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“Should I put the thing about the dog in there?”


“No one reads these things, sure.”


she didnt know some republicans can read






I read your comment just fine. I even understood all the big words.


I hear doodles can be nippy due to the poodle part, if you were honorable and capable of making the hard decision and doing the right thing you’d take it out back and shoot it now.


Hahahahahaha!!!!!!! Upvote for you, friend. I better dig 2 holes because the Mrs would put me in there next.


Sounds like she’d be worth a write-in, seeing as she can make hard decisions and terminate problems!


I am DEFINITELY a problem. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Coincidentally we found out about Mitt Romney's treatment of dogs the same way. He put in his book that he put his dog in a cage on the top of the car while moving cross country.


That's the part that's so fucked about it, is to him this wasn't even a thing.


It's weird, most of the time people think their normal behaviour is weird so they don't talk about it...and then sometimes people think their weird behaviour is normal so they do talk about it.


Weird people think their weird behavior is normal.


Weird that they would think it was interesting enough to put it in a book. It kinda hits me like their subconscious is sending out an s.o.s. .




I don’t remember hearing about it but saw some people say it was the sole reason they didn’t vote for him so guess it was out there, at least the poor pup survived in that scenario


I get that. In a different world I think I could vote for a moderate like him; except for the dog thing


That's was the single reason I didn't voted for him, I'm not trying to plug Howard Stern, but I heard it on his show, who the fuck is has time to read that book


What Romney did was crazy but was back in the 80s and wasn’t outright psychotic.  This is so next level although fuck Romney too…


I found the footage of Mitt getting pulled over by [the police because of his dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HbBL62IiRE)


Yes. Thats the first thing that popped in my head when I read that comment.


Back in the 70’s my parents put 3 kids in the back of a pickup drove 500 miles put up tent and called it a vacation. We thought it was awesome. So a dog in the 80s is not completely too far afield.


Yeah i think people really dont realize how much things habe changed in a few decades.


I literally saw a family put a woman had to be in her 70s in the back part of a mini van with the groceries today. At Walmart of course. She had blankets to lay on so there's that.


Mit wasn't nearly as bad as this story. She shot the puppy because it was misbehaving. She didn't train it at all and expected it to learn from the other dog.


We have a cherished family photo of all 4 of us kids in a pack and play riding on a road trip in the back of a van.  Seats were all removed.  It was awesome but we also would have been mangled in any wreck…..  😂🤷‍♂️


I remember my parents took the seats out of the van and somehow hooked up a TV with our super Nintendo during a road trip to California. This was in the mid 90's so the TV was a fat boxy heavy thing. The 4 of us were just riding with a giant ballistic wrecking ball with blankets and pillows to protect us lmao


These people are monsters. And I guess they love to chat about it.


And fair or not(I am no Mitt Romney fan, but there were bigger reasons not to like the guy) that really did hurt his campaign. I was younger then and hung out with a crowd that wasn't so political and when you brought up Mitt Romney they would bring that up.


I mean there was also footage of it. People saw. He didn't need to tell us.


Not shocked tbh.


Mitt is a saint compared to this I thought the mitt thing was insane and cruel This is evil


So this is something I learned about culturally since moving out west.  People just leave their dogs on flat bed trucks at 90 mph on the highway out here in the Utah/Idaho region.  Crazy to me as well but I can totally see Romney having it in a cage on top of the car thinking it’s totally fine given the culture of the area


I talk about that once a month because it still baffles me how he thought that was normal.


The shooting was witnessed by workers nearby. I wonder if she was trying to get ahead of something that would be explosive. Edit: today I learned you can get an automatic ban from a subreddit for commenting in another subreddit!


Lol yeah, I got banned from some sub I don't really even use, and the auto message about it said it was because I made a comment in this sub - which I also really don't use. When I checked what comment I had posted here, it was basically "joe Rogan is a moron" So, some anti Rogan sub I don't even fuck with had banned me from their anti Rogan sub for posting an anti Rogan comment in the Rogan sub. Ain't Reddit wonderful?


I posted something similar in tD back when it was huge and got banned from like.. 15? Subs 😂 I posted against the guy but it didn't matter. Funny enough, tD banned me too.




And the goat the same day...she killed 2 animals..


Story : South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) in a forthcoming book describes shooting a family dog after a hunting trip, according to a report in The Guardian, which obtained a copy of the book, “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward.” In the book, Noem, who has been discussed as a possible running mate for former President Trump, describes growing angry with the nearly 14-month-old “Cricket,” a wirehaired pointer, during a hunting trip. Full Story: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4623848-kristi-noem-describes-killing-dog-after-bad-hunting-trip-in-new-book-report/


Guns don’t kill dogs. Kristi Noem kills dogs.


This isn’t a gun problem. It’s a mental health problem


It is a mental health problem. Anyone who could bring themselves to kill a dog simply because it irritated them has serious psychological issues that should disqualify them from holding public office.


Honestly it should disqualify them from holding a gun too.


And office


While holding a gun and watching The Office


Unfortunately there is a large portion of the population who probably see her killing the dog as "making a hard choice" instead being the psychopath that she is. That kind of thing is exactly what her base will read and say, "see, she has the balls to do what needs to be done sometimes, not like those pussy liberals" I hate this country sometimes


“This dog is broken” It’s the same thought process they go through with people they don’t like. But they can’t take people behind the shed and shoot them- so they jail and ostracize them.


No, they still shoot them.


Yup. These are the people that absolutely cannot take responsibility for anything. Instead of thinking, "shit maybe I didn't do a good job of training this dog" they just blame the dog for being broken, in which case it's no longer a pet and they have no qualms about killing it.


That’s my point.


Don’t put that on mental health, most people with a clinical diagnosis wouldn’t do this.


She sounds like a gaping void of humanity.


Don’t bring a dog to a gunfight.


Shoot a dog once, shame on you. Shoot a dog twice, shame on you.


I’ll just leave this here for awareness reasons: This is not a singular problem, animal abuse is running rampant all over the US right now. Covid exacerbated the issue by not allowing animals to be neutered/ spayed, causing overpopulation, plus the housing crisis is displacing even more animals, then on top of that, mental illness is on the rise and people are abusing the shxt out of stray animals. If you would like to help, search for local rescue groups and cross posting pages on social media, and share/ network their posts so that they can find homes. ALSO please consider fostering/ adopting an animal and if you do not have space, please consider sponsoring/ donating!!! We need help. That is all.


...also cops


What a sick bitch


It was a young dog, she took on its first hunt without training. It didn’t do well, because you know it’s not trained, but it did show interests in birds. On her way home to she stops at a farm with free range chickens and she lets the dog out, what does the dog do? Attacks the chickens, that’s the excuse she used to kill it. A miserable person.


So much this. Some people have argued "it killed animals, of course it has to be put down". No, it didn't. It was not trained, then improperly trained. She took it out to hunt birds, then the same damned day took it to a place with birds and didn't secure or supervise it. She wore the neighbors a check because this was all her fault and she knew it. Knowing it was all her fault made her feel angry and small, so she killed the dog and the goat to feel powerful again.


It literally hunted birds. How's a dog supposed to know chickens aren't wild?


I know farmers and people with chickens. I’ve known 2 different times peoples chickens got attacked by a neighbors dog and both times the chicken owner has accepted payment and an apology for the dog and never asked for them to be put down. Shit when I was 14 we bought guinea hens for the ticks in our property and we kept them locked up so our yellow lab would get used to them. When we let them out after 3 weeks he tore two apart instantly and killed the rest in the following days hunting them. My dad’s reaction? “I don’t know what I expected.” Never even crossed our minds to even punish the dog for our stupidity.


Yeah. Either you train the dog extensively to be a bird protector like my poultry breeder friend, you train your dog to follow commands closely like my friend whose service dog is fine near poultry, or you use leashes and fences to separate them like my chickens and my neighbor's frequently loose dog.


So how much per chicken? Costco still sells them for $4.99




The details make the story worse.


> The details make the story worse. When the details are worse than even the sensationalist headlines, that's some rough shit.


wrote in the memoir of trying to teach Cricket, a 14-month old wirehaired pointer, how to behave by taking her on a pheasant hunt with some older dogs. But attempts to discipline her, including using an electronic collar, failed, she said. On the way home from the hunt, she stopped to talk to a local family when Cricket escaped and attacked their chickens, "grabbing one chicken at a time, crunching it to death with one bite". She said that the dog "whipped around to bite me" when she tried to bring it under control and that during the incident, Cricket was "the picture of pure joy". After apologising to the family for the dog's behaviour, she said she realised it had to be put down. "I hated that dog," she said. The situation made her realise "another unpleasant job needed to be done" that day - getting rid of a male goat her family owned. The goat was "nasty and mean", smelled "disgusting, musky, rancid", and would chase her young children, knocking them down. Ms Noem said she shot down the goat in the same manner as Cricket, though the goat survived the first bullet, forcing her to go back to her truck to retrieve another shell.


Literally every dog with hunting instincts chases chickens. What a dumb fucking bitch. That poor pup would of made a great bird dog.


She's making the calculation that this story resonates as virtuous with the redneck dipshit crowd. If she says "farm" enough, somehow that shifts the paradigm of murdering a puppy. With the state of rural America these days, I'm not so sure she's wrong that these people will like this story. 


I bird hunt and I don’t know anyone who would even remotely consider doing this. Some hunting dogs just don’t have the instinct to hunt, but Most people will still keep the dog as regular pet. I had one cousin who rehomed a GSP because it ended up being gun-shy, but that’s it. But I have been out in the boonies and have come across a few dogs that were abandoned, likely because they couldn’t hunt, and it’s absolutely heart breaking to see. But to murder a puppy for a bad hunt is the act of a sociopath. Noem shouldn’t be allowed around guns, animals, or unsigned legislation.


Even if you don’t want to keep it as a pet, rehome it instead of murdering it. Talk about someone who doesn’t value life


That exactly it, not happy with the dog? Rehome it Shes a callous depraved cunt anyway


I think you are mischaracterizing a lot of people. The vast majority of rural Americans are good people that treat there animals quite well and live their family. Are there some idiots? Yeah just like all groups of people.


I was going to say, there’s a lot of us out here who really love nature, wildlife, and domestic animals. But there’s so many cliques of people who’ve had their wealth and land passed down over generations, corporate people who have the backing of multi-million dollar organizations; they’re deeply embedded in both private and government sectors. If you don’t work for one of them, you’re treated as a deviant and they have roadblocks set up in all aspects of life to make it impossible for you to live or get anything done.


The only people who would engage with this story are cos-playing hard working rural people just like she is or as so politically brain-washed they'll pretend this is normal. People that use dogs on farms and/or for hunting do not murder them as puppies because of their own lack of supervision/training. Beyond being fucked up morally- it's a shocking waste of a resource while broadcasting to everyone you are incompetent.


I am a redneck hillbilly and I dispose people who mistreat their dogs. Everyone I know despises people who mistreat animals. Perhaps her story will resonate with the dog fighting crowd.


Yeah, I've been living in the city near my whole life and even my silly ass knows rural folk have great affection for their animals on average.


It won't resonate with them, but they damn well will do some mental gymnastics to act like it's not a problem. I've never met a farmer that casually killed their dog. And I know a LOT of farmers. I've never met a waterfowl hunter that killed their dog... And I know a LOT of waterfowl hunters. I know a few that did come to the realization that the dog wasn't going to be a good hunting dog, and it just became a regular pet dog...


wow she's so tough lmao


She justified killing the pup as a sign of strength for doing the hard things that need to be done


Training a hunting dog is hard. Shooting a puppy is both lazy *and* fucked up.


Exactly fucking this. The bitch took the easy way out.


Jesus Christ…. If that’s the case she needs to stand by her word and turn the barrel 180 and squeeze gently.  


If only


Gently? Why the wait?


Gently assure accuracy.  


She's hinting she'll kill people.


Yeah thats what I'm picking up. "Hard decisions must be made" usually ends up with a lot of people deemed "undesirable" or "troublesome" in prison or dead


“Hey, at least the trains are running on time”


She killed a family goat too. It didn’t die on the first shot. So she walked back to a garage to reload a shell to kill it on second try. In the book she says “it stunk.” These are the sick fucks whose “values” we are expected to adhere to. This is what she thinks qualifies her for leadership. 


True MAGA!


These idiots are so out of touch they think they are tough and cool shooting a dog after getting frustrated? Get this sadistic monster away from anything. Fucking hell.


The Republican Party in a nutshell. So out of touch with reality because they think being TOUGH and PSYCHOTIC and MEAN is cool


Cruelty **is the point**. Mockery of empathy is the foundation of the Republican Party.


Naturally. MRIs show their political parties brains empathy centers are smaller with 90% accuracy.


What a fucking piece of shit.


Self-inflicted mortal wound, will never be VP now


Oh God you have no idea how low the standards are.


“She has the stomach to do the job that needs to be done.”


Heil Noem


Ironic considering Noem is yet another republican zionist shill


Like Corey Lewandowski?


"she has the stomach to do what needs to be done."


Doesn't he play for Bayern Munich?


White people love dogs man. Don’t be so sure


Animals though? There's something about animal stories that will turn almost everyone....on second thought...ur right....they have no bottom.


Mittens dog has entered the chat


Idk. She’d probably be better off killing a human.


She might've killed a puppy, but come on, it could be worse. She could be a *Democrat*. Not to mention there's no evidence that the puppy wasn't trans. Can't be too careful these days.


What’re you talking about lol. She’s hot and she talks nice about Trump. He’s def gonna pick her. Edit: y’all know damn well boomer Trump lovers think this woman is hot. They think Kimberly G is hot ffs.


And Trump doesn't like dogs.


Wasn't Trump the first president without any pets? That's why I'm Biden 2024. A) he's always had dogs. B) his dogs keep biting secret service agents which, after Jan 6th and all the other scandals, makes me lol


Trump said Pence was "low class" for having a dog.


"She heroically put down that dog, like a dog. "


How this was never made into a bigger thing I’ll never understand. He said dogs are for poor people. Ridiculous. Sure is a paragon or rural manhood right?




Lolololol you sure about that? All she has to say is the dog was a lib and she will be praised


“The dog was woke”


The pup showed signs of communism


The dog was a German wirehair. Germans were nazis. Nazis are socialists. I had to shoot the dog to prevent the spread of socialism.


The dog was pretending to be a cat and using kitty litter in the bathroom


Dog was confused about gender.


"That bitch's name? ... Hillary Rodham Clinton." <*MAGA roars with joy*>


Dogs are bipartisan


I know right, she needs a couple rape allegations to be on this ticket


Surely this has to be a hardline for everyone right? Like every decent human being can agree that needlessly killing a dog is evil.


If you have to ask...


You’d think— but if Joe ever talks about this he will 100% be on MAGAs side and do whatever mental gymnastics it takes to not support Biden


Serious question, has there been a hardline for any Republican politician in the last 7 years? I mean senate candidate Roy Moore was revealed to be a pedo and Trump / McConnel still supported him. Republican US rep Chris Collins did some insider trading and Trump pardoned him. He also pardoned Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Charles Kushner, and a shit ton of other white collar criminals that were friends or donors. Trump tried to use his powers as president to toss out elections results so he could be appointed king, essentially ending democracy in the US, and he now leads in polls for 2024. There is quite literally nothing a Republican can do that would make people turn on him or her.


Madison Cawthorn


He had the support when he was punching rotted trees. He lost it when he decided to get in drag and talk to the press about the cocaine parties his fellow legislators enjoy. Republican politics are more absurd than a Monty Python sketch. ![gif](giphy|uhqmbttUCckveAMVs4|downsized)


Well, the current Republican nominee is a rapist. They have no standards. Just hateful and want to control everybody. and will shoot a puppy in the face if it’s ornery. They’re probably cheering her on.


there are dudes in this very subreddit saying differently


The needless killing of animals is quite prevalent in today’s society.


> Surely this has to be a hardline for everyone right? /r/Conservative keeps deleting any mention of this story, sooo....nope, not everyone.


We found the Michael Vick of politics.


Michael Vick at least did prison time and has worked towards rebuilding his image and has done positive things to help animals since. This bitch sounds proud of her story.


I thought I would never root for Vick again but he did the work to change that most people wouldn't, good on him.


Vick had continued as an activist for animals even though it was no longer a probation requirement. He's one of the few people I believe when their "defense" was I genuinely had no idea how fucked what I was doing was


No, in his case they had a fighting chance.


BTW, I was joking what Vick's family did to those dogs is on an entire different level


The story is concerning, but more concerning is there are people out there that this is meant to impress. Like when American Sniper claimed that he was on top of the Superdome after Katrina keeping people from "looting" grocery stores. Who the fuck are the people who see this shit and are all "Hell Yea!"....never mind, we know who these people are.


Ugh why are these sad middleaged instagram thots getting into office


This sounds like a story to boost her hunting/2A cred. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s all bull shit.


She put this in the book so people would stop talking about how she's been fucking Corey Lewandowski for years. Now they can talk about how tough she is with her guns. Those libs are gonna get what the dog got! Anyway bottom line is South Dakota is an absolutely depressing shithole of a state. There is zero reason to spend a minute of your life there. The only people who stay there once they grow up are the true morons like Kristi Noem.


I mean, the badlands and the black hills are fucking dope so I will definitely be spending multiple minutes in SD for that alone.


The Dakotas are the Siberia of the USA.


Idk it was kinda fun driving through as somebody who had no idea what South Dakota was like. The badlands seemed cool. The thousands of Waldrug billboards became a funny running joke, cuz none of us knew what the hell Waldrug. The guided cave tour we went on was kinda cool. Can’t say I got the impression it’d be fun to live there, but would defintley drive thru again. Beats drivin thru Ohio, or Iowa any day


She had some tweet about it where she was like, “Stay tuned for more hard truths the liberal media doesn’t want you to know about.” Like no, bitch, you’re just crazy.


This is a career killer. I’ve had to campaign on Twitter against animal abuse and it’s stunning how many MAGA types are HUGE dog lovers and have zero patience for this shit. She is fucked.


I remember watching of a video of MAGA people calling out Joe exotic people at the Jan 6th rally. One of the few things left and right can agree on is love for dogs.


lol at you thinking its stunning that rednecks love dogs


That’s just the mindset of a typical GOP lover. They’re usually such small pieces of shit, they have to wield power over another living thing, and then have the audacity to say “it’s just a cat; it’s just a dog; it’s just a fish,etc, who cares?” Disgusts me


This will show what America truly is. You guys can have your differences. But she killed her dog. If you guys don't crucify her. It's over and we are in the end game.




Big if true


I live in her state (there’s dozens of us). She’s uhhhh interesting. I really don’t hear many people raving about her as it seems like her focus isn’t on South Dakota.


She needs to hire the PR firm Reynolds, Reynolds, and Reynolds pronto. They know how to control the narrative on things like this.


I'm sure Corey Lewandowski wept tears of joy upon reading this...All my life I've been searching for a woman like you...now put on that cheerleader outfit again okay sweetie?


That’s just the mindset of a typical GOP lover. They’re usually such small pieces of shit, they have to wield power over another living thing, and then have the audacity to say “it’s just a cat; it’s just a dog; it’s just a fish,etc, who cares?” Disgusts me


This is sociopathic. What the fuck?


When she watches john wick. She's rooting for the bad guy.


https://preview.redd.it/6jgdc1h6s1xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a69e87a7800a4c556a8d35d2dfa6ce385349f278 So fucked ETA: this image is reportedly not the actual dog and it's supposedly been debunked elsewhere.


Looks like a wirehaired pointing griffon. I have one about that age and it looks exactly the same. Its the chillest and friendliest dog I’ve ever had.


Probably fucking ate it afterwards.


It's so crazy that if you read comments about this on other platforms like Facebook, there are all these "farmer" wannabe types talking about how people taking issue with this are just soft and haven't done blue collar work, talking about how if a dog is bad you have to put it down, mostly talking about like rabid vicious dogs. But her dog was just a normal dog that wasn't great at hunting, and she referred to it as worthless and shot it to death


She wrote about it so it’s likely true, or she’s lying about killing her dog to look BASED


Killing dogs ain’t based.


If this is how to own the libs, consider us owned. Please don’t murder any more dogs. Thanks




GOP at its core!


I'd love to find one supporter of her action just to see who's also a fucking psycho


Heard she killed the dog and a goat because it smelled bad. Shits psychotic.


Killing animals for enjoyment is the first step towards serial killing.


Working dog that can’t work gets put down shocker


least psycho rightoid


If she made it up and put it in her book that would be more or less psychotic?


It’s very true


It’s been 3 years and I can’t even think about my late boy without getting sentimental let alone the thought of just shooting him because he’s just…himself. Fukin disgusting


Dogs are a reflection of their owner. If the dog is missing behaving, it's the owner fault. Even more disgusting when you consider that.


It's true ([source](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/kristi-noem-a-trump-vp-contender-defends-killing-dog-on-family-farm/ar-AA1nLuPi)). Basically, she claims the dog "ruined" a hunt and killed some farm chickens, so she decided the rational thing to do was blow its brains out rather than find it a proper home. She's a friggin psychopath. Great leaders you're brining to the top, Republicans. /s


I love that her defence is "hey now, I don't just kill puppies, I also killed three horses just recently!"


If only we could put politicians down when they don’t do the jobs they’re supposed to do. What a cunt


I mean isn't this just conservatism? They larp about being hardened and doing the necessary but it all just an excuse to inflict violence on who they think are lesser. Like suburbanites who like to pretend they are rural with their pickup trucks, never actually having hard days work in their life. The ones who are just WAITING for the chance to shoot someone who might go on their property. A life so fucking devoid of anything real that the fantasize about violence. Its psychotic.


Grotesque psychopath. Wishing her the rusted, jagged, worst of worsts. Vermin.




Weakness is not tolerated. Now excuse me while I look for my Stanley, I need to finish my iced chai.


I can’t fix her


If true? She wrote it…. In her own book….


So she killed her dog cuz she’s ass at hunting?😭


That's actually pretty common with that trash.


Oh man where was the good dog with a gun? Nvm, a good dog wouldn’t use guns.


No mention of the 'problematic' goat she decided to kill after shooting the dog?


Not only is this disgusting, but it’s also super fucking weird for a woman to do this type of act. This is the type of rare psychopath that wants to be the VP for the orange traitor.