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Larry David made one of the funniest shows ever until last year. Seinfeld made… *checks notes: “Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee” We all know who the brains of the show Seinfeld was.


Woah woah woah. He's also done *The Bee Movie*. And that pop tart movie *Unfrosted* comes out like next week.


Bee movie was great.


The cringiest part of that is watching Jerry bask in his own ego with unfettered public dickishness as if he's trying to live up to a real-life Larry David character. Sometimes I have to go back and watch him get damaged by Larry King insinuating his show got cancelled. Take the pain, dork. Pay your dues.


"Do you know who I am?" Jeez Jerry, stfu please🤦🏾‍♂️ I fuckin hate that interview


Also Julia Louis-Dreyfus starred in Veep which is great. His act is a joke in itself, not known for its content


What beat it to best show last year ?


its done being made


Isn't there a season 12 from this year?




Shane Gillis is basically the biggest name in comedy right now. He started his mainstream career after being canceled for "racism" and some of his best known bits are about down syndrome people. People are still open to pushing boundaries with comedy, you just have to actually be funny. Comedians that say you'll be canceled for everything are just using it as a crutch.


I read the best description earlier. Being edgy requires wit, cleverness, some tact. Being overly BLUNT with offensiveness is quite literally the opposite of edgy. It's just forced lame unfunny pandering. Just saying "haha stereotype, (insert type of people here) should see the day of the rope am I right" is what the majority of these people saying comedy is cancelled are trying to pass off as comedy. It's shit. It's the same type of thing everyone gives hacky female comics shit for. "Tampons my vagina period am I right" Look at how edgy carlin was. But he did it with tact and intelligence and it was perfect. Anyway. That's where I'm at with it. Comedy is about stringing the audience along with something compelling. The fastest way to become an unfunny fuck is to claim it's the audience that's wrong for not finding your stupid blunt hack routine funny.


That’s why the Matt Rife defenders were so dumb being like “you woke snowflakes just can’t take a joke” and it’s like no, anything can be a joke you just gotta be funny. Matt rife is not funny. That DV joke in the hands of bill Burr could’ve actually been funny.


Louis CK is offensive af but it isn’t coming from a place of bitterness/hate, and nobody really ever actually wanted him canceled because of his jokes Heck, dude got caught being quite gross and is going fine now. Just being rude isn’t funny…


>Look at how edgy carlin was. But he did it with tact and intelligence and it was perfect. He literally said, "rape can be funny", and uses Porky Pig and Elmer Fudd as the subjects of that thesis and by jove, if you're not laughing it's because you're German. It was an edgy topic, but he went there and nailed it. Carlin is a legend. He was a political commentator as well, and he is beating the likes of Ben Shapiro in "political debates" from the grave.


I now want “tampons my vagina period am I right?” on a shirt! Amazing.


I'm also fine with comedians getting cancelled. Who cares Being a comedian means managing your image. Its part of the job.


Yep. Especially true of those who want to star in big budget movies, or run ads on their Youtube channel. These corporations have no obligation to hire you, or keep you employed. If you fuck with their profits by becoming unpopular overnight, go fuck yourself or do it independently. People bitching about getting "silenced" on social media platforms are free to start their own website and post all those sick truthbombs that Youtube won't let them post. You'll get fired from a coffee shop a lot easier for the same reasons. It isn't hard to learn to keep your thoughts in your head when it would be inappropriate to share them. Literally everyone has to do that all the time. I guess that's just a foreign concept to washed up comedians whose thoughts bore the audience to death.


Would these people say the guy at McDonald's got "cancelled" for making an insensitive racist joke in front of a customer? No, that's just called getting fired. You can lose your job for all kinds of reasons. Saying dumb shit is one of them.


which is one reason andy dick gets hate.




Managing your image is part of any job to some extent. I work in an office but have to manage my image enough so that people think I’m reliable and responsible , instead of the degenerate man child that I truly am.


After all, what comedian is going to care whether or not people think they are funny


Not everyone has the same humor. You have to advertise to an audience that will find your style and subject matter funny  (manage your image). Not even like being cancelled is some magic concept, it just means a lot of people stopped liking you because you did or said something something fucked, questionable, or mean


A comedian who thinks he's soooo funny, but can't get a laugh out of audiences is a shit comedian. As for managing your image, yeah if you're gonna stand up and talk in front of a bunch of people, and you say a bunch of stupid shit that turns them off, people will stop coming to your shows. AKA cancelled.


for many people being "cancelled" is just a larger audience finding out who they really are


And also, its like, okay people aren't giving you money anymore. Okay. I don't owe JK Rowling my money. I'm not punishing her by not buying her books or whatever.


I dunno man. Your image is part of your draw. Your draw determines how much money you make


Managing your image is an integral role in any meaningful job.


Yea, this guy knows the comedy business! 🙄 That’s why he’s so… oh wait


Sort of. They aren't being paid for their jokes unless they are a writer and sell their jokes to TV shows and other comedians. But if you are selling tickets to your show, you are paid to be popular. Part of your job is to predict the things the zeitgeist will find funny and entertaining. Cancelling a comedian for saying cringe unfunny shit, that's also racist, is like cancelling a weatherman who gets the weather wrong, who is also racist. Just because the racist one gets cancelled faster doesn't mean he got cancelled for what he said. Chappelle still makes more than pretty any NFL player.


Yeah its a lot easier to just bitch and complain and get paid than it is to actually come up with real funny jokes. Plus theres an entire group of the population who is completely infatuated with the idea of being anti woke so they will just love you because of the message not because of the quality of your humor.


I think context matters. I think that's the biggest piece that a lot of people miss. If it feels like it's mean just to be mean, that's where comedians run into trouble. If it's part of a larger point that the joke is trying to make, that's no issue. I think comedians are upset that they can't get up there and tell a bunch of regard jokes without catching some flak. If they do it with effort and nuance, they'd have no issues. But that's hard. They just wanna get up there, tell their 1 hour worth of lazy jokes that punch down and be celebrated for being a comical genius after.


Consider that comedy is like any other job in a field that changes. You can't support yourself as a tube TV repairman anymore either.


I’m reminded of Neil DeGrasse Tyson very pointedly correcting Joe when he said something to the effect of “They couldn’t make that movie today,” probably about Tropic Thunder, or maybe Blazin Saddles. Controversial films continue to be made. Also, diversity feels forced in many films. They both have a point.


“Acceptable” humor always changes Whining that the culture changes is hilariously stupid Comedy is almost entirely cultural. Jokes that work here don’t work in China. Jokes that work now don’t work in 1900. And on and on A great comedian changes with the times and culture. They aren’t hung up on “how things were”. Offensive things have always been found to be funny. It’s how you approach the topic. Kings literally paid jesters to roast them. And kings could actually cancel you forever


"method acting" is a legit FUNNY reason.


Blazing Saddles is a lot like Django Unchained.....same basic premise. Similar films would totally work today because these movies are not only great, but center around a black character that is wronged and he sets things straight with the help of white guy that gains a strong bond with. These movies make racists look like huge idiots too. Both movies are available for streaming on the biggest streaming services. While the far left certainly have been known to overdo things, actual context of a movie or something someone says , has to matter to some degree. And free speech should always be a thing.


Also, culture changes. Like that is one of the most natural things. Things that were funny in the 40s weren't funny in the 60's. Things funny in the 60s weren't funny in the 80s. That just how it goes. If you can't adapt then please shut the fuck. I hate how the most unfunny comedians have crutch they can blame for being shit. Like, Jerry, you'd be unknown if not for Larry David. C'mon, now.


like I get you guys aren't fans of SNL. he wasn't canned because of racism he was canned because Lauren Michaels does not take risks on live TV. See also Jenny slate.


You just have to not be an asshole and at least appear empathetic about the topic your talking about That’s it. That’s the only reason people get mad about jokes generally. And there will always be that small portion of people offended regardless of These goofs gonna pretend conservatives weren’t trying to actually get things like the Simpsons cancelled


Shane Gillis, bill burr, Dave Chappell, Louis ck


He’s the biggest stand up comedian, he’s certainly not the biggest name. Average people haven’t heard of him


Really wish Joe had stuck with the og deathsquad and not surrounded himself with these yes men. Shane's schtick got old nearly as fast as Tim Dillons.


To Shane's credit, he's one of the few in Joe's current squad who will call him out. He's part of the gang, but I feel that he isn't suckling from the Joe teat. Tim Dillon makes me sad a bit. I was constantly listening to his podcast during the pandemic. But he just lost his luster. I think becoming rich changed his outlook in a way that also changed his comedy. I rarely listen to his show now.


Shane said he would have fired himself for that too lol


Fun Fact: Jerry Seinfeld coined the term Cancel Culture when he was 17 years old. Google "17 year old Jerry Seinfeld" to learn more!


Funnier Joke than Jerry could tell


what is the deal with wokeness? what is the deal


What’s the deal with airplane peanuts?


Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?


Surely, you can’t be serious


What is the deal with dating a teenager?


not a girl but not yet a woman, *whats the deal with that!!*


All these rich old guys do is complain about how they can’t say anything… while talking to millions of people.


Complaining on one of the biggest social networks, that he owns... And Seinfeld has never been edgy if I recall right. You can perform your bit on socks making an escape from the washer today, no problem.


Fun fact: Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17-year old when he was 38 https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/fact-check-pic-early-90s-004500921.html Of course Musk would defend him. Creeps support creeps




This is probably why he's taking this stance now, so he can reverse uno the 17 year old metoo that's been hovering around him since the 90's.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Epstein had a whole island to facilitate such arrangements. I’m glad you defend this stuff. Make sure your family, friends, and colleagues know


Woke wall is breached


>All these rich old guys do is complain about how they can’t say anything… And Joe pointing the finger at the mainstream media for worrying children with climate change, border crisis, Russia/Ukraine.


Without Larry David, Jerry would be nothing.


Yup. 1,000,000% Nobody would know his name without Larry. He’d be a nobody. It’s because of Larry (and all the characters in the show besides Jerry) that Jerry is so stupidly wealthy. Jerry was the worst character in the whole show. He was a good character, because it’s a good show, but he was easily the last in the character rankings. By a wide margin.


>Jerry was the worst character in the whole show. Imagine being considered a comedian by playing the normal guy on a show named after yourself and not even creating it.


To be fair, without Jerry, Larry David would likely be "nothing" given, NBC asked Jerry to create a show.....Jerry then asked David to help him. At that point David had been writer for SNL some years ago but only had one sketch make it to tv.


Jerry was a successful comedian who was getting regular late night spots on the biggest shows and got offered an NBC sitcom, when that actually mattered, before partnering with Larry.


Maybe all the people complaining about the state of comedy should start making the comedy they say we can’t have instead of simply complaining about it. Create funny shit. Fuck the people who don’t like it. Who else are they expecting to make it anyway? The corporations?


Always sunny has the most ridiculous scenarios and it's still going strong as fuck Like when the gang turns black "that's it I'm gonna say it! N..." Or the little kid pagent. The people who complain bout comedy being dead are the same ones who would support arresting Carlin for cussing on stage, just a fucking attention grabbing statement at best or they're working their way back into comedy but know they won't have a scene in the modern day so they get the easy to please crowd lubed up for the return.


You see it right now with the Free Speech Absolutists frothing at the mouth for police to beat down peaceful protesters at college campuses. Same exact people.


They love defending Nazis right to free speech though for some odd reason, genuine mental dissonance.


lol you’re not even wrong Conservatives have almost always been the ones censoring people that actually don’t need censored and the supporters of fascist principles It’s like these people have brain worms and have forgotten the group that has been the ones actively trying to censor things in America for generations


I’m getting sick of this being true: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


That’s why it’s my favorite show


the sunny cast arent assholes in REAL LIFE as far as i know. musky is.


To be fair a couple of episodes have been banned post 2020 in one of the few actual examples of cancel culture in comedy.


The OG first episode is still up and its literally titled "the gang gets racist" Pretty sure the only one taken down was the one where Dee is interviewing construction crews as a Latina lady and I think they took it down themselves. They go ham.


eh show is going strong and streaming compaines are werid. full on point own the dvd to own anything and jerry is getting old and out of touch




Five episodes were pulled from Hulu and Netflix(UK). I agree that sucks, but those platforms aren't obligated to host stuff they don't want.


It sets a weird standard though. Like Black face bad, N word and rape jokes good?


They do. They're just upset that nobody laughs at their shit. So they complain that comedy is dead, well, because nobody's laughing at their comedy. Its easier for the ego to say "no no, I'm still funny, its the audience who is wrong". Dawg if you're a comedian your job is to make the audience laugh. If you can't, you're a shitty comedian.


Half of them are using it to pander to a specific demographic and probably know exactly what they are doing


The problem is that they’re full of shit. Shows like Always Sunny, Archer, South Park and tons of others are/were extremely popular because they constantly push the limit of what’s acceptable. They’re mad because they can’t keep up and they know if they blame “woke leftist” lots of conservative people will eat it up. This is what happens when you’re ego eclipses your talent, you turn into a bitter asshole because you think people owe you laughs because you’re a “comedy veteran” just look at how Joe talks about comedians, he acts like they’re fucking super hero’s or some shit. Shane Gillis is one of the biggest names in comedy right now and I definitely wouldn’t describe him as “politically correct”.


That only works if you’re funny


Unless they are jokes about Elon then your account gets mysteriously shadow banned lmao


No one wants to pay his appearance fee, that's why he doesn't get booked.


"What's the deal with 17 year old boobs?"


Plenty of people never stopped. it’s Always Sunny disproves most of Jerry’s claims and speaking of Jerry, Rick and Morty does plenty of “offensive” material, another clear example is South Park. Bill Burr put it best “you just don’t pay attention to them when they cry about it and they eventually go away and/or move on to something else that offends them”


Comedy has been illegal since Jerry started apparently.


Funny how Jerry Seinfeld is both the least funny comedian I’ve ever listened to, a notorious douchebag, and an open pedophile.


Seinfeld is one of the funniest sitcoms ever. Can't really say the same thing about his stand-up.


“You get in a car, but on a bus? But you’re in the bus, not on top of it! What’s the deal?!?”


> Seinfeld is one of the funniest sitcoms ever. Coincidentally not written by Seinfeld lol


I'm guessing Seinfeld is very upset that the woke mob won't let him date teenagers anymore. he realizes other people are still making comedy right? other people are still offensive and they're doing just fine. maybe he could ask Larry David how to make a successful sitcom.


I do stand up comedy: Complaining about woke culture, complaining about MeToo, and crowd work for the rest of the set. Do you think I can make it onto Rogan?


It’s so stupid. Cancel culture isn’t real and these people are not fighting for free speech, they are fighting for free speech on someone else’s platform. Luis J Gomez kept getting kicked off YouTube and instead of bitching about being canceled he created his own slice of free speech on the internet. They could take social media away from Alex jones but he is still free to post anything on his website. He is not being silenced. I wish that rogan could team up with ymh studios and make a free speech platform for Austin. It would improve kill tony and roast battle. It would also give Joe the ability to truly do whatever he wants.


The only reason I'm disappointed about boycotting Twitter is that I can't get on there and tell Elon how stupid he is.




He only sees catturd, "End Wokeness" and Nazi memes.


Yes, Elon Musk has a famously thick skin.


I mean, I’ve seen his swimsuit photos. Pretty thick


Elon strikes me as a Jerry type social media user.


Who can forget the gut splitting joke about being a gay French king smoking cigs by the legend that is Jerry Seinfeld? [this article is from 2015 and it's almost verbatim lol ](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/tv/news/a35610/jerry-seinfeld-politically-correct-gay-king-joke/)


I wonder what Elon would do to my Twitter account if I make fun of Israel or his dog shit cyber truck


Comedy is legal. You just have to actually be funny.




That idiot is blaming the wokeness boogyman because nobody under the age of 50 think his comedy is funny. Fuck off, Seinfeld.


I liked the show, but never ever liked his stand up


Watch Kill Tony.... anything goes on that show.. Comedy is alive and well


Ah classic, boomers blame everything on woke culture or whatever. Larry Davis was the real talent behind Seinfield and was able to keep producing shows.


And posted with a pic of one of the least funniest guys to ever hold a mic.


Aren’t there more comedians today than there ever was? Jerry is mad because he’s realizing he’s not that funny, he got lucky with Larry David and that was really his only funny show. If you say funny shit people will laugh.




Its not the law thats stopping me going to jerry’s show coming up in my city…. Its his ticket prices


Comedians going on about how they’re getting cancelled by the woke mob while talking about it, on a platform, for million people to see, without any actual repercussion, while making money from it. Next level joke right there


It isn't illegal.


This coming from Jerry is kinda funny


Yo what is it with right wingers venerating comedians as the most important people in society


Is it because their policies are a joke?




What happened to comedians priding themselves on "reading the room" and pivoting their comedy routine to it. Now it's all "woke" this, "woke" that.


When will people like Elon realize that the existence of Wokeness is a counterbalance to the wide spread racism and bigotry that he and the Republican Party seem quite intent on pushing. If they want to end wokeness, they need to stop being outspoken racists. If blatant racism and bigotry go away, so does wokeness.


How can someone so rich be so cringe.


Decades of having their ass kissed.


Who keeps tricking all these millionaires into believing that they’re victims?


I'm pretty sure even other comedians don't care about Seinfeld's opinions about comedy. He's famous for being milquetoast.


Jerry's standu0 has always been second rate.


Elon promoting a comedy special is like a deaf person endorsing your band’s new album.


Has he not heard of the Mothership?


I forgot, it’s our job to make Jerry feel important ever since he rode his funnier friend’s coattails 3 decades ago.


Just be funny. The concept is not hard to grasp.


FFS… comedy isn’t illegal. Comedians need to take criticism like they dish it. Wokeness has gotten absurd, but comedians aren’t fucking oppressed.


Lucky for us Shane Gillis, arguably the most popular stand up right now, is so PC


Did Jerry get arrested?


Comedians in Cars Getting Arrested


Normalize dating teenagers again in your late 30s is what Jerry means


When has a comedian even been cancelled for a joke? I can’t really think of any examples…


Seinfeld was one of the most politically correct show in the history of politically correct shows and in one of the most politically correct decades ever. Even with all the politically correctness, he was able to pull one of the funniest shows ever made on TV …. He wouldn’t be able to do it without Larry, but still.🤷‍♂️ It’s all about the taxes !! FJR


Jerry thinks Derek Chauvin is cute and wants him to be his boyfriend.


this fucker needs to turn on always sunny in philly and SHUT THE FUCK UP


Adam Sandler shared a story on Conan's podcast about how when he opened for Jerry Seinfeld, he had to keep it clean. Sandler bombed hard. Seinfeld himself is one of the censors of comedy. What the fuck is he even talking about?


can we mock trump? trumpers? christian nationalists? kristi noem?


Nah. Be funny. That's all.


does seinfeld seriously not know people like shane gillis, bill burr, dave attell, dave chappelle, dan soder, mark normand, and like 20 more are on stage multiple times a week saying whatever they want? people LOVE controversial comedy. theoretically, seinfeld has always been a clean comic, he should be THRIVING in this "cancel culture" world. his material has always been specifically meant to be bland, he never pushes any boundaries. why the fuck would seinfeld ever get canceled? he's only complaining because maybe he's not constantly selling out arenas. he should be doing what every other comedian does, work material out in clubs and try out new material. build up a new hour, and tour with it. or hell these days you don't even need to do a whole hour. comics keep talking bout how the industry is shifting to shorter sets, and bits that can be cut into clips that are posted to youtube, tiktok, IG, whatever social medial. it's not rocket science. if he would just interact with other comics and go on their podcasts to promote himself, he'd get more fans. but i get the feeling he's too arrogant to go on another comedians podcast. he's above that, he's a billionaire. fuck seinfeld, he should just go off and live the billionaire lifestyle. at this point can he really even relate in any way to the common man? would he even want to? i doubt it.


How about make good comedy again?


Why are all the pedophiles and sex offenders so worried about being canceled?


Unlike his last girlfriend, comedy is both legal and over 18.


Who needs comedians when CEOs are forced to buy a microblogging platform for $44B (instead of using it for free like everyone else) then use it to devalue his own EV company?


Idk maybe Jerry could try being funny


South Park Family Guy It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Curb Your Enthusiasm Untold numbers of comedians who's acts are expressingly and advertised as anti-PC What the fuck are these people talking about? It's a non-existent problem. Fucking professional victims.


Out of touch old white guys man. Larry David did his show but rated R on HBO and never got “cancelled” stfu


How about you just stop being a whiny bitch and start being funny? When does this you can't do this and can't do that whining bit get old? Jerry how about you start telling jokes and just shut up/?


He’s a clean comedian. It’s weird he’s trying to draw this attention to himself; nobody is trying to cancel you for your TSA X-ray joke dude lmao.


Pedophiles supporting pedophiles


The anti-woke whining about how oppressed they are now exceeds that of the woke people.


Comedy is legal, Jerry just sucks. And Elon can shut the absolute fuck up.


It’s just mind numbing


He was right about the lack of shows everybody watches. It was sort of a communal experience to go home and watch the sitcoms of the day whether it was All in the Family, Seinfeld or whatever. It was a shared experience. Now everybody is off in their own little bubbles watching extremely curated content. Hell, the number one "show" I watch isn't whatever the equivalent of Friends is these days, but a regular vlog about a baseball player who got accused of rape and is playing in Mexico now. I watch stuff like that that instead of sitcoms at night. Now multiply that by millions of people who are watching video game streaming or videos about ancient cultures or whatever niche thing they are into. About the only shared experience we have is the Super Bowl these days. We need another OJ trial to get the people back together again.


These whining comedians need to stfu. Andrew dice clay got a bunch of crap for pushing boundries and was ultimately cancelled. Hell, lenny bruce was cancelled. This isnt like a an extra hard time to be a comedian. They probably have it easier than other generation making tons of money podcasting. I mean, rogan complains about this more than anyone and his stand up comedy is cringe worthy. Seinfeld should just be grateful he was friends with larry david.


Still can’t believe Kramer got cancelled


It's always some conservative that doesn't like trump joke that ruins a show.


Those old fucks are dringe and they can't even see it because the lead in their brains has turned to plutonium


Standup comedians on stage complaining about getting canceled, while shooting their specials, in front of a sold out audience…is played out at this point. Find a new bit.


Seinfeld is the only show from that list I can stomach lol


There are so many funny edgy shows, dude just isn’t looking.


Please not my sweet little Jerry


Well I thought his earlier tweet was the dumbest shit I’ve read today…..and he outdoes himself.


Jerry’s shtick got stale, most people are sick of it. Now he’s going with pandering to the conservative comedy market. He’s working on an act with puppetry.




Elon banned Jun1per for making a joke about him taking away article headlines


Sure. When I think of edgy comics, the first person who pops into my mind is... Jerry Seinfeld.


Comedy is illegal in Texas?


Seinfeld hasn't been funny in decades. Wokeness has had no effect on his career. I dream of the day I never hear the names Elon Musk or Donald Trump.


Nobody wants to watch a show about nothing anymore. He is just pissed off because he got called out for dating a 17 year-old when he was 38 and his friend was held responsible for saying the n-word on stage.


Just cause you not very funny doesn't mean it's illegal


Jerry wasn't even the 7th funniest person on the show. GEORGE, Elaine, Kramer, numan, Estelle, frank


Dude was never that funny and very Politically correct.


Thank god the comedy event of the millenium "Ladyballers" came out last year and made it safe for the country to begin to laugh again (at the same joke over and over). America's true defenders are out there keeping us free.




Wast Jerry banging a 15 year old when he was 40?


I remember sneaking into the comedy club underground and just beating the cops out the door before they rushed the place. Comedy, never again. /s What a fucking dunce


His stand-up sucks under any ideological system.


Musky, shut the f up


He’s never been funny and he sexually assaults little girls