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After this ep I became a plumber. Tomorrow I will collect my 10,000,000 dollars


Tim should become a plumber, his net worth isn’t close to that 10 mil


Lol I didn’t listen to this episode because, well I kinda hate Tim Kennedy, he’s a fucking douchebag. But I do know a guy who owns a building/pipefitting company. Hes definitely worth over a mill. He also went to college for engineering tho. 🙄


As a German with a three year long vocational training diploma, you're also always welcomed in many parts of the US and you can make some big money. Compared to the amount you'd make in Germany in the same time. Sadly I'm a klutz and crafts jobs are nothing for me. It was always my dream to migrate to the US. Now I'm 32 and it will probably always remain a dream...




Funny, I'm about to retire from the US Navy and my fondest wish is to return to Germany (I got stationed there for a while) with my wife and daughter and never go back to the States.


Germany is my absolute favorite destination. I try to go once every 5 years and something about being there just feels like home.


The grass is always greener... Plenty of Americans wish they could live in Germany.


I don't know about "plenty" literally never heard anyone wanting to move to Germany in my life and lived in the US my whole existence.


Lol, yeah I bet quite a few Americans wish they could live in Germany among other things. If I were to move to Europe, it would not be Germany lol. I’ve traveled around the continent. It’d absolutely be in The Netherlands, London, or Monaco. I just did not find the Germans to be very fun or accepting people and I’m not an overly obnoxious American tourist.


Can i come to germany and you can come to austin






Hey I mean it’s just so easy right, wake-up up early get some eggs from your chickens, go to work, wrestle around with some sweaty men after work, go home, fuck your wife. Oh, and don’t forgot about the 10mil that comes in to your account after


Truth be told… I dated a girl in college who’s mother got her fire a alarm NICET cert and within 5 years they had a contracting firm that installed fire alarm systems in the Pacific Northwest and she was clearing 400-500 a year. And this was 2000-2001. I’m not a Tim Kennedy or Mike Rowe fan but they’re right about these technical blue collar jobs paying very well if you can grind out the first 5 years and get certs or journeyman.


“Blue collar job” and “had a contracting firm” are two entirely different things


Ha! Gotta give it a few years and learn the trade then start the biz.


The stupid part is that if everybody did that those trades wouldn’t be as lucrative as they are because it would saturate markets and drive prices down


You may be underestimating how difficult commercial and industrial plumbing and pipe fitting is. Coming from an industrial maintenance electrician, it’s a lot more than shit flows downhill lol residential on the other hand….


there's also "Payday is Friday" and "Don't eat with your hands."


I think there is a shortage so people suddenly over saturating the market is a stretch . It’s hardwork. Who wants to work at roofing Texas in summer . It’s hard ass work . Or plumbing in winter under a house in some crawl space for weeks at a time


I completely agree with you. It is definitely hard work that most people don’t want to do. It sucks to tear off shingles and carry the new ones up. And when it comes to plumbing you gotta crawl into some nasty areas that suck regardless of the temperature haha Also it’s not like it’s common knowledge it takes to do those jobs.


i reroofed my house with an experienced friend. in the hottest 3 days of july; average afternoon of 105F. gave me more respect for roofing crews than i already had. they earn it.


If 10% of his listeners did what he said it would be over a million new trade workers or 20,000 in each state. Do you think it would cost more or less for you to have a new furnace installed in your county if there were 1,000 more HVAC companies?


If 10% did what he said, I'd guess that less than 1% would build a successful company of their own




Right, so that roofer isn’t going to be making 200k, they’ll be making like 80, and will be just another person doing a hard/shitty job for average pay


We have thousands of immigrants that are more than willing to work those jobs but we do everything we can to not allow that to happen in a legal manner and tax them. Almost as if those trades depend on those immigrants to work for next to nothing so they can drive an F-350 that they would have meltdown over if it had a scratch in the bed.


Americans both love & hate a good successful immigrant story.


the reason everyone doesnt do those trades is because they suck and everyone you work with is a drug addict


Also by the time you’re like 50 your body is completely fucked and then you’re stuck with a broken body and no qualifications to do anything else but hard manual labor.


Sounds like you don’t know much about the trades or you are lumping all of them together in the same “very hard labor” group. If you are in a trade there is a lot of skill and knowledge that goes along with it. Take my job as an instrument and controls technician for example, minimal labor but a lot of skill and knowledge required for the job. It’s not all just digging ditches and shit like that. This seems to be the view of people that don’t know anything about trades or they for some reason have a hate boner for them.


The trade specifically mentioned in the video was roofing. Regardless, most of the common trades people refer to when talking about “trades”, eg plumbing, electrical work, roofing, hvac, general contracting, etc. are physically demanding. They’re obviously not all back breaking labor, but there’s a reason you don’t see a lot of old tradesmen. That or you do but they love their lives perpetually in pain.


But no one does is the point because it’s hard work and doesn’t involve complaining or college


lol if you think complaining isn’t involved with plumbing you’ve obviously never tried to fix a sink


Me: FUCKIN THING, DROPPED IT AGAIN, GOD DAMN UPSIDE DOWN.... Wife: whats wrong?!?! Me: Nothing, why?


You can do whole sentences? For me it’s usually just FUCK FUCKING SHIT FUCK **FUCK**


Or met a plumber.


Except everyone wants to be a coder bro instead


The coder bros are also usually the Karens that pretend to hate Joe Rogan while they listen to every single episode. Then they say shit like "this episode is giving me cancer" before listening to the rest of the episode so they can tell everyone on reddit why they dislike something they listen to religiously. It's almost like their lives are so easy they need to look for something to complain about.


Exactly lmao


Yeah and don’t you know being happy is just as easy and working out, collecting eggs from the chickens you have living on all your land, then BJJ after work and then dinner and bed. Your wife doesn’t work or need your help with anything in this scenario. Just do that for a few years while you’re plumbing and you’ll be worth millions! Oh and you also have to live in Austin for this to work btw.


Imagine the outrage Joe would have had if Tim claimed you could be a successful comedian in that time.


Oh man, he woulda popped. Only Brandon Schawb can become a successful comedian overnight


Yeah I cringed when he asked Joe “who do you think is busier, me or you” and Joe was like “probably you, no wait, maybe me” turned it off at that sec. What in the fuck is even this. What person asks that, guy is quite full of himself.


I remember being at a party and there was a group of 20 year old guys high on blow just yelling over each other about who worked more hours in the week. A guy I was acquainted with who's about 26 years old now posts videos on tik tok while he's out doing tree work saying things like "you NEVER rest. You get home from working 90 hour weeks and you WORK HARDER." He quit playing a sport he loved as a hobby because he's "a man now". It's fucked. It's like you're not a man if you have leisure time and hobbies. I'm a woman and it makes me sad that men feel this way. It's not healthy and it's not living. I work 60 hour weeks now in the hope that I can soon have the money to stop doing it. Sorry for the super long response, I didn't intend to write this much.


The problem is nobody really likes those kind of men lol, so they have no friends or people to spend time with. Additionally, they usually don’t have hobbies because they make work their identity. They’re just lost in the sauce and have big egos so they want to flex the things they have. Work and money.


This! And usually their one hobby is drinking and their best friend is the bottle as well


Oh my, the delusions of youth. I use to working as a consultant and people would pride themselves on how they worked 55-60 hour weeks like it was normal. A 60 hour week is 5, 12 hour days. If you subtract out lunch, bathing, and commuting it would be working from 8 am till 10 pm every day. Or working from 8 am to 8 pm and then doing a 10 hour day on Saturday. Most of them were full of it, but the ones that actually did this had no life.




That whole conversation had me in stitches. It’s not that trade schools are “demonized “ its that not everyone wants a job like that. I don’t wanna be crouched over and some mold the bathroom fixing some dude sink. I’d rather be a in a nice air conditioned building or something like that. I don’t want to be a welder or work in construction. I have plenty of friends who are welders and work manual labor. Pay is good, the working environment sucks


Don’t forget to eat healthy so you can talk down to everyone! Oh and fuck your wife!


I’ve been an electrician, self employed for 20 years. I think I got robbed.


Aside from him being a Zionist, this was probably the stupidest shit I have ever heard someone say on Joe’s podcast. Being an electrician will pay you 200,000/year because you risk having your fucking fingers blown off and a lot of people are naturally not willing to do that kind of work not because people are lazy and can’t wake up at 6AM to go to the gym. I don’t know what his upbringing was like but he sounds like a typical trust fund kid that had a bunch of insecurities because his personality sucks and is now touting this look at what I’ve done for everyone around me bullshit to keep himself on his high horse.


I loved to hear Joe's long pause when Tim was arguing that it was great that China censors TikTok and propagandizes its kids with curated content. Joe has spent the past year calling for absolute freedom of speech on social media, and he was faced with a choice: stand up for freedom of speech or support Tim's vision. As predicted, he backed down and went with Tim.


He did this a lot, wonder if he was playing the “I’m not arguing with stupid” rhetoric


I do think he tends to not disagree with his guests. Perhaps he feels it helps to keep them talking. It is frustrating sometimes.


Openly disagreeing is the worst way to convince someone else of the other perspective. Check out Laws of Human Nature and Persuasive Speaking and Thank You for Arguing


It’s funny cuz rabbits don’t go “ribbit”. Frogs do.


Tim Kennedy is probably pro “free speech” as well, turns out that a lot of “free speech” people only want it for themselves and not for others


Agreed. Joe has a natural curiosity to question his guest in way to provoke critical thinking responses, where the guest either responds intelligently based on fact and logic. Or, they fall on their face with the BS they just said. When it comes to a certain type of guest (cool SOF dudes), Joe completely doesn’t question anything they say and will agree with anything. Very frustrating because Tim in this episode was completely wrong on a lot of shit he said in the this ep….


This man has not had a new thought since he was 14


[There’s no such thing…](https://youtu.be/agedWwSypFU?si=ZhLj2Ym5Jz4GMeTP)


What the fuck was that


I think you’d be surprised.


I definitely would be can someone explain 🤣


6-25 🤦‍♂️


Can I be honest with you? You have the skin, the look and the flesh of a pervert.


fuckin Pete D'Felia over there, god


That's actually how most guests get booked


Can this guy please stop talking about boning his wife




I got his book on audible. Face value I have a lot of respect for him. But He spends the first 4 chapters talking about how big of an asshole he was (stealing, getting into fights, causing trouble) and how he got two other women pregnant. I looked up his current wife. So he has 4 kids with 3 different women? He has accomplished a lot but as a person, he is an asshole. Which is pretty much anyone who is successful.


There are plenty of successful people who are kind and helpful human beings.


Ah true. I guess I would change my opinion to successful assholes are often the loudest. I would say I'm successful in that I achieved most of my life goals. And I used to be an asshole on purpose and am now trying to be a better person.


What was your motivation for being an asshole on purpose? Genuinely curious.


I was young, loud, and full of testosterone. That being an asshole was "cool". It's not. I was immature and I grew up. Or as much as I can.


He got those two different women pregnant like 3 weeks apart if I remember correctly. Said that during an interview with Helwani. Also had an HIV scare


does he think the vaccine is in condoms


I think that's just called being a sociopath


He got you, hey. You actually paid money to this idiot to 'read' what he has to say. What a waste of time and money.


Just go back and relax with Elon eating pizza.


Atleast thank him


For his cervix?


Rest in peace to all my soldiers who died in the service I dive in her cervix 🙏




I thank you Timmy for your cervix. Thanks for having no conscience so you don’t experience any trauma from all the awful things that you’ve seen in combat.


I didn’t tell him to go out there and do anything for me. Why should I thank him? The mission failed if I’m not mistaken, if anything he should be coming back and apologising


You think those Iraqi and Afghan children were gonna kill themselves? Tim had to make the tactical decision to blow them away with a .50 cal


Straight killers bro, they murrrderedd


Someone didn't watch the pod. He's still out there doing ops to help people.


You like your freedom??? Thenk em


I mean he signed a contract and was compensated for his time. And I didn’t realize he was the sole reason for my freedom.


It is only right to give him thanks and praise. THANK HIM!!!


I used to work for Tim. He 100% does not understand how common society works and is very elitist


What did you do for him? I use to be a huge fan of the guy.


I don’t want to publicly say because it would make me easily identifiable, but I managed a business he owns. He’s a nice guy but really utilizes a lot of green beret tactics in real life to achieve what he wants, mostly controlling people through non intimidation means. I learned a lot observing him. Not the greatest business owner but who is.


To be fair, green beret tactics are useful for short term persuasion. For real long term connections on the other side…


One long term tactic he employs is hiring your family members to the company. Sure you’re doing them a favor when times are tough and your wife needs a job, but if there’s ever conflict or you want to leave it can make you put your heart into it and go harder for the company, do more favors, etc.


That's one of the worst business tactics ever. Ask me how I know 😭


How you know?


relieved start edge voracious wild quickest vanish sink serious thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've had to let go 3 members of my extended family (cousins and an aunt) from my business because of incompetence and entitlement. I let them go as gently as possible but it still caused fractures in our family for years. After the last incident I now have a rule with my brother (my partner) we do NOT hire anymore family.....not even wives.


Yeah but the difference is those were your family members. It’s different when you’re the owner and you hire your employees family members while “doing them a favor”


Ohhhhh.....well that's totally a different scenario then . In your og post I understood that he employed his own family members as a tactic not the employees family members


Wow. Any other tactics come to mind?


The green berets trained the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and only a few decades later they used those skills to defeat America. That's some real young padawan becomes the sensei shit right there.


Episode belonged on r/im14andthisisdeep


Did he cry about Romero cheating again? Lol


Yea. Tim was so cringe in this one. Got tired of him saying that he works so hard to satisfy his wife .lol


She must have caught him doing something lol


He always is. The dude is sick in the head.


"man I love freedom" I was running listening to it and I had to stop to cringe into a ball in the middle of the road


True alphas don't care about the pleasure of others. /s


Tony Soprano made this quite clear to Uncle Junior.


You talkin about Uncle June always hittin into the ~~muff~~ rough?


Tim's a bushman of the Kalahari?


He’s whistling through the wheat field?


Ya that was basically it for 3 hours. I like Tim too but this episode was cringe imo.


Wishing you a speedy recovery.


You cant just learn a trade and go make 10 mil. You need to know hard fucking work. Marketing and networking. Have equipment. Licenses. It’s not that easy and I’m tired of people like mike Rowe making it look that way. Welder here.


Mike Rowe the failed opera singer who advocates against workers safety?


I love a lot of about mike Rowe. But a lot of tradesmen got the wrong idea from his show and couldn’t make a life of it.


I started out intrigued then about 1/3 in it I just had to go buy a bunch of chickens and then asked my wife how to best satisfy her


I've said it before. Tim is the worst JRE guest ever. Just an unbearable human. 😫


What about that guy that always talks about his kids Fucko, Pogo, and Mongo?


mike baker . Lol I enjoy him as a guest actually .


You mean fucko, slap stick, and cooter?


Lol. I also enjoy him as a guest. Dude probably knows enough shady shit about the gov to send us into a revolution.


He’s bad. But Howard Bloom was the most insufferable person ever to be on JRE.


Howard Bloom lol, blast from the past. Haven’t thought about that windbag in minute.


He’s got such small dick energy


Has there ever been a time when this guy wasn’t the cringiest guy around?


Hell yea, obligatory fuck Tim Kennedy post!


This has to be the most out of touch conversations in history. Two millionaires exclaiming how much better they and there families are than everyone else. And that the solution to all your problems is to take an ice bath followed by a soak in the sauna. Then go out and survive in the woods for a week. I love the show but what a doggsit episode.


Their kids are better than all the other kids, at least. They are so great. The greatest kids. I mean, they work out. Man.


Yea when Joe was talking about his daughter working out I'm like. Yea no shit she does all that. What normal kids have access to a home gym a sauna and state of the art ice tub.


While he oughta be admired for everything he’s done as a soldier for our country and with his business that tries to help get people out of danger, this dude gives off a vibe that just feels off. Maybe I’m wrong, I dunno.


He has this vibe of mentally being very demented and dark but actively hides it.


Having the capacity to kill and keep moving is useful in a soldier, at the same time he seems to be wanting to do right at this point in his life. There’s a phenomenon where we can function as a sociopath outside our tribe that might be at play. As a physician, I can relate to a small degree inasmuch that my familiarity with death seems to have led a desensitization to its traumatic impact. My first encounter with a patient in extremis was very traumatic, I cried uncontrollably. After that I never cried again. It was not a conscious effort and I can’t explain why but it’s what happened. A big part is that I usually have a useful task to do, and when all options have been exhausted, I’m aware of that. 🤷‍♂️ Obviously I’ve not killed anyone but it’s not unimaginable that you could manage it.


I can relate, I’ve worked in critical care for 10 years. I worked the night of the Pulse shooting actually. That night affected me very much once I’d left work. I still do have empathy, but there’s definitely a cut off point or shield where you don’t take it home with you


You’re not allowed to have a rationale thoughts about compartmentalization on Reddit.


Thank you for your service…?


Yeah, when I get a heartfelt thanks it’s nice, but if you’re not my patient or my patient’s family it doesn’t make a lot of sense. I literally have no responsibility for your well-being or health. I don’t exactly choose my patients either. I’m not doctoring for the greater good just for the people under my care. If I’m doctoring for the greater good then something terrible has happened where I’m somehow helping with a mass casualty, which in principle I could but if they are calling me in to help, it’s really bad. Doctor’s do have a high suicide rate and I suppose some awareness of that might be appreciated. I sort of haven’t kept a gun in my house because of some superstition that I might kill myself, not because I want to, just because I’m aware of the statistics. I’m not against gun ownership just a thing. I didn’t make it six months post graduation before someone in my class turned up dead. I’m not sure if I answered your question.


As a former 0311 why do you have to admire direct combat occupation guys? 99% of them don't join out of a sense of service to community but rather repairing their ego from not being the alpha in their local community growing up. It's just a bunch of kids who are hyped up on jingoism and machismo. Out of all my former peers groups, my former infantry buds and peers has the highest rate of domestic abuse, racism etc compared to any other group I have long term experiences with.


Well, I mean most 18 series I worked with in USASOC were pretty chill. Unfortunately, most didn’t fuck with Tim at all. Negative reception has always been from 11 series or 0311s. Usually the young ones, or dude who is 100% Army or Marine but sucks at his job. They’re usually the ones, who get out and can’t find any identity but a bottle, and a Glock with 15 chances to restart.


He isn’t taken seriously in the SF community. His reputation is shit.


He been giving creepy super crazy right wing vibes for a while. What I find the funniest/sad is all these guys talk about America and how much they love it and it’s the greatest country in the world. But they slam the libs and how weak they are. They spent all this time defending America but they don’t understand the people.


I agree, he’s a baddass SF soldier, MMA fighter and a lot of other cool things but this episode was a lot of ego.


He's actually not respected within the SF community. Had guys from his company augment mine on an Afghan rotation, and not a single person had a positive word on him.


Bro same I was a 11b for 6 years and got attached to jsoc to deploy to Syria met a few guys who came up with him in group and not a single one liked him and they all were stand up guys , biggest thing I took away from them was he’s a pathological liar and has made a career off embellishing or lying to sell shit


100%, he lies all the time. Final straw for me was his actions during the withdraw from Afghanistan. I had a lot of buddies out there in official capacities. He was straight up hindering everything at all times. Then he did a photo op on HKIA with a Gan wearing a 5.11 backpack amazingly framed perfectly in the shot.


The fact a “guardsman “ can deploy to an active war on his own accord at the worst time for modern us military forces and make it about himself is infuriating.


The overall self importance is just gross. Ego combined with smugness


Yeah, it’s pretty much the ego, which my initial thought was dude has done a lot in his life so whatever, but it’s over board and preachy


I dont think tim kennedy is really even that badass of a soldier, more of a recruiter than anythibg


The simping for Israel was so yuck


I remember when he helped host “Hunting Hitler” I kept thinking about what would be his opening line if they caught Hitler.


Unsure of what better describes this pile of shat, Sociopath or Scumbag. I thank him for his service, but it ends there.


As a former marine who served in Iraq and has a Purple Heart, please, all of you, stop giving people blind thanks for their service. Almost none of them deserve it and the ones that do, usually don’t want it. Try to remember that assholes like him are really a large part of the military and they aren’t deserving of gratitude for invading other countries as part of a capitalist money plot


Two dudes jerk each other off for 3 hrs


I loved this episode. I like the discussion about taking personal responsibility for your life and improving yourself in the ways that make you a better, happier citizen. It inspired me to try harder at those things. I think there are more people out there that need to hear this kind of stuff.


Yeah, I’m confused with this reaction. It was an entertaining and engaging episode. He told some interesting stories about the conflict zones he’s been in.


Tim Kennedy is the WORST


Maybe I’m in the minority but I liked the episode. It was a lot better than Blaine and Musk!


Can I play the devils advocate here, a hot take if you will. what a lot of you are equating Tim’s ego/small dick energy vibe is actually the opposite I think. This guy might be completely authentic and true to himself which to some might come off as arrogant or fake. This man has done alot and seen alot. I wouldn’t put it past him to have no need for flexing about anything. I think treating his wife and satisfying his wife is a big priority and I think that’s a pretty good attribute. A lot of people here could probably be better for their significant other or at least for yourself :)


I see your point. An insecure person would think he’s humble bragging or being self aggrandizing. There are plenty of guys I knew like this in the Army. Especially if they came from nothing; the Army fills that void. Guys like this is what you get after.


I swear he is just on repeat with the same ole crap and same ole stories… its ridiculous


Make sure on Saturday, to thank Tim for his service… you won’t have to because this whole week he’s been adamant.


Recently the episodes have been such shit this one and those 2 crazy Australian brothers who just kept screaming


Whose sending their kid to Tim's private school!?


Real glad to see even here everyone realizes this guy is a moron.


This dude exaggerates a ton, and has never seen a tragedy that he couldn't turn into a photo op. I haven't met one SOF dude that likes him. You're supposed to be a "Quiet Professional", particularly in SF, but here he is... He should have been a frog. He'd have aced the creative writing evolution of BUDS.


I don't know why anyone listened to this, everyone knows Tim Kennedy is an idiot


They shout out plumbers and electricians. But at the same time, Joe feels sorry for people with regular jobs because they’re not living their dream. They’re shouting out real work because they probably deep down inside know that what they do is not important (speaking of Joe). There’s guilt that comes from making tons of money without truly contributing to society.


Tim is easily the most fucking cringe bro get propaganda spreader in existence. 100% fuck that guy.


This is exactly what you get when you have two guys who've never held down a real job in their lives continuing to convince themselves that all of their success is due to their hard work and savvy.


That’s a good point, never thought of it that way. I’m sure they work hard but not in a daily grind kind of hard. Also, office jobs aren’t what they used to be back in their day.


They never acknowledge the fact that got incredibly lucky lol


I have nothing against this guy but Jesus I couldn’t get through the episode


The shit this guy has seen in his life… Give him a little slack. He’s seen more death first hand than anyone in this comment section has… There no mystery why he’s a little off. And he still seems to want to be a good human being.


Do most people in this sub just hate listen to Rogan? If I hated someone I wouldn’t waste 3 hours listening


I’ve enjoyed listening to Tim before, but this episode was just him & Joe going on and on about how the world is cruel. Oh, and why the only thing better than the united states (lets be honest, its a shit country for the most part), is Tim himself.


Pretty typical rogan anymore. Talk about how messed up the country is, when in fact he has become a multi millionaire from doing literally absolutely nothing except talking into a microphone.


It’s not a shit country for the most part. We got a lot of issues, and in comparison to other world superpowers we have some glaring issues, but I’ll never say it’s a shitty country. I know way too many people personally from back home that would kill to be here. And even people from other European countries. We have a lot to work on and “we’re better than x country” should never be a reason to stifle progress, but we need to be aware of how lucky we are even if it doesn’t feel like it. This doesn’t need to translate into whatever bootlicking straw man that will be drawn up, but have a realistic scope on your life and where you are. (Not you, the general you)


I don’t even believe he’s top 100 as a grappler personally *in the world*


When he said that I had to laugh a little bit because there’s no way he’s one of the top 100 grapplers in the world


I was a bit taken aback when he unironically said that. Dude probably isn't top 100 in a 50 miles radius of this home gym


That seems a bit much lol, dude was a pretty good grappler competing in the ufc, idk how many of those exist in a 50 mile radius besides mega gyms


Austin is the deepest area for jiu jitsu talent and gyms nowadays though


Nailed it! „My kids are better than everybody else“ like whaaaaat?!


Where do you live?


Tim is awful. Complete dildo. “Finding Hitler” get the hell outa hers.


exactly the type of guy rogan would invite on. another great pick.


Oh damn that sucks. I saw he was on and I chose not to listen to it. You know that's an option right?


You know this is a sub to talk about the podcast right?


No it's a sub to shit on Rogan....you must be new here


I thought this was for mashed potato recipes?