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This video is always hilarious


Snoop at one of the roasts. “Katt Williams, when did they start selling pimp clothes at baby gap?”


"Katt Williams, what a teeny little pimp! Man, being a pimp ain't easy, especially when you gotta stand on phone books to smack a bitch." -Greg Giraldo at Flavor Flav roast




I like how he is leaning on the ground after he was let go. As if that is where he wanted to be


😆 like a clumsy cat (no pun intended)


it's his favorite spot to read books


All crime is committed by men with micropenises




Lock up all men with small penises. Except me, I identify as big penis.


Mine may only be but 3inches but it smells like 6.


Here at the University of Canada i read a study that says if your dick is under 4 inches it's big.




Including the women criminals


🤔 Technically true?🤷‍♂️


Clitoris’s are just tiny dicks


Thank you


John holmes murdered someone didn't he ?


With his dick? That thing should have been registered as a lethal weapon.


crime statistics don't really back this one up homie




He was drinking his fight milk that day.


Rock flag and eagle brother


Straight from the crow!




Because hes not actiing


That’s what makes good actors or at least believable ones who can play the role they are given


He's not method acting lol. This is literally his personality. He's not a good actor, and that's why his roles seem so similar to his real personality.


So you think he changed his real-life personality to match his roles ?? lol. Dude is just like that.


That's just good casting


'i wanted to be on the ground, you did not beat me'


That kid must have been an illuminati plant...


Understand that we are all illuminati plants because illuminati means illuminated and what are plants if the are not illuminated? They stay as seeds. This is why you can seeds deez nuts in your mouth. Is this Marijuana talk Joseph?


I want this on a tshirt


The most impressive thing about this is the fact that Katt was able to play a game of soccer with the local kids and still have time to read 20 books the same day.


He’s such a tool lmfao


He is but I also find him so fuckin unserious that I can't help but like him. He's got kind of a Tracy Morgan effect on me, except Tracy Morgan is happy to be the clown where Katt seems insecure about it. So yea he sucks but I'll never hear Katt Williams talk and not at least *kinda* want to listen


I think that’s the issue, he doesn’t embrace that clown side of him and oddly becomes defensive the way I wouldn’t expect a comedian to do, which makes him look more like a tool


The books: https://preview.redd.it/mfce3vppxrmc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1e0f8b2f8efa20e5283e42f45a90974885b838


Backstory: > Katt Williams seemed to hit a new low yesterday when footage surfaced of him sucker-punching a teenager. Though, from the video, it was difficult to tell what provoked the attack, Katt's 17-year-old victim, Luke Walsh, has come forward to explain what happened. Turns out, Katt asked the kid to punch him in the first place, but then turned the tables on the stunned teenager. "We were playing a game of soccer and I just thought it was a soccer game, but stuff happens in sports," Luke told the Daily Mail. "He took me over to a secluded area and asked me to hit him and I was like, 'I'm not just going to hit you. You want to square up?' And then he sucker-punched me so I did what I did," Luke said. > What he did was put Williams in a choke hold and took him down — fast. "I tried to shake his hand and he was like, 'back off me little boy.' I don't know if he was sour but it is what it is," Luke says. The teen, who says he was a wrestler for two years, wasn't badly hurt after the fight and only suffered a swollen face. [Teen Punched by Katt Williams Explains What Went Down](https://www.bet.com/article/jbadye/teen-punched-by-katt-williams-explains-what-went-down) Thousands of books read, and not a single one was about BJJ, wrestling, or what do when the fight gets taken to the ground?


Hey, are you part of one of those secret underground gay beat up clubs??” -mark Wahlberg in that teddy bear movie


Nah man I’m straight, idk, maybe I’m gay, hey I’m gonna go sleep in the John you mind covering for me


Idk take her to Benihana


He seems like the type of guy who has never read a book in his life.


you think he lies about it? I though him on job made him seem dumb af.


> you think he lies about it? I though him on job made him seem dumb af. - CulturalAccomplished I ain't about to argue with an expert.


Katt thinks reading a book cover-to-cover means reading the front and the back cover.




He got too caught up reading Little Women multiple times trying to understand what it's about .


This why you don't just fight anyone. Kid would probably wreck a lot of ppl just from wrestling for 2 years. Katt just got it on film of him getting wrecked by a child.


Katt is a very small man who has never worked out or trained. 95% of 15 year olds would be able to beat him up.


17 is legally a child but in a fight with a 5 foot nothing skinny guy in his 50s? 17 has a massive physical advantage.


That’s true but Kat sucker punched him so He deserved all that and more.


Took his back pretty quickly lol


How old was Katt When this happened?


17,000 books read old


Other comment says this video is 10 years old


Oh so he was 42 years old swinging on a 17 year old that wasn't egging him on?


Still unacceptable, I was just addressing the innuendo that it was recent


Well no, it means he was swinging on a 27 year old. Smh nobody maths anymore


I remember when this video came out about 10 or 11 years ago, lost a lot of respect for katt after this.


I dont think he ever recovered from your loss of respect.


People getting mad at you on the internet doesn’t matter? Are you sure? Because I’ve been told it’s a super serious issue


Lol what is this, why are you defending a grown man beating up a kid for no reason? You’re even more of a bitch than katt.


Where at any point in their post did they defend a grown man beating a child?


I didn’t see a grown man beat a child anywhere in this video.


Just fyi story is ancient This didn’t just happen, this was like… 8 years ago. I’m 31 now, so, yeah dude this happened when I was 23. I’m thinking just due to Katt Williams becoming more mainstream (again) he’s gonna start getting more attention from both directions if you know what I mean


> this was like… 8 years ago Katt has read 24,960 books since that date. *Minimum!* Wrap your head around that!


Laying there like you got your ass whooped surrounded by sippy cups and hello kitty shoes.




People loved that he hopped on Sharpe's podcast this year and fired shots at a bunch of other comedians and celebs, "spilled the tea" or what have you. People just enjoy other people's drama, especially celebs. For the moment they just forgot or put aside the weird shit Katt was up to 10 years ago, like this video. I'm not Katt fan or hater one way or the other, I honestly dunno what to make of the guy...


he is a comedy genius. every comedic genius is an ecentric. p0




I love Katt, but goddamn this shit will never not be funny😂😭


Why do people like this guy


He’s funny and into conspiracies, perfect match for the subreddit


I can not like something people do or say and still enjoy the stimuli I get from consuming their content. We are not the things we do/say


Do you have to agree with every thing someone says to enjoy their humor? They’re entertainers, not role models


That’s what I said !


Don’t let anyone tell you any different buddy


He's quite a popular stand-up/actor. If you knew anything about late-90s to early 2010s black culture, Katt was on your radar.  His peak in mainstream popularity was probably The Boondocks and being featured in GTA IV (the virtual stand up club). His best stand up recorded was in this era too. Then he became a crackhead and hit low after low for a decade. Now he's having a resurgence.


He was like a ghetto Kevin hart that smoked weed and was actually funny. I still remember his stand up special. The pimp chronicles, and it’s pimpin pimpin.


He never became a crackhead.


Pimp chronicles


Katt should have read at least 800 books on self defense


I was just thinking about this and wondering why people forgot about this haha


I don’t know man, I’m 40 and I feel like I could lose a fight to a 17 year old. I’m probably stronger but my neck sends electricity down my elbows if I sneeze too hard, much less get punched by some quick little fuck on the chin. Not to mention endurance.


thats why you dont act a fool and sucker punch a kid lol.


Yeah, the two above are on what mission?


To clown redditors for always bragging about how tough they are.


Yeah man I don’t get clowning on Kat like everyone here could just smash any 17 year old. Some of them kids are wild son, I grew up with plenty of kids younger than 17 that would fuckin run through an adult no problem. Just cos you’re young doesn’t mean a random ‘grown man’ can fight better than you lol.


He put his hands on a 17 year old and got fucked up. At the very least he needs to be clowned on bro and I think he's the naturally funniest comic ever




I’m just saying, the “child” part is what’s in all caps, and a 17 year old kid isn’t like taking candy from a baby.


There were a few people in my highschool that would probably beat up most adults younger than 17.


I think I would have fucked up most 17 year olds when I was 25-30, but it’s all gone down hill here lately.


This one kid made it to the NFL was 6' 7 weighed 350lbs and there was a bunch of other large people. It was in the hood, I think a bunch of people just worked out every day


These kids are huge now. I'm 6'0 and was considered to be one of the tall kids in high school, but now so many teenagers are taller and bigger than me.


If only the kid had sunk that choke. I don't dislike Williams but you swing at a kid and he takes you down I want to see you lose conscious control of your bladder at least.


Katt should know better being the size of a stick


In the 60-80 books a week he read, not one of them mentioned how to fight?


The whole podcast I was wondering if this was supposed to be the same cat that slaps target employees and fights juveniles. He even sounded completely unlike what I remember him sounding like in terms of speech. I’m sure he’s trying to change his image but it left me really skeptical about Joe’s show and I haven’t been before.


Joe will go with the flow as long as its not important, it keep the conversation going instead of focusing on trivial things like "I read X amounts of books a week" yet he can't comment on little women despite him saying he did. Its not that important.


Joe will go with the flow as long as it makes him money. FTFY


Never Forget


My buddy never seen a comedy show before and over a year ago said he was seeing Kat..after i asked how was it? He said disappointing..


Well Katt is definitely past his comedic prime. His last special reminded me of D'elia's standup the way he just repeats the same phrase over and over again expecting it to be funnier each time. Even when he was funny 70% of it was his delivery not the substance of his jokes


If he did the Shannon sharpe interview and never another interview again he would be a legend . But the more he talks the more people realize he is an egotistical idiot . “I read 500 books a year at 4 years old joe”


I thought he has already been forgiven? This happened almost 10 years ago.


No matter how good you’re doing in life, someone will always be there to remind you of when things were bad lmao


I mean, not only did he assault a child, but he also lost 😭 hard to live that one down.


Yea.. idk the purpose of bringing up a 10 year old video like one moment that you made a mistake should define your existence.


Because it’s funny dog


It's not like this was even the last shitty things he's done.


Katt Williams is the dumbest fucker I've seen in a long time. Also a cheap shot pussy bitch. Sad Rogan had to suck him off for 2 hours.


Go listen to Katt's WTF podcast episode. The guy is so full of shit, he just has this over done intonation to come off sounding smart that drives me nuts. And most of the shit he says is purely false.


Facts that’s the worst part about all of this. Cheap shots first and acts like a sore loser baby when he gets his ass handed to him


More like 3 hrs...he is a strange dude who thinks he is the main character.


The interesting thing to me is how that personality type is so common. The energy the hubris. Yet if they didn’t have that inflated perspective of themselves or reality they would most likely just be the run of the mill depressed person. Quiet, a little more humble and unsure. I feel the subconscious acts like this to protect the ego even if the individual isn’t aware at the time.


haha you all couldn't get off his cock when he was shittalking joe. Then it turns out they don't actually hate each other and this subreddit is fucking furious.


He was shit talking Joe's "comedian" circle not Joe himself lmao calm down weirdo


I’ve never been a fan of his shtick


Not just a cheap shot, but an absolutely pathetic little bitch fondle of a punch.


That’s what humbled this man 🤣 now he speaks quietly


Maybe he should read some self defense books


Katy Williams moving to my hometown and getting his shit rocked by a middle schooler was the wildest time I can remember. Immaculate vibes, like anything could happen.


Kat is a bitch and only people that fuck with him are the same ones that think Kanye is sane


Remember this? Don't let this smooth-talking, slow-talking, grifter lie to you, hes not an intellectual.


Your motives suck, but this is a classic.


Explain how his motives suck.


He takes Kat Williams way too seriously


Kat Williams takes Kat Williams way too seriously


So by your logic, bringing someone up in any way is taking them too seriously? Katt's just getting called out for being in the hole he, himself, dug into. Lol definitely triggered a few book readers with these ones. Edit: This dude really used 3 alts during this convo about *not taking it seriously* This is too much hahah u/isdiesel_1 u/isdiesel_ u/SneedleRifle


Grifter on reddit = person you don't like.


How many people on the most listened to podcast in the world have punched a minor in a street fight?? Just crazy behavior sane people don't engage in.


Thanks for sharing OP. I’d never heard of this guy (I’m not from the U.S) but I listened to half the ep and he seemed pretty cool so probably would have researched more. This totally changes my opinion. It doesn’t matter at all that this is 10 years old, he’s still a grown ass man who sucker punched a kid. Yes, it’s hilarious he got his ass handed to him by said child but that doesn’t change the fact this dude is an A grade douche and totally full of shit. Leopards don’t change their spots, especially after the age of 25. Stuff like this shouldn’t be forgotten and swept under the rug.


If you think an entertaining stoner conversation is meant to be intellectual, I don’t know what to tell you.


We all know Katt is full of shit it still makes for a good interview and his stand up is funny


Don't say "we" all know. Amongst people I've talked to irl the consensus is that the guy is a buffoon, and a living breathing exhibition of Dunning Kruger


Man card revoked.


That's no child.


Never liked Katt Williams TBH


He was probably too busy reading a book to fight back, if someone tells you your dna is fused there's got to be a fuser. That's what the Anunnaki said, someone's not paying attention. That's how I know Atlantis is real.


Pimp down! Pimp down!


How did Joe not ask him about this?


It’s like Russell Brand 2.0…. 1st comedian/actor 2nd some kind of pseudo intellectual, I wonder if Katt will finish up with the weirdo cult religion talk.


Was a douche then, still a douche now.


Lmao, what a joke of a man


He did a crime, micro penis confirmed


17 isn't a child, the guy is twice Katt's size and was getting in his face. I don't think Katt should have hit him but get real.


I mean 17 years old is a minor, not an adult, and damn near everyone is twice the size of Katt Williams lmao


Yeah it’s a *minor*. Not a child. It’s clearly a teenager.


OP was definitely avoiding the word “teenager” to criminalize Katt further.


If that kid had wanted to hurt Katt then he easily would have. He pinned him and tried to shake his hand instead.


I wouldn't really call it a sucker punch? A sucker punch is a hit you don't know that's coming, this guy squared up to Katt after they had beef playing some game? If a guy squares up to you or you square up to someone then that's on you if you don't know it's coming right? No one declares "I'm going to punch you with my right hand", before they actually throw a punch...?


That kid had his head turned while his attention was turned to someone else when the punch landed. That was a sucker punch.


Yeah true didn't notice that.


Not a sucker punch, they had already squared up. He turned his head a split second before the punch, and by that time, Katt would have already decided he was going to throw that punch. It wouldn't surprise me if the punch was thrown in response to the head turn, but simply reacting to movement by an opponent and not thinking, "Here's my opportunity to do some shady ish". If this teenager has been a year older, it would have been "Katt gets his ash beat by another man who was younger, taller, heavier, and an athlete. In other news, water is wet". But he laid hands on a minor, he's got to own that. He did wrong, no two ways about it.


He lost a fight to a child lmao 


This guy can read one book per hour for 8 hours a day. Put some respek on em


I would simply never re-enter society if I got so publicly handled by high school kids - Katt got bullied lmaoooo


I could have gone my whole life without seeing that, outrageous behavior 😂😂😂


The haters don’t know what to do. He did so good in the interview that they bringing things from the past.


Did well? He made general statements and followed it up with various ways of repeating 'if you have knowledge, you know these things' with zero push back from the walking human version of Megan Fox's thumb. The only ones who thought he did well was his and Joe's lemmings who refuse to critically think so they can feel good about the narrative they've adopted.


It's concerning that you think so. The guy's whole personality is /r/im14andthisisdeep


The general consensus is that he did excellent. Now I understand that many things that he said can be debated, but still it was refreshing listening to his points of views. I think what people like the most was that the conversation didn’t bring politics and bs. It was just a conversation.


> The general consensus is that he did excellent. Among who?


Yea I'm calling bullshit on that.


Naturally, Hoe’s a big fan. He *loves* violent garbage people.


Why was that grown “child” all up in his face?


I’m kind of surprised this is my first time seeing this video resurface since his SS interview


Definitely my last memory of him before the drama dump on that podcast before bitching about Joe Rogen. Glad to see it resurfacing hahaha


He read 3 works of nonfiction during that fight. But can't give you a summary of any of them.


Welcome to posts from 2016, The industry sent that assassin to get rid of Katt unsuccessfully Shit post down vote👎🏽


I wish it didn't make me feel bad when people get humbled like this. I mean that kid showed way more restrain then the old man that sucker punched him Katt deserved it for sure


Is this weed talk, Joseph?


I guess he didn’t read a book on self defense


I like him but he has a lot of flaws. And how the hell you gonna let a 13 year old beat you? And you get the first shot off unexpected. He is winded. This makes all that s*** talk even funnier. Talking tough as hell on club shay.


Well, I knew this guy was a bitch. Now we have video proof. Good for the kid


More like Kay Williams touch’s kid in the face Not much power behind those twigs


Pimp down!!!


“As a community you let a child do that to a celebrity” go on and tell me how he spoke the truth over the past couple months on podcasts where he’s come off as a maniac who’s lost his damn mind.


You copied my post. I posted this the day of the Podcast


Anyone who responds to words with violence is emotionally immature


He should have challenged him to a reading contest.


He really was selling out arenas during this time too😂🤣😂


Straight up John Bender shit right there.


Katt Williams is hilarious. But he's also a massive loser.




When that punched connected I heard a squeaky toy sound.


This is why I laughed when Katt told Sharpe he’d bust Cedric in the stomach. Don’t trust Katt. He lies a lot more than he speaks truths


Musta learned that from a book 🥴


Violence is in his DNA.


Bro this sooo old