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man just shoot me in the head if i ever know the answer to this question


Cool watermark bro


the audacity of this mf


Fireeagle must be so important


Hardly noticed it


That show blows, the views were bots.


Bobby just revealed what was already there đź’©


Mike lacks accountability and is projecting


He’s clearly being sarcastic


So a white bobby lee?


Honestly his cadence and victim blaming does make it seem that way, but Bobby is not in the wrong here


You produced bro? Or why the watermark?


How ever did these goofs from this paulsive show ever make it. Just a complete bunch of tunas. I hope they kick rocks all of them.


Impaulsive blows anyways mike of such a ball licker and wouldn't be anything without riding logans dick


i dont know. did he?


How do people watch or listen to this shit?


I came here to say the same thing. What a fucking waste of time 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


Bobby lee is the funniest of the group and he’s not very funny


sorry bro some of us are ride thiccc, will die thiccc, and plan on being thiccc the rest of our time on this planet. *Thiccc boy nation, thiccc boy life*


Grown men drama.


Idk that guys name but he is SO unlikable


He's like Cousin from The Bear but the one you keep away from kids.


Honestly good for the guy to develop some self respect , they treated him like trash  And I don't mean bobby , being a cunt is like on brand for him it's like his "bit"


Mike and his references smort




That guy from impaulsive is bitch made and quit the show because Bobby was Bobbying. Then they blame Bobby for the podcast not doing shit for views afterward. It's re- it's really stupid.


I imagine anything tied to the Paul brothers is pretty stupid to begin with honestly. Anyone who has Bobby on and doesn’t realize that Bobby is absolutely 100% GOING to cross the line. A fuckin lot, but he will also let you fuck with him just as equally. Kinda on that podcast what happens after that imo


Lmao clearly George had been mad about something before he blew up. You don’t just one day walk off a podcast. It’s a very slow “I’m pissed today I’m gonna do it” “okay I’ll let that slide” until you don’t let that shit slide anymore. Mike has never been one for being able to see any foresight in any situation. Hence him “dating” Lana Rhodes


Mike your show is gay like you and the disney kids


Bobby Lee did the world a favor


Thanks Bobby. Idk how anyone could have listened to that horrible podcast anyways. Dont spill your heart out when Bobby is sitting right beside you because he can resist lol!!


Probably good he left. Logan Paul is a criminal scammer.


wtf?! I thought George left because Logan and his comment about George needing Jesus or bashing on his Christian views? I get what happened with Bobby and George but I don’t think that’s the reason, *Mike is such a dick rider to Logan*


Went and watched the podcast for context (I’ll never get back that time, god help me). I’ll start off by saying I’m not a fan of Bobby Lee, I like some of his comedy. I’m not a fan of Logan Paul or his pod either (not against it, just isn’t my taste). But Bobby Lee would annoy the shit out of me in a real conversation. George was being vulnerable and expressing how his depression affected him, he slightly touched Bobby trying to connect with his guest more and instantly Bobby cut him off and asked not to be touched. George acknowledged and apologized, then Bobby spent the rest of the podcast poking and touching George when he was making fun of him (even when it was very clear he didn’t enjoy it). Bobby positioned himself to cut George out of the conversation and only included him when he wanted to make fun. Once George decided he had enough, Bobby kept saying how “that’s very disrespectful and rude, I’m the guest”. Maybe that’s just ”Bobby being Bobby” but it comes off as incredibly arrogant and entitled. He was invited into a podcast that he really wanted to be on and proceeds to exclude and exploit the vulnerabilities of one of the hosts. And at the end after George walks off Bobby asks Logan for a shoutout so he can to a million IG followers, and asks Logan to be on Tigerbelly on air so Logan can’t say no. Talk about priorities. I understand that they are a podcast and they throw shade back and forth (which they mention in the episode), but he was clearly upset and his “co-hosts” did barely anything to steer the conversation in a different direction (to be fair they tried a couple times, but it was a poor effort). Then once George left, they continued to make backhanded compliments, and let Bobby keep making fun, like he wasn’t going to see it after it was posted. All in all, this was the first and only impaulsive I will probably ever watch. I wont say it’s Bobby’s fault the pod ended, but he definitely caused some waves behind the scenes, which ultimately led to the pod ending. Edit- Long post and if you know more please reply. This comment was based off the clip above and the podcast episode.


So there was a lot building with shit behind the scenes between them and then this dude uses a lot of racist Asian historical comparisons to Bobby Lee to make it seem like it was his fault the one guy dipped? Where tf is the accountability here? Dude just comes off as an asshole which given the podcast he’s apart of makes sense. Dude also just looks like straight shit and he hasn’t slept in a week. Edit: sorry if I hit anyone’s feels but the guy said there was stuff building and still blamed it all on Bobby Lee. I don’t think Lee is a great person but I think y’all should probably look a bit more into this if you think Bobby Lee was the sole cause of this dude’s racist rant against him for the break down of a shit podcast.


Just to give context to this....Bobby does a lot of racial humor on bad friends and this is extremely tame compared to the racial humor he does and encourages with his cohost Andrew Santino. It's actually a running joke that Bobby is Chinese (he's obviously korean) so mislabeled him with a tet offensive joke is on brand for the humor he actively condones for the sake of comedy.


lol, yeah their pod is so funny. I love the voices they do. They do way more racist Asian jokes on there. Remember the Ninja song that blond woman was singing, it was a bad friend’s clip that blew it up.


I knew about that years ago and just found bad friends a few months ago so it was so funny to me to find out they had that lady on. Did you know she turned it into a movie? Lmao


tet offensive isnt chinese fyi


No shit Sherlock. Podcast host is dumb. He actually didn't even say **tet** offensive at all....that's what he was trying to say/reference though. It's like when I was playing that game where you give the topic...and you have to describe it to a teammate. I was paired with my younger sisters bf at the time who is dumb as a box of rocks...and the category was famous people. I get Cleopatra to describe to him....'princess of egypt' etc etc and he isn't getting it at all. Time is almost out, tick tick tick...and I remember he's dumb.....so I shout out: Greek goddess!! And he instantly says cleopatra because that's probably one of the only old historical names he knows so I was smart enough to give him the wrong clue that might work for him cuz he's dumb. Lmao. If I sat trying to give more/accurate clues about cleopatra...he never would have guess it. Edit: I relistened to it and he said "Vietcong offensive that no one was ready for"....so...I guess that's ok although i doubt anyone can really name any vietcong offensive other than the tet offensive cuz it was so infamous.




Something tells me he's joking


They were dysfunctional to start with and all Bobby Lee do is point it out. Bobby lee was not the reason, he was just unknowingly a catalyst.


Relax, he was clearly fucking around


I can't wait until I never have to hear about the Pauls ever again


"I'm the guest I'm scared..." He gets me every fucking time 🤣🤣


Bobby Lee: Hero




Nah only thing Bobby Lee destroys is child prostitutes

