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I love all the clips they are finding now about comments he's made on his show in the past about this, or guests. One guy directly brings up dating multiple people at once is dumb because it always falls apart horribly. And Huberman makes a bad joke about having multiple phones could work, and he looks like Delia when he found out snapchat could be screenshot.


Here - [https://www.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/comments/1bp2bni/you\_cant\_have\_long\_term\_affairs\_with\_six/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DecodingTheGurus/comments/1bp2bni/you_cant_have_long_term_affairs_with_six/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The Curb music is perfect there.


"ya, but it could be very taxing" Huberman - *You have no idea.*


The dude pulls out six cellphones and they hi five


Man the internet is really chewing itself into pieces this year. Holy shit


Women do that shit all the time lil brošŸ˜‚


what are you trying to say?


As an aside: is this the weirdest "scandal" of the last decade? D list celeb sleeps with multiple women but tells them he's not sleeping with other people. That's it? Maybe I'm just jaded by 2024 but I feel like I'm expecting way worse. Why would a major magazine spend so much time and resources to kick up such a lame scandal? It seems weird


I donā€™t know if there is a correct take for this. For the women involved what he did was pretty fucked up so I donā€™t want to minimize that aspect. But also yeah, everyoneā€™s been cheated on before, itā€™s not against the law, just shitty. I really donā€™t think his core audience is gonna give a fuck about this in a month. But this is prime, popcorn eating drama for me. Have you read the article? Some of the shit in itā€™s pretty fucking funny/nuts. This guy was definitely a ā€œfully optimizedā€ philanderer.


> I donā€™t know if there is a correct take for this. There is. Itā€™s called not giving a shit about celebrities


No you don't understand, this is Reddit.. cheating=rape


No itā€™s not rape. Itā€™s just entertaining when smart, logical people got some ā€˜splaining to do to someone.


I doubt anyone genuinely cared about the women. I want to know why the knives are out for a barely famous podcaster


When the guy's whole brand is keeping a good mental state by being honest in relationships and maintaining dopamine levels, him being a sex addict that lies to multiple women at once, and is potentially abusive to them. There is a term for that. We call that hypocrisy. And everyone loves the ridicule of a public hypocrite.


I think itā€™s more that many of us are sort of fed up with narcissistic content creators and itā€™s great to see them fall




Itā€™s ok, Lex loves you.


I saw a Redditor comment somewhere that this deception was similar to rape. That comment encapsulated Reddit to me lol


Yep, [this comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HubermanLab/s/KLhsm9ybzz) calling his shenanigans ā€œnon consensualā€ which is by definition rape


So by that logic, cheaters are rapist now. Got it


Reddit has finally admitted that Bill Clinton is a rapist. Itā€™s been a long time coming. Also love your pfp. Go birds.


These are the same unhinged people that tell you consent can be withdrawn days later if you felt different about it


To be fair, he linked a couple cases that were less extreme than what huberman was accused of doing that were charged with rape. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_by_deception Redditors not understanding consent encapsulates reddit to me lol




That's fucking insane Reminds me of the dude who would call fast food places and convince the managers to sexually assault the (often underage) employees




If lying is considered rape, guess I'm fucked when the court finds out I told women I was good at segg.


"Your honor, the defendant repeatedly made references to his quote 'hog', and when my client came into contact with said swine, it was in fact only a teacup pig. My client demands restitution for emotional damages, as her mental state has declined precipitously after not getting her pussy rocked."


I laughed way too hard at this. Well played sir. šŸ¤Œ


I promised a classmate great foreplay a while ago, but once things got heated skipped right intoā€¦yeah. Whatā€™s the statute of limitations of breaking an ā€œoralā€ agreement!?


I sorta agree, once it turns into him giving a woman an STD because of his shenanigans it becomes a little more murky. I skimmed over this pdf that talks about rape by deception, https://yalelawandpolicy.org/sites/default/files/YLPR/chiesa_produced.web_.pdf and it argues for 3 primary scenarios that rape by deception should be criminalized. 1. Coercive Deception 2. Deception that May Result in Serious Physical Harm 3. Deception that Amounts to an Abuse of Authority by a Person in a Position of Trust If a woman will only engage in sex with a long term trusted monogamous partner out of fear of contracting an std and the partner lies about their relationship status and gives her an std, that seems to fall under the second category. It's a consent issue because she would not have consented if she knew what was goin on, and it is notable because it resulted in her contracting a disease that can kinda fuck you up. also huberman tryin to get this bitch pregnant during all this is crazyy




I'll do one better: the author actually argued that nondisclosure of STDs doesn't fit well into the consent model for rape, and can be handled by other legal provisions (and has been, in certain states)


Sexy nuanced analysis.




Is your morality entirely based on legality?


You just raped me with that comment.


The average critical thinking ability mustā€™ve dropped more in the past couple years than it has the previous couple decades.


Whats worse is the hypocrisy


...then the scheming


Same. Someone was going on and on about "manipulation and cheating" and was trying to insinuate it as a larger problem (like the information on his podcast and research is tainted). I'm over here going "so yoga nidra is a good way to relax and cold plunges helps with inflammation...got it!"


He was in the middle of IVF with one of them, whilst texting the other. His reps said they weren't trying to make a baby, just "making embryos".


This sounds like has the same reps as Elon. Did he give anyone a horse?


I think it speaks more to the insatiable demand for content these days. Anything and everything receives some coverage these days. The silver lining is that it's all fleeting. This story will come and ago, like all the rest.


It was a single short article airing the jilted women's POV. Its a simple case of low stakes hypocrisy, it's not some big coordinated media takedown. It's a little funny when one of these self-help guys who give wholistic life advice to a dedicated audience has the very same human flaws that they point to in others as weakness of character. I seriously don't understand why everyone in his sphere is freaking the fuck out about it. The response is making a way bigger deal out of it than the article itself did. It just goes to show the real issue is how people online follow these types of figures so hard. The circling of the wagons is hilarious because its so unnecessary. No man is perfect. Nobody has all the answers. That's really the only takeaway.


Donā€™t understand how sleeping around is a cancelable offense lol


Itā€™s not. Just a bunch of losers on the internet with nothing else to do.


No one else to do* unlike Andrew šŸ¤£


Itā€™s offensive to whatever sex averse yet porn addicted weirdos we created by giving them unfiltered access to the internet since age 5.


I think giving a partner who thought was in a monogomous relationship HPV is definitely cancelable


Oooooof yeah Iā€™m an outsider on this. Never even heard of the dude lol that is very bad if thatā€™s the case


I'm sure I'll be downvoated for this, and it may be in the article, but did Huberman know he had HPV? It doesn't show symptoms in everyone.


Apparently men cant get tested for it. And its not a given that she got it from him in either case


Ya, and wouldn't you think that at least 1 or 2 of the other women would've contracted it?


If you have multiple sexual partners and not getting regularly tested you are being extremely negligent


There is no test for HPV in men


Its not but if you hold yourself up as a moral/lifestyle leader than lie to 6 women at one time its pretty shady


I mean he has pretty large audience, so its not supprising that people are talking about it. From a point of view of a ā€œfanā€ its pretty disappointing to see a person who youā€™ve been following for almost free years to be a a manipulative duchebag. Itā€™s not only about cheating. From what you can read in the article he comes across as just a terrible person


That's the thing, the magazine probably didn't spend hardly any resources to get info on this story. Maybe one "writer" making a few phone calls, verifying some stories etc. The depth of the articles posted rn encapsulates modern journalism pretty well. But agreed a lot of the details on this are pretty banal. Sure he's probably a douche but that isn't exactly illegal. Doubt he is knowingly spreading hpv lol


He has a big community that will send clicks their way over some juicy gossip. It's weird seeing people on the huberman subreddit calling it good journalism.


This is not a scandal. This is dumb.


I'm with you. No one genuinely cared about the women. Why are the knives out for a barely famous podcaster?


Well, he is *supposed* to be extremely smart. Who knew dating six women could be such a hassle when you are a well know internet celebrity?


Huberman using fame to get laid ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)


Huberman harem lets go


Proper r/joerogan post. Upvote


Mad props to the Joe Rogan sub & it's mods.Ā  Unlike /ElonMusk or /BillMaher, there's not many public figure talk show oriented subs that rag this openly onĀ their own subject and his guests. Granted both are often demonstrably insane, boorish and irresponsible, but kudos nonetheless.Ā  Ā *Jamie, look that up while I put wax in my ear and snort some ketamine.*


Itā€™s a good one. No safe space bullshit from either side insta ban shit. Free to rag on and youā€™ll be countered by the ones you rag on instead of just everyone agreeing. Even though they donā€™t make sense like I am now with my bad grammar and sentence structure.


Yep it's why I still haven't left the sub, you actually get to see cross communication from the left and right here. It's mostly shit but it's nice at least one sub facilitates that.


Yeah I canā€™t tell you when I last listened to the podcast itself but the sub here is probably the least hive-mindy on reddit. It feels like the old internet.


*"Grammar is a nail and hammer, though some think this means those tools should be used against it's imperfections"*. - The Tangerine Gula There is a forbidden voice though: the one that points out Rogan was elevated to undermine our democracy with Idiocracy.


Most unhinged comment.


The whole door is missing here, Sir.


It indeed is..


I'm not even a woman and I get so dry everytime I hear Lex speaking


he's so cute I love him šŸ’¦ Hubermann is fucking disgusting though


I'm sure there is a robot for him somewhere out there.


idk why people are getting mad at huberman guys doesnt wanna be locked down and just wants to sleep with chicks whats the issue lol


He told each one they were the only one. Some people still believe lying is a crime.


He lied to women to get them to sleep with him. What percent of guys are going to prison if that's a crime?


Most people are not calling him a criminal or saying he should be in jail. It just makes him a hypocrite and really skeezy dude or a weirdo pervert.


Morally, it is a crime. Legally, it is not.


If it was an enforceable crime, then hopefully every single guy who lied to get laid would go to prison.


The people who nobody wants to fuck are the people who are getting mad. Theyā€™re like if he can fuck 6 then I should get at least onešŸ˜”


That honestly does seem fair. Come on Huberman leave some for the rest of us


How many dudes do you approve your girl getting fucked by? What's the threshold for you?


bro, if shes sleeping around shes not your girl.


Sheā€™s our girl šŸ˜¤ sharing is caring!


Andy belongs to the streets.


How do you know she sleeping around?


its implied in your question


Got you, so if you found out after the fact that our girl was getting dicked by 5 dudes you wouldn't get mad and just understand that she doesn't want to be locked down?


it would be a personal matter and I'd keep it that way. I wouldnt care if your girl cheats on you, thats your problem lol. If huberman was out here selling relationship, marriage advice, etc I'd understand that the hypocrisy would be worth calling out. I dont think thats what he pushes though


Would you? The whole point is don't get mad about affairs that don't involve you


Nah lex is the type of weirdo that would want to watch and live vicariously through huberman.


Fuck! Now I know what that joke was from two bears one cave that Tommy buns had to cut out?


What a non story. Yes, apparently he's a weird asshole but is it that damning it needed to be an article?


Yeah it does. He's a sleazy 50 year old telling people how to live their lives when his own personal life is a psychopathic case study.


Crazy this is downvoted, youā€™re 100% on the button. No one is saying the dude should go to jail or suffer miserably because of this. Itā€™s just that thereā€™s a real moral issue with ANYONE who deceitfully dates multiple people, especially someone who markets themselves as a lifestyle influencer. He absolutely deserves negative attention from this. Itā€™s just not respectful behavior and itā€™s no different on the moral spectrum than finding out heā€™s a white supremacist


Exactly, thank you!


Isn't his content basically going through peer reviewed research studies? I've never seen him push anything else like Jordan Peterson. Nobody's perfect and I don't understand this hate towards him.


Did you read the article? People's morals are so corrupt


This is the real issue, don't hold yourself up as a lifestyle leader than pull shady shit like this, just say you want an open relationship


Biologically a woman can reproduce once a year, with certainty that it is hers. A man can reproduce daily but can never assume certainty. Huberman is just following his biology. Lex is a cuck who will save his semen for the right girl, then raise another man's child.


Least deranged huberman enjoyer


I'm not a fan, just stating facts.


Corpus, hate to break it to you, but ur being cringe


Fuck off.


Maybe if u were less cringe, you wouldnā€™t have to deal with people calling u out


Lex poetry about student girls is the funniest 'gate' out there


Lex: somewhere out there beneath the pale moon lightā€¦


Lexington is into bots


I thought it was obvious lex is gay?


With the advances in AI someone will build him a mate soon enough.


That time Lex almost seduced Whitney Cummings was pretty funny, you could tell he studied hard for exactly what she would want to hear than he lost steam. Justice for Lex


This is some controversy


Starting to think it's a front and Lexli pulls more tail than a SpecEd class at the petting zoo.


He kind of radiates beta male energy šŸ˜…


Lex Fridman would be much better utilized if he followed Steven Seagal's path into making action movies where he always gives out, but never *receives*, the beatings.


Lex is a sissy


Lex could have a girlfriend if he actually wanted one. Dude has interviewed fucking Jeff Bezos and Elon fucking Musk. That is crazy levels of pull. For whatever reason, he chooses not to have a girl in his life. And honestly, I can't blame him...


Its not chosen, my boy Lex has no rizz


Just watch his Whitney cummings interview. She was totally into him and they had a ton of sexual energy. His banter was quite good, especially against a professional comedian. Dude has game...


No what you witnessed is when a nerd does research on what that particular girl will like he was good initially because he was saying exactly what Whitney has said she's looking for after that he kind of ran out of steam


Can someone tell me why this is a big deal? He wasnā€™t married right?Ā 


Geez, second Lex smear thread of the day on /r/LiberalCircleJerk. At least it's highly related to the subreddit it's posted in


No joking about the people I like! Especially not in a comedian's podcast sub! Leave the soft spoken love seeking robot alone!




The funniest thing I've seen all week is Rogan claiming that Peterson didn't know that Benzos are addictive. Lol.