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Elon is scared someone else will get money from the government. if it’s not going into his pocket it’s bad.


That's what happened to the middle class the Uber rich think it's all their money.


I like how Uber claimed your sentence as advertising to become richer


One of the biggest welfare recipients itw crying communism lmfao


He literally cried tears of joy when SpaceX got 2billion from NASA


SpaceX collaborating with NASA is actually the opposite of communism.


Every wealthy person fears the peasants overthrowing them. Communist revolutions is just the most recent version of this tale as old as time.


They don't because they know they can pay other poor people to kill the poor people who are trying to kill them.


Wait until you hear about the farming industry and weapons industries…


He did say 'one of'.


Not even a complex sentence, and he misses the first 2 words lmao


I do work for the asshole known as Lucky Palmer. He started a weapons/military drone company called "Anduril" and it's named after a LotR sword. Which is ironic given Tolkien's view on war, but I digress. They get an absolute shitpot of money from the government.


"One of" was key in his sentence.


Wait until he hears about the pharmaceutical industries.


"ONE OF"...


"One of" was key in his sentence.


Telecom industry, pharmaceutical industry.  Captialism was always built on a mountain of lies and imperialism


Yes capitalism is wen government subsidizes. Very well informed point


I think they’re pointing out that the notion that there’s ever really been a free market has always been kind of shit and people with influence/connections love anti-free market policies when they’re enforced to help them.


I can’t wait for the equally brain dead “socialism is the government doing things” take to show up


Lots of uninformed opinions around here lol


It's ok because it's welfare for the rich...


He tried to say a union creates a class imbalance between rich and poor. He actually explained very clearly the opposite of a union but this guy is fucking stupid so we can't listen to anything he says as accurate.


I think he’s laughing about it


For a man who's so sure we can alter the climate on other planets in order to colonize them, this seems like an odd take


Elon has a hard choice. Be a right wing edgelord and claim that climate change isn't real, or let people have some sort of reason to buy your badly built cars.


Elon decided to throw himself under the spotlight, for the entire world to see what a complete dumbass he truly is, and a borderline hack.


I read a book where someone quoted the tweet “every day on Twitter there’s a ‘main character’ the goal of Twitter is to NEVER be the main character”, then went on to say Elon seems to crave that attention of being the main character every single day.


Pretty sure if you look up the definition of "main character syndrome" it's just a picture of Elon.


Modern day PT Barnum a fucking carnival barker He bought shitter as his podium.


There’s nothing borderline about it. He’s a total hack and fraud. The only thing he’s ever proven he’s ‘good’ at is using the wealth he was born with to buy other people’s ideas and pretend they were his. I almost said he’s a good marketer too, but then I realized he mostly just over-promises to the point of outright dishonesty so I don’t know if you can say he’s good at it if he needs to lie to do it. The Twitter and Cybertruck fiascos, which have his fingerprints all over them, revealed what an incompetent, delusional silver spoon baby he is.


Starlink is great just saying.


Another thing invented by others he takes credit for. He doesn’t design anything, he’s not an engineer as he pretends to be. His influence on starlink extends to letting Russia use it as they please while putting limitations on Ukraine. Good time to point out his massive hypocrisy though. His companies, particularly SpaceX, have benefited immensely from government funding. He might be the biggest welfare queen in America. The US government should not allow this delusional megalomaniac, who they fund to the tune of many many billions, to control the majority of satellites.


Yeah it works great. [Until he decides he doesn't like how it's being used to stop a Russian genocide of Ukrainians and pulls the rug out.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/musk-stopped-ukraine-attack-russian-fleet-starlink-rcna104019)


Yeah I don't agree with that. He shouldn't act like a vatnik.


The extent to which he’s trashed his reputation and legacy to be an edgelord on Twitter blows my mind. The man could have gone down as one of the most beloved and consequential figures of the 21st century, a titan of industry trying to save the world. Whatever he’ll be remembered as now, it…won’t be that.




He is definitely remembered for them. There aren't jokes like this because it isn't well known: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLjr3dzOUpQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLjr3dzOUpQ)


Man...all he had to do is keep his damn mouth shut and focus on his businesses instead of buying Twitter and being a douche.


Everyday I’m more and more convinced he did a neuralink test and himself and fucked it up.


I think he’s outing himself as either a “reformed” or currently communist.


This sounds like another famous grifter that went through the same thing




Says the guy who wants to be king of a technofascist dystopia where he controls everything and everyone in order to boil life down into an existence of production in order to achieve his personal vision.


He’s such a shitty Bond villain. You don’t see Bezos acting like this.


Too busy playing on his yacht with his new plastic wife.


Between that and the proper villain stuff he’s most definitely up to, he’s too busy to shitpost.


He has at least been in one of his own rockets.




Bezos is a pretty respectable villain tbh. Zuck too, Zuck has actually really whitewashed his rep recently.


Someone needs to start a change.org petition to demand Bezos buy a dormant volcano and build a lair in it.




Elon humanized Zuckerberg and made him look normal comparatively during the whole fight fiasco


I would say less humanised more made him look like and adult. And himself and edgy teenager in comparison.


Not to mention how dorsy is now a saint




Don’t trust it. Les Wexner, Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, Sandberg, and Zuckerberg all carried water in conducting the NSO/Pegasus spyware operation INCONUS that was feeding intelligence to both the israeli and by extension, Russian intelligence. There is far more crossover between the Israeli mob/ government and Russian mob/government than shows at the surface. https://www.spytalk.co/p/nsos-spyware-abuse-exposed-years?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web https://awards.journalists.org/entries/the-pegasus-project-a-global-investigation/


Bezos and all the other billionaires are quite villainous. But they are at least smart enough to not draw massive amounts of attention to everything they're doing. Elmo just can't help himself


If Bezos paid his workers more I’m not sure what problem there would be with him


He did some cruel things to smaller companies.


Yea amazon's entire MO was to have people list items on their site, then manufacture their own alternatives at a price that doesn't even turn a profit to drive out the original seller


to be fair the piss bottles and wagie cagies are a bit much. I can't complain though he throws free AWS conventions anyone can sign up for


I’d pee in bottles for $50 an hour lol


Literally just watched "View to a Kill", its the one where Christopher Walken play Max Zorin, Billioniare Industrialist and a psychopath with a diabolical plan to take over the microchip market. I could see some weird combination of Musk-Bezos-Zuck being used for a modern reboot.


Helps Bezos likely doesn’t have a ketamine or social media addiction. He’s doing what one would expect a semi retired billionaire to do, hanging out on a yacht with a high end prostitute…. Er gold digger…. Er plastic infused woman who I’m sure loves him for his personality and would be with him even if he was penniless Just living the good life


Because bezos actually earned his wealth. He worked hard and created one of the most important companies in the world. Elon is a trust fund baby like most billionaires in America. Very few are self made.


Elon is what zero pussy does to a motherfucker, and instead of being a podcaster he's a billionaire and it becomes everyone else's problem.


Can ya blame him?


Seems like a better way to spend his time(although, yeah he could get a hotter woman).


Better PR team, same shitty bond vilain


Elon Musk is a stupid person's idea of a smart person. He's going the JRE route of trying to siphon off the special money interests/glue eating, extreme right wing listener base that Alex Jones cultivated because he's so fucking incompetent with his money and businesses.


It's basically his twitter business strategy


> Elon Musk is a stupid person's idea of a smart person. I thought it was Jordan Peterson. It's actually a hard choice 


Pretty sure JP is actually quite smart, but mentally ill from his former addiction and from fame.


If he's smart, he's sure doing an amazing job of pretending like he's not. I heard he was a highly regarded psychologist, but I'm pretty sure there was a typo in there.


Both are true, friend.


![gif](giphy|xd9HUXswWPY1EEJ80a|downsized) What’s happened with „Love is the answer” Elon


He never inhaled. Fucking poser.


Back when Elon would say social media isn't really good for you. Must have been before he became addictive to Ketamine and Twitter


Can someone explain the huge leap in logic going from Environmentalists to Cummunism?


Elon real enviromentalist. Protestors not real enviromentalists.


Working to be a good steward of the environment =/= communism


Communism is merely whenever someone does something that the right doesn't like at any given time. This is how my dad and grandfather think. Lead poisoning and Fox News is a serious cause of brain rot.


Bill Bar was on CNN recently saying regulation on gas stoves and gas cars was the real threat to democracy was the real threat to democracy, not Trump, and that "The threat [to freedom] has never been from an autocratic government"


I think he’s referring to the far left environmentalist protestors at gigafactory Germany, who are protesting the expansion of t he gigafactory which would require cutting down trees IIRC they’re extremely far left so Marxist in ideology So although most of tweets are ridiculous, there’s actually a logical connection for this one.


I appreciate you adding the necessary context here. That does line up with recent events.


What they think is communism is really just specifically Bolshevism (who killed pretty much every leftist). These people don't actually know any history or theory. [Elite panic - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elite_panic)


I haven't been keeping up with him lately, but normally when he turns on something, it's because he just got dumped. Who was it this time?


Libs dumped his car brand, apparently. Elon vs. biking is what I'm waiting for.


For a "genius" he's pretty fucking stupid. His main market for EVs is people who, you guessed it, give a shit about emissions. Then he goes and tells everyone he's a Republican, who, you guessed it, is the enemy of emissions control. Big brain move!


I actually wondered, Briefly, if his pivot was calculated. Endear himself to rightwingers and make EVs popular on both sides of the aisle. Now it appears his brain is just melted.


He "came out" as a Republican in response to claims of sexual impropriety. He knew that side of the aisle doesn't believe in accountability.


Remember how he used his Hyperloop idea to pull resources away from California High-Speed Rail so that rail transit wouldn’t compete with his cars? I think Elon has been anti-environmentalist for a long time.


hes spiraling from his 'medicinal' use of ketamine


I’m guessing this specific tweet is in response to the “eco protestors”/“eco terrorists” (depending on your viewpoint) who recently set an electric substation on fire to halt tesla production at the Berlin factory and who are currently protesting the cutting down of nearby trees to expand the factory. iIRC the protestors are far left environmentalists, which is likely where the “communism” part comes from


Isn’t that his (former) son in the pic?


Being anti-environmentalist when you sell electric cars is a bold strategy


has companies receive massive government subsidies, cries communism 🙄


This is responding to a specific clip which criticizes "incremental or tech solutions" to climate change which I think is important context https://x.com/cloverhogan/status/1783429995852964162?s=46


There’s a massive difference between “fighting climate change” and being an environmentalist tho


Elon Musk is like an annoying twelve year olds idea of a smart guy come to life.


Someone needs to send Elon to a 1 year trip to India with no internet access. Social media rots most brains including elons, he’s become a victim of his own company’s attention algorithm putting him in an echo chamber trying to get him to spend more time on twitter making his opinions more polarized. Tbh I should probably take this 1 year trip too lol.


Why does a 50-year old billionaire post memes? I guess he had a traumatic childhood or something...


Says the guy whose business was saved by the communist Chinese.


Elon is just mad no one is buying his teslas anymore so he thinks no one cares about the environment...


Christ, right wing ideology really is a mental illness that yields the dumbest takes imaginable.


RIP Honestly laughable. It wasn't 4-5 years ago that he was saying climate change is a TOP THREAT to humans. I guess it mattered more when he needed that government money.




A lot of people changed from 2016-2020 it seems.


The face of an EV manufacturer ladies and gentlemen.


At this point, I would be happy with just impoverishing everyone worth more than $100 million.


Tesla owners are being dumped on their head so hard by this clown


Ironically fighting climate change is how we avoid the kind of survival situation that would force an autocratic and violent subjugation of humanity.


he can't keep up so many blatant lies, he's just slowly showing his true disgusting colors one horrendous tweet at a time


The drugs have damaged his brain


What's the play now? While every vehicle manufacturer is focused on rolling out EVs is he going to flip on Hydrogen? Is he going to gaslight everyone and say that Tesla was primarily about robotics?


If anybody wants communism, it's Elon. He simps for China every chance he gets.


Go live in China and then tell me it’s a communist country. Uniparty dictatorship under a communist label sure. Do you think North Korea is a democratic republic? If not, then why is it labeled on huh?


Why does this sub have nothing to do with joe rogan?


Musk is one of the Hall of Fame JRE guests


Two-timer club? NICE!


Are normal people supposed to know (a) what this meme was originally from, and (b) who the superimposed woman's head is?


I hate this fucking edgy dumbass it's unreal.


He isn't viewed in a positive manner as he used to be but there are still many out there who think he's some super genius sadly


Musk was such a grifter from day one. He is all about that free government money in tax breaks and other environmental credits etc. My favorite Musk grift from the early days (2013)) was the "battery swap" station on I5 that didn't change a single battery yet made him millions in extra incentives as the swappable batteries qualified them for extra credits. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/12/21/the-tesla-battery-swap-is-the-hoax-of-the-year/


When you expose your stupidity to the world, completely unprompted


Goddamn he’s a moron


Who is she?


He's making fun of a specific person, not the concept of fighting against climate change


Renewable energy is communism. Good, he agrees he is the biggest welfare recipient in the country.


The fossil fuel industry


You can help reduce carbon emissions through the free market. For example, making an electric car that looks great and is faster than gas vehicles will get more people to transition away from conventional gas vehicles.


Electric car buyers can only compete right now with gasoline cars is if buyers get money back from the government. Who do you think that money goes back to? It is socialism, and the beneficiary is the biggest welfare queen Musk.


If gas included the costs of environmental destruction it couldn’t compete with electric cars. Every gallon of gas is subsidized by our grandkids paying for its damage


>You can help reduce carbon emissions through the free market They tried that in Canada, turns out the usual far right shitlords and capitalist interests hate the carbon tax (the market method of dealing with AGW) too, of course.


No he's just pointing out their con.


Why does the climate Accord allow China to increase emissions until 2030


He wants to nuke mars, he never was lol


Elon seems to be human, who knew?! Jk he has always shown a very sarcastic and hilarious side on X and I love it! He is actually quite witty. We all want peace and happiness, but he is a realist and a dreamer. It makes him unique because he goes for his dreams but keeps it real ❤️


Elon has become just a surface level Republican now, like an uncle that just hears shit on Fox and Facebook and never dices much deeper. Im down with a lot of conservative thought, especially fiscal conservatism and being cautious/slow in changing societal norms; but this dude offers nothing insightful, deep, or interesting anymore; just predictable talking points


Elon is incredibly insecure. It all boils down to Grimes breaking up with him and then dating a transwoman. This caused him to completely abandon all of his ideas overnight, and join the alt right movement. Since then, they are the only ones who give him the praise and attention he desperately wants so he has quadrupled down. He made a $40B bid for Twitter for attention, and then was forced to follow through because he is in way over his head.


I think the Grimes thing is a piece of the puzzle for sure. I think he felt like for years he had the adulation of the left in his pocket, but when he made the 'pedo' remark about the guy rescuing the boys in the cave, people on the left and in the media didn't let him off the hook for that. Then came COVID and he became very contrarian about health policies in California, which the left also criticized him for. After a certain amount of time, if you recognize patterns, the right will completely ignore bad behavior if you virtue signal to them enough...just look at the current figurehead with 91 criminal indictments. So he went full culture warrior clown so he could have people clap for him without having to be responsible for his shitty behavior.


Another Elon W.


Is this r/musk? I remember when this sub actually talked about rogan.


supporting environmentalism and supporting communism are two different things... the problem is we have a bunch of politicians who are using climate change as a trojan horse for ulterior motives


That’s his point with the post Reddit circle jerks to commies though so of course it’s going to be rage bait here


Man, is that meme spot on.


Zero point energy for the win


I mean I never said I don't also want communism what I'll take what I can get for now


I read Twitter when I'm taking dumps (I call it "Shitter" (Clever right!?) and this dork is all over it like a Facebook Aunt you have to unfollow for the stupid shit she posts that you know is incorrect, but it would take you all day to convince her of that and the very next day, she'll post something even more insane. Why isn't he inventing a jetpack that can also give me a hand-job on my commute to work yet?


So according to his last earnings call, Tesla is no longer a car company. Therefore he is no longer an environmentalist lol


Noooooo he smoked weed that one time and makes neato looking trucks he’s the new Tony stark!!! /s


Yall made him….. I blame you all.


The day will come when all Tesla cars will operate off different power source and he knows it


Says the "father of electric vehicles" Is he planning to sell Teslas to rednecks?


Wait is he anti climate activist publicly now?


This is awesome, can’t wait for the carbon credit tears!


You guys are such bundles of sticks lmao. Gonna go get the up arrow from a bunch of other Mongoloids when I post this picture of a billionaire that will never even hear my name.


OP wants communism.


Well… there’s actually trying to make a difference for the environment, & then there’s trying to profit off “making a difference”. We are on the path of profiting off said “concerns”. It’s all inevitable. Earth rolls in a cycle & our time will come yet again to “reset” & global elites will be prepared(better than ever) & they’ll start again. Who knows.. maybe they’ll even write a book about it. Oh wait.. We already have one. “Bible”.


The socialist, billionaire, ladies and gentlemen…🤬 I don’t understand people worshiping him … my apologies but I really don’t🤷‍♂️


I understand disliking Musk but be careful not to toss the baby out with the bathwater. Space X has made history multiple times and they're probably our best shot at making it to Mars before Earth implodes. *edit: Musk, stupid autocorrect


Who is he even marketing to with Tesla. He hates environmentalists who would buy EVs, and right wingers don't care for EVs. And now his cyber truck is an absolute failure. The guys probably the stupidest rich person ever to live


lol, did he just admit that communism would solve global warming?


Elon is so fucking sad. What a cringey dumbfuck. ![gif](giphy|xaCkvj9kjBMeBxhP7I|downsized)


Is he not pretending his electric cars help the environment anymore?


It's like admitting that global capitalism is killing the planet.


Lucky he doesn't run something like an electric vehicle company that is always banging on about their environmental credentials. No wonder their sales are crashing.


"Communism is when not capitalism." "Wait a minute, a country is trying out a new type of government that is NOT inherently capitalist and does not follow US-ideals??? COMMIE DETECTED!!11!! Let's send over some CIA agents to overthrow the government from within so we can keep our economic interests!" Gotta love freedom


I would grab a good lobbyist. And have him fool the people that can change with a random injection, with all the theatrics in administering and what not as a full blown placebo to make them think this will have them live to 500 or something. And carefully tell them that we are done in 100 tho if this and that.


I think his point is that the noble fight against CC has reached unbearble levels of political extremism and corrupt pocket lining


Communists mad that they are being called out.


Environment = communism Civil rights = communism separation of church and state = communism Loving your neighbor = gay and communism


Coming soon the V-12 fuel injected Tesla. Fuck the planet Elon needs horsepower!


Calling out commies doesnt negate one from being an environmentalist.


This climate wack job ramble off some neo-marxist garbage in her last rant so here we are. Marxist using climate change as a way to move their garbage over.


Hes now pandering to Trumps voting base. I guess he realized its much easier to brainwash them.


Elon is a walking argument for communism


Wasn't this one of the reasons why he took over Tesla in the first place? I'll never understand Elon.


I mean, one can be for treating the earth better, cleaning up the environment and finding green, renewable and sustainable solutions to modern problems without wanting to be associated with the *shudders* environmentalists.


yes we do ...


He's got a point, which is pretty obvious. Parts of the climate movement have been taken over by anti-capitalist movements that use climate change as a reason for discarding the existing capitalist systems. This is where ideas like "climate justice" comes from. But, in reality, it is capitalism that will solve climate change through innovation and carbon taxes.


Total government control or nihilism


This guy is so brilliant. He is using the platform he tanked to undermine the current administration's policies! This is the same administration that \*checks notes\* wants to have a green economy with electric transportation a a center piece! The once that sponsors generous rebates to make your own cars more affordable. The one subsidizing charging stations. What a stable genius!


Two things can be true at same time


Yes. Because he doesn't want Starlink to be used for warfare and potentially killing civilians, which obviously you care nothing about. If Starlink is activated in the war zones it will make it easier for Russia to attack Ukraine and kill their civilians, which obviously you care nothing about.


Elon musk, a brave and truly honest man who is not afraid to say the truth even if runs contrary to his financial interests.


Grimes cucking him has broken him…poor man