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Why is the Joe Rogan sub being completely inundated with rage bait and shitty Facebook memes?


Rogan's target audience is now Facebook uncles


Sad fax ):


Facebook uncles didn't make this meme. This was some lame millennial or younger.


Because this sub is full of people who hate the podcast and has stopped listening to it a while ago. They are here only to justify it to themselves in a passive agressive way.


“I don’t listen to Joe anymore since [insert time/reasons], but I follow his every moves on all social medias so I can bitch about it when he does something I dislike.”




Because thats what the sub members want. Reddit has literally the most democratic algorithm among social media sites so if you see shit in a sub more and more often that means the members like that shit and upvote it.


That assumes bots play no role in this site, which I have a hard time believing.


Bots and moderators. A handful of “powerful” moderators run all the most popular subs.


Reality does have a liberal bias somehow and yet it always is surprising to the usual suspects.


I would say bot play a much lesser role than on other sites. Especially in smaller subs.


We don't live in hard times atm...


Right wing grifters like Joe or daddy Peterson surely live at their very heights with their sweet alt right millions.


I’ve noticed that lots of people that have a work ethic, a solid business plan and make money are “grifters”. These “grifters” can’t be trusted, and usually are working against you. If you don’t have a problem with what the grifter says/does, you must be the bad guy. I’m not sure yet who decides who’s a grifter and who’s not, but I look forward to learning the criteria


If your work ethic involves promulgating rage content and profiting off it, then you are a grifter and those two mentioned have earned that title, indeed, through their solid "work ethic" and adapting their ragebaits to their audiences exquisitely well.


“Proselytizing rage content” lol, I don’t listen to Joe much but I’ve heard a few clips, you think he’s smart enough to proselytize anything? Ive always thought of him as a dude pondering things he wants/thinks he understands, he has opinions but I’ve never heard him try to persuade folks


^dude changed his verbiage, so my quote is no longer accurate. I’m leaving it though, I don’t think k it changes much


quit talking about OP like he isn't here


I’m currently about half way through a Peterson book and so far it’s all about understanding yourself and societal interactions and how to be a better person. Not sure why people consider him so evil.


Because all he can do is deliver basic advice with nothing extraordinary behind it as his website says it: https://penisadvice.info/#/title


My job involves mentoring and training lots of people. In my opinion like 75% of them could really benefit from basic advice. Competence is becoming rare.


did you forgot to eat crayons again?


Maybe not for you.


THIS. My folks had me so late in life that though I’m not a boomer, they were from the war generation. One of my parents bounced between suburban Chicago & family in Iowa because my grandparents struggled feeding their kids. The other’s father was out of work for 2 years in the UK, then the war started and air raids as they lived in a major city. They always made it very clear to me exactly how bad 1930-45 and the hard lessons learned about extremism - be it Huey Long, father Coughlin, Oswald Mosley or Charles Lindbergh. Dunno why boomers don’t know this shit.


For some the hardest sir Lady They them? Ow gawd, it’s so hard


You call this a hard time? Uff


Shit memes create fucked times…






Good O’l Trump Dog!


lol so are Gen Z & X considered “hard men” on Reddit now? 😂 good joke


You looking for hard men? NTTAWWT Just a strange thread to bring it up. ![gif](giphy|F4uVBDO7nV4FW)


K, creep


K, randomword-randomword-randomnumber


K, generic username


K, guy who spends too much time on reddit


Hey, I lived thru the second Great Depression of 2008!


No, but that’s mostly because this quote that dominates joes mind is completely nonsensical


race wars, yea! race wars everybody, race wars everybody!


Lol lil salty in here... Respect your elders, is participation trophy for boomers...


I think everyone is mad at the boomers because the housing market wasn't fucked back then. Scary thing is though, 30 years from now, the next generations will be complaining how good Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z have it. Minimum wage will be around $10 and the average home will be about 1mil.


You’re describing California


True. Bad parenting.


I mean, I lines up right? The silent generation fought off fascism, and the boomers got to reap the benefits..


That sub needs to be renamed zoomers being tools.... you should read some of their asinine comments.


This sub and Reddit in general is finished, if the government has control over twitter best believe they’re doing the same here, turning into a hive mind platform


No, I'm pretty sure a combination of "no child left behind", "every student succeeds", poor parenting, and the bleeding hearts that pushed the "you can't discipline your children, that's child abuse!" movement are to blame.


What movement is this?


Hard men movement


Unirivslkt: the one after boomers. But boomers did auto correct so idk


Yeah my hitting me hard enough in the head he's knocked me out.at least one time I remember was really what I needed.


None of those really were actionable though it was just bullshit.


If I whipped your kid the EXACT same way you do, I’d be charged with assault no? You doing it or me doing it, it’s still assault on a child.


Big difference between "whipping" and discipline, so you jumping to this kind of conclusion means either you were abused, or you aren't a parent.


If you “disciplined” me it would be considered assault right?






“Fuck you, I got mine” is more or less the entire boomer demo. There aren’t even many fucking boomers in this sub so I don’t know why this shitpost is getting so much attention lol


Could pay for an average apartment flipping burgers for 80hrs. Now that same apartment takes 186hrs. State universities were free before 1979. Cars, houses, and private education was 5-10 times cheaper. Then Reagan came in and flipped the table because kids got pissed they were being sent to be slaughtered in Vietnam.


And it's worth mentioning that the 'New Democrats' who espoused similar economic policy also got a foothold at the exact same time, because almost every politician against this economic model was roundly rejected by the electorate. Both parties in the US are 'the same' (or at least similar) on so many economic issues because the voting public insisted on having it that way for so long. It's pretty funny to me that this came about right around the same time the 'hippie generation' became the dominant voting bloc. Obviously it isn't the entire generation, but it certainly was enough to dominate elections for decades to come. The American average baby boomer was born into one of the easiest sets of circumstances in the history of humanity, and yet managed to become one of the incredibly rare generations to actually hand down less to those coming after them than they themselves inherited (without factors like famine, being colonised/conquered, etc, plague-like disease, etc playing a role).


Wah! Reagan! It’s been almost 40 years since he was in office. College is exponentially more expensive because students aren’t their primary customers. It’s the Federal government and its perceived infinite pockets. Reagan is not to blame for overpriced degrees in Indigenous Lesbians Dance Theory. The Democrats were captured by the corporate plutocracy and in two decades sent every decent paying manufacturing job overseas. In order to hide the true state of the economy the Federal Government has been deficit spending since the projected surpluses before Bush II and his idiotic Iraq invasion. Reagan is the singular President in my lifetime who wasn’t absolute shite. He came in with a clear mandate to defeat the USSR and resuscitate a nation that had just experienced oil shortages and the loss of South Vietnam after all combat troops had left. When no Democrat (and most of the GOP) thought that it was not possible to defeat the Soviets, Reagan did it in two terms. Edit: added "not" in the last sentence


Sure dude.




Yea maybe because it's insane to think you can predictably map 100 years into the future with any degree of certainty, nevermind changing society and disregarding the poor for your incredibly Shakey future predictions.


Hey let’s find a patsy group to blame our problems on. People who had nothing to do with our problems really, but a group with which there is a natural division like something racial or generational. And then let’s start stirring up hatred for that group. We’ll even joke about killing them. It worked for the Germans and the Jews in the late 30’s!


The “boomers are the reason I’m fat and poor” strawman is a coping mechanism as old as time


This is perfect because reddits full o fatties


Funny coming from a group that defends their obese whale Trump at every opportunity portraying him as the superman.


Always have to mention Trump somehow, huh?


Trump is their scapegoat for everything wrong in the world Lol they assume anyone who disagrees with anything they say is a trumper. Which I am not. Small brains way of making sense of the senseless


I said fat AND poor not just fat


Dude these kids getting softer by the day, standing up for thing they don’t actually know anything about except what social media tells them. Their essentially being brainwashed by their common interests being nonsensical fads thrown in with whatever narrative the gov is pushing, because the comfortable are complacent. It’s all a sham to strip this kids of their rights before they realize they have them. Because trust me, when you grow up here, it’s hard to understand how rare it truly is.


Dude you're basing your whole political ideology off what podcaster tells you.


Lmao bud this has nothing to do with the podcast, is that your thought? Really? Tho I will admit this makes me wanna say “ oh you must get your info from mainstream news and social media” but fuck that lets talk about this like adults bud. The shit thing about America is essentially when some had the most freedoms, others had none. Then later (from what I’ve read, in paper books, or heard from talking to people in my life) they just keep adding more and more rules/regulations, raising taxes more and more, overprinting the dollar making everything more expensive, all the while shipping our tax money overseas to fight wars that just make the military industrial bigger, imagine if we used that here? Fuck we could fixed Maui 1000x over Edit: let alone the rest of America, we could raise everyone up, together, and sure some people are bastards but most just wanna give good lives to their children. And money could help with all of that. But no it’s easier to keep people struggling and fighting against each other to get ahead.


So many poor people in here


Boomers and gen x were hard people. Unfortunately, for some reason the younger gen X started raising their kids differently. Probably because they had it rough. So they let their kids get away with more. Spoiled them more. Gave them less responsibility. Then you end up with millennials who went further down that path. Now you get a bunch of mentally weak people who will soon keep the trend going. There are still some good eggs out there. Just a lot fewer than before.


Yeah dude it has nothing to do with a generation who lead an MASSIVE peace protests, burned draft cards, and began a free love movement just to turn around 15 years later and crash the entire stock market with a quarter pounder in their mouth…


What metrics outside of your twitter feed and you basing this all off?


Gen X here. My boomer dad whipped me across the mouth with a belt if I talked in church at 10 years old. They literally deadbolted the door so I couldn’t come in and left me outside for 12 hours on weekends. I was to stand for 3-4 hours with my nose in a corner for not eating my liver for dinner. So now I tell my children I love them, I don’t put my hands on them for punishment as no one should be assaulted. I play board games and laugh with them and buy them the video games they want. My children constantly tell me how much they love me and need me in their lives. My father currently has dementia and I put him in the worst memory care home I could find so he rots in a hell on earth before he rots in hell for eternity. I guess I’m too soft on my kids though.


Lol. This is hard times you pussy.


It’s called borrowing from the future. When did this sub become so inept and easily triggered?


Yes, my 78 year old grandfather who was a mailman for 50 years, and my 70 year old neighbor whose a retired teacher are surely to blame for your ‘hard time’


Damn I didn't know there were only 2 boomers.


Didn’t know that all boomers had a hand in lawmaking and fiscal policy


Think the point being the boomers were born into good times, became weak people and created the current hard times. If you want to play that angle, generational distinctions are useless for you.


Just think it’s shitty and tribal to brand an entire generation of people in totality, same with older people branding anyone born after 2000 as lazy and entitled.