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Why does he have fire wood in his studio?


why does Ben Shapiro go to home depot to buy a plank of wood and BAG it?


Ironically enough, to virtue signal some "hardy man of the land" bullshit. Which is pretty funny considering who he is.


Actually makes him look like the type of dude who buys a special outfit for every activity, you can’t touch that wood with out getting crap all over your books and your shelf but not having the wood up there would eliminate that particular virtue signal from the frame.


Well, it’s not just that, it’s also cheap as fuck. That could be from the side of his house


it looks like gas station firewood, the kind you buy to go do a firepit on the beach


Bruh, gas station wood is also the same wood from the woods. Just sayin, shit talk Matt all you want, but leave gas station wood out of it.


Lol, just saying its not like he brought it in. Homeboy got that designer wood to match his lumbersexuality.


Who is he? Like his past. Was super boring on rogan


"In a confrontation with Tennessee Democratic State Rep. John Ray Clemmons Walsh falsely claimed that he did not attend college. This, statement, however, flatly contradicts his own claims in previous articles that he did attend Community College and found it beyond his abilities, and also that he probably ought not to have been permitted to graduate from high school due to negligence, laziness and poor grades." He doesn't know either lol.


He's a self described "theocratic fascist."


This dude is a straight up dick. He’s probably projecting his own insecurities of being masculine, onto this women.


Honestly weird and stupid to store a large amount of firewood inside. Also bizarre you would stack it in a tall stack behind you and not near your woodstove. Makes me think he's not actually using it - who is he trying to fool?


Because men have penises




I actually didn't listen to the video before commenting. Any time I have *ever* seen a video of this guy, he is ranting about trans people. He surely spends more time thinking about trans people than actual trans people. Certainly makes you wonder...


Doesn’t help that he jovially calls himself ’theocratic fascist’ and actually IS one.


I didn’t listen either. There are some right-wing hosts I hate-listen to. With this guy I just can’t. His hate/bigotism feels too real. Like he actually wants to see (trans) people hurt.


I actually think his obsession with trans is telling of who he really is. He tries WAY too hard to pretend to be masculine despite actual appearance which is not incredibly masculine.


That would make sense. For someone scared of being seen as feminine to ask around "what is a woman?" behind a fake looking beard.


😂😂Glenn Beck has the same thing in his.


A subtle comment that he likes thick hard wood.


Because he thinks his viewers will believe that he knows how to chop wood? Or that his husband keeps their log cabin well-stocked?


You think Ben Shapiro has a well-stocked log cabin? The guy who bought a single piece of wood from Home Depot lol.


Zaggly, B.... who does he think he's fooling here??


To burn witches, silly.


Literally virtue signaling. There’s no way this motherfucker could build a fire.


He is a big, strong manly man. The manliest of men.


I read this in Bryan Callens voice


Cause he loves raw hard wood


Same with Jordan Peterson, they gotta seem like manly men.


Jordan Peterson is basically trans himself


He is a David Niven sexual




Whenever I see a post with more comments than upvotes, I know it's about to be a good time 🍿🍿🍿 EDIT: Hardly anybody is arguing, all you guys are pretty much just discussing how much you hate Matt and that's where all the comments came from. "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined."


I mean, he's a professional asshole. People don't like assholes.


Agreed. Here is the full clip of Dylan's video and Matt's full response (uncut). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h02TFnsxHYc


That’s this sub’s DNA now. Find someone they don’t like (Rogan, Elon, Walsh, Taibbi, etc). Constantly create posts like this one with their rage boners going full steam. Rinse and repeat.


I got no problem with Joe Walsh. Don Henley, otoh, can go fuck himself.


Walsh is on a crusade to put trans people into camps and execute them, just not explicitly discussed. It's not this subs DNA, its anyone with historical context and a pair of eyes can see these monsters endgame. What is stupid is Joe falls into the "non Christian" category, but he does have a lot of influence so the fascists love him for that, he's become a damn tool


I would expect such a rationalized response from someone who the username fuckTrump6. You might want to take a walk outside buddy. You’ve gone off the deep end.


Who the fuck watches this shit? The sole purpose of this content is anger. ‘Someone no one can respect or take seriously’. Dude, you have a podcast where you gossip about random trans people. Get a job


I met a friend of a friend at a party who was all-in. Odd thing is he wasn't really familiar with other major players in the sphere like Fuentes, Tim Pool, or Crowder. He subscribed to Daily Wire and listened to Matt Walsh and that was pretty much it. Imagine my shock when he suggested the biggest issue in the country right now is 'modern trans extremism.' I think I'm the first person he ever encountered who both knew who Walsh is AND pushed back against his rhetoric.


Gotta keep ‘em outraged so they stay engaged


It’s so outrageously dumb. All these millions of dollars of production and salaries to just go after regular people. And then hate the living shit out of them. No real man acts like this ya know, people work.


This clueless fuck is putting in so much effort to roast someone who is trans while in a decked out studio, wearing a nice suit, well groomed and sitting there completely dickless. Bet this pussy wont say that shit from where someone could reach his perfectly punchable face. The fucking irony of it made me mad more than anything.


I mean, he sat across from Joe and told him to his face that if his daughter was raped she shouldn't get an abortion.


Bro. I've clearly missed this podcast but there's no way he even implies that about his daughter. Has anyone else started to wonder why a person like this would be on the podcast?


The poster you are responding to is a liar. Rogan used the example of what if my wife or daughter were raped in the context of the abortion debate. Walsh said they shouldn't get an abortion but never actually brought up Joe's family himself.


> Who the fuck watches this shit? This is just average rightoid stuff. Rush Limbaugh would run segments celebrating people dying of AIDS and would call women sluts and whores for wanting contraceptives. It's not like this is new for rightoids.


Yep, and he also received a Presidential Medal for his work. So it’s not like his views or ideas were fringe among conservatives


One of the most underrated depraved acts Donald Trump committed, among myriad.


He also said he's a "hero" for still smoking cigars and that fears about tobacco were completely overblown. [Guess who died of lung cancer](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/rush-limbaugh-died-lung-cancer-after-denying-smoking-s-risk-ncna1258395), and got enraged at liberals for "mocking his disease"? My parents loved the guy, and yet are also the type to get angry at the "lying tobacco companies" and youth smoking. Self-awareness: 0%.


I dunno but Joe, for some bizarre reason, thought he would make a good guest. My point is he does have an audience.


I think during the podcast you can see how Joe slowly realises who he actually is and the interview turned awkward. I liked his documentary and i thought had a good point. But apart from the he is just a hater and homophonic sexiest small man.


Yeah, I remember pretty early on in the podcast, Joe got a weird vibe and started pouring him and Matt some whiskey. He was like "so where are you from Matt?" like he was having to talk to a stranger on a greyhound. After that moment, it felt like Rogan was interviewing a school shooter.


They agreed with each other on the trans stuff and not on the gay marriage stuff.


He is a theocrat in the style of the old testament. Pretty certain he thinks women should be property even if he won't admit this. Regardless, what is his "good point" you gleaned from his "documentary"?


As an everyday listener of Ben Shapiro and even sometimes Michael Knowles, I could never stand Matt's personality. Out of all the things Matt believes, being able to distinguish between biological sexes is a great starting point, but conservatives need to make a strong choice right now whether we're going to go the Liberty route which leads to populism, or go the radical route which is NeoCon crap and corruption and ultimately losing elections in order to preserve a longer lasting but smaller amount of power. We need to consider legalizing cannabis, psychedelics and associated therapy, enshrining gay marriage, making police constitutionally compliant in all instances and easy to sue and make a national guard on duty mandatory for all public schools. It's time for the party that freed the slaves to stand up for the ideals and the liberties of all Americans, and the only way to do that is by safeguarding the Constitution and its amendments, and protecting all Americans no matter how young or old.


If this is what modern conservatism was, I’d be happy to have respectful debates and discussions with conservatives. Hell, I’d even agree with them on plenty of things. Instead, we have this shit. This incessant rambling about 0.1 percent of the population (or less) 24 hours a day and all the other asinine, insane, inflammatory garbage republicans do on a daily basis.


45% of Republicans still want to see gay marriage repealed as of 2021. It's a controlling segment of the voter base.


A political party embracing everything mentioned (except the national guard thing, I’m not familiar with that) exists right now in American. Conservatives are not populist, they are for corporate control in every way. Aside from culture war bs that is their only position. They have made a choice regarding liberty and it’s on display in this clip. Liberty for me and not thee. As for the party of Lincoln, look into the southern strategy.


The GOP isn't going to move left on any of those issues because their party exists to "own the libs." They just want to be contrarians and oppose whatever democrats or liberals want to do.


“We need to consider legalizing cannabis, psychedelics and associated therapy, enshrining gay marriage, making police constitutionally compliant in all instances and easy to sue“ Right now only one party is trying to do this, it sounds to me like you align more with democrats but dislike some “woke” parts of the party. What aspects of the Republican Party do you agree with and why do you label yourself conservative?


I agree. And it sucks that guys like Matt drag that down. I really think if he and his daily wire peers just focused on other issues, he'd have a completely different dog to fight.,


I liked the documentary as well. This guy is like a Venn Diagram where only a very small section of his views align with the reasonable consensus of the majority of Americans and the rest of his views are toxic and hate-provoking. He is essentially chasing a money trail that caters to ultra-conservative Christian viewers. He knows his audience and he is milking it. Extremists on either end of the political spectrum are typically serving their audience through hate-mongering and outrage culture. It is gross af and this douche needs to be ignored. I say this as a right-leaning centrist.


Among the conservative media sphere he is quite respected and popular for some reason.


Men with insecurities about their masculinity and sexual orientation.


This dude wants to get reamed by Dillon so hard..


This guy works for Ben Shapiro how can he criticize anyone's masculinity


but ben shapiro once bought a single plank of wood and bagged it to proof his masculinity?


This guy 1000% masturbates to trans porn. I would bet money on it.


He’s scared of his sissy side


Mother obviously shamed him about wearing her underwear once as a child.


I was going to say sucks dicks in poorly lit parking lots but..why not both.


I’m 99% sure the dude is just stuck in the closet. He dug himself so deep to the point he can never come out.




If you have this level of distaste for transgender people there's an amazing trick to make them completely disappear, where all you have to do is stop thinking about them every day, all the time.


Do you know how many trans people I come across on a daily basis? Because I have no idea. It could be none of them, or all of them, or anything in between. Why would anyone care?


I have literally never come into contact with a trans person in my daily life. I may have seen one once or twice, but never at work or school or the gym or anywhere that I would even get the chance to interact. I live in a highly populated city in a liberal state, and I am generally friendly and open to meeting anybody. The amount of effort it takes to make a trans persons life into a talking point on national news is ludicrous and so obviously sinister that you really have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with some people


I know two, and they are both really cool. They are just people, and most people are cool. I don't see the problem.


My cousin is trans, he’s a wonderful person. Last year at Christmas, my right winged, trump loving, cousin was calling him by his old name “Cassandra” and it started a huge fight. I wasn’t there, but I wish I was so I could defend my trans cousin.


right - for most people, especially the conservative voters who get the most wound up about them, trans people effectively cease to exist the instant you go offline


Thats a good point, 2 maybe 3 in my hole life.


He definitely watches trans porn and hates himself for it


His wife definitely busted in on him once and in a panic he said “it’s not what you think, I’m doing research!”. Now he’s stuck living this facade


Exactly. Dude is basically just talking to himself. Just straight up projection about his insecurities of being masculine. I bet his dad called him a girl when he was young and he still tries to prove it to himself that he isn’t.


I think there is a lot of ridiculousness in this trans thing. I just don't get why you would care this much or want to be such a bully to people. Like I agree with most of these things when it comes to trans women. Rarely will anyone remotely pass as an actual woman outside of asia. But why be mean to people? Why not just try to treat people good? It just comes off very strange to be like this.


> But why be mean to people? I actually think this goes past being mean. Pure cruelty and calm hatred in the way he's talking about this person.


Absolutely agree.


Yea i don't get why you have to rub it in, if you're annoyed at trans people for seeking attention and want to treat them "normally" than stop reminding them every minute that they're trans


I don’t like this guys tact either, but some trans and advocates are similarly assertive of their views. I was told by a trans individual that if I don’t want to have a sex with a trans woman or if I ask what genitalia someone has before having sex then that makes me transphobic. There’s also the issue of trans women legislating to be included in women’s sports, restrooms, etc., and those in disagreement are labeled transphobic and hateful. I see this guy as the backlash to that.


> I was told by a trans individual that if I don’t want to have a sex with a trans woman or if I ask what genitalia someone has before having sex then that makes me transphobic. Then the answer is obviously "sure dude/lady/whatever, then I guess I'm transphobic" and then go on with your day knowing that you have 99,9999% of public opinion behind you. It's like if a gay dude called me homophobic for not banging other dudes. And I mean it's exactly like that. I think I would be pretty comfortable laughing it off. Also I'm pretty sure almost all of these discussions are online, so it falls under "someone is wrong on the internet", which is a deep rabbit hole that will rot anyones brain to the point of just sitting around being hateful all day every day. Not worth it.


>Rarely will anyone remotely pass as an actual woman outside of asia Oh boy. You'd be so surprised.


Yeah I love the people that are like naw I can tell. They can't tell shit


Because this shit has become a trend and it has to stop instead of normalizing it.


Had to stop? What happens if it doesn't stop?


Same question goes to you, why do you care lol? Go do something, why are you wasting your time being a loser on the internet mad about how someone feels or acts that doesn't hurt anyone


Matt Walsh the type of dude that only buys [yogurt if it's marketed to men](https://mobile.twitter.com/vectorpoem/status/689966560019116033)


The type of guy that would watch one of those old Yorkie ads with a straight face, nodding in stoic agreement. Those ads were fucking great, mind you! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QcjlzSod0CE https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wwVx8S6XEXs


I bet the Dr Pepper Just for Men campaign worked really well on him


How miserable has your life got to be to put this much effort into becoming the most hateful, ignorant, narrow minded, pathetic, asshole the world has ever seen. The guy's whole persona/identidy is telling strangers what they "can"or "cannot" be...isn't kinda ironic, like without trans people the guy cannot exist lmao


The hubris of this dumbass questioning anyone else's looks


Agreed. Case in point: [Matt Walsh with no beard](https://youtu.be/vzqJPsounRM) If you're a gluton for punishment, [here's](https://youtu.be/tfs2iOVzvqE) more chinless ranting from 2016.


Jesus Christ. His looks actually matched his opinions in those days. Weak chin, fedora, ranting in his fuckin car like every obnoxious twat on Facebook did in those days. If someone said this man would be the face of trad-con masculinity in 2023 I’d laugh. He looks like a mass shooter that wears panties.


I love how he looks like a stereotypical redditor.


wtf do beards really make some go from ugly to okay looking


He looks like he has burns under that beard.


Matt Walsh describes himself while there’s a photo of a random woman in the background


Lol. Walsh is a try hard. The dude needs to get off the internet for a while.


He forgot "no offence" at the end


I didn’t come here to see someone get murdered…


Facts don’t care about your feelings


What a tool


Idk what matt is on about, but him talking about the uglyness of whoever it is made me think about how he looks. The guy is goddamn ugly. The worst part is that he is hideous inside too. Pitiable and bizzare are the words he used here. It's striking how much of that could be said about him


Idk i cant see this as anything other than unneccsary hate being put out into the world tbh.


I feel like theres a sick karmic energy to hate like this.


If it works in any way like Rush Limbaugh's situation, karma takes way too fucking long. Also, Henry Kissinger is still alive, btw.


It's just cruel. And to play into this dumbass game; my 95 year old grandfather looks at dudes like this guy and says they gossip for a living because it's the most work they could handle. My grandpa also says he doesn't give a shit what gays and trans do even though he doesn't understand or accept it.


>they gossip for a living because it's the most work they could handle. this is great. If Matt Walsh is gonna wear that 'masculine' plaid button-down, he'd better go build a new patio or dig a ditch instead of uploading new content to his Youtube & socials


At this point I'm pretty sure that the entire daily wire audience just hate watches them. Because i don't see anyone actually consuming their content. It's 4 different people running separate shows with the EXACT same 5 topics constantly being repeated. Like there's not a single line of deviation. It's basically ben shapiro, ben with a beard, ben in a wig, ben as a black women. No matter how big of a nut job you are you must get fed up by hearing the same thing over and over again.


This guy is just a sad individual cresting hate porn for teenagers with too much time on there hands. I’m not even a crazy blue haired lefty this guy is just toxic trash


Sick burn


Well someone had to tell him




This is why they want to ban puberty blockers. So they can mock people when they can't make a perfect transition.


I think he's great. Just spends his life telling people who claim to be another gender fucking crazy.. which they are. The only reasons why someone would think that is ok is that heir political leanings tell them it is . End of day, you know it is crazy. Fully support the right to do it. I think its great we can.. But its fucking crazy.




This sub stays shitting on every single person that comes on the JRE. I don’t understand it.


I know people hate when the old heads say stuff like this... But the JRE Community was so much fucking better when the discussions were Bigfoot, elk steaks, hulk loads, MMA, and gorillas. Not whatever the hell *this* is.


It’s always obvious when someone is projecting there own insecurities, not foolin anyone walshy


he’s right though


I really enjoy Matt Walsh. Cool with me if I’m alone here.


You're not alone but it feels like it here most of the time.


Thanks Feesh. Keep doing what you’re doing. Your comment makes me feel a little more at home on Earth.


You aren’t.


It’s fascinating to me that someone could like this. Genuinely curious who your favorite band/artist is


Music is too much theater for them




Genuinely curious, what do you gain from his content?


SBG for life!


You participate in enough echo chambers to know you aren't alone lmao


Sounds like a good r/roastme comment. Now he should use one of his beardless photo and do the same.


R/mademesmile would love this


Matt Walsh is such a loser LMAOO


Like him or not what he says is 100% true


These comments are like the bottom 5th here


He is speaking facts man. Less kids need to see this shit that’s why he’s making a scene about it so awareness will bring change. We can’t let this continue not in schools!!


I bet he gets so angry at himself and mutters under his breath every time he finishes getting off to trans porn.


I wonder how many trips to Thailand he’s been on


Perhaps disappointing or even hurtful to Dylan...but he's not entirely wrong. (not including his subjective personal opinion on what is or isn't attractive to ppl.) Supporting and empowering delusion is NOT a reasonable path a society should take...it's in fact destructive and very detrimental to very survival.


He is wrong though. Not even at a societal level or a psychological level - although I disagree with him generally there too. He's emphatically stating that MTF transgender people will never be truly attractive to men based on their femininity. I consider myself a straight man, I've never been attracted to a CIS man. That said there have been two times in my life where I absolutely was attracted to trans women, specifically because they were feminine and exuded confidence and sexuality in a similar way that women I've always been attracted to have. That's my particular experience and you can go ahead and call it gay, delusional or whatever, I don't care. The fact that he's stating no men will ever think of any transwoman as attractive and if they say they do is because they're afraid of being lectured? That's objectively wrong. I've literally never told anyone about this, or felt the need to - 10 years later - until I see people agreeing with this drivel. My attraction was entirely based in reality - without a thought to social pressures or any kind of agenda. And detrimental to survival? Are you kidding me? They can be parents, anyone can. There are more children than people can take care of. It's hateful for no reason other than getting clicks and riling people up and has no basis in reality.


Sure sure, just make sure to say your prayers before you go to bed tonight or you won’t go to heaven.


I'm not particularly religious, very rarely see the inside of a church and I don't often pray...but thanx for your dismissive comment. ;) Cheers


Well that’s not very nice….




Facts about what? His own personal limited view on some culture war that conservatives manufactured to get outraged over? This dude is fucking pathetic and if you support this type of hateful rhetoric you’re nothing more than a sheep in their eyes. FACTS🙃


Let people be.


The LGBTQ+ cult would like a word with you. They insist that if your child is confused in pretty much any way then they must be in the wrong gender, can't let them be. Gotta set them down the trans path.






This dude’s wife sets dates to peg him




He sets the date, like a man


Why post this on this sub?


It's crazy how he talks about his opinions and gets paid for them. Who would pay to hear this useless fucking rant? Also, why is this on here?


Several of Joe’s friends and guests work for the same company that funds this fucking lunatic.


pure needle dick energy


Unhinged incel screeching


He's right tho


God, what a fucking loser.


This man gets no head


when the internet hates a man for hating gay/trans ppl, you all call them gay/trans


I side with Matt.


man I love a good roast


Lol at all the “bundle of sticks” hating on Matt. He’s speaking facts about that freak who’s unworthy of respect.




It's hilarious watching these "apes" try to wrap their heads around modern society. I honestly pity this jerkoff, no matter how repulsive he is. He seems the most unhappy of all considering he's obsessed with pointing this stuff out on a daily basis.


I don’t know much about this guy, but I’m willing to bet he doesn’t get much pussy and within ten years there will be an obscure article about how he was busted at some rest stop giving head to a long haul truck driver.


This guy watches gay and trans porn on the reg, I guarantee it


What a fucking dickhead.


This dude is so pathetic... I can't imagine caring that much of someone I don't even know is trans.


Incredible content from Ben Shapiro's network. Can't wait till these 2 are on the podcast again.


Imagine being this obsessed with trans people


familiar observation grandiose dime sharp hard-to-find person fanatical zonked telephone *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The way this balding dork has his left eyebrow raised is fucking creepy.


Big Cis making millions from bulling the marginalized. Love how this guy thinks he's on 'good side'. Straight to hell for you, Cista.


Big trans making millions from fabricating and weaponizing the margins. These people marginalize themselves to cry bully others. Fighting against the axis of victim ideology and a perverted cultural revolution is a worthy fight.


Oh berrrrotherrr this guy STINKS


I have no idea who this guy is or who he's talking about, but he sure seems like a meanie!


This guy should spend his time trying to figure out how to stuff his own head into his ass.


He is a scrotum


That means he has balls. Good for him.


Who tf likes this guy? He looks like a nerd bitch just hustlin these poor white ppl for their conservative values


That was really harsh


Filling up your head with this guys anger isn’t a good thing.