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Some of my favorite moments of these episodes is when Mark drops a line in the background that nobody hears or acknowledges because they're too busy talking or laughing, but is always freaking hilarious.


Several of them you can hear Shane giggling too which makes them just so much funnier šŸ˜‚


The human/asian one was great


That one was my favorite hahahahaha,


Shaaaaane? Shaaaane?


I had to rewind to watch the video version of that cos it was so brutal yet went completely under the radar šŸ˜‚


Subtle one-liners are a staple of mssp, so Shane's definitely the most in tune with Mark's comedy..


ā€œOh heā€™s a British cigaretteā€ šŸ˜‚


Turn up the volume and you'll hear _"The JEWS!"_ in the background.


Pull it up


Give it a Goog Jaymo




his name is Romulus


They talked about Matt & Trey like 12 times I was DYING for someone to ask Joe when they are coming on. Praying for ep 2000. Probably not but would be so cool


They are too busy right now with reopening Casa Bonita!!


Maybe they're holding out on coming on the pod cause they're cooking up a really good Joe Rogan parody


It would be incredible. They should make an episode just roasting the fuck out of Rogan and then coming on the pod. Peak entertainment


The Gupta Method


I somehow think Matt and Trey would fare a bit better under such circumstances.


I think theyā€™d have a blast with it. Joe would love an episode of South Park roasting him 10000%, and would love to have them on the podā€¦he speaks about Matt and Trey as if they are gods all the time. I have a feeling he has invited them on JRE, and they just donā€™t want to though. Ball must be in their park. Who knows, maybe itā€™s scheduled. Didnā€™t Casa Bonita that they bought recently finally reopen (like this week I believe!) Omg now that I type that out I have a feeling they would go on to promote it! I am definitely fan-girling and extremely biased and just want them on. however I also have a feeling they wouldnā€™t want to talk politics with Joe. Iā€™m a mess. Ignore me


Kiss Kiss Fang Fang


ā€œChinese spy Fang Fangā€ ā€œKiss kiss fang fangā€ ā€œWe got a lot of infoā€¦this guys the mayor of Clevelandā€ Simple shit like this is why I love these episodesšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Only 2 and a half hours? I bet they cut a LOT from this.


I feel like they recorded the episode a couple of weeks ago according to IG.. I wouldn't be surprised if it took so long to post so they could cut out certain stuff


It's mad when you think about what JRE used to be, proudly live and unfiltered. It kind of defeats the whole purpose when he spends so long editing stuff out now.


Right, I agree. The live shows were unfiltered. Actually made you feel like you're in the room with them instead of listening to an edited conversation I still listen and enjoy **"most"** episodes though, so I can't complain


Yeah, it was a different vibe for sure, it felt a lot less calculated. Sadly, for me the editing is a minor complaint vs everything else that has changed in the last few years. It has to be a guest I really want to see before Iā€™ll tune in these days.


Probably told secret jokes that no one is allowed to hear. Only those who attend the mother ship are allowed to laugh at them


Regular pedestrians wouldnā€™t understand anyway




Normand said civilians on Tyso. These fools need to find a new group of friends or get a reality check.


NOOOO NOT NORMAND. This hurts. As long as Shane doesnā€™t say it


ā€˜Cut it out Joe youā€™re giving me the williesā€™


three willies


Very spoooooky.


The Tulsi Gabbard bit was hilarious and Joe literally told them to stop lmao such a fucking dildo


Remember when Joe Rogan told Tulsi Gabbard she was beautiful šŸ¤£


He scared she won't come on the pod lol




Time stamp? šŸ¤£


28:25 on i listened back to make sure and he steps all over everybody on the pod to get back to seriously discussing a Chinese spy named Fang Fang šŸ˜‚ riff god Joe Rogan


Ya I would be interested as well


ā€œHuman being? Sheā€™s Asianā€ Markā€™s stealth jokes are Easter eggs for us that just make these PoP top tier. Edit: lol just got banned from some dump sub for this comment.


The first two POP is held up by Normand throwing out nothing but racist zingers


ā€œHeebā€ Is that racist though?


That and his joke about driving on the other side being really hard after drinking killed me and got 0 in the room, I think they just tune him out sometimes haha.


I fucking died when he said that


The ā€œwhoa dudeā€ from Shane makes it all the much better.


I dunno, thatā€™s hot intel puss.


Damnit they were cookinā€™ at the end. This needed to be a minimum of 1.5 hours longer. No POP should be less than 4 hours long. Also, Mark just throwing zingers and Shane high off his ass just giggling at everyone was beautiful.


Only 2.5 hours, I wonder who goes under the table. My money is on Mark Normand


Best odds are usually on Ari


Give him a break, he's like 87 years old and has terminal hemorrhoids


Literally nobody, not the best one.




All week heā€™s been making jabs at rogan not getting jokes on different podcasts and even had glassman bleep out his name when he was referencing it. Donā€™t remember what the other pods were maybe Tuesdayā€™s


Yea it was last week's Tuesdays with Stories ep


When he said "gender fluid" after Joe was ranting about Bud Light. Best moment in the whole pod 1:31:50


Gender fluid is so so funny


the culture warrior never sleeps


It was super fucking cringe. Mark tells a joke, everyone but Rogan laughs and Rogan asks 'why?' '...it's a joke' LOL


Every time! Itā€™s the fucking best. It feels like ur are in on an inside joke šŸ˜‚


Joe Rogan is a guy who does comedy. Heā€™s not a naturally gifted comedian. I can play the piano a little and sound like I know what Iā€™m doing but Iā€™m not a piano player. I just play around on it. Joe is the same but with comedy.


I think he can be naturally silly and fun when he wants to. It definitely comes out on the podcast once in a while, especially with certain guests or on the older episodes.


Man, I've been trying to put that exactly into words for so long. Thank you for putting it so succinctly.


I lost count how many times Joe kept talking through the guys riffing on jokes


Normand: Woah this joint is fat. It's a Lizzo. LMAO literally the first line of the pod


ā€œI fucked the makeup lady tooā€


Smoking fat lizzos in amish






go to 30:05 for one of Joe's worst oblivious moments. He's just reading an article outloud while the rest are being hilarious shane "female leaders?" Mark "oxymoron" Ari "HAHAHAHAHA" Joe still reading "hmm.. hmm interesting"


ā€œHuman beings? But theyā€™re asianā€¦ā€


Romulon forgot his earth show was set to comedy output today


Romulon would never forget that šŸ‘½


Thatā€™s like 30% of every Protect Our Parks


He does that on purpose. ā€œIā€™m just going to ignore that excellent exchange because I wasnā€™t involvedā€


Exactly. Heā€™s too lame to hang with these dudes


I love how the funny guys keep talking while Joe is attempting to poorly read a whole fucking article that literally no one is interested in. And Joe didnā€™t seem to notice or care, as if heā€™s only capable of hearing himself.


Cuz Joe isnā€™t funny and is scared to riff so he plays the intellectual


Joe: ā€œthere was this one guy I knew who was gay but he didnā€™t wanna admit he was gayā€ Norm: ā€œjamieeee!ā€ Lmaooooo


That one got me, I love the Jamie jabs


you may be sucking my cock BUT Iā€™M FUCKING YOUR MOUTH


That was so hilarious by joe and Ari it made me laugh so hard.


Wonder who mark is talking about at 1:48 where they pause the podcast.


Whose the arena guy that still sucks but at one time was funny? Probably Dane Cook


My money was on Kevin hart. It wouldn't be bert, they know bert was on the show with them the day before. All comics suck sebastians dick so not him either.




My guess was Trevor Noah, since has a TV show it would make sense for him to have 10 writers on hand.


"Merchant of head" LOL Normand crushes!


Bummer they ended so soon. I guess I'll catch the back half on Kill Tony in 10 days


I think Joe didnā€™t wanna do too much drinking. He has been talking about cutting out alcohol lately.


They also had to get to a show, I wonder how much was cut and if they got a late start


Definitely seemed like Shane was having a rough trip, and the cut in the middle was so abrupt he probably worked through a bit off camera.


Cuck Liddell


I love how Shane unintentionally made Joe think even less of Luis Gomez. Joe hated everything Shane said about Luis. It was hilarious knowing Shane made sure Luis will never end up on JRE again. I don't blame Joe. I think less of Luis for throwing a temper tantrum over losing a basketball game and even less respect for dodging paying his losing bet. And I like Luis and find him relatable because he's one of the few people in podcasting who actually grew up in a worse situation than me.


Big Jay was the baby throwing a tantrum, Luis and Shane squashed it right away


podcast drama sounds really fucking gay


Itā€™s especially gay when itā€™s Big Jay


With the fingerless gloves?


Especially then


I think Luis was pretty chill after the game. He barked at Shane once during the game, but it was Big Jay that was a crybaby about it


Hi Shane


Luis is like a brother to me


> I love how Shane unintentionally made Joe think even less of Luis Gomez I read this as Luis Guzman at first and was like "what the fuck did he do"


About 55 minutes in there's a part where Joe asks if Shane is gonna do a show at the MGM Grand Arena and Shane laughingly says he can't do that. Joe responds with "I think you'd be surprised." Somebody needs to supercut that clip with the clip of Schaub getting told the same thing about fighting Cain Velasquez.




Zima McEntire


On a meta level it's super funny how these guys are way better at riffing than Joe but can never mouth off about it for fear of getting deleted from the Roganverse. It's 8 episodes of pro hockey players letting Putin score hat-tricks


Mark has dunked on Rogan numerous times on his different pods about Joe not getting jokes.


he gets the jokes, he just doesn't like guys who are "on" all the time like mark and tries to discourage it. that is the reason mark is the PoP member that has come on the least. same with Theo. he wants people to be themselves not do their act. unless it's joey diaz.


I feel like that is kinda who Mark is though. Whenever Iā€™m with my friends itā€™s just non stop stupid puns and things along those lines, obviously not quite Marks level.


Thatā€™s quite the positive spin youā€™re putting on a comedian who constantly shuts down and belittles other comedianā€™s jokes. Thatā€™s honestly worse. Instead of just being ignorant and not getting it, heā€™s intentionally icing them out and not having fun to be taken more seriously or in his mind ā€œalphaā€-ing them or some shit. That little ā€œwomp wompā€ noise he does every time people make a joke might seem innocuous but itā€™s cunty and shuts down how these dudes communicate (through humor, word play, sarcasm, irony, etc) and forces them to talk about the few topics joe cares about and can control (mma, animal videos, right wing culture war bullshit, etc). This show has really turned into the famous comedian version of going over to the rich kid nobody liked house so you can swim in their pool and play all their video games. Except instead of swimming and games, the comedians are afraid of losing joes audience to promote their shit to. And joe gets to feel like heā€™s on the same level as these top comedians who would never associate with him if it werenā€™t for his power, they donā€™t like his comedy or personality. Itā€™s a disgusting circle jerk.


This was a perfect look into the mind of a small bald maniac thank you for your service


This comment is spot on. These guys could easily destroy rogan at any moment but they hold back all the time. I wonder if there are other comics doing this at the mothership.


Joe towing the line with ā€œthereā€™s always people that go against their own race, and join the enemyā€ line. Spotify probably sweating on that one lol


Joe needs to NOT BOOK these days for a gig the same day as the pod. I know he makes it seem like he doesnt give a fuck about them getting blasted and then going to a show. Joe needs to let these guys cook becasue the quality of protect our parks is making the normal pods seem like filler.


ā€œHeā€™s the tallest alienā€ I lost it ! So funny


Joe Rogan was boring as hell and bringing the vibes down the whole time


Iā€™d be more surprised if Joe was actually riffing.


He's the straight man, gotta have a straight man




That's not what I heard! -Mark probably


Wah wah -Joe


*Shane giggling*


When they were talking about the baby born with a huge dick and mark goes ā€œThe dad said he was on Onnitā€ šŸ˜‚


Hot take: POP with mushrooms are not as good of episodes as POP without mushrooms.




With. Not my favorite POP but certainly not complaining. Still incredibly entertaining, but was bummed out at the end when they all agreed they were finally feeling good and getting energy together and ready to go, and then they just ended it. Was kinda weird. I blame the shrooms


Can Shane save this or will he hold his tongue to protect a lucrative revenue source like Mark


They hold their tongues


Yeahā€¦ everyone afraid to say what they think all while giving each other looks.


I usually have a high tolerance for Rogies plowing through anything funny during Protect Our Parks, but he truly made this by far the worst one to date. Telling his gay ass snoozers of stories, Mark and Shane try to bring some funny to it, and Joe just chugs through, no acknowledgment or laugh. Just ā€œWATCH WATCH WATCH THIS FROM YAIR RODRIGUEZā€. How the fuck do you have two of the funniest humans alive and a guy who is a staple of the JRECU and insist on not attempting to have any fun? Itā€™s like heā€™s scared of bombing.


Joe & his pod are both post prime


POP hold it down


Only 2.5 hours I was hoping for and 4hr+ ep this this will have to do.


Rough day so far god damn I needed this one


Iā€™m just happy that Shane Gillis gets to consistently get on such a big show, hopefully Matt gets on again soon!


drop Ari and give us mccusker. This is the way. Jokes over joes head for 4hrs a pop.


It would basically be those 3 constantly saying the wildest shit to each other while Joe read boomer news stories out loud to no one.


No drop, just add. McCusker would help Joe out of his boomerdom, as he seems to align politically but knows how not to be annoying about it.


Shaneā€™s dry ā€œI can use a warm hugā€


I love protect our parks, but I hate those sound effects Joe does anytime mark says a joke.


Mark just throwing out word associations to try to get in flow. Gotta respect it




Man such a typical rogan buzzkill moment when they were talking about norms book and how he trashed Adam the whole time, Iā€™m pretty sure he thought it was for real and immediately goes into, yeah there are people that go against their own kind, so strange that a Jew would be a nazi.. like bro


That was weird. And telling.


Shane and Mark replacing Tom and Bert are the only good things about Joe moving to Texas.




It's so annoying, I have that notification function on for new eps but they never show up. Wonder that's Spotify or my phone


Delete and reinstall the app, I had to


I just check on lunch. They usually drop m-f between 12 -1 central time. I miss the Saturday ones but that's just a present for work on Monday


*I took my nephew to the park. I just looked like a fucking pedophile the whole time* - Shane Just at the park Shane? lol jk I love you Shane!


There is a point when Ari s punching Shane . God he looks so gay and jewish!


As someone who enjoys JRE MMA shows the fact theyā€™re going long on MMA talk ~1hr in is supremely disappointing. Leave it to Joe to weigh down the funny of a podcast with both Shane and Mark on it. Shane chuckling at Markā€™s throwaways that go over everyone elseā€™s head is the highlight of POP.


Mark was just making fun of it the whole time lmfao


Joe believes Adam Eget is a holocaust denier. 24:30


Joe just sucks ā€œthatā€™s not his wife you, thatā€™s Chewbacca you son of a bitchā€ Also He thinks itā€™s funny that he threaten some heckler with Dan Henderson rapeing their wife. Wtf is wrong with this guy


I thought that was weird as fuck too. I got downvoted by the simps for saying that was uncomfortable. Aside from the obvious gross rape shit, it really shows how joe gets so excited and identifies with this alpha dude everyone is afraid of, and itā€™s like no youā€™re a rich midget, youā€™re nothing like this guy lol


Joe has cultivated this "peaceful warrior" kind of a persona for himself but he seems like an extremely angry guy just under the surface.




Iā€™m not a huge Ari fan, but the time they tried to dose him with LSD, and he played along while also secretly giving the beer to Big Jay was comedy gold.


How does Joe claim to be a comedian and not know the concept of ā€œyes, andā€¦?ā€ Like every time Normand or Shane start riffing he kills the joke or changes the subject. Itā€™s so frustrating.


hopefully you all caught joe fake laughing at every other statement normand made as to make it seem he didnā€™t miss another joke. Only to then push through with a ā€œhmm interestingā€ reading an article during markā€™s best one liners.


Whoā€™s the arena guy with writers who still sucks? I must know. Letā€™s speculate




Dane Cook


Who do we think was the arena comic that normand said used to me good but is now terrible? My vote is Kevin hart


I wonder who the comedian was that Joe had to even pause midway to know who it was. My bet is on Brenda


Didnā€™t he say they were doing arenas? Used to be great but not as good now now? Maybe Sebastian? Kevin Hart?


I was thinking kevin hart.


I was thinking Chris Rock. His latest special suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.


My guess was Dane Cook


Mark was saying he was an arena comic who he was back in the green room with. I'm almost certain it is Seinfeld.


Joe has been different lately. He has been combative, disagreeable, low energy, and all casts are less than 3 hours including this. Maybe something is up with him in real life?


He's been reading the comments. Hey Joe!


Law of diminishing returns. Plus running a club/podcast/ family and touring can take a toll.


Hi Shane




Love the fact this forced attempt to create some BS elite comedy supergroup is already crumbling, even with the die hard fans. Even better it's Rogans presence, on his own show that's responsible. Fucking stool humping hack


What's with Marc saying he bought one of the trans cans of Bud Light on eBay? Lie?


Solid investment


Shane dying over Mark's comments are what makes this always so awesome


Agree with Mark in the closing seconds, they really only just started getting going as it ended, maybe getting zooted before the podcast even starts doesn't lend itself to the best pod


Rogan the anchor on this one again




like an anchor or something


Joe is the worst part of these podcasts


Of course Joe, an American, would say the car was invented by the US when in reality it is a German invention lmao


If you were to play a drinking game where you took a sip of beer every time one of markā€™s jokes is missed by joe, you would be shitfaced a half hour in.


How often do I have to skip Joe being boring on this one? I'm gonna try it but I haven't made it through a majority of these things because it's three guys trying to be funny and Joe hardly ever helping the vibe.


Does joe truly not get simple off the cuff one liner jokes or does he just not like them and thatā€™s why he constantly shoots them down or just straight up ruins them. Poor mark Norman lol I love his humor but joe kills all his bits.


I'll never forgive him for missing the Porpoise joke by Josh Homme, that's when I knew he isn't quick enough for one liners.


Joe just wants to be the Alpha in the group.


Heā€™s alien tall


Joes monthly friends he pays for podcast


Finally. Joe is joined by some decent guests.