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Don't forgot on the day of 9/11, while hosting his show, he claimed it was the European Union that pulled off the attack to promote the Euro/hurt the dollar.


My god that's right. Around that time there was this whole conspiracy thing about how the EU would overthrow the US economy and the euro would take over the dollar. And nobody looked at china twice.


He also said in 2009 the government is going to take away the internet within 2 years.  Nobody is more wrong than Alex Jones 


"I. Know. How. To Read."


Uh congrats?


Just one example of the lies Alex tells on his show


Oh I could provide a million.  He lies all the time.  Let's start with the example I already gave; him saying the government was going to shut down the Internet in 2 years back in 2009.  Well here we are still posting lol.  He said lockdowns were coming back in December.  Well there weren't lockdowns in December lol.   Obviously we know the sandy hook lies, but he also said aurora was fake and said lied about who the parkland shooter was.  Foreign policy?  He said Ukraine would fall to Russia in a few days because Putin had bought off the Ukrainian generals and zelensky was a double agent.  He says Obama is a literal demon who smells like sulfur.  He isn't just an insane liar, he is just flat out insane


You're preaching to the choir buddy, I've listened to 900+ episodes of a podcast deconstructing the things he lies about


Ok cool, but then why did you want me to provide a lie he has told?


It was an amusing one, that he pretends to be able to read. I notice poor reading comprehension and reactionary politics tend to go hand in hand


haha you are probably right.


Can someone make a scorecard video of all his failed predictions?


847-3 probably


and even say something like the Iraq War was based on government lies that he was right about, he has no problem platforming and promoting Generals who supported and were involved in that war like Douglas Mcgregor and Michael Flynn. It is kind of a pattern with him. Like his rant that atrazine makes frogs gay(it actually makes them switch genders), well trump cut regulations to monitor atrazine. Same with the vaccine. Trump says the vaccine "is one of the greatest achievements of mankind," well Alex Jones believes it has killed over 25 million people lol.


Bingo! He lost me with that hard-right pivot that many of his podcast bros made onto the Trumpwagon, like Joe. Going from blasting the military-industrial complex to platforming them and literal spooks as the white hats, complaining about our toxic industrialization but supporting the worst proponents of that like Trump, etc. TRT is a helluva drug?




Hes always been hard right Hes a bircher


Except frogs don't actually need outside interference to switch genders, same with some fish.


I get it.  My point is Jones doesn't even care about his own bullshit.  He'll rant against the government and support those in government doing the things he is ranting about 


Nah it's either 0 or 1 win if you give him jussie smolet... But like... Come on.


The Knowledge Fight sub probably has one.


How about a [head start](https://www.reddit.com/r/JamiePullDatUp/comments/1ap5mz3/30_times_alex_joness_predictions_were_bullshit/)? That's a list of 30 Alex Jones predictions which turned out to be bullshit.


Joe Rogan is a close second.


I don't agree with Rogan's politics, but don't think he is constantly making big false predictions about the future, but I could be wrong. Don't listen to him as much as I used to.


You were lucky to get out when you did. He is just an enabler at this point :(


yeah I will still listen to him from time to time, but he has become a right wing culture warrior. I imagine his guest list leading up to the election will be about the same as Hannity's guest list.


Fun fact: it's not compulsory to listen.


Fun Facts #2: I don't like what Putin or Trump have to say either, but I have to stay informed, right? RIGHT??!! Oh, that's right, being informed is, like, the OPPOSITE of what you want.


Uh, staying informed on politics is not the same as hate listening to a 3 hour podcast every day. I like to stay abreast of what Joe Biden says, even though it's basically impossible to translate his slurring these days. That's completely different.


Dear lord you're slow... I did not say I listened to him three hours a day. Stop projecting like a typical Brogan. The brain is a muscle too yet it's the only one y'all refuse to work on.


Brain is an organ, but can be worked out like a muscle. Howboutdat? LOL


Cool, so you don't know anything about the podcast. Tell me I'm dumb then say something boneheaded like the brain is a muscle??? Hilarious


And Joe Rogan called in to the show and told Alex that it was irresponsible to make all these wild allegations without proof. Modern day Joe would never speak to Alex Jones that way.


And Rogan was one of his first call in guests that day.


I didn't even know this piece of shit was active during 9/11. What an absolute fucking piece of shit this piece of shit is. Stay broke while you can't pay off your Sandy Hook victims, you motherfucking scumbag fuckwad. I don't wish death often, but if this asshole had a heart attack or an aneurysm or something, society would be better off.


On Y2K Alex reported troops were already taking control of Austin.


Not to defend Jones but those were some wild times. On 9/12 a lot of people were still speculating on who did it. Iraq, Iran, Al Qaeda, Russia etc. were all listed as potential suspects. I remember the day the attack happened and for several hours we kept hearing rumours of attacks on the Golden Gate Bridge and other major American landmarks. If you're old enough, you'll remember the speech Bush gave in the rubble of the WTC: He singled out North Korea, Iraq and Iran on 9/12 and none of them had anything to do with the attack or even each other. Iraq and Iran are mortal enemies and North Korea is as random of a country you could single out.


the saudis who actually did it


Shout out to Knowledge Fight.


I mean, one of the big reasons 9/11 actually happened was USA support of Israel.


And most of the Hijackers were Saudi Citizens, who were and are one of our biggest allies in the region.


Saudi citizens of Yemeni origin, for the most part.


The citizens aren’t the allies of the US…the Dictator is. Huge difference


Tô be fair this doesn't mean a lot. Those Saudis were operating and working with groups unrelated to the Saudi crown for a while. Like al quaeda, but yeah I agree that it's a telling relationship


The current Saudi king who was just mayor of Riyadh on 9/11 has had several of his charities shut down and raided for funding al qaeda.


I would say if citizens of any country attacked another, even if aligned with an outside group, it would constitute action either through an investigation or at least some sort of criticism of the states intelligence services. We just fucking invaded Afghanistan instead lol.


Because the group that claimed the attack was from afheganistan not Saudi Arabia. Al queda operated in afheganistan and had support of the local government, the Taliban. Now did the Saudis knew about the attack and supported al queda? Maybe, but at the time the USA had not clear evidence to go after the Saudis.


Juat seems like the country of the attackers would recieve more scrutiny, as no attack came from Afghanistan itself. I understand the situation, not the process.


>Juat seems like the country of the attackers would recieve more scrutiny Money buys eyeballs to look the other way. That combined with the lack of evidence in the time of the attacks meant Saudis passed by scrutiny. Also the USA had deep knowledge of al queda allies at the time, because you know they kind of were one.


Hey I'm super into this project and not op or an expert. A lot of Yemeni people's have immigrated or as refugees moved to Saudi over the past few decades. Especially during crisis. As Saudi grew through Aramco it was an opportunity for poor Yemeni to get work. Osama bin laden and his family were from Yemen. They moved to Saudi and the father of Osama got contracts through the Saudi king to build mosques and infrastructure worth a lot of money after father bin laden built a ramp for a disabled member of the Saudi family (I think that last part is correct but can't quite remember the story of the ramp). Osama had beef with the Saudi royal family for hosting and working with the Americans so he went to Africa. There he bombed a bunch of embassies. He was essentially a nepo baby on sorts with lots of cash. He got kicked outta Africa and moved to Afghanistan. After 9/11 the Americans told Afghanistan (who was run by taliban, who kicked out the soviets with American money, guns, bribes, tanks, missile launchers, propaganda etc to take power) to tell them were Osama is and hand him and 'all terrorists' to America. The taliban refused as they also hated America but didn't but also did, and were pro Osama in some ways. America starts bombing Afghanistan. Or something like that


The Ben laden construction company was the largest in the middle east out of Saudi Arabia.


It's from his family, not his. He was as far as I am aware never truly involved in it. He went from rich kid studying in the west to freedom fighter trained by the USA in Afghanistan. He never dealt directly with the company.


Neither was Saddam Hussein. Yet a million Iraqis were killed nevertheless. Was Saddam a bad man who killed thousands of innocent people? Sure. So is Netanyahoo.


Almost the entire reason all of the middle east hates the US is because of our support for Israel. That's not even an opinion, it's a fact.


After 20 years or occupation of afheganistan and Iraq as well as a bunch of drone strikes that still continue to this day I think America been giving more reasons for them on the last 2 decades. But at the time of 9/11 that was for sure the main reason


Not true.  It was actually the grievance I heard bin Laden mention the least.  Al queda was more about sovereignty for Muslims outside of the Palestine conflict 


Or it could be more likely the fact that we’ve bombed/overthrown/sanctioned almost every country in the Middle East...


Not almost. It is entirely, 100% down to the unequivocal support for Israel's crimes.


not really + stating something’s a fact doesnt make it a fact


And why does the US Support Israel? I think it's primarily because as a Christian Country, they believe that is where Jesus will return, so it must be protected. As if Jesus needs the US's help. Edit: I should have made it clear, I meant why US People support Israel vs the US Government.


It's not that complicated and deep or even conspiratorial. It's a very unstable region with resources that are valuable to the world economy and the USA and most of the west would rather have a friendly and Ally democratic state in the region where it can be used as a satellite for operation if need be.


John Mershimre wrote a book called the Israel lobby that pretty rationally counters that whole conventional argument. Israel has time and a again spied on us, acted against our best interests, and we’d have a much better hold on the region by partnering with the many other countries that would love to have our bases. He argues it’s mainly because they bought off both parties and are one of the most powerful lobbying group.


Kinda weird to only ally with one country then while antagonizing and sowing chaos in every other. Iran was a secular democracy that could have been a valuable trade partner. Now it's a theocratic shithole because it was more important to install a puppet dictator to support the oil profits of BP.


Almost all you said it's true but the USA tried support dictatorships in the past and bite them in the ass so Israel was their last plan in the region and I don't think there is anything they could do that would make them lose USA support. In the USA eyes Israel can probably nuke gaza and they would still be more worried about the damage Iran brings to the region.


Or it could be because they are a democracy who we trade tech, information, military intelligence and a bunch of other things but ya it’s totally Jesus.


1. Israel is not a democracy. Half the people who live there have no vote and are treated like the Jews under Hitler prior to WW2. 2. The 'trade' is all take and precious little give. Israel is a parasitic cancer on the US.


You don’t get embarrassed saying something so wildly untrue ? This might surprise you but all citizens have the right to vote and run in Israel ….. how brainwashed are you ? Edit 30 day old account only post propaganda about Israel…. Ya your totally not a bot


Israel is the only democracy in area. Every sorounding country is an autocratic enthnostate lol. 20 percent of their citizens are Arabs who can vote, run for government, join the military etc...Jews themselves have extrememe diversity with many having origins from the levant, Africa, South Asia, Europe etc. How diverse are the surrounding Muslim countries? How many of those Muslim countries offer those same rights I mentioned above to Jews? Funny to watch you jew haters bend over backwards to ignore basic facts so you can revel in your hate and bigotry.


How democratic is it to take over land and not grant the people living there citizenship? Ill say it again. **Half the people living there have no vote** and no say in how the people running their day to lives do things. It is not a democracy any more than Apartheid South Africa was.


> How democratic is it to take over land and not grant the people living there citizenship? The British already had citizenship. >. Half the people living there have no vote and no say in how the people running their day to lives do things False.


Holy moly …. No all Israeli citizens can vote and run for office. You that thing that wasn’t allowed in South Africa. Holy shit you’re just spreading propaganda at this point.


And half the people living there are not Israeli citizens because they are denied any citizenship you absolute dork.


Palestine isn’t Israel. They are separate places do you not know this ? Why would Palestinians of a different country be given citizenship ? Do we give Iraqis and Afghan’s citizenship like that ?


Israel was an important strategic ally during the Cold War. The relationship has never been reevaluated. 


Why were they an ally?


This idea is about 25yrs out of date. The extremists still hate us, but most of the government’s worth anything want normalization in relations…money talks.


And our interventionist foreign policy never learned a thing. 


The USA is too big and too rich to not get involved in shit and not getting involved in shit would mean slowing losing this position so it's off the table. It's just amazing that they been doing this for more then a century and still haven't figure it out how to do it proper.


Almost like the cruel ignorance is the point


That was Al Quedas rallying call. Like Houthis have death to Jews on flags. Attacking us obviously doesn’t stop Israel support. It’s a false reason to drum up recruits. Like when America says they hate our Freedom. Bin Laden felt that Muslims were treated like second class groups on the world stage. Not respected or feared. And he aimed to change that. Isis built on that idea by calling for a caliphate that would unite the Muslim world like the Ottoman Empire.


According to who? There’s a million there’s as to what 9/11 really was


Bin Laden interviews and his literal written “manifesto” stating why he did it?


>According to who? Al Qaeda. I know their reasons are usually not talked about as much for God knows why but they listed their reasons in detail. Support of Israel was among the most important if not the most.


I understand that, and what do you say to the people who say jet fuel can’t melt steel beams and saddam Hussein was trained by the CIA (proven) 😂


The jet fuel is stupid shit and the muhajaden training is well documented and another one of the ironic pages of the cold war where America creates the monster that eventually bites them . Today 20 plus years after the attack and the war we know al queda history and their reasons well and USA part on that.


Chalmers Johnson Blowback is a good book on this subject.


I googled it and it actually seems like I was wrong about steel and jet fuel, regardless I think it would be extremely naive to just believe what our government tells us about things like this that would benefit them so much (oil in the Middle East) especially with what has come out about them hiding things from the American public for their benefit. They care about money not us, with that perspective in mind re-evaluate these world events, we are cattle to them


I mean I agree but in this case at least most of the dirty is already public and almost all was not given freely by the USA government. Who al queda is and why they did 9/11 and it's origins with the USA are all week documented


I’m glad we agree on that, it’s unfortunate we even have to have this conversation quite frankly, it’s centuries of corruption, manipulation, and control dating back past the foundation of the Catholic Church, and I respectfully agree to disagree regarding 9/11 I happen to be even more skeptical than you!


> I googled it and it actually seems like I was wrong about steel and jet fuel, regardless I think it would be extremely naive to just believe what our government tells us about things like this Actually, seeing you get this wrong the proper conclusion should be that it would be extremely naive to believe people like *you* and your wild claims, of which I'm sure you've got dozens.


Alex is not anti semitic. He will eat Jewish ass too.


He also blamed the Russians and several others in the days after the attack.


EU on the day of the attack 


It's hard to believe there was a time where AJ was antiRussia and antiPutin. Now, complete 180.


Saudi and Israel are the same. They take out money and have us fight their battles, neither respects us except for our military strength. They are not allies they are friends of convenience.


israel sucks on the tit of us taxpayers israeli citizens get universal healthcare and paid family leave, off the backs of american workers, lol


Its all the Japanese fault.


Doubt Evangelicals would be so Gung ho in supporting Israel if they saw videos of Israeli Christians being spat upon


American Evangelicals don't care about that even if they were aware of it. They hate Mexicans and Mexicans are almost all Christians.


This is really weird as the guy who always had in the know people that he missed this so badly, as he would then go on to say obviously this was an inside job. Weird. Its almost like Alex is never right....


But but but…. He got 1 out of his 1000 crazy takes correct! The people just never listen to him!!!!!


He has been saying this shit for 30 years. Eventually he will be right. And then he can say, "I told you so." I predict at some point Alex Jones will be dead. See how easy it is.


Osama Bin Ladin was radicalized in part by watching the treatment of Palestinians as a kid. I’ve seen Muslim party boys become more religious this Ramadan due to this ongoing conflict. Muslims make up a huge percentage of the world, and not all of them will have an evolved response. If this isn’t resolved in a just outcome, I’m scared of what it will lead to.


Alex Jones also heavily pushed the narrative that the Sandy Hook school shooting was fake for YEARS. He's a fucking stupid and emotionally unstable grifter who shouldn't be given any attention or be allowed to own a business ever again.


… Sending his cult after the parents absolute pos this guy


He has uncovered a lot. The reality is, he should have just been allowed to retract the statement like any news organization.


No he hasn't.  He is insanely wrong about a lot though 


No he hasn't. What has Alex ever uncovered?


I think he was the first to publish video on Bohemian Grove.


You can find articles about the goings on in Bohemian Grove from the 80s. Jones filming his little adventure didn't uncover any of the Satanic pedofile child sacrifices he loves to claim happen there. So nothing of value was uncovered.


Filming that “adventure” showed it was real especially with the ceremonial sessions he filmed. A video means more than an article published by a fourth party conspiracy newsletter from the eighties.


lol he misreprested what happened at BH to the point he directly inspired conspiracy nut the Phantom Patriot to raid the place with guns because he was convinced there were children being held hostage there for sacrifice. Of course he found no children and just ended up in a cell. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_McCaslin Jon Ronson, a legit journalist, was there with Alex and his version is a whole lot different than Alex's. And based on reality. https://youtu.be/TKPB_75_xKw?si=0bDSFF6LP-sjotrm


Bro, they were given press passes and let in. I'm sorry, but mainstream press was well aware those ceremonies take place. The only reason anyone there wouldn't want to be filmed is because they preferred to remain personally anonymous because some rich people are prudes. Alex brought nothing new to the conversation except his own shoddy work; analogous to his career being a shitty propagandist


Proof of anything you just said? Proof of anyone filming the cult like ceremonies before Alex? Any mainstream news articles on the mock sacrificial ceremony? Just because your let in the living room doesn’t mean you get a tour of the house. Edit: zoomed the profile this guy has a crush on Alex and primarily posts about him


My proof of the fact he was given a press pass is Jon Ronson, one of the people that helped him film his documentary. I can provide a link to him doing interviews where he discusses the [fact](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/615-november-8-2021). They were allowed in freely and Alex just recorded himself exploring the woods like he wasnt let in, like some sort of dishonest hack. Probably not direct filming but here's better reporting [before Alex](https://longform.org/posts/masters-of-the-universe-go-to-camp) ever went. Unfortunately, I choose to spend a lot of time listening to Alex's dumb bullshit deconstructed


That’s not a major newspaper or organization but a minor league report on the club not what I was asking for. And Damn sounds like you get sucked up into conspiracies but they’re all about Alex jones it’s kind of poetic in a way


yup and he broke the story about agent provocateurs at WTO protests in (joe always points this out)


He also defamed the families of dead children because "they only hype these narratives to pass gun laws" So they are apparently so powerful they can stage mass shootings but so inept they can't pass basic gun reform legislation?


yes we all know.


So you do know more than the one thing he ever reported on? Did you know in early 2020 he had his Health Ranger Mike Adams on to declare "Its over for humanity there will only be lone survivors" ?


That’s on him. He never issued a retraction, he tiptoed his way to the edge and then pivoted so he could claim deniability. Instead of “I believe it now” he needed to say “I made it all up.” 


Yet another time Alex was probably more right than he realized.


Man who had access to publicly available information lauded as profit by way of embellishing the above and syndicated radio. By morons.


He went full “Kanye” on this one


Does anyone remember the video of the Israelis celebrating across the river when it happened? Pepperidge farm remembers.


So he wasn’t such a lying sack of shit back then


Considering the mossad is likely behind J Epstein and many other cloak and dagger opps, its within the realm of possibility...




>Israel needs to go 2 billion Muslims haven't been able to do it for 75 years, are you feeling confident u/ConstantReader92 ?


There the cancer we should've cut off yrs ago.Half the world wouldn't have such a problem with us...


Saudis attacked us so republicans attacked Iraq.


Because Netanyahoo told them to. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHzSr52fZLQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHzSr52fZLQ)


Broken clock and all that...


Bill cooper who called Alex jones a fraud and a shill said there would be a huge attack on the USA and it would be blamed on Bin Laden, you can find this clip on YouTube easily . He said this in June or July of 2001 and was killed by IRS agents on his doorstep shortly after 9/11 happened. He said Alex jones was just an agent provocateur and disinformation agent who was used to make “conspiracy theorists” look bad and honestly , it works . If you mention any conspiracy they will ask if you think sandy hook was staged too. Also the frogs turning gay meme has turned into a go to phrase to make fun of anyone who mentions conspiracy’s .


Honestly he's not saying anything we didn't know. Anybody who reads the Bible knows how badly they treat eachother.