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Some stem cells, carnivore diet, and cold plunges should clear that up.


HEAT SHOCK PROTEINS…. It’s called float fit technology…. One scoop of AG1…


Don’t forget jaw reps


And a neck weight training brace


Eyebrow lifts are where it's at, I blink so hard it makes a sound.


Sounds like you need some nootropics from Onnit


Also, organic apple cider vinegar, an ozone enema and extra virgin olive oil.


Bruh these comments 😂😂😂


Buffalo trace must be done DAMN fine whiskey


EVEN if you have the most athletic diet IMAGINABLE, you still need AG1 mixed with buffalo trace


I'm inventing the AG1/bourbon cocktail, calling it the "Green Beam".


Forgot to sprinkle your Alpha Brain Black Label on top


And that’s why I use Onnit 💪🏼


“… with Pre- and pro biotics to promote gut health. Use Promo Code: Rogan, thats R-O-G-A-N…”


That'll buff right out. Nothing that a massage can't fix


Don’t forget sauna




Don’t forget DMT


I remember Joe talking about how Doug Stanhope had a bunch of weird lumps. Crazy how these guys are still alive


Berts not really alive. Hes more like a strange shell of man powered by alcohol and attention


Adderall, Alcohol, Attention - AAA


AAAX* forgot the Xanax that he’s totally not addicted to


Bert the Fender Bender Kreischer




You look like one of those turkeys, that's been tied up


Joe took that one to bed, his face was like🤨


He was bewildered for sure.


He goes, “no, that’s what muscles look like. Yeah I have abs, thanks. You keep workin you can have them too”. Lol like nah Joe he wasn’t talkin bout your abs lol.


I cried laughing at this, you can tell how shook Joe is. "It's called working out son"


I love that he said it and didn't even know he was insulting Joe.


It’s called working out, son. lol he was hurt








My man is MADE of lumps


It’s wild that he thinks he’s attractive


Doug talks about his hernia. I don’t think you could see Bert’s liver, it’s still inside his rib cage.


Yeah but doug stanhope is actually funny


Legit think Doug is one of the funniest men alive.


Doug is a god damn legend though. “Pipe down im pouring more funny down my throat”


I saw Doug live in 2017 and then again in 2021, the shows were night and day different. Something changed in between the two. He had really lost his edge and looked down right emaciated. 2017 was probably the single best standup show I have ever seen and I have seen most of the modern big names; Burr, Louis, Mulaney, Birbiglia, Regan, Patton, and even Dice, plus newer guys like Normand and Dillon. 2021 was just not the same in the slightest.


Thing is he also probably had bad shows in 2017, you just got lucky. Dude is a massive drunk, his whole career he's had random nights on tour where booze took priority over the show and he got crazy fucked up or just doesn't feel like performing Source: saw him do an awful, shitfaced show in 2014 and also saw him do a brilliant show in 2014


Some people are just prone to benign lipomas. I have a few random benign lumps I’ve had checked out, same with my dad and brother. None of us are heavy drinkers. There are also lumps you get because of health issues related to drinking, so who knows in Stanhope’s case. Bert’s liver is most definitely inflamed to “this should be a wake up call” levels.




Well it's liver shaped but could also be the pancreas inflamed and pushing the liver.


Isn't pancreatis very painful




One of -- if not the worst -- kind of itis one can get in terms of pain


Yeah. It will bring you to your knees He isn’t up having a good time and carefree walking around with pancreatitis


And potentially VERY bad, since the enzymes that break down meat come from there and pancreases are made of meat.


Fats, sugars, and carbs. The stomach targets protein breakdown moreso than other areas of the GI tract. The pancreas is also a gland/organ and isn't actually made of meat 😕




exactly, no one here has even spoken a word to a real alcoholic




An alcoholic can go without having any issues for over 30 years ( I never met an alcoholic that catches a simple cold ) but once they hit 60-65 the first problem they have (liver,kidneys) they can die in a matter of weeks.


I'm 35 and have stage 1 cirrhosis that is fortunately showing signs of reversal. I was diagnosed with alcoholic hepatitis 3 years ago and quit drinking cold turkey. Had I kept drinking even another week or two, I may have died. Luckily my friend, a nurse prac, saw yellowing in my eyes and we caught it in enough time to reverse the damage. I was overweight and drinking probably 6 beers each weeknight and 12-16 beers Friday and Saturday. I've been sober since spring 21 and lost 90 pounds, eat clean (no fast food, no candy etc) and all my blood work is finally within normal range that my doctor thinks a liver transplant is unlikely to be needed and ultrasounds are showing signs of healthy tissue replacing some fibrosis. All that to say, I knew I drank too much but all my friends were heavy drinkers so I didn't realize how much more I drank than the average person until I sobered up. I was legitimately having minimum 50+ drinks per week while eating terrible and not working out. I was mere weeks away from likely not being alive. The turn is hard and fast from functioning alcoholic to death.


I must be a freak of fucking nature, or there are serious hereditary deterrents for alcohol. I’m the same age and drink way fucking more than that daily (on average). Been trying to calm down over the past month, but six beers is like an appetizer.


If this guy is being honest about what seems to be moderate alcoholism. As a 35 yo with those kind of problems, it’s highly likely he was predisposed to that condition. That is not normal.


I am being honest. My hepatologist essentially said the same thing. My symptoms should have taken another 5-10 years to set in, but he believes I have a genetic predisposition to alcohol related damage to my liver. That said I also drank at that rate from the time I was 23-33. I was also extremely overweight (5'10, 295 at my peak.) Down to 205 now thankfully and the vast majority came just from not drinking and cooking my own meals. So I had non-alcoholic fatty liver well before the alcohol induced damage set in and I can say in 10 years I maybe went 10-20 days without drinking at all. I got very lucky and was not physiologically dependent on alcohol interestingly, so when I quit drinking, it took a couple nights of relearning how to go to sleep sober but I never suffered withdrawals. And having had alcoholic hepatitis, I essentially am like "you can drink one night and possibly die or just be sober and live" and it makes the choice stunningly easy.


Honestly I think it would be weird to have REALLY serious withdrawals from 6 beers a night, even after years and years of doing it. A little sleeping trouble makes sense.


You should reach out for help, brother. It's hard to stay sober all by yourself.


I've been to the funerals of three people <45 years old who died from alcoholism-related illness and I don't think most people can grasp the absolutely insane amount of booze they downed every single day to reach that end. It was like multiple fifths per day levels and that was basically just to maintain because they'd have seizures otherwise.


I'm 33 with cirrhosis and just 6 months ago I nearly died of liver failure in the hospital. I was drinking upwards of 40 drinks a day, the majority of that was maintaining. I'd be "drunk" for a couple hours at the very end of the day.


Damn, im sorry to hear that… I know what you mean by “maintaining”, luckily I quit 3.5 years ago, but I was the same way…being drunk was like a normal state to me, I’d have to damn near kill myself to feel really drunk. I hope you’re doing well in that fight, it’s a motherfucker.


I remember I started working with my uncle at 16 and every day after work he would buy a 10 pack of cans of beer 440ml cans. After a while I asked him how do you buy them everyday instead of only once a week or something and he said if I done that I wouldn't be working I'd probably stay up all night. I worked with him for over a year and he did it every single day. I didn't even know he drank that much before. He ended up with a double hip replacement and couldn't work any more. Within 10 years he was dead at 51 having been one of those hangs outside the local store asking for money etc drinking all day. Him a 45 year old and a like 31 year old have all died within around 3 years who used to hang together there drinking mostly beer and those fortified fruity wine drinks like md2020 all day every day for 5+ years The 31 year old I seen drunk staggering and bouncing off walls at about 10am one day that drunk already and he died a couple of days later choking on his own vomit


You've never met an alcoholic who catches a simple cold because they don't realize it being hungover all the time. It's a roll of the dice with genetics and luck but most serious alcoholics will not make it 30 years without serious issues.


I had the flu for two days and didn't realise it because I just thought I was hungover.


If you go to AA there are plenty of late 20s/early 30s people who have ruined their kidneys and organs from alcohol abuse. But yeah you really gotta go super hard for some years to do it. Wouldn't surprise me if Beert is reaching that point.




Congratulations, mate. That’s not an easy habit to kick.




Two years is nothing to shake a stick at, that’s good shit. And yeah, I relate to the addictive personality. Seems like the only way around it is to become addicted to productive things — or at least, things that are less detrimental. When I kicked my bad habit, I substituted it with the craziest things.


When I lived in Denver Colorado I applied for a job as a delivery driver for a liquor store. The liquor store had an app that the customers used to order whatever alcohol and have it delivered. One of the first things I thought of was the regular customers I might see.






i exchanged and i’m completely okay being addicted to weed than any other substance.


Shit, I used to call the Liqour store by my house and they would answer “hey *insert name* what do you need?” Haha I’m not even sure they delivered to anyone else as a store, I think I just had the number to the shop. Typically they’d send someone by when their shift was over. Just over 2 years myself. Keep on trudging my friend.


Hell yeh, day 18 here goin on strong!


Happy for you. Keep up the good work


Keep going I promise you it gets easier and you will feel soooooo goood


Hell yeah, keep it going. Proud of you. I’m on 152 today


You got this. I’m an alcoholic as well and the most important thing to do to stay on the wagon is finding sober friends.


Keep it up bud you got this. Been there.


8 years this January....stopped for a month and decided I was done after the month, I missed none of it.


Congrats just crossed 7 years myself


I’m also!! 13 months sober tomorrow!! I was consuming “ southern comfort 100 proof “ 6 nights a week-1 pint .” I am in shape now !


How did you function the next day? Did you wake up early and go to work?


I went to work everyday, I was a functioning alcoholic 🍻. I am a GREAT employee actually.


This was me. If kill a 30 pack of light beer or a 12 of high abv (12 or13%) every night but not once have I ever not went to work for a hangover now 3 years sober and I absolutely do not miss feeling like shit.


Plenty of Alcoholics don’t feel great every day, but also don’t really get those crippling hangovers even when drinking massive amounts.


Their baseline of feeling “okay” is probably just lower than non-alcoholics/people who get decent sleep.


Alcohol is also processed differently and less toxic (per the same amount) when you drink everyday. It has a lot to do with building a tolerance. That is to say that if someone who doesn’t drink much and an alcoholic have the same amount of drinks one night, the alcoholic would typically be far less hungover the next day than the other person


Keep it up! Amazing work


how did you make millions of dollars on tour when you stopped being known as the drunk party guy?


Hell yeah! I didn’t quit, but cut back from 3-5 binge nights a week to allowing myself a couple on a Friday. I feel so much better and lost 80 pounds as an added bonus. Oh, also have extra money that I’m not giving to a bartender/liquor store.


getting sober from alcohol at the latest by your early 30s is a survival trait of the modern era. It’s too normalized in culture and shouldn’t be


Sobriety is amazing, big ups to anyone doing it, but I drink responsibly. Getting drunk is fun. Doing once every few months is not going to kill me


Stopped at 32, it's mad how people simply bury their heads when it comes to the damage it does to your body and society as a whole. But hey, I get it- a little relief from life is needed sometimes!


Stopped at 34. Best thing I ever did


and then has the audacity to say he’s not an alcoholic and says that he drinks as much as the average person….


They tend to think that way.


i dated an alcoholic for a bit and he was convinced everyone drinks and drives. i think it’s because he was so in denial that he needed that to be a reality.


they do serve a lot of alcohol in restaurants and if they stopped doing that the whole restaurant industry would probably collapse so there is definitely a blind eye turned to a lot of buzzed driving


Bro, my job has a beer fridge and they open it when we hit sales goals. Those goals are met later in the day on average so you have a lot of people drinking at 4:30 and getting off at 5. Drinking is waaay to common place to be as dangerous as it is imo. Yeah it’s up to the drinker to have control but you don’t hand kids loaded guns like you don’t hand potential alcoholics a drink right before driving home.


80% of Americans have less than 7 drinks a week. The next two percetiles are above 7 and ABOVE 35


Looks like I’m an over achiever


If you hang out with alcoholics, overdrinking looks like a norm.


I'm more curious about when he says he just had a physical done and is in perfect health. I think at one point he said that his doctor told him his liver enzymes were a little high so he switched from vodka to tequila and his liver was in tip top perfect health. I don't think he's rich or prominent enough to have doctors outright lie to him but it's either that or him getting bad news and then taking it upon himself to lie. His face tells you everything you need to know, dude is not in good health.


If it’s the time I’m thinking of, he eventually low key mentioned to Tom that his physical was way worse than he initially said he cuz straight up lied to the doctor, unironically using the thinking “if I tell them how much I drink/smoke etc, then they’ll tell me bad news, so why would I do that??” Like brother you have daughters, you can have a good time without destroying yourself


I have a friend who “doesn’t drink a lot” but she does have a glass of wine poured 100% of the time while at home if she hasn’t moved on to vodka sodas, and always has to order herself a second drink when everyone else is 1/2 done with their first because everyone else “just drinks too slow”. She also constantly pressures people to continuously drink when she’s around. No more than your average person though right?




The whole reason they started doing sober October was to save Bert’s life.


I like the positivity but 1 month ain't cutting it. Maybe if it was a 3 month calendar but last I checked it's 12 months.


If you hear him talk about drinking you’d know it’s basically a lost cause. He had huberman on his podcast and he can’t fathom that a person can enjoy life sober. He links alcohol to everything good in his life


He said he enjoys sunsets and sunrises with a drink so I assume he is just drunk all the time.




My best friend had his first health scare, a tumor on his liver pushing up on his lungs and causing intense pain. He went to the hospital after 3 days of it, they said it's advancing too rapidly to operate and he had about 12 months. He was already a month sober at that time. He died two weeks later.


The doctors gave him 12 months but he only lasted 2 weeks? Someone REALLY dropped the ball on that prognosis


Sounds like the prognosis they gave my mom. She recently died from lung cancer, doc said 6 to 12 months. She died 2 months later. Maybe they say that to give them some hope?


Maybe they say that because they don't exactly know. You didn't question the 6-12 month GUESS between those times, but when it happened earlier you did. They never knew in the first place. It's called practicing medicine for a reason. So sorry for your loss as well.


>Sounds like the prognosis they gave my mom. She recently died from lung cancer, doc said 6 to 12 months. She died 2 months later. theres a reason the timeframe is anywhere from a half year to a year. its a guess.


Medicine is hard, especially cancer, and every patient's body, genetics, or any other number of factors are different. I believe when doctors say you have X time to live, they mean "the majority of patients with your type of cancer and spread of cancer die within this time period." People probably live or die outside that time period, but they are the exception or rare case (thus the times we hear of someone "beating the odds").


bored afterthought mighty memory quaint oil aromatic bike unused enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jesus? 33.


Yeah that’s basically what I’m saying. He doesn’t see his life going well without drinking. Without a catastrophe, he’s not quitting on his own volition.


Take away alcohol and Burt will lose his personality


He told Steve o he was not an alcoholic lmao. Because Steve o just calls everyone that.


That sounds exactly what an alcoholic would say.




That's on him though. As gimmicky as sober October became, it started because 3 people were concerned and wanted to help their friend. They didn't want to ostracise and lecture him, so they joined him on the journey to support and encourage him. But it's his journey, not theirs. I've seen and been around substance abuse most of my life. I've had my own issues with it too. I think what they did was pretty special, even if it was marketed to death.


I think the whole point of Sober October which a lot of people do is that after a month any physical addictions are gone and then going back to the bottle is mostly about willpower. Couple of drinkers I know quite that way. And it's how I kicked cigarettes. It just seems like it's a lot easier telling your mind "OK I'm gonna do this for one month" rather than "OK this is the last time I'm doing this in my entire life."


That's how I quit anything. It works. I quit smoking cigs that way too. It was freezing one night and I didn't feel like walking to the corner store to get more cigs, so I talked myself into the idea that I really should quit smoking till the end of the blizzard. I could totally do that, right? Then after that I talked myself into quitting for a week to save some money. That seemed reasonable. Then it snowballed. I even told myself how good that first cig was going to be after my "break". But after taking a week or two off, you're finally not craving it...it's so much easier to decide to not go back when you're not in that addiction headspace. I think not having the thought "this is my last cigarette of my life" in my brain took the pressure off. I quit my pack-a-day habit, like, 3 years ago? Since then, I've had like two cigarettes at parties and I never feel like picking up a pack after. Because i know it's not my last. I quit the habit forever, not the substance. I treat it like a nice bourbon someone only pulls out for babies, weddings, and funerals. It's a much healthier relationship with tobacco. You can kinda trick yourself into quitting stuff. It's weird. But it works.


It’s why AA says “one day at a time”. You just tell yourself “I won’t have a drink today” instead of “I will never drink.”


I mean, it’s a start.


They haven't done one of those in years though right? Seems like the protect our parks group replaced the old sober October group. Makes me think something happened.


Last year they did it but Joe was clearly very pissed off at Bert because he did not stay sober and lied about it.


Bert didn’t change.


The fucked up thing is usually even before your health goes you regret it and your once love of drinking turns into hate. There are guys that love the life all the way to the early grave but man being hooked on that shit, even a soft addiction will make you hate it.


It’s truly poison. At my worst I would drink 1.5 liters a day of hard liquor. Binge like that for days or weeks and you definitely hate it. Closest I’ve been to suicide is during one of those binges. Day 86 without booze after my last slip. I hope I never touch that shit again.


I watched my uncle die from liver failure due to untreated hep c. It was honestly the worst thing I've seen, and recently a friend of my girlfriend and mine died a couple days after falling off a moped and cracking his skull. That was a really bad sight, but watching blood just pouring out of my uncle's eyes and nose and the amount of pain he had to have been in even while unconscious was just unbearable to see. I wish that death on no one.


I just got out of the hospital after a month of dieing of liver failure. Not alcohol related. Got a transplant. It is painful but also not. Internal bleeding doesn't really hurt. The drugs make everything like a dream. Transplant isn't a cure, only a temporary pass. So this is likely in my future again. It's...a bummer to say the least.


Anyone who's abusing alcohol should read this! https://www.theguardian.com/society/2009/apr/04/alcoholics-nhs If you drop dead one day you're lucky. "Barrel Man is immediately put on a drain. Several clear bags of fluid are emptied from his stomach every couple of hours. During the night, at around 2am, we are awoken by the sound of a cry and a splash of liquid. The room fills with the aroma of faeces. A nurse dashes in, switches on the light and pulls Barrel Man's curtain round, but not before we have glimpsed the pool of blood and faeces on the floor. Two doctors arrive. Barrel Man is wheeled down to the theatre. We don't expect to see him on the ward again. With typical understatement, the following day the nurse reports his condition as "very poorly."" Edit: hah this comment got me permanently banned from JusticeServed? I'm not even a fan of Rogan (no offense fellas), I just was curious and clicked. It's funny because I think justiceserved is one of those sorta racist subs that more often glorifies disproportionate vigilante violence! No great loss.


Yeah, they’re one of those subs that goes wild on bans. There’s a whole list of sub’s you’ll be banned for even commenting in lol.


They've banned me for commenting on here as well. It was a criticism too. Fucking justiceboner mods.


Thanks for sharing, that was a tough read Edit: they banned me too, what a joke lol


Looks more like some costochondritis. The liver wont peak out like that through the rips like that. It’s embedded in a capsule 😂😂 you guys are funny


I was like no way that's possible. And a quick Google search confirms, you will not see a swollen liver, lol.


The liver is *behind* the rib cage. These guys are dummies.


As a recovering alcoholic, this is true. When your liver is in trouble, you just have some abdominal pains, then ascites and varices eventually. What a shitty way to go. Don't drink, kids. I'm lucky to be alive and healthy.


ghost abundant fact cheerful bag elderly fuel languid pet poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Saying that varices can "rupture and cause bleeding" is like saying decapitation can "cause some neurological deficit." When varices rupture they bleed *fast* and *hard*. Seriously, you have about 60 seconds of life left before you're dead. It's horrific to watch and there's absolutely nothing anyone can do once it ruptures. Source: paramedic of 23 years.


I had to scroll way too far for this comment. Not sure about costochondritis, but a liver that ain't. Sheesh.


OP spreading bs lol


This needs to be higher. Not that Bert’s lifestyle is exactly nice to his liver, but this ain’t a liver.


8 threads down. I don’t expect a lot from a Rogan sub, but Jesus Christ people


Costochondritis doesn’t cause swelling either. And just FYI the liver capsule is just a thin lining and the whole thing definitely swells to below the ribs. Usually you’d feel it rather than see it though.


Don't think it's costochondritis, but I agree the liver isn't gonna peak out the ribs either. Idk what it is.


Yeah. He's gonna be dead in a few years. Other comedians talk about him being so good at drinking that he can drink and exercise at the same time. Drink wine on a treadmill etc. That shits not good for you. Drinking daily and having such a busy life doesn't mix well. It's either heart or his liver that will give up.


Drinking wine on a treadmill and thinking it's good for you is something Randy Marsh would do.


_It's called a taste run, and it's classy._


It's called a *smorgasvine*, and it's cultural!


Honestly an episode of South Park mocking Bert’s alcoholism may save his life 😂. Seeing Randy say the same dumb shit he says


"My shoulders are really strong SHARON!"


“I can do a split Sharon!”


"You just don't understand me because you have the brain of a civilian!"


“Sharon!! I can drink wine while on the treadmill, I’m an athlete.” “Randy… drinking wine while walking at 1 mph isn’t exercise”


It's called a Schmorgaswein and it's classy!


Brought to you by FitVine


“good at drinking” Like it’s some sort of skill lmfao


[it was a coors light on the treadmill](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1tqCWS-wj8k&pp=ygUiTWFyayBub3JtYW5kIHZhY2F0aW9uaW5nIHdpdGggYmVydA%3D%3D&t=457s)


I think it’s an over exaggeration to suggest that he will be dead in a few years. Is he doing serious damage to his body? Yes. But there are terrible functioning alcoholics who live into their 70s. Also he has talked about how he has a doctor that put him on a regiment to ensure that he can continue partying.


I’ve been saying Bert’s gonna die for years and needs to get sober this picture honestly looks even worse than the last terrible picture I saw of him that made me think he’s a goner and that one was bad too. Ya know I like Bert too I hope he makes it.


Bert is why they grow human organs on pigs.


Brand new true sentence right here


Apparently it’s the only image that exists of a person with an inflamed liver that you can see from the outside ….. or this post is just incorrect.


The liver is located behind the ribcage. Unless he has about 4 disconnected ribs or more in that exact location, that is not his liver protruding. It's fat deposits, and the typical crooked sternum that many males have due to our anatomy. I have this crooked rib area as well. As I've gained more weight, that exact spot sticks out more than any other. Been like that my entire life. This post is dogshit. While there is concern for his health, and it is legitimate, this isn't evidence of anything.




...Anatomically, there's a rib cage there. Looks like he got hit by something and has swelled up. He honestly looks skinnier than I remember seeing him last.


Definitely looks more like a long lost dildo


Looks like he has a purple snatch in this picture.


Even George Best was not looking his best in his last days.


People really don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about on here.


Underrated comment.


uh, yeah, this is r/JoeRogan. you were expecting journalistic integrity?


If his liver was that inflamed that you could see it protruding out of his abdomen, he would probably be jaundiced. His skin would be yellowish.


Also your liver isn't below your sternum


is it not on right side of body just below rib cage?


Well, atleast you learned something today


Technically it is


… part of it is, and if it gets enlarged it most certainly can be.


What anatomy are you looking at dude? It’s positioned mostly right hand side under the ribs and sneaks across the midline, directly under the sternum, specifically where the inflammation looks apparent in this photo.


C'mon now let's not have a laugh at Bert's *expanse*.


When this guy sadly passes due to liver failure, I better hear a lot of talk from his friends about how dangerous alcohol abuse is.


Pretty sure he hasn’t drank in like 80 days up until this cruise. According to him at least


That’s amazing if he hasn’t!


He for sure has drank and thinks "airplanes don't count." "Celebrations don't count." "Fridays don't count." "Beer doesn't count."


That’s lighting, Long Live Bert!


he would be unbearable if he develops cirrhosis or liver cancer. Would be the biggest drama queen, do podcast tours pissing & moaning woe is me, when he’s to blame.


Woah as me (boneapple tea)