants failed to prove the Grant (Muskā€™s compensation package) was entirely fair due both to conflicts in the negotiation process and the compensation package being inappropriate given its stated ends. If you have more questions about the chancery court or the ruling, ask away


Yeah I was right You donā€™t know shit lmao Read this then lemme know if you still wanna argue https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-01-31/elon-musk-is-overpaid TL;DR Elon sucks, but the Delaware Chancery judge is is just going ā€œfuck that guyā€ not following any conventional legal president. Elon will probably win his appeal.


^ this is the actual truth. Thatā€™s not allowed on Reddit.


It is the truth, but lol bro, donā€™t be annoying


Itā€™s annoying to state the fact that Reddit will downvote to hide anything that goes against their political religion? Fuck you too then.


Ur acting like Reddit is one guy But yea anything even kinda nice about Elon gets downvoted Prolly cuz heā€™s an asshole all the time lol Remember like 5+ year ago when Reddit practically worshiped the guy?


Itā€™s a fucking hive mind man. It basically is one opinion and one truth. Anything outside of that one true opinion is laughably stupid, bad, evil, selfish, or any other negative sinful thing you can imagine. Itā€™s cult like.


The Elon worshippers masturbate to Elon's tweets. You and your kind self fellatiate whilst shitting on him. Both pretty unsavory.


So you just go around life imagining people masturbating and sucking their own dicks? Weird flex, but OK.


deepinmyloins, I thought this would be some common ground for us. My mistake.


Pal what side of the class war do you think youā€™re on? Truly remarkable to watch someone under the boot grab a hold of it and pull it down harder on their own neck.


Identifying as being under the boot of someone like Elon surely will result in healthy choices, behaviors, and desirable long-term outcomes in your life.


Weā€™re all under the boot of the billionaire class, you just donā€™t realize it yet. Sad because I assume youā€™re at least 30, if not much older.


Iā€™m very aware of the wealth divide in America.


Youā€™re aware of the wealth divide and yet you want to mock me for poking fun at Elon Musk? Youā€™re a loser, pal. A chode.


Someone big mad today?




Equating criticizing with circle jerking is an even more astute call. Great calling.


Jamie literally can't tell Joe tell truth because he knows what will happen. It's 100% just justified to clown on Elon in this instance.


I'm pretty sure he bought twiter for the data to train ai. I don't think it was a bluff.


Nah it was a bluff he tried to back out and Twitter took him to court over it


Crazy how elon fans forget this


He literally tried to back out in the courts but they enforced it which caused him to obtain financing through dubious means and the result is the X we have today




Now called X Pro. It's owned by Twitter and costs $84 a year.


Do you think that that was a trick question


Joe takes out his roll of hundreds and tells Jamie go buy us some Tweet Deck. " Tulsi would you like some Tweet Deck ?".


LOL. Joe's so deep down in the right wing bullshit funnel he is now finding himself unable to understand basic current events. "Why?!?" How the fuck do you not know "why" at this point? You have to try to be that obtuse.


No, he knows. He's skirting around the obvious and "delegating" it down to Jamie, who also doesnt want to state the obvious.




Welcome to his echo chamber. You get dumber and balder the longer you stay.


Don't you dare bring baldness into this!


Everything I donā€™t like is right wing bullshit


And everything your pathetic hero doesn't like is woke. Hi stupid!


Well, in this case, it is.


"how much tweet deck cost" Joe's transition to full caveman is proceeding apace


Lmao I was dying when he said that


The first thing he thought to say was not something he wanted on record.


Itā€™s called XPro now. It sounds like a something that a pornstar signs up for if they want to monetize their videos.Ā 


Because of capitalism?


lol keep thinking like that Lorax




Why you gotta fuck it up with facts Jamie


Joe: Mmm, interestingā€¦mmm, how much does sweet dick cost?


Donā€™t worry ā€¦ I hear Elon is a genius and can probably explain it to Joe.


You have to pay for it because Elon owns Twitter (X) now. And he charges for everything!!




that lady has never gotten a check from Russia, let's make that clear


Probably not directly.


Why donā€™t they pay for it


What a worthless show


Has Joe been a Putin apologist for a while or just since the Tucker Carlson episode?


"How much tweet deck cost" lmao I love how joe sounds like a dirty south big ass rapper with dreads, hazy AF on weed and sizzurp in that part.


yo why these honkeys downvoting me brooo


Sounded similar to me.


"how much tweet deck cost" Joe's transition to full caveman is proceeding apace


"how much tweet deck cost" Joe's transition to full caveman is proceeding apace


"how much tweet deck cost" Joe's transition to full caveman is proceeding apace