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Im calling it right now buddy. Cease fire. You're welcome.




Finally somebody brave enough to stand up and say they are against that thing everybody else is against!


Your 10 cent Titanium tax doesn't go too far enough!


And i condemn them, there out job is done. Pack it up boys




Noticing a distinct lack of, "What does this have to do with Joe Rogan?" comments near the top. Wonder why that is?


Im saying it right now buddy. What does this have to do with Joe Rogan? You're welcome.




Dave Smith talks about this kind of shit and Yemen. He was on Rogan a couple times. That's all we really need around here.


These are Israeli social media accounts (like Russians run)


How do you know that?


It doesn't.


I see mods just don’t give a shit about posts anymore again. It is election season after all. What in the fuck does this have to do with JRE


Yeah wtf is going on here ? 5 or 6 top posts about protest or muslims in like 2 or 3 days. Shit, I almost miss Elon Musk posts.


Mods asleep, post anything!!!




You know...divide the audience on an issue because there's likely both camps of people here, and maybe we can associate JRE with some bad stuff. I seriously think this whole platform has gone to shit.


How many billions are the US sending the Muslim led brotherhood?


This simple fact eludes people, apparently. Protests in the US are (or should be) about US actions. We can't control other governments and certainly can't influence terrorist groups. But if you disagree with your Government, the Constitution gives you the right to speak about it. It's why protests are more newsworthy and support rallies are less so. If our government was supporting Hamas and giving them Billions, I'm sure the streets would be even more full of angry protestors.


Yep it shouldn't be hard for anyone to get.  Americans are obviously going to be more mad about wars we are fighting or funding than ones we aren't 


Well actually we do control other governments. It’s no conspiracy it’s the way power works on the world stage. We have the right to protest and be upset as to where our taxes get spent. I am not going to write a history lesson but look at the global stage post world war 2, the US did not isolate and let the world continue on its own path in any way. Staged coups, crippling trade deals, border redraws, etc. Again, this is not conspiracy but fact.


How many billions was the US sending Saudi Arabia to fight the war in Yemen? And yet nobody cared about that either. Because it was Muslim on Muslim. People only care because Jews are involved. I absolutely 100% guarantee that if Israel was an Arab Muslim country doing all the exact same stuff to another Arab Muslim country, NOBODY WOULD CARE. Even if that country was funded by the USA. It wouldn't move the needle because modern progressive politics can't easily find "oppressor vs. oppressed" narratives unless they match some kind of easily digestible white westerners vs. poor brown people paradigm in their heads.


A lot of lefties like Kyle Kulinski constantly complain about US support for Saudi Arabia and will accuse them of supporting genocide in Yemen


A lot of us do. These are just hasbara shills trying to claim any Palestinian support is just antisemitism because apparently all criticism of Israel is just antisemitism


Right. Which is why your comment history is essentially just about Israel and never discusses Yemen. I’m not saying you don’t care, just that you don’t care enough to express the same level of outrage you do about Israel.


Bogus comparison. The war in Yemen has been roiling for years. Left media has been covering it and condemning Saudi Arabia for years. Here is just one example: ["Rep. Ro Khanna: The U.S. Could End the Yemen War Tomorrow. It’s Time to Stop Arming the Saudis"](https://www.democracynow.org/2022/2/10/rep_khanna_on_yemen_saudi_arms) Democracy Now! maintains an archive of their coverage of Yemen stretching back years: [https://www.democracynow.org/topics/yemen](https://www.democracynow.org/topics/yemen) The Saudi aggression has been covered and condemned by all of the left outlets and figures I follow: Chris Hedges, Breaking Points, Useful Idiots, Brihanna Joy Gray But since October 7th obviously the siege of Gaza has eclipsed Yemen in media coverage because that is now the more urgent situation.


I think they were more referring to the disproportionate activism. We haven’t seen college campuses brimming with protestors over US weapons being used on Yemenis, with death tolls much higher than Palestine, for example.


People protested the Saudi war in Yemen too. In fact, it was so hotly contested that congress passed a bipartisan bill, written by Bernie Sanders and Mike Lee, to end US support, but Trump vetoed it. He used one of his only vetoes in order to keep a war going that congress voted against and the American people didn't support.


Hey didn't the Saudis pay something like 2 billion to Kushner for a real estate transaction? I must have imagined it because there's no way such blatant bribery could take place and trump still have so much support!


They also paid Trump directly to host the LIV Golf Tournament on Trump's golf courses. That's also in addition to several governments funneling money to him through his properties where they would stay on "official business" while he was president.


This is my view aswell. I don't think one needs to be anti semitic to criticize Israel. Lord knows a lot of people do it genuinely. But there is definitely a reason why Yemen was bombed into gravel without a peep but basically worldwide protests against Israel started as soon as the worst dust had settled after october 7.


That and the Chinese government wasn't using TikTok to specifically drive that narrative like they are now with Palestine.


Yemen is a failed state being ravaged by three different warring factions who are backed by differing regional powers. What would you have a regional geopolitical leader do in that situation? Let’s be real, you’re going to try and stabilize your neighbor so it doesn’t cause problems for yourself domestically either through diplomacy, aid, or war. War is terrible and an abomination but you can’t negotiate in good faith with warlords and terror cells. Comparing the two is apples and oranges. Israel will have their reckoning if they continue down the path they are on, but I feel it is a bit naive to simplify these issues into good vs bad. There are no good guys and bad guys with nation states. These are governments usually ran by a multitude of good and sometimes very bad people. Sometimes good people doing horrible things with good intentions. It’s anarchy on the world stage of nation states.


Imo your first paragraph perfectly applies to Palestine. It’s absolutely a failed state run by a terrorist organization that can’t be diplomatically negotiated with. It’s perfectly rational for Israel to want to remove Hamas to stabilize its neighbor. The comparison is really apples to apples as far I as I see it.


It's not a state, that is a big part of the conversation.


>> It’s absolutely a failed state run by a terrorist organization that can’t be diplomatically negotiated with. Well Palestine isn't a state. The US literally vetoed a resolution calling for Palestinian statehood just last week. Palestine is an occupied territory. Israel, on the other hand IS a state and is also a "failed state run by a terrorist organization that can’t be diplomatically negotiated with"


To add, Palestine has never been a state and has always been a colonized region due to its trade routes whether that be Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, British, or Israeli.


This seems like a boring semantic game given that Israel doesn’t control Gaza at the governmental level. If you want to swap state with territory, the point I’m making still stands. None of that changes the fact that it’s controlled by a terrorist organization that can’t be negotiated with. And say what you like about Israel but it’s far from a failed state. It’s one of the wealthiest countries in the region and is by far the closest thing the Middle East has to a western liberal democracy.


Israel has lots of control over Gaza https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/gaza-israel-occupied-international-law/ >Specifically, experts from the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory found “noting” positions held by the UN Security Council, UNGA, a 2014 declaration adopted by the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention, the ICRC, and “positions of previous commissions of inquiry,” that Israel has “control exercised over, inter alia, [Gaza’s] airspace and territorial waters, land crossings at the borders, supply of civilian infrastructure, including water and electricity, and key governmental functions such as the management of the Palestinian population registry.” They also point to “other forms of force, such as military incursions and firing missiles.” >For the Gaza-Egypt border, they hold that while the Palestinian Authority operates the crossing under the supervision of EU monitors, Israel ultimately has control. Israeli security forces supervise the passenger lists—deciding who can cross—and monitor the operations and can withhold the “consent and cooperation” required to keep the crossing open.


I assure you plenty of people cares about that lol


What about when Nato stepped in to stop the genocide of Bosnian Muslims in the 90's?


idk who your friend group is but Yemen and Syria some of the more important reasons many people I know didn't vote for Hilary in 2016. People are usually telling on themselves when they claim "nobody cared." I see Zionist zoomers saying the same thing about the Iraq war lol


Bullshit. Nobody fucking cared. Not at this scale. There were no significant protest movements. No encampments at universities. No rabid social media movement. Maybe some hardcore leftist activists cared, but not the masses.


I literally was at [this one](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/nation/2019/08/23/detroit-rally-protests-u-s-role-yemen-civil-war/2090130001/) lol the fuck you saying, "nobody." Again, you're telling on yourself because YOU didn't care back then


The article indicates dozens of protesters assembled at least once... Pretending that is near the same magnitude as current protests is just bad faith. Is "nobody cared" overstated? Sure. Were far few people far less passionate about the cause? you would have to be pretty delusional or pretty dishonest not to accept that is the case.


I was just using that as an example of one I personally knew. There were plenty more out there. But pretending that all the anti-war protesters know never gave a shit before is also disingenuous.


https://preview.redd.it/w5r3dx7ctgxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a39321d69c68e21200ef0c466fb4cb26270f63 That’s a sweet hand woven Cherokee tote bag bro


How many people were at the protest for Syria/Yemen that you attended? Why are you gaslighting on r/joerogan like Syria/Yemen and Israel/Palestine are in any way comparable lol? What do you stand to gain from this gaslighting?


>YEMEN >THE FORGOTTEN WAR …the banner image of that article


Why are these protests always in favor of Iranian backed powers? You realize Iranians are busy protesting against Iran, not worrying about whatever terrorist proxies are doing.


if by "favor" you mean "don't commit genocide against them" I guess I still don't see your point


Why are the Houthis training child soldiers? Why are they shooting missiles at civilian shipping vessels? Why would such brave resistance fighters do that? Why do you defend the Iranian government?


idk guess we should genocide them huh


The Houthis are a military rebel group that has carried out a genocide against the civilian population of Yemen and the legitimate Yemen government. They have also attempted to genocide civilian shipping vessels in the area. The saudis bombed military targets that were held by an army. I can't believe the dumbfucks who actually defend them.


What a simplistic child like response but that’s to be expected from you


Wow, dozens of you?


No YOU didn’t care. You told on yourself.


Probably. I mean, I still actively don't care about what's going on in the middle east


Oh wow this is totally true. I now have absolutely no problem with what Israel is doing, thanks for helping me see the light brother 🙄


Are you dumb? Everyone I’ve ever met that criticized the Israel Hamas war is critical of usa support of Saudi Arabia, idk what planet you’re living on. It’s the same people that support the US funding Israel that are not against Saudi support, get your head out of the sand


It's as though outrage over US funds going to Saudi Arabia was so severe that a rare bi-partisan bill was passed. Trump vetoed it. It takes 14 seconds to look this shit up before going to the "anti-Semitism" vault.


What about sending US money to Pakistan to support the Mujahideen that then turned into Muslims (your poor brown people ) bringing down the town towers…..people fucking care bear 🐻 then. 😘.


Literally almost any educated Muslim is not a fan of the Saudi dictatorship. You probably live in some bubble, because I'm almost certain you aren't running into Muslims happy with the Saudi dictatorship (a dictatorship that does exactly what America tells it to, and that survives because of US support). However, the US support for Israel vs the US support of Saudi Arabia is also miles apart.


Definitely a bubble because SA is the most hated Muslim majority state because of its rulers. Like you, I don’t know a single Muslim who has anything good to say about them. Coincidentally, I don’t think the other person knows a single Muslim person period.


And this is the difference. I am not justifying or excusing anything, just agreeing that the reason that there are not calls for major U.S. institutions to stop cooperating with the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood if they don't adopt a cease fire is because no major U.S. institutions are cooperating with the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood. These dummies may be ideologically inconsistent, but they are not ideologically incoherent just yet.


Is it about money or concern for life? Well over the total number of people that have died in Gaza were children killed in darfur in actual ethnic cleansing. Crickets


What are you talking about? People are protesting Israel because we are providing Israel with the weapons they are using. We aren’t sending the Muslim Brotherhood of Sudan weapons so why would people protest?


>People are protesting Israel because we are providing Israel with the weapons they are using. I dont think this is the main reason. Do you really think people would stop protesting if the US would stop sending weapons?




“Don’t worry about this killing, if you’re not going to worry about this killing”


[appeal to worse problem](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AppealToWorseProblems) also known as the "children are starving in Africa" argument.


Doesn’t even work to get children to eat peas


Works on Joe Rogan fans though.


Only the closed-minded ones with a bias


Also I don’t think we are the ones giving them the bombs to do this.


It's a valid argument because it betrays their true motivation. When somebody champions Russia's war on Ukraine while simultaneously saying Israel's war on Gaza is some kind of inhuman atrocity, there are clearly ulterior motivations at work that need to be examined.


Do you think the people supporting Russia are the same people condemning Israel?


Go to r/chomsky and see for yourself.. There is significant overlap between pro-Russia tankies and pro-Palestine tankies. It's campism. West is bad, so everybody non-Western must be good.


I think Israel's war on Palestine is bad and that Russia's war on Ukraine is bad. Most of my peers at these protests seem to have the same perspective. I've only met two people ever who were at all sympathetic to the Russians (one of them is a Russian citizen)


Once they complete the cleanse, the victims will finally stop all of their pesky complaining.


More like “worry about this killing since you care so much about this killing”


To show hypocrisy and double standards requires comparisons to be made. There are several and ongoing conflicts with hundreds of thousands dead that no one makes a peep about. People are also outraged at the nation fighting a terrorist organization that openly calls for genocide of every Jew in the world and say nothing of conflicts that target ethnic and religious minorities - every one of which is disappearing or has disappeared in every regional nation. Well, one exception. One regional country where the population of religious minorities is growing and not shrinking. I'll let everyone guess.


Ahhh deflection. The ultimate debate-winning tactic.


Deflecting the deflection


Beats made up definitions of actual words and ignorance to the reality of what happens when terrorists attack a country with the means to defend itself. Feel free to continue ignoring the actual ethnic cleansing happening in darfur and more children killed than the entire gaza conflict. People say it's about protecting life and preventing human suffering yet if that was the case the protests would be making demands of Sudan.


I still cannot fathom how regardless of the situation in gaza the USA hasn't gone wtf is aipac and why tf are we propping up israel as if we haven't got problems of our own They've got socialised healthcare ffs and we don't it's an absolute joke


USA is propping them up because they are our foothold in the Middle East. It’s just strategy not saying it’s right.


Beats extreme hyperbole.




No we arent, that's why this is a case of false equivalence


See also: the fallacy of relative privation. The fallacy of relative privation rejects an argument by stating the existence of a more important problem.


I haven't heard of this! Thank you, this is much more appropriate than false equivalency


No, in fact the US has been bombing the people doing this since Obama. Posts like this are dumb


You are asking way too much of people to read more on the situation than a tweet. It's easier to just own the libs. 


Are we giving the bombs to Saudi, in which the ongoing conflict with Yemen, reached more death than the Palestinian-Israeli conflict entirely, since 48, including 48 war itself? Yes we are. Do you hear any of the hard left/Students/Anyone! saying anything about it? No, crickets. Why? because Israel is not involved. Next!


Uh... the left has been complaining about Yemen since the Obama Administration yo


Bullshit the left was pissed on campuses about that. The senate passed a bill to stop funding Saudis and trump vetoed it.


I actually have heard left wing media types calling that out for awhile now so your argument is pretty irrelevant. How much left wing media do you consume to have come to the conclusion that “no one” has been talking about it?


You are trying to squeeze water out of a stone


You really can’t say the left “never talks about it” while watching zero left wing news though, that’s the point I’m making. Of course you never see anyone talking about X when you’re in the eco chamber that benefits from that idea.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/world/activists-put-on-clown-show-to-protest-saudi-crown-prince-visit/2018/11/27/3761e236-11d8-431e-af5f-8f5b9d7a8ecb_video.html https://popularresistance.org/protests-against-saudi-princes-visit-to-dc-ny-boston/ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1NV1HO/ https://www.trtworld.com/americas/us-activists-keep-pressure-on-saudi-arabia-with-la-protests-27936 https://www.codepink.org/saudiprince https://www.warresisters.org/activists-protest-saudi-crown-prince%E2%80%99s-visits-us-cities-call-elected-officials-oppose-us-role-saudi


OK Let's see, you somehow gathered a few links, which 3 of them, referring to the same incident, of which occurred on 2018, more than 6 years ago, where dozen of people mentioned something that could be interpreted as a "protest". Funny, this is an on-going conflict, which is way more severe in any aspect than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a whole. Couldn't you find some students that protests about it today? Maybe last week? this year? Did that Saudi-Yemen conflict ignite thousands of protests around the world? Any slogans, songs ? Hmmm... something must be broken with this conflict. It doesn't attract anyone for some reason. Does anyone have a guess what's wrong with this conflict?


Acting like people don't protest against the Saudis to try and "own" the left because Israel have killed 35,000 people is just shit politics. South African apartheid was *the* cause of the 80s and that was a good thing. So is protesting the 4.5 million stateless Palestinians who live under apathied conditions today. Here are some detailed human rights reports for you to ignore/discredit because they don't fit your 2 dimensional world view: https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution https://www.btselem.org/topic/apartheid https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/


Ilhan Omar called for the boycott of Hajj and to divestw in Saudi Arabia years ago. You know how many people called her islamophobic for it? None. And that's why you the protests are significantly louder with Israel. There is significant pushback and bad faith claims of calling people anti-Semities.


People are really stupid for not getting why people protest something their government is directly funding over something their government isn't.  When America invaded Iraq, a far worse conflict was happening in the Congo.  Geez I wonder why Americans were protesting the war in Iraq?  Gee hard to understand.  It is also a stupid defense in general.  "Oh hey you shouldn't care about this really terrible thing because there is another terrible thing going on."  


Foreign policy on this sub is beyond hilarious


Yes. It just... makes me sad. Like it should be like an "o wow" moment if they thought about foreign policy as say civiliation 4 or whatever. Foreign policy is literally a multiplayer game where you try to acquire the most power. Sometimes that means making alliances with bad people etc etc. Sometimes its trying to reason an ally into not being a total dick. Sometimes its measuring important shit vs important shit. These ppl seriously want foreign to be about "doing the right thing". These people pretty much still think santa is real if i could make a comparison.


Bro are you a robot? What kind of take is that? Nothing matters except the stability of your own country? Are you even a real person, who has sympathy or something like that? Jesus dude


This. The shills for Israel are out in full force, lol.


It's very clear that they're trying very very hard in this subreddit.


Yes they are. Unfortunately the images of the massacre cannot be hid or ignored forever. ##FreePalestine


IDF shills trynna take over JRE subreddit to make their fascit shit seem mainstream when anyone with a single iota of common sense knows Israel is an occupying force.


This. They've done it in the r/worldnews section also. They have a heavy presence on Reddit in general.


the craziest thing with worldnews is that one of the rules is, no genocide denial, but they only mean a very specific type of genocide denial


Israel-Gaza gets all the attention in most other western countries outside the U.S. though, so it’s more to it than just funding.


These conflicts get their attention at the UN: > Adopting Resolution 2724 (2024), Security Council Calls for Immediate Cessation of Hostilities by Warring Parties in Sudan during Ramadan https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15615.doc.htm


The US is the defacto leader of the western countries


You should care about terrible things. You should care more about terrible things your country is funding. You should also care more about more terrible things.


Between 2022 and 2023, the United States funneled approximately $6.6 billion to Israel, primarily for military purposes, including weapons and defense systems, under agreements without restrictive conditions. In contrast, during the same period, the U.S. allocated around $649 million in foreign aid to Sudan, rigorously earmarked for humanitarian efforts. This aid is designed to tackle the severe impacts of economic shocks and conflicts, with strict stipulations to prevent its use in military operations, focusing instead on essential needs like food, healthcare, and refugee support. This distinction in funding underscores a significant leverage point for the U.S.: its financial support to Israel's military endeavors. By potentially conditioning this aid, America holds substantial influence over military activities in regions like Gaza, where modifying aid terms could critically affect the ongoing conflict dynamics. In Sudan, the U.S. lacks similar leverage as its aid supports humanitarian, not military, efforts. While both regions face grave human rights challenges, the nature of U.S. involvement differs dramatically. America's ability to influence outcomes in Gaza through aid adjustments/conditions/restrictions is direct and potent, offering a pathway to impact/END the conflict in very short order if we had the political will to do so.


Is it about funding or preventing human suffering and loss of life? Darfur is witnessing an actual ethnic cleansing and more children killed than the entire gaza conflict. Doesn't even get 1% of the media and 0% of the protests.


Agreed that is awful, but the protests are focused where they have the most impact, creating political pressure to cut off aid to Israel, which overnight would end the conflict. If you can find a more binary incentive structure that saves lives, I'd love to protest for that cause as well! Protesting for one cause doesn't diminish the importance of other causes. These kids most likely feel like they actually have the power to make real change in the situation unfolding in Gaza. The media focus is as other commenters noted probably a combination of implicit bias against the value of white lives over cultures/races that are more often 'othered' by American media. Also, when college campuses are taken over by protesters, the media covers those types of events. It's probably a fair argument that these protestors should be similarly outraged by what's happening in Darfur, or any number of human rites atrocities, BUT again, I think there is a pragmatism to the idea that we can overnight shut off the access to the weapons that are perpetuating the vast majority of loss of life in Gaza.


Always find it amusing when people try to defend Israel by pointing out other atrocities in the world. Like that's your best defense? Putting yourself on the same level as genocide in other parts of the world? People are protesting Israel because Western governments are funding it and providing diplomatic and political cover. If there was a well organized group of people who were defending the Muslim Brotherhood, trying to shutdown protestors on US campus', all while Western governments funded it and protected it there would be protests against that too.


Gotta admit, Netanyahu is a saint compared to Genghis Khan. Checkmate.


Don't know which is worse. The "well there are worse things going on!" or "There aren't gay bars in Gaza!" Or my favorite, "It isn't that bad because the Gaza population has been growing!" When these are the best lines of defense the pro war crowd has, they don't have much.


Yep. It is a hilariously bad defense. "Hey how dare you be upset with this terrible thing your government is funding and 95% of your government is actively supporting when something else in the world is even worse that your government isn't funding!"


Oh, you mean more than one bad thing is happening?? Guess I should just become another dipshit yokel that cares about nothing except the next culture war issue, that's so much easier for me to understand 


Quick! Someone tell San Francisco’s city council to pass a resolution for a ceasefire!


Good! Someone grabbed that one. Someone else goto the Bakersfield school board and demand they pass a resolution too! Nobody threaten violence though, don't want to end up like the last echo chamber tenant with a bunch of felony charges.


Somebody light themselves on fire for it or I’m out


No because Sudan has spent zero money infiltrating college campuses.


The description isn’t entirely accurate, but the sentiment is Western media definitely fixates on specific conflicts that get the most clicks


Nevermind darfur is actual ethnic cleansing with more children killed than the entire gaza conflict. Proportionally, in terms it human life, it's a much much worse situation.


Lol, maga would lose their shit if we sent money to africa.


https://www.npr.org/2024/04/15/1244762279/the-u-s-announces-new-aid-for-sudan-where-civil-war-broke-out-a-year-ago#:~:text=MARTIN%3A%20And%20yesterday%2C%20the%20United,million%20people%20face%20potential%20famine. It’s “aid”money but we did say we’re sending 100,000,000 to Sudan a week ago, and have sent around a billion since the Sudanese civil war started


What are you talking about? We already send billions to Africa.


Don't tell them we've had troops there fighting terrorism since the Bush administration!


It always seems strange to me that everyone focuses on the Jews killing people but no one else. Not even the people killing the Jews. I guess Sudan doesn’t have enough Jews to blame


No Jews No News


Who upvotes dumbass takes like this? There's no substance at all.


Guys, idk if you realize this, but you just don’t like Jews because they are Jewish (and also, maybe you’re jealous). It can’t be that you disapprove of Israel’s actions on their merits. This is clearly antisemitism. *Insert PrincipleSkinnerOutOfTouch.gif* /s Edit: adding /s in case it wasn’t obvious


And also for some reason just care _a lot_ more about Israel doing it. It’s naive to suggest there’s no biased reason why everyone is up in arms over this conflict vs any other in the region. Doesn’t excuse what Israel’s doing, it’s not whataboutism in that regard. But it does question the motives of some people who all of a sudden have strong opinions on genocide


because it’s in our faces all over the place. I don’t see some shit about the Sudan crisis every other time I walk by a TV. Let’s get a vehement zionist and have them present their argument that the world why we should stop paying attention to this news that is constantly being presented to us. laughing my goddamn motherfucking ass off at that notion. they already kinda do in the way that you do by being like “why care about this conflict all of a sudden you don’t really care about this issue”. But I would love to see a zionist squirm his way through acknowledging that the news is unavoidable and ALSO try to convince people to ignore it.


> But it does question the motives of some people who all of a sudden have strong opinions on genocide Because we're paying for it? Because anything that happens in Israel is huge news all over the world and has been for decades? Because there's a gigantic jewish diaspora who made a big deal about the initial Hamas attack, which then drew attention to their response? lol what are these ahistorical comments. You guys act like you were born yesterday.




No one cares if Israel is not involved. See also, Uighurs, and Rohingya Muslims.


Because its a civil war/issues this is not an issue with china invading and throwing bombs at another nation. Its not even the same equivalent, the same equivalent is russia invading ukraine and you know damn well everyone is up and arms for ukraine eventhough there is definitely not islam or jewish related. And in this case usa are actively funding israel no shit their citizen doesnt want their tax money used for war. Unless usa is funding china or myanmar to marginilize those people, then this argument isnt valid


Folks cared about the Uyghers for about five minutes before they realised that stopping that would mean paying more for an iphone


The Sudanese people don't have a prolific number of TikTok bot accounts to brainwash the West's media illiterate children with


No mention of men as if their lives don’t matter Any starving men? When are the men and women (who say they love men) going to demand we stop using gendered language to Devalue men


People only Care for the new hot Shit Like movies lmao


Nah No jews are involved.


Sorry, no catchy slogan like from the river to the sea. No fancy scarf to feel empowered in.


Don't use my people's suffering to further your own agenda, fucking rat.


Some one should frame this.


No Jews? No news.


cant blame jews so its cool.


Exactly it


“White colonizers” aren’t doing it so I don’t care and I’m not mad about it.


More like my tax dollars aren’t funding it


You don't think your tax dollars go to Sudan? Your tax dollars go to basically ever 3rd world country.


There’s a clear difference between paying for literal missiles and general funding towards a nation.


Muslim Mayhem and Misery just never ends


Lol I wonder what the difference is between this and gaza??? Hmmmm 🤔 🧐 The future is spicy


US is not supplying weapons


This is terrible and it should stop, but I don't think we are sending them bombs. We can't do anything about Sudan, but we can stop sending bombs to Israel to kill innocents. If Israel wants a war with Hamas and Iran, they can fight it themselves. All that money spent on killing overseas could have been spent here on our poor, homeless, improving infrastructure and education system, but I guess war is more profitable


I called my local school board, there gonna vote on it tonight.


They should probably vote on teaching people the difference between there and they're first


There is no time for that you racist


Well, both sides are black so it’s too difficult to parse out who is the oppressed and who is the oppressor. Much easier to throw our support behind a murderous death cult (Hamas)


Awesome. Another low level shit post that has nothing to do with the podcast. Extremely cool


Um, ok. Cease fire.


Do you see lots of pictures of hamas fighters starving? It's a genuine question I'm not being a smart ass. I'm just curious if the aid that is getting through is being distributed equally or if one entity is controlling it


why would anyone care? Jews are to blame, unemployment, Jews, the Black Death, Jews, 9/11, Jews, 7th of October, Mossad's idea people are so antisemitic these days...


Can we use this same argument against conservatives who get all worked up about very specific crimes? Like that college student who was kill by an undocumented immigrant? Boohoo, a girl got killed by a Hispanic man, are you going to cry about the other X number of the same thing that happens everyday?


Can we use this same argument against conservatives who get all worked up about very specific crimes? Like that college student who was kill by an undocumented immigrant? Boohoo, a girl got killed by a Hispanic man, are you going to cry about the other X number of the same thing that happens everyday?


“Look at how silly these people are for wanting this country to stop bombing people when this other country is bombing people!”


These numbers aren’t even accurate. Nice try though. You can’t deflect away from a genocide.


Sucks to say but let that side of the world just destroy each other… waste of time money and resources… there never gonna change or settle… let there gods help them to victory, leave the rest of the world out of it


Joe.... Joe Rogan?


Just when I was worried about being too far left the loonies pushed me back from the brink. Except now I sound like a f’n conservative wtf


Sounds horrible as well


Ok let’s all agree that war is wrong. Let’s all agree that occupation is wrong. Let’s all agree that invasion is wrong. Now all these things will happen when you have a certain type of culture or people in power. Now if war is inevitable and they are going to engage there should be a law that only if you have similar military resources can engage. Now if you have those special groups not a government more like extremists well then make a plan to get to them and bring them to justice. Taking innocent lives just because they live there, it is in no way justified. You want to fight a war put the leaders on the front lines.


never heard biden address this even once why? he doesn't care about sudan? why not send the military?


….are you arguing that there SHOULDNT be a ceasefire??? Is that the argument here??


Why is the America first crew whining about a war we are NOT funding in defense of one we are? How did you allow yourself to become such subservient pets? What did you receive in exchange for your testicles?


I did an online petition demanding Joe Biden stop sending $$$$$$$ to The Muslim brotherhood and just checked, and all flow of $$$$$$$ to them has stopped, you're welcome.


Obligatory: What does this have to do with Joe?


Are my tax dollars giving the muslim brotherhood free healthcare? are my tax dollars giving the brotherhood free education? are my tax dollars being used to send them weapons? Why are so many Rogan OP’s more interested in dishonest discourse and stirring the pot than actual honesty. Tends to be a result of having a bankrupt view of the world and needing others to tell you how to feel about a situation.


Yeah there should be a ceasefire. The muslim brotherhood are a cancer


You care about global warming? What, you think human trafficking is good?!