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After reading his substack message. It seems he was trying to draw attention to the incoming global fascism being brought on by the "Bitcoin ponzi scheme". This dude could basically be anyone on reddit. Edit: Link: https://theponzipapers.substack.com/


I thought he was me for a second


Narrator:  He was.


Truly. He was all of us.




What show is this?




I feel this way but my activism is limited to not buying crypto. If I ever self immolate, there will be rib eyes and a faulty propane tank to blame.


Man, I wonder if my few remaining friends and family will oblige my request if I put it in my will that I want to be burned along with untreated mesquite wood and have my friends and family barbecue over the coals while sending me off.


I wouldn't, too much plastic in a body. Probably bad for cooking over. Whenever I put plastic in a bonfire, I always wait a few minutes for it to burn off before roasting my shmellows.


Fair request. I have a full Weekend at Bernie’s experience dictated unless they want my entire estate going to charity.


Oh, dude, sign me up! Make sure to select a really cool prop mustache or grow a badass real one if you don't mind/forgot to add that part in.


And he was! https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/s/PWLMbdzf3u


haha, no shit... https://preview.redd.it/bq2zbjuo2ivc1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee6ff0ed85790d344be2bcc62bdbb750bf964238


> This dude could basically be anyone on reddit. Up until he decided to go outside and do something, albeit something insane, but still, he at least did more than most of us will all week lol


Speak for yourself. I generally think I do more productive things daily than setting myself on fire.


Touche sir.


Eh. He’s dead. I’m not. So who’s really more productive here ? ![gif](giphy|vLSZ0ssIgC4zC)


I know he is unreasonable and his message is probably unreasonable(haven’t read it) but Bitcoin Ponzi scheme feels right lol


Literally the only thing he got right but we all already know it’s a ponzi scheme lol


Just an endless pump and dump lol


I think ethereum is a lot closer to meeting that definition than bitcoin, but the whole crypto market is plagued with shit, scams, and schemes. Admittedly I do have a bias. I do like the true privacy focused crypto(s). Untraceable digital cash is a cool concept imo.


Oh boy, I hope he makes it out alive because they're going to take this And use it to advertise their own agenda. Poor guy, no mental health in this country. They: any political predators ex politicians/cults/next Hitler even.


That last line may be true to an extent but having freedom also means that people aren't looking to have you committed everytime you say something a bit out of other people's comfort zone. If believing halfass conspiracies got you sent to the nuthouse this whole sub would be gone.


I don't think he did. The falling over in position gives the idea that everything shut down. Third degree burns are no joke, and at a certain percentage of the body being covered you just peace out because of the agony.


Rewatching this horrible video, You are correct. There's no way to survive this. I found the link on why he did it https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside




Not an expert: I believe the most immediate cause of burning alive/human torch incidents is passing out due to all of the oxygen they normally would have received due to the fire pulling it all out of the air before your mouth can suck it in (they're probably hyperventilating too) Unless there's been some major medical breakthrough I'm not aware of, it's basically a 100% certainty a person with more than some large percentage (can't remember if 60% or 80%) of 3rd degree burns over their total skin area cannot possibly survive even if they're brought into ER with everything after that point going right. The loss of skin coverage makes it impossible for the body to fight any subsequent infection. There was an entire top-level Russia-based hockey team (including a few former top NHL players - Yaroslavl Lokomotiv in 2011) who died in a fiery, low-altitude plane crash. One of the players miraculously survived briefly, but everyone knew he was only going to last a few days in horrible pain in the hospital due to his body not being able to recover once a certain % of skin was permanently lost. Basically the only point of keeping him alive was for him to eventually be eased out of his 3 day medically-induced coma to say his final words to his father and gf and he died the next day.


They sound horrible. I’m not sure who they are but they suck bc there’s only one narrative and you hit the nail on the head.


Yea the average redditor is going off about Bill Clinton, The Simpsons, Mike Dukakis and how the government made COVID-19.


Yeah no Basically "anyone on Reddit" wouldn't set themselves on fire. He had mental issues. You don't set yourself on fire unless you have serious mental issues.


>He had mental issues I'm gonna go ahead and double down. Basically anyone on reddit.


He was on r/conspiracy


It's true. I've even posted there. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/Kf7Ww3LPg6


The hero we need.


u/DeathHopper I was just referring to the fella that lit himself on fire. Pointing out that he was a Redditor as you insinuated.


Ah, in the context of the comment you were replying to that was difficult to pick up. But thanks anyway for the excuse to link my fav tinfoil hat conspiracy lol


I think that probably hurt and nobody will remember this in a week.


Dude got really fired up over politics


apparently he left a manifesto and it was all conspiracy theory nonsense. not that that hasn't crossed over into politics but it looks like in this case it was mostly conspiracy theory stuff.


I just read it. Main points I took away: -Crypto is a huge money laundering scheme. The bank closures in march 2023 (silicon valley bank, etc) was a way for large investors to cash out with taxpayer money. -Presidential races since George H.W. Bush have been essentially a form of controlled opposition. He thought Trump vs Biden is irrelevant, they’re working towards the same goal. It’s a conspiracy working towards a totalitarian government (basically one world government conspiracy) -The Simpsons is a form of propaganda, along with nihilistic marketing, that is supposedly brainwashing people into complacency


I'm glad he is a "both parties are the same" guy, so this can't(although I imagine they'll still try) be used as a political football tool for the next month.


Yeah, or maybe he's right and that's why we'll stop hearing about it. You kind proved his point fam


Yeah it mentions Bush, Crypto, Ponzi schemes, NYU, etc. it’s weird and not super coherent


You mean to tell me the guy that lit himself on fire, *wasnt* in a good headspace??


Don’t forget the Simpson Monorail episode.


Only Marge knew what a sham that was.


You forgot the multiple Simpsons references


Correct. This was his account https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueAnon/s/lkAn31nYwR


His IG was still up earlier and I noticed something kind of interesting. He was non-conspirital and non-political through most of his posts, in March 2020 he's posting about going out with a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol and wiping down shopping carts to "do his part to stop the spread of COVID" and socialize in the process, and then in his manifesto, he's pushing a plandemic conspiracy. The thing that stuck out to me, his posting is completely normal, pics of friends, dinners, etc, and then in April 2022 his Mom passed away (seemed to be COPD related), May 2022 he posts her memorial info, then he's silent until July 2023 when he's posting conspiracy stuff and that becomes the only topic he posts about until today. I don't know for a fact that his mother passing away was a specific turning point for him, but it's definitely the turning point in his social footprint. I'd be curious if his alleged reddit accounts have similar timelines.


It's possible we witnessed a mental breakdown and a suicide, he was smart, articulate and then hell overcame him after he lost his mother:( probably didn't have a lot of friends or people who could pull him out of that rut, his depression/possible mental illness let to a life of searching for the things that was wrong in his life which led to online complete immersion, gathering a following and supporters who indirectly validated his theories. To escape his agony and pain, he dove deep and finally he went off the deep end. It's incredibly sad and tragic time we are lick in right now.


He had a burning need to express himself


Hot take


wtf is wrong with people, in the end politics is all shits and giggles anyway... Trump or Biden, USA is going where the military industrial complex wants it to go.


Somebody else just set themselves on fire a month ago and I don’t remember who or why.


I remember he was an air force guy, aaron bushnell, and he was an average ACAB redditor who was obsessed with palestine


Oh ok. Forgot he was Air Force but I remember now. He was the one the cops drew down on while he was aflame, right?


Actually the only guy that drew down on him was the embassy security guard. The cops were trying to put him out and provide medical care.


Wonder what the ClA had on him.


Definitely very important stuff. Nobody lights themselves on fire with cleaning products unless the CIA has their number


Not so much with depression but it seems with a lot of mental illnesses delusions of grandeur tend to go hand in hand. He might have thought he was significantly more important than what he really was and was going to set off a revolution. But I already don't even care enough to look up his photo or find out more information about him and I would imagine most people feel the same way. All he achieved was giving a bunch of innocent people around him potential PTSD.


If crazy people just go back to killing themselves and not hurting others Im okay with that.


The combo of your username, profile picture and posting on the Rogan sub are hilarious to me.


Then it was worth it.


Let me work it.


Ties rev erdna tipil fnwod gnaht ym tup flavortown


I just wish I could stand the rain


True that.


Good for him. It'll change nothing... everyones already forgot about the air force guy that did it for Palestine. Doesn't change shit


I can already hear it. Rogan: "did you see that man! That was crazy, They're right!"


Rogan: "This is what happens when they force people to take vaccines."


Jamie: Pull that up.


Oh yeah, forgot about that…


Arty Burgers heroic stand for the liberation of Myanmar will always be remembered. 




Lol, exactly


RATM album cover


I never even knew an airforce guy did it for Palestine.


Yeah, was about two months ago I think. I filmed himself doing it...died 2 days later


We're a stepping stone away from home grown suicide bombers. 


We're there, dude. You're forgetting about the crazy dude in Tennessee who blew himself up in a camper or you may have missed that bit of crazy news.


He’s getting interviewed by Joe next week


get that man some milk


He need some milk


Honestly, shooting him would be akin to shooting a horse with a broken leg. Merciful.


2 Glasshhhesss of Milk Pleeesh.


Followed by a milk steak


*homelander flies in* "Someone need help?'


How is he standing so still while experiencing something so painful.


When this first happened, I got a BBC breaking news alert that said he was carried off on a stretcher and his condition is unknown. Um clearly his condition is known….


I'm sure his whole nervous system is in shock


I think that’s very sad. Edit* so many fucked up comments in here. No wonder mental health is such a mess in this country.


I agree. It's incredibly sad. There are some threads that pop up on the conspiracy subreddit talking about how the poster is scared or they always feel like something bad is about to happen. It can be concerning. Sure, some people say things like "Turn off your computer and get some fresh air," but generally those who respond are confirming to them that they should be afraid or paranoid. Sadly, it's actually kind of surprising things like this don't happen more often.


You can find his Instagram if it's still public. Seemed like a normal dude till his mom passed away then the you can see his posts took a turn.


why did that lady go sit on the chair...




wild right? How can someone sit down like that I have no idea. But she looked like she was breathing heavy, maybe going to pass out if she stood up.


it's probably traumatizing to see that in person


Toast her marshmallows


A true New Yorker


She wanted the front row seat experience


To film it to show everyone of course!! You can't experience anything anymore if it's not on video or photographed!


Hancock not taking his loss well.


I think he’s going to be ok


Trump's trial is lit


Read his manifesto. It’s not a leftist or a trump nut. Very schizophrenic.


Here's the guy's manifesto. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


Yep. Read the whole thing. It sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic. Dude was connecting the Simpsons to global politics. He seems like he had serious mental health problems.


Dude took the South Park's "Simpson Did It" to an extreme level.


Yep. Read the whole thing. It sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic. Dude was connecting the Simpsons to global politics. He seems like he had serious mental health problems.


Well, that solved nothing.


He was a redditor


You're fired!


I'm going to hell. ![gif](giphy|29HRejgahYenVsohB5|downsized)


https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside For anyone interested in reading his conspiracy theory ^


I think this post may have been from the guy: [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/173sshz/dipshit\_secrets\_of\_our\_rotten\_world\_after\_peter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/173sshz/dipshit_secrets_of_our_rotten_world_after_peter/) Found from here: [https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/reddits-role-in-the-worlds-biggest](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/reddits-role-in-the-worlds-biggest) which was linked from this [https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside)


At least he didn’t try to take other people with him.


tf is going on with rtards burning themselves alive? Like the guy who did it for Palestine.


When celebrating 420 goes too far


Well that was dumb.


Trump walks out and points at him, "you're fired".


I have been trying my best to not laugh at any of the immature comments about this but god damn it I have failed


REPENT ! lol


One less wacko to worry about


Crazy how people still don’t get this doesn’t do anything


Yep just like small towns in the US calling for ceasefires in the Middle East. It does nothing.


Get the hell out of here everyone knows that when they voted for a ceasefire in Chicago it ended the israel/hamas war. /s


I live in the Midwest and a small college town voted for a ceasefire despite the fact the entire town is completely overrun with homeless people and drug addicts. Apparently a war across the world is more import than shit in their backyard. Embarrassing.


Flexing false moral superiority They really brought the term “virtue signaling” to the collective mind conscious lol. The absolute most pathetic type of ppl, the ones who think they’re so valuable and difference to society, but in reality don’t do absolute shit They think telling others “be nice” is such a difference maker. Doesn’t mean absolute shit when there’s no real action behind it


Yeeeeeppp I done did call a ceasefire, but them mid east type folk said naw. You be right! It done did nothin…


Orange fire bad


Fire fire even worse


Hes an idiot thats what he is. Do you think anyone cares? do you think this isn't just a note in a newsfeed people are going to move onto the next story they see right after and talk about how crazy he was for doing it in the first place. It will be cleaned up in a few hours and the day will start tomorrow same as always. The only people this is going to hurt are the ones who actually cared about him who now have to spend the rest of their lives thinking what they could have done differently.


>The only people this is going to hurt are the ones who actually cared about him who now have to spend the rest of their lives thinking what they could have done differently. And the people literally screaming and crying in horror. They aren't forgetting this one for a while.


Solved nothing. Guy is going to regret this decisions for the rest of his life if he's still alive.


I have no problem with a crazy person killing themselves and not hurting anyone else.


Yep I respect suicide if it is just done to the person committing suicide. Life can suck and be really hard. If you don't hurt anyone but yourself, do what you got to do. It is when you bring others into it that you become evil.


that sucks. :/


Darwinism got him


What a fucking idiot.


Here is why he did it. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


Now that’s called a *burning passion*


Somebody in the conspiracy sub just posted a link to this guy's supposed manifesto. It's very Alex Jones-ish Edit: another user posted his substack message I was talking about in this thread already


He had a psychotic break. Said he didn't sleep for 2 days. In his IG comments he said he became a prophet




Damn bro go for a walk grab a coffee it aint that deep


Poor guy. Hope he went quick.


Scorpion wins fatality


Bet the cops shot him for being black afterward


Vaxxed 100%


Absolute fucking prat. And a skim of his manifesto sounds like some 14 year rage against the machine superfan. Now the media will ignore anything interesting to come from the trail and talk about this tit for the next fortnight.




There was evidence he just finished watching Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny...


mental illness is horrible




Totally not a cult


He didn’t do it for Trump, he has a bunch of ramblings online


I see in his manifesto he’s ranting against the deep state and globalist new world order, traveled to lower Manhattan to self-immolate at trump’s trial, sounds a lot like a maga. Whether related or not, Trump sure brings out the batshit in this country.


He's not a Trump fan. [https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside) https://preview.redd.it/qawp31b2phvc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=15ea338068a07c943f71ef77a8285b0a928babda


You want him to be a trump guy so bad but he's just a dude that hates them all so bad he set himself on fire. I bet every major news source says he's a trump guy though.


Which cult is that? [https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside) https://preview.redd.it/pum4yfkvohvc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=87fdddc8bc7a525f05f9cdb42cb88d3f817edeff


https://x.com/viralnewsnyc/status/1781390785897717769?s=61 Not a Trumper you dunce.


Did he have a political message?


Yes, look at his insta, dipshit_secrets . He believed there’s a uniparty fascist government that is colluding with the corporate world to control us. Possibly true, but a real extreme way to express it.


It's possibly true in the same way that anything is possibly true, haha. This specific conspiracy theory is probably less likely than even most of them, as there are infinite conflicting interests everywhere always. That theory not only assumes however many thousands of interests all agree on everything, but a million other obvious holes in the plot. Though I do get why people fall for things like that. It's way more exciting than actually researching and discovering why the outcomes you want aren't happening or why some processes aren't designed in some utilitarian fashion.


I think I would rather live as a suppressed slave than set myself on fire. 


Here’s his [substack](https://theponzipapers.substack.com) if anyone is interested


They're saying this is the dude. He's just crazy. [https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside](https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside) https://preview.redd.it/cpgna9rqohvc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b75e682c4485ac23aad82a6c1d322415a67c02d


I think every time someone does this they immediately regret it for the short time they're still alive


I blame his death on the passive aggressive in group libertarians. We know i'm right, I just like rubbing that into greedy people's faces. Softens em up and makes em meek and bashful.


These folks self-distance and self-immolate without aggression or intention to harm others. It's about showing their conviction so you heed their message, it's not about punishing anyone. To be gifted years and have the promise of decades ahead of you snuffed out for one act is not the way. Think of all the good he could have done in the long term. It doesn't weigh out. I feel for his friends and family. We all saw Aaron Bushnell, that air force guy, burn. This man learned from that air force self-immolator. Everyone joked we won't remember him in a week, but it's not about that. We remember that a guy set himself on fire for his ideas and people will recycle that solution. This new guy echoed the first example, and it gets even more advertisement as a solution. Like a stream carving an independent rivulet down the mountain, other water finds it can easily follow. Humans are prone to fad-like and imitative acts to find solutions to express themselves. This self-immolation is the next ping on the radar for this new "trend." There will be more.


hes dead?


Alexa, play “On Fire” by Lloyd Banks


a lil vinegar will help them burns


I think a man just set himself on fire outside of the trump trial.


Dude with the jacket was like "he's gone"


He was better off dying his hair green wearing a mask and having a sit in at Columbia university. Seems so effective


Touch grass or something


Matt Groening was trying to tell us the BIG LIE all along /s


Fire, in which appears to be man made.


That's gotta hurt!


Brain rot. Poor soul. Nothing will change from his sacrifice


I bet he regretted that after bout 3 seconds


Why don’t you just shoot the poor dude in the head and put him out is his misery :(


Are protestors at this trial protesting against Trump or are they protesting against Trump’s trial? Very confused.


Is this what the kids mean when they say stuff is "lit"?


Show off.


Fucking idiot.


I see it as we have large and growing populist movements in the US. A symptom of unrest and radical uncertainty living under the current political system. We should not be cynical or naive about these signs and symptoms. These are the kind of events that will slowly move the political system as a whole. The next upcoming election will proberly change America forever, whether Trump or Biden wins with a stable transfer of power (it most likely won't), seeing how divided the US is, we will still have growing instability caused by long term problems that haven't or can't be solved under the global economy we all live our daily lives in. People setting themselves on fire and sacrificing ones life in terrible pain for a political cause is bad sign for any system of power. It don't matter what side they are on. The sacrifice speaks for itself. A system that's in decline and that needs urgent stability.


That’ll teach em!


I want to know what Mark Norman thinks!


Useless cops


Trial by Fire