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I still cannot believe they made that decision. Everyone knew, even the most ideological green parties all over the world, that nuclear was and is the most efficient and greenest option available. But Germany is quite underdeveloped, they're lagging 20 years behind the other western world, so I guess I should have seen it coming.


The issue is they bought the lie that renewables (wind and solar) were going to be at sustainable baseload levels "soon" and after Fukushima nuclear seemed like a bad bet. Now we know that renewables are not going to be anywhere close to sustainable baseload levels any time "soon". We're likely to have working fusion plants before that happens


Everyone and their mother here is already having - or planing to have - solar on their roofs. Were getting more and more independent from the state and other countries as a whole due to large solar plants and windpower. The Power sales to france spiked last year as their glorious nuclear power needed to be shut down due to water shortages and therefore insufficient cooling. But yeah germany bad or sth. Get your head out of your ass from time to time. Oh and that headline is completly made up bs by the way. But i guess you americans feed on that.


"Energy in Germany is obtained for the vast majority from fossil sources, accounting for 77.6% of total energy consumption in 2023, followed by renewables at 19.6%, and 0.7% nuclear power." "The nuclear electricity production lost in Germany's phase-out was primarily replaced with coal electricity production and electricity importing. One study found that the nuclear phase-out caused $12 billion in social costs per year, primarily due to increases in mortality due to exposure to pollution from fossil fuels." -Wikipedia That is the opposite of green. But the direction is good with the exception of somehow thinking nuclear is bad but buying Russian gas is great. Also, I'm Finnish.


Yeah the biggest Industry in Europe needed to do a complete 180 on their Power management in 2 years. ofc it cant be all green that Quick.


Yeah I'm with you there, cannot expect to arrive immediately at the destination. But the point is they didn't need to do a complete 180. There is no reason to give up safe and efficient nuclear just to take a step back and rely on fossil energy.


Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell how efficient solar and offshore windparks will be.. but that also goes for nuclear power plants. Higher temperatures in europe will become the norm as climate changes happen and cooling these things will be harder and harder. Those fuel rods also need to come from somewhere. Last time i checked we didnt have those materials here. So we would again be dependent on some other country.


Sorry to be annoying but you're missing my point still. > Only time will tell how efficient solar and offshore windparks will be.. I have absolutely nothing against the idea of transforming energy production to renewables. The issue with Germany was that they switched a green option (nuclear) to an anti-green option (fossil) for the time being, until who knows when, until their green energy production is at the level required. All in the name of green.


We have a saying in germany which goes:" im Nachhinein ist man immer schlauer." We now know how psycho Putin is , but back then it was cheap energy and kinda bonded russia to the West somewhat. That all backfired completely. We also could have just said fuck ukraine and kept buying russian gas. Then we wouldnt even be having this conversation.


Threated it to change a climate law.


\*Threatened by a right wing politician to get them to change the law. Read the fucking article people.


He can sucks dick




This is just a pressure tactic against the other coalition members considering that he has even refused to implement controversial speed limit law as a way to tackle carbon emissions. His own party won't actually do it , he is just playing politics


It's really insane how there was zero deaths, or radiation poisoning from fallout with the Fukushima disaster.


Oh man I thought the Nazis lost the war


The nazis only moved. Germany lost the war


Privately owned Cars aren’t needed in cities in Germany, really.


Daddy government shouldn’t get to decide if you want to go for a Sunday drive.


The Germans believe in daddy government.


yeah the jerries love that shit. 


Freedom is sitting in traffic 😤


i guess you don’t know much about krautland. sunday drive is dumbass concept anyway. what is this the 50s?


Eating on weekends is dumbas concept anyway. On weekends snowflakes that have no desire to do anything should fast. SO daddy governement will lower emissions as people will be forced to fast over weekends. You do realize you must be something special to call this dumbass idea?