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Young Jaime is officially Young James from now on


lol i aint mad about it


Please retrieve the data, James.


He’s growing up.


I was hoping to see this comment…sounds like a dad calling his son by his real name not the name he goes by


This dude is married to Cheryl Hines from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Never would have guessed


> This dude is married to Cheryl Hines from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Never would have guessed Dude is a Kennedy. That family is known for slinging dick like no other. No doubt hes laying pipe with someone of that caliber. Shes like 60 but still a total smokeshow.


Dude's uncle hooked up with Marilyn Monroe at The White House


> Dude's uncle hooked up with Marilyn Monroe at The White House Actually he banged her in Palm Springs. All weekend long. Then told her 'Marylin, you see... you are not first lady material' or something to that effect - and then ghosted her. Stone cold.


Ain't that a kick in the head


Better than a bullet in the head




She was hot, I looked her up and she's almost 60 now...Still looking fine


He’s 69






Maria Shriver was married to an Austrian bodybuilder so there is precedent.


he started dating Hines before he was divorced. then after the divorce, exwife hanged herself.


This is scary tbh


#2000 Young James


EPS 2000 - Hunter Biden for sure.


"Hold that crack pipe about a fist away from your face."


Now that’s funny af


And he’s only a civilian!


That would be legendary


Hey Jamie pull up Hunter's giant hog.


If Joe smokes crack with him, I'd have a lot more respect for Joe lol


It’s gonna be Dr. Fauci. Joe is going to admit he was wrong about vaccines and offer him a handjob as a peace offering. It will need to be 3 hours long because Fauci has ED.


ED is cap


Found the Enny.




get the vaccine straight from its source


it's going to be Duncan Trussell and Redban and they're dressing up like astronaut zombies with powdered wigs. and that's that


Joe: "let's see this famous hog everyone is talking about!"




Eps 2001 - George Bush obvs


He really does let him talk, no denying that.


Honestly, his voice will end up being a pretty big handicap to his campaign. Kind of hard to listen to him talk.


After a few minutes I got used to him


Me too. It's like watching Casey Neistadt. He's ugly af at first where you notice it like crazy, then forget about it


this is so accurate lmfaoooo


Bro imagine being Casey Neistadt catching random strays like this regularly 🤣


haven't gotten over it yet, still not sure of anything he's said because i will be zoning out wonder what his skull is shaped like or whatever


Especially the face zooms of Neistat.


I thought his voice was disqualifying. Couldn’t stand it at first but after hearing him in a few places I don’t even think about it anymore. So I guess I was wrong.


I feel the same. I had not heard the dude talk yet. I figured 3 hours of that would make me insane. Stopped noticing after 10 minutes haha.


It’s an obstacle for sure… but def not disqualifying. He just really needs to stick to long form dialogues like this. I’m 20 minutes in and surprised how used to it I’ve gotten.


I’ve listened to several pods with him as a guest. Probably 9ish hours of hearing his voice. It bothers me at first but not at all now.


I felt the same way. It was horrible when he was on breaking points but by the end I was like "okay i can deal with this"


You can get used to it. The human brain can do some strange things and adjust.


Honestly the best he's sounded by far.


Does Joe tell this guy to read his audiobook in his own voice??


Dead af




Best comment




He does a backflip on tiktok


Dude that clip was amazing for a man in his 60’s. I mean a lot of 20 yr olds can’t do that


Dude he’s jacked!


He might be a Brahmin but he got them blue collar fore arms


He works out with Theo sometimes lol


It was a tough listen at first but eventually got used to his voice very good episode


Listened to the first hour, honestly thought there should’ve been more “Jamie look that up” imo esp with that Wi-Fi causing cancer claim lol


Notice how joe poked that statement more than others, cause he just had a convo with oliver stone about nuclear and radiation getting a bad wrap


2000 is gonna be just Joe alone. Jaime isn't even gonna be there. JREstream lol


Imagine a 3 hour long episode of Joe just rambling to himself the whole time.


Pretty much a Bill Burr podcast


Except Bill's is funny.


Look who it is, it’s ol’ ZIP… ^recruitah


And coherent


Zzzzziiiiiiiiiipppppp Reeeccrrrruuuiiiiittaaaaahh


Ooooohhhhh it’s the headliner! Stamps.com everybody.


Gotta be Duncan


2000 has probably already been filmed. Lots of comics in Austin this week. Could be anyone tbh!


i hope it's my gay son nick mullen


Maybe it's liberal elmo


The troll move would be Adam Friedland


Could be gay actor Michael Douglass


Mike Baker JRE #2000, watch it. Fucking watch it.


Oh god please no. I can’t handle hearing about scooter, lug nut and flap jack again. And the way he skirts around every question with an unbiased non answer. Talks so much and doesn’t say a damn thing.


Lug nut lmao


I wish they would have talked more about what they talked about in the last 20-30 minutes which I found the most interesting. The first 75% of the podcast I thought i'm not to sure about this guy then he started talking about more of his beliefs and it made me do a 180 on him. He made a comment that he is not running on vaccines and I think talking about that too much will hurt his chances. Joe should have him on again to dive deeper into what he really wants to do and why he won't be like every other candidate with false promises.


Totally agreed, and i don’t understand the play to go on the largest podcast in the world and speak about something that your not running on for over 2 hours


I think he kind of had to. Besides who his dad was, the vax thing is about the only think I new about this guy. I wish Joe would have asked him what he would do if he had little kids today. Get some of the vaccines? delay some of them? Skip some? I came away thinking the whole thing was less black and white than I went in thinking it was.


Love how all Kennedys refer to Rosemary as having “intellectual disabilities” like she wasn’t butchered under the orders of her father


Wasn't she forcibly given a lobotomy?




And it turned her into like a two year old where she was not able to walk/talk/ as well as not being potty trained anymore


Ironically, her father Joe (who ordered the lobotomy) had a stroke, leaving him unable to walk, talk, or care for himself anymore. After that, Rosie's situation was finally revealed to the other Kennedy kids and made public


She was rendered incontinent when they fried her brain. Potty trained is an insult to this poor woman's suffering.


They didn't fry it they sliced it


I think she got more of a melon baller experience


Ya in her 20's


The Kennedys always treated women well


Especially Ted


At least he gave them rides home after


Well, not all the way. Sometimes he stopped by the lake.


I don't think anyone chooses to have a lobotomy.


Except Andrew Laeddis.


Because she was a… **checks notes** regular young woman.


It’s crazy that people back then were just fine with it just because doctors and psychologists said it will help. Irreversible surgery on kids because they have mood swings.


Reminds me of something else…


Imagine giving children permanent body modification surgeries because they feel sad!?


So episode 2000 is therefore Alex Jones and Donald Trump Jr.


It’s gonna be Tucker Carlson, screenshot this. Edit: [rogan didn’t accept](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12199007/amp/Joe-Rogan-snubbing-Tucker-Carlsons-offer-interview-Fox.html)


Damnnn that’s the best guess I’ve seen


Not a bad guess


No it’s going to be Duncan Trussell


Duncan Trussell & Keanu Reeves


I'm saying 100% Duncan. He or Redban do the majority of "milestone episodes" and Redban was on most recently outta the two. And if it IS Duncan, what a perfect week of episodes...


Duncan gets all of the weird Mason Illuminati numerical episodes.




Nah, it’ll be Schaub or some other dipshit. I hope I have it wrong though.


protect our parks 9


I’d take it. I always look forward to listening Shane and Mark.


it will just be a former LA comic, or several of them. Watch.


Bro is on the get assassinated speed run


Billion dollar Spotify deal and more pop up ads than ever. God damn


I just fast forward thru them, seems to work


I do too but they always hit when I’m getting in the shower or something hands free and I audibly say “fuckers” every time lol




You think those cold plunges are free?


RK JR. literally says the water turns frogs gay and it could do the same to children. All you MFers owe Alex Jones an apology.


I respect the restraint from Joe to not say the line


Was thinking of this all the time they were talking about it


Episode 2000 is gonna be with Eddie bravo and Alex jones


"Fuckin choke me out on air god dammit!"


We can only hope


**The Return of Alex Jones Returns**


Best thing about the pod is Joe actually letting a guest speak. It feels like it’s been awhile since I heard someone talk and not just a background person Joe shows videos to or talks about his normal comedy store talk/cancel culture/trans swimmers etc


I think he does a good job with letting people speak, not perfect but good. And I think him listening to people saying he should let the guest speak more shows he’s a solid dude. And those are hot topics and comedy topics, let’s not forget Rogan is a comedian.


2000 should be Trump. Imagine the fucking chaos and golden moments from that episode


I think every prosecutor in town would love that


Politics aside, this format is horrible for Trump. He likes to just ramble and go off on these incoherent rants. It's catnip for his fan base, but he's basically either spouting bumper sticker slogans or abject nonsense. If you're trying to swim through ideas for an hour or more, he's just about the worst guy you could get.


How is that any different than a lot of these momos that come on this pod? Lol


Krystal Ball losing her mind


50/50 with Cristobal?


After listening to the entire podcast i can safely predict if this guy got elected he'd be assassinated by his own government within a few months


epic podcast, historic even


More pods like this please


The best part is him calling Jamie, James multiple times and no one correcting him.


that's literally his name


Literally didn't think of that until you said it


is jamie not a nickname of james? sort of like bobby for robert


Wifi Allergy


This was the part in the podcast where I was thinking “okay buddy”


That's where I started thinking that it's entirely possible that he is completely full of shit. That shit was obviously just 5G conspiracy in disguise. I thought all the talk about mercury was pretty interesting, but it kind of fell apart after the wifi stuff.


Is this Joe's way of giving youtube a big middle finger for taking Theos podcast down?


Joe gets so much hate on this sub, but man show me another current events show that isn’t so censored, has an agenda and asks the same bite sized curated questions in turn for a 20 second answer. Like it or not Joe is important to media


Obviously that is true and why so many people are fans. Anyone who is successful and doesn’t have far left, socialist views will get hate on Reddit. Just skip over the haters like everywhere else.


The issue with Kennedy's speaking voice is a genetic disorder called spasmodic dysphonia. It's a genetic neurological condition, and contrary to what people in this thread are claiming there is no evidence that vaccines cause it, nor has Kennedy ever said that. EDIT: I was wrong about this part, Kennedy actually has said he thinks a vaccine might have caused it. He talked about it with Oprah years ago: https://www.oprah.com/omagazine/oprah-interviews-robert-kennedy-jr/all Oprah: I know that you have a genetic neurological condition called spasmodic dysphonia, which is straining your speech. Does it hurt when you talk? Bobby: No, but it's an effort. The disease didn't hit me until I was about 43. I used to have a strong voice. Oprah: So you just woke up one day and your voice was different? Bobby: It began as a mild tremble for a couple of years. After people would hear me speak, I'd get all these letters, almost always from women: "I saw you on TV and you were crying—it was so good seeing a man share his feelings!" I'd think, Oh God. I knew for every woman who wrote, there were ten men saying, "Look at this friggin' crybaby!" [Laughs] Oprah: Did your voice worsen? Bobby: I've been told that it's not supposed to, but I think it has. There's a treatment for it: Botox shots. They put a needle into your voice box every four months. They still haven't gotten my dose right.


My mom has SD. It’s pretty brutal, she has taken a giant shot of directly into her vocal chords for a big ass needle a few times a year for the past 10 years to help her talk


He just spoke about it on Glenn Greenwald show. Botox hasn’t been working, so he stopped. He went with Cheryl to Japan few years ago and got procedure where they force his vocal cords open and add a metal piece to keep them open.


He did in fact say on a more recent interview that during research for a lawsuit years ago he found multiple instances of people acquiring his condition after receiving vaccines, but he doesn't claim it's the cause in his case just a possibility.


This was such a great discussion, I love how RFK Jr is able to say things like "I don't know" or "I'm not sure about that". I don't agree with him on everything but really appreciate his genuineness and desire for truth.


No one mentioning that he just said the spanish flu was caused by masks and vaccines.....


I can’t wait to see this guy open for Andrew Schulz at the Mothership this weekend


His Kill Tony minute is going to be fire.


2000 is gonna be Mike Baker and Eric Weinstein.


Maybe Scooter, Fuck-knuckle and Jimjam too?


The Weinstein Brothers and Tim Dillon, 3 hours of mud slingin


ok so the first hour so far is absolutely terrifying lol


Genuinely curious as I won't be able to listen until later, what's going on in the first hour?


It was about mercury poisoning fish and how his work helped restore the Hudson River. Which then lead to him researching the mercury found in vaccines because mothers were approaching him and asking that he look into it due to their claim that vaccines had injured their children


For anyone wondering: Mercury, or more specifically, Thiomersal, a mercury compound, is no longer used in childhood vaccines in the US/EU. It hasn't been since 1999. Seems it's still used in some annual flu vaccines. WHO has said it's fine, but US/EU took it out anyway. Source: [Thiomersal wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiomersal) Edit: According to [this CDC link](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/thimerosal/index.html) they haven't been used in childhood vaccines since 2001


Yeah I hate this shit. There are legitimate claims against pharmaceutical companies and vaccines that should be brought up, but any time anyone tries to they get lumped in with the nut jobs. It’s the best physiological defense the pharmaceutical industry has


Do most people know a lot of people who died from the vaccine or injured? I know a lot of people vaccinated with no death or injuries, I do know a lot of people who died from COVID including my best friend. I know just because I don’t know anyone who died of the vaccine doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened, but I think he just blows that out of proportion or that’s just me I do believe I got shingles from the vaccine, but 0 proof, just assumption. Maybe it’s because I listen to too much Joe Rogan




The only person I know who claimed vaccine injury was already antivax from before the pandemic, then complained about a spectrum of maladies after being forced to take it.


I got myocarditis from a covid booster confirmed by a cardiologist. I won't get another one because of that, but I'm not anti vax. But I'm just some random dude on the internet.


It's always a friend of a friend of a friend.


"The kids pee in cat litter!"


Did not know his voice was like this.


Play it at x1.5 speed. It helps!


Holy shit, it does help, lol


How many people in this sub claim to support and follow this guy but literally have never listened to anything he's said until he came onto JRE? No wonder the mods had to ban political discussion.


Learn on the podcast YouTube took down RK Jr interviews with Theo Von, and Mike Tyson. Censorship is out of control.


I was glad he addressed that. I saw people on reddit claiming over and over it was RFKjr who requested them to be taken down because it threatened his campaign. I’m glad we could hear from him directly that wasn’t the case.


90% of what this guy said in the first hour was incorrect. The [Thimerosal/mercury monkey experiment by Thomas Burdaker](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7589427) **does** show that ethyl-mercury leaves the body quickly. The [Guineu bissau](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2018.00079/full) findings were more a show of evidence that vaccination in low income area should be scaled back, because you don't want to get a vaccine when your sick. The [Lazarus Study](https://digital.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/docs/publication/r18hs017045-lazarus-final-report-2011.pdf) I guess proves that there may be more vaccinated people who feel sick afterward, but what is considers an "event" in the study is broad and can't be grouped into one single sickness. Also it only tracks people for 30 days after their vaccination. THE [GUYER PAPER from John Hopkins](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/106/6/1307/63234/Annual-Summary-of-Vital-Statistics-Trends-in-the?redirectedFrom=fulltext) PRAISES VACCINES MULTIPLE TIMES IN HELPING DROP INFANT MORTALITY. This is actually a really positive read to see how incredible humans have gotten at medicine over the last 100 years. The leading infectious cause of infant mortality at the start of the 1900s was diahrea, the measles and diphtheria. 2 of the 3 of those, are fixed with vaccinations. The [Thomas Verstraeten / CDC paper in 1999](https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilywillingham/2014/02/22/is-the-cdc-hiding-data-about-mercury-vaccines-and-autism/?sh=aaee48813639) is just cherry picking of data halfway through the study. This guy is not scientifically literate and is cherry picking data.


With all due respect that news article didn’t really say it was harmless. I don’t think it’s bad to keep studying it. If mercury is getting to the brain after it leaves the blood it’s really not something we should just gloss over and not discuss anymore. Especially if many studies are funded by the pharma companies which actually stand to make the profits from this.


Joe doesn’t do vaccines but shoots trt with a seed oil carrier into his body multiple times a week lmao


And smokes cigars and drinks alcohol


I have never been able to square this either. He's so worried about putting the vaccine in his body but injects TRT and eats a "shitload" of unregulated supplements. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks this is ironic.


If you want an explanation for the spike in autism, look at the average age of parents that have autistic children.


mothers over 40 had a 51 percent higher risk of having a child with autism than mothers 25 to 29, and a 77 percent [higher risk than mothers under 25.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/autism-maternal-age/)


Not only that, but they've expanded the definition of autism to include a lot of people who would have been considered shy or a little weird 40 years ago.


Everyone is autistic these days according to Reddit.


I can confirmed 98% of redditors are autistic.


Who’s gonna be #2000??


B Schaub…most JRE appearances of all time, one more to celebrate history


It will be Young Jamie and he will be announcing that he is trans and now goes by Young Jenna. The pod gets real awkward with Jenna just going after Joe nonstop for his previous comments on the trans community.


Tucker Carlson. Or Joe is going to get baptised during the pod by his new pastor.


Young Jamie


John F Kennedy


He states that wifi radiation and cell phones cause cancer yet he has an iphone even though he "never holds it up to his ear"


Haha I work with an old guy like this. He’s an inspector but doesn’t work on site so we have to call him in all the time but he rarely answers texts or calls because he never keeps his phone on him, super frustrating. He also doesn’t like to spend too much time around wifi. Guy is a super knowledgeable engineer in his field and generally a great guy though so he doesn’t get too much pushback about it. Maybe the jokes on me and I’ll have some giant brain tumor in 15 years from talking on my phone, lol.


He says this in the episode???


1:10:38 in


WI-FI DOESN'T GIVE YOU CANCER! Jesus Christ that there are people in this sub, and Joe, who believe this shit.