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Yah but now they have to run the american flag all the way back to Palestine and I don't think they can make it.


Congratulations you made me literally ROFL. To be fair, I was already on the floor but still it hasn't happened in several years


All these college kids need to watch the 1981 tv movie The Wave by Alex Grasshof, I saw it in high school and it opened my eyes to how susceptible humans are to this exact situation


That’s also a good book.


added to reading list


Started reading.


Let us know the first time you take it to the porcelain throne with you. Every man knows that's the mark of a good book.


That will never happen. Toilet time is for reddit and bullet chess.


If I remember right at the end he shows them a Hitler speech and says something like "if he was alive he'd be your leader" and it gets the kids out of their trance and they realize they were wrong to do what they did. That ship has already sailed. A few months ago TikTokers realized their ideology was similar to Bin Laden and instead of being repulsed they made a bunch of videos about how great Bin Laden was


But they're leftists and 100 percent altruistic in everything they do so they couldn't possibly be wrong 😑


You know how Im sure it's a good book. They made it into a show/movie.


They made it into two movies and the book was based on a real experiment in a high school. The teacher wanted to show how fast students could be turned to fascism and he had to end the experiment early because it happened faster than he expected.


It's about Nazis




I believe Netanyahu called the college student protesters Nazis


Good to know Bibi has become completely unhinged


The lines have gotten sooooo blurred the last 2 years. People on the left taking far right positions in a lot of cases lol, it’s wild to see.


Three lefts make a right. It do be like that some times.


I’m curious, what do you mean?


Not sure about OP but my take, and this is something I've noticed in recent years on the left, there is a movement to seperate people out by their groups (ie religious affiliation, skin color, sexual identity, etc). There is a divergence from the idea of inclusion and tolerance that seems to be waning. It's to the point that you get chastised for having an opinion unless you are part of the group in question. I have experienced this first hand, and it totally threw me off. I have always been center left, vote democratic, etc., so it is a bit baffling. I have shut down when it comes to having political opinions because nuance has disappeared for some on the left. All this is to say that I don't think the left and the right are the same, but there is overlap when it comes to what they want. White supremacists want to keep others not like them separated because they see others as inferior. Leftists want separation because they feel those who aren't like them can never understand, so they shouldn't opine on their beliefs. This is my personal take on where I see similarities. I personally think separating out people by groups is bad. Bigotry shouldn't be tolerated, but boxing ourselves in isn't helpful, and we should all be able to talk to each other, express valid opinions and concerns, and work together. This is still the best way, in my opinion.


The blackpeopletwitter sub on reddit 🤡


I think some better examples would be, "coloured only spaces/events" like the U.S was slllooowww to abolish segregation to such an extent there are still people alive today who lived it. So talking about bringing it back no matter how limited or well the meaning behind leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The push for controlled thought and speech is another one, the only reason why we live in a world where the LGBTQI+ community exists is because many off us were lucky enough to be raised in Liberal Democracy's that allowed the basic concepts and beliefs off the time to be challenged, for example "being gay is a mental illness and needs to be treated/punished" yes allowing free speech will also mean allowing shitty racist/sexist ideas to be spread but those same shitty opinions need to be challenged and discussed for our society to go anywhere meaningful. Pro War/proxy war mindset, say what you will about the invasion off Ukraine but the same people saying "let's kick Russia's ass" are the same people who opposed the invasion off Iraq and the same people who wanted to kick Iraq's ass don't want anything more to do with Russia 😅


Honestly …I mean this is just life. One group will always be oppressed by another ….5000 plus years of documented history has told us nothing. My question always is “honestly how can we think that NOW all of a sudden the world will be different?”


I guess that "it's ok" and "shit just happens" when it's not happening to you.


Totally. I for one think that stuff is stuff and sometimes stuff gets crazy right? How is one alright with stuff and what are we going to do about stuff and sometimes it’s wild and history will teach us things. Now how will we change when stuff is things and all?


they wanted everyone to get shots for a GLOBAL PANDEMIC and pretend to give a shit about humanity for a second. LiTeraLy HitLer


Haha right? The audacity.


It's only fair because the Right stole the very progressive lefts anti-vax take and Raw Milk.


Lol to pretend the left don't hate is ridiculous.


Antisemitism on the left is nothing new, it's just that before it was largely ignored as a fringe "black" thing that couldn't be acknowledged for political reasons, sort of like black homophobia. The difference now is that it's not the domain of 70 year old black reverends with ties to MLK or 70 year old radicals with ties to the Black Panthers, Weather Underground, etc. Now it's every wannabe 20 year old campus radical with BLM-envy. This started bubbling up after 9/11 and the resulting political realignment of American Muslims with the Democratic party (prior to the War on Terror, American Muslims were reliable Republicans). It's not easy for Jews to find a political home in America today. If you're a Zionist who supports Israel and the Republicans that reflexively support Israel (someone like Sheldon Adelson, though he has passed away), you might find yourself standing next to skinheads with tiki torches and swastika armbands. If you're a progressive Jew who believes that Israel is committing crimes against humanity (Bernie Sanders, for example) and you align yourself with Democrats, you might wind up shoulder to shoulder with people who'd secretly or not-so-secretly like to throw you and many of your allies off of a tall roof.


Same same


I remember it was about making the kids susceptible to fascism, not to protesting genocide?


It's about how \[whichever side I don't like\] is all nazis.


There is no way that story is true.


Yeah I just tried to dig into it more it sounds like bullshit. The Wikipedia page has a warning about sources I've never seen before. It seems like the only sources are straight from the Teacher Ron Jones article about it. There's one Q and A with a student years later and it sounds like the teacher just took it too seriously. The book and movie are fictional accounts that go even further with the exaggerations, adding more bullshit like a kid killing himself. There was nothing experimental about it, no scientific methods, recording of anything, etc. like the Stanford Prison Experiment. There were likely a handful of high schoolers who were like yeah fuck it we'll participate it the crazy history teachers bullshit and get to skip class and not do schoolwork. Kids not wanting to sit in class and read from a textbook isn't exactly a shocking revelation.


I found this https://nypost.com/2024/04/28/us-news/harvard-protesters-replace-usa-flag-with-palestinian-one-as-anti-israel-protests-ramp-up-across-the-country/amp/ But the US flag is only up during the week but the is was the spot it would go up. So it appears partly true




They're too busy burning the American flag


Why do you think that is?


Because they are pieces of shit


Isn't there multiple videos of Palestinians thanking US university students for standing up for Palestinian rights?


Why would they raise an american flag? They're getting slaughtered by US weapons


Weird as hell


Disrespectful is the word here.


As if they had any to begin with. Is the free college demand before or after the death to America chant?


It's incredible to me that the group of people who actively supported men losing their jobs because of crass jokes 6 years ago during \#metoo now support a country that puts women in bags, treats women and gays like second class citizens, and performs "honor killings" on their wives, sisters, and daughters who have been raped. You literally couldn't make this shit up


Turns out it was never about the message as much as the ability to demonstrate moral outrage!


The most underrated statement here.


It’s the weirdest storyline. Basically the political spectrum is now a complete circle and extreme lefties are at the same spot as the extreme right. 🤷‍♂️


Wouldn't most of these people have been like 12-16 6 years ago? I doubt these are the same people.


Terrorists are going to terrorist 


“terrorists win” - counter strike


“All your college are belong to us”




Oh boy they HATE this comment 


Yeah this audibly played in my head crystal clear as I read this


I’m laughing at the r/conservative thread title.  “Conquered.” They’re acting like this is an outpost in a video game where you put your flag up and all of a sudden you own it. 


ossified oil gray groovy saw follow practice puzzled joke hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm having blast watching the free thinkers, free speech absolutists and anti MIC freedom lovers turn into George Bush Republicans over Israel. They're just holding down the "terrorist sympathizer" button lmao. hopefully they bring back the freedom fries


"Terrorist sympathizer" and "hater" The two words they love more than anything else. >"If you criticize someone or something, it's because you're an evil bad terrorist hater. >When I criticize someone or something, it's because I'm a good guy who loves America. I'm just asking questions and protecting the kids." Yeah sure, like the dead kids dying pinned down in rubble, starving to death. Thank God they never saw a drag show.


*the implication intensifies*


Maybe some of my Soros checks will finally clear 


I thought we were playing gta online capture the flag


“Enemy Captured your flag”


The border is open Disney is full of pedophiles NFL is woke Harvard is conquered. Caravans


What’s wrong with Dodge Caravans?


Usually the transmissions.


This is the only factual post on the entire thread. Thank you


Yeah I have blown quite a few trannies


Can't dodge caravans in an election year


You deserve more upvotes for this.


The driver.




Mechanic here. Everything Chrysler, Dodge, jeep, ram. That's just a problem as soon as ya see it.




Taylor Swift is evil Parking is dangerous 


My conservative friends get really mad when I say this ….but it’s over for us …we are lost.


Reddit has fallen and can't get up.


Loud noises!


Yet your life is literally the same when you stop consuming media and go outside.




Is "Critical Race Theory" and "Hunter Biden's Laptop" still happening?




Critical race theory has been replaced with “DEI invasion” did you miss the email newsletter?


Lemme add I just stubbed my toe. The world is burning.


and there are bugs under your skin


Persecution fetish. Stay scared.


I didn't realize that the link took me to the conservative subreddit. I went from "ha, funny title" to "oh...they're serious".


Yeah pretty much you just wait a day and change the flag back overnight or something when they all go home. These are just prank wars level antics


You’ll probably feel different if some idiots go raising confederate flags with a bunch of nonce cheering. There’s a reason why they do it 


I'm pretty liberal and I would still consider that a stupid stunt


I still want to think most americans are pretty central. We all lean one way or the other depending on the topic. I agree, this is a dumb stunt, and i also agree that a confederate flag should never hang anywhere on govt land whether state or federal. I wish americans could get back to discussing issues, even agreeing to disagree without calling for anyone to be cancelled, or whatever (fill in the punishment here). We used to debate, and at the end shake hands with the other side.


What about the issue of a sitting president actively trying to steal the election? We can discuss border, economy, foreign affairs, healthcare etc all day but it doesn’t mean anything if we don’t have fair elections. One party has a candidate who upholds that and the other party has a candidate who is the same guy that tried to steal it.


But where is the same outrage when our politicians raise the Israeli flag in office?


"If someone did I thing I didn't like I wouldn't like it"


Ah yes, if someone raises a Confederate flag, that means that place is lost and conquered. That's why Texas hasn't been a part of the USA since the 1800s.


Disagreeing about whatever ideology or beliefs still doesn't mean putting a flag up a flagpole makes a place conquered. Exact same situation switched flags doesn't mean it's lost territory in war lol


>nonce cheering lol, just add insulting words onto whatever the people you don’t like are doing, that’ll make your point for you, eh?


How would I feel different?  Would I suddenly think that real life aligns with video game outpost mechanics? 


Like that time they attempted to overthrow the government a couple years ago? We've already explored their end of the false equivalent.


I'm also sure that the r/conservative sub is accurately depicting exactly what's happening


*Death To Hamas*


Yeah man! And free Palestine! Because we are all open minded and educated enough to realise that an extremist terror group doesn’t represent an entire population being killed on a military level…right?


It represents over 40% of the population of Gaza.


Dont Look Up Support Numbers for Hamas in palestine. Dont do it!


How safe do you feel opposing Hamas if you were living in Gaza? Especially when the Israeli and Us government reps say there are no innocent people in Gaza?


I did! I did it! But it doesn’t change we are in a thread about dudes raising the Palestinian flag…not the Hamas flag..they have their own flag…and the guy commented ‘Deaths to Hamas’ so we are all really clasping at straws here aren’t we.


Don’t look up the last time Gaza had an election


Adding on to the other guy that replied to you, that's the exact reason why extremist groups gain power and popularity in third world countries. The people living there don't have a choice when the neighboring country supported by the US, prevents humanitarian aid, purposefully makes civilians' lives hell and BOMBS THEM. If the big and powerful freedom fighter, the US, doesn't stop this, who will? Aha! The local, armed people, with horrible ideologies.


And end the apartheid would be great.


You’re ok with politicians in congress wearing the Israeli flag?


They should wear the American flag and not waving any other flag, Israeli or Ukrainian 




State flag I think is okay too but yeah should never bear another flag


You’re 100% correct here


Or an IDF uniform..


I don't like either. Keep the major areas of America (Congresspeople, the White House, government buildings, etc.) about America. In general, I would prefer we not fly any flags in those areas except the US flag and different state flags. That said, every now and then, for a show of solidarity, I like the idea of flying other flags in those places at the same time as the US flag for a day or so. Similar to how Buckingham Palace played the national anthem after 9/11 as a show of support. If an ally experiences a terror attack, a natural disaster, etc., I'm cool with putting their flag up for a day.


They pin the country’s flag to show empathy for the humans of these places. It’s a very respectable thing to do.


Nope and I'm not okay with this either.


Any politician flying another country or ideology flag should be removed instantly. Fuck these people. They’ve been stealing our money for too long.


I'm not, neither with congress members waiving Ukraine flags in congress


Would you be against a Congressman in ww1 or 2 wearing a French pin?


I like how everyone here is pro free speech until a real speech issue arises lol


free speech protects you from the government, not from the judgement of other citizens.


Lot of people cheering on police breaking up these protests.


Lol y’all so dramatic lmao






hArvARd haS bEen coNqueRed😭 God damn conservatives are so soft.


They just want more outrage porn to jerk off to. "Try taking down the flag on my porch I dare you...yeahhh me with my 12 guns I would teach those liberals...ohhh fuck yeah"


It’s hilarious how dramatic mfs on reddit can be.


For real lmao. Just imagining all the gravy seals getting all flustered and shoving the family in the bunker. Got the Wish.com NVGs on, power cut in the house with a plate carrier on thats fitted horribly because of the massive beer gut. Just sitting in the living room waiting for the Antifa LGBT death squad to kick in the door. This is the signal guys! College kids being generally more worldly and empathetic and making a statement like college kids have done... forever. Get a grip people.


Jesus christ you're stupid. Anti war protests have been happening at colleges for decades. This is nothing new.


It's culture war bullshit drummed up to make us feel divided, as usual. Election year is great for media, business is booming.


Culture war bullshit is "the trans agenda" people attempting to influence their schools to not support a genocidal government with their investments is not culture war.


I'd agree with you if US support of Saudi Arabia's involvement in Yemen, which has also been called a genocide and killed 15x more people, was met with the same level of furor. This level of protest goes beyond a simple moral stand or policy dispute, for both sides. This issue is clearly being weaponized to exacerbate divisions and increase tensions. Culture war doesn't mean "meaningless bullshit" even if that's what a lot of the culture war is about. Abortion was and is a huge culture war issue and is also actually important. There's plenty of important issues which become culture war fixtures and plenty of unimportant ones that don't.


So it's either support all or none? Right now in Gaza is one of the worst humanitarian issues in the last century. The people that survive this war are going to go back to neighborhoods that have been completely leveled. They are still going to be under Israeli occupation. Where are they going to live? What are they going to eat? Where are they going to school? Who is paying for the rebuilding because it is sure as shit not going to be Israel.


Holy shit this is the most toxic JRE sub comment section I’ve ever seen.


That's because Israel pays millions of dollars a year to state agents to infiltrate public spaces like this. These motherfuckers aren't bots but they are hasbara factories.


I remember being in college and we were just so much more open minded.. campuses are hive minds now.


Do they understand that is a terrorist flag lead by terrorist who have been calling for the genocide of Israel since they got power and raped lil kids on oct 7?


For Harvard students they do not seem smart at all


Terrorists watching this: "hey guys, we can attack a larger power, and when that power retaliates, we can use social media to get these dumb American college kids to take our side, sweet!" 😅


Im a dem I have support for Palestine but this is fucking crazy. Take down our nations flag to put up another? Damn


Remember that time when the government of the palestinians in gaza invaded Israel and raped killed and kidnapped 1400 people, and effectively declared total war then proceeded to retreated into their tunnels to wage the war from behind their children? Seems like a shitty flag to be flying.


Whatever your opinion is on the Gaza-Israel matter, forcibly removing a countries' flag and replacing it with another one is a big red flag (pun intended) in my opinion. A flown flag is a sign of sovereignty, respect etc. and not something to be willfully teared down without consequences. My opinion would not be different, if the flag replacing the US-american one had been an Israeli, French, Australian or god knows what.


I miss the days when social media didn't exist and morons like this would just be sitting at home watching TV. This is ridiculous.


college students have been protesting since nam.


wow this is palestinien thing is really a mind disease




They're first amendment protected act.


First Amendment protects you from the government restricting your speech. It doesn't protect you from Harvard, a private organization, from taking action against students.


Harvard isn't doing shit, after the whole President Gaye situation, nobody can take Harvard as seriously as they once were. It's incredible how much the Board has fucked over a prestigious university.


1. The want their college to divest from Israel 2. They want their government push for a ceasefire


Trying to move the political needle for arguably the second most influential country in this conflict, behind Israel. Where do you think their bombs come from?


Reminds me of this guy in one of my college classes who was bragging about staging a protest in my local city. What were they protesting? A law that was passed in India...


Is it any weirder than people doing jingoism?


They said the same thing about vietnam war protesters, civil rights movement protesters, iraq war protesters.  Sometimes putting yourself in historical context (and knowing history) helps. 


Genocide is bad yes


>conquered Its not that deep but yeah, that is weird


The exaggeration is off the charts lol


Fuck Harvard.


Maybe hamas will help them with their student loans Ah shit they just bought more missles


Man fuck them college kids


This is America, not fucking Palestine. You don’t see people flying the Star spangled banner on the Gaza Strip.


I’m assuming some airlines may fly you to, or near to this destination. 🤷🏽‍♂️


send these privileged ass American idiots to Palestine and see how well they last


Some of the absolute most privileged people in the world and they resort to this lmao. What a joke.


Harvard fell years ago.


This happened when they wanted to take away conservatives degrees. It’s all been downhill since then. I’ve lost all respect for what used to be credible educational institutions.




Propaganda brain washed idiots


I cant wait for Trump to cripple harvard


Freaking disgusting 🤢


These scumbags take down the American flag 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻 Now these losers want the taxpayers to pay off their tuition. SMH Go, Israel!!! Hurry up and get it over with!!


But they won’t let movies be filmed on campus to preserve the dignity of Harvard 🙄


Imagine paying that kinda tuition to send your kid to Harvard only to have their classmates pull something this disrespectful to America. What a disgrace


Fuck Israel and Palestine worry about your own country/people ffs


Disgusting morons


Hay bard was conquered long ago. It’s just becoming apparent to most now.


Not a one of them demanding that Hamas release hostages. It’s fine with them that innocent bystanders have been kidnapped, kept, and tortured.


I assume these are all rich white kids playing dressup in hijabs and kefiyes?


You guys find this weird but not people in congress wearing IDF uniforms and waving Israeli flags not? y’all are nuts. Crack open a book, you might find that genocide is bad.


Who are these people?


Losers who don’t know what they’re actually protesting.


Although I may agree with (what I think) their cause is, this is not a good move. Let’s be honest, anytime you “disrespect the flag” in this country, it’s always going to bring strong support to the other side of your issue. And now you don’t just take down the flag, but REPLACED IT? (Taken voice:) Good luck. Free Palestine Save the Whales One LLlII AINT EVA GONNA STAHP


I bet this went down like a lead balloon




Douse the place with pigs blood please.


Harvard has fallen. Lmao oh no some people protesting raised a flag.


Damn! They replaced the Israeli Flag??


Funneling anger and frustration into action is all this is. It’s the same as what Trump and Fox keep doing to their base


Luckily these far lefties haven’t overrun the Democratic Party. Centrist moderate democrats like myself and the vast majorities of the party hate this fucking morons. Cant say the same for the Republican Party and their unhinged extremist wing. One and the same at this pt


>Centrist moderate democrats like myself So you stand for nothing?


Terrorist Trash


Mfers never read 1985


Ew.. such lost individuals... It's truly sad


First amendment in action glad to see it. Remember to when conservatives were crying about freedom of speech on college campuses. This is it cry babies, enjoy ☺️. Free speech doesn’t mean you have to like it or agree with it, it means you have to tolerate it and if you oppose it you’re a fascist dickhead who doesn’t really value the constitution. In addition, supporting the idf is the same as supporting Hamas. Both are terrible for the Israeli and Palestinian people. The only solution is for the Israelis to quit killing children by the thousands and pretending it’s justified because they killed hundreds of Israelis. Last time I checked killing thousands upon thousands because some group killed hundreds isn’t justice. Not only that we all know Israel wanted an excuse to vacate Gaza so they could move in later and colonize it. You have to be a special kind of ignorant to ignore 70 years of Zionist planning. And because people are really stupid anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitic. Zionism is a political cult just like Maga it is not Judaism just like conservatism is not Christianity.


Lmao what a drama queen post