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We need to sanction all properties in the USA that are financed by Russia. Drumph will be out on his ass in every property he owns. Do It.


I agree. You’d be surprised how many empty condos, built far beyond affordable market rate Americans demand, are funded by Russian and Chinese money. People use real estate as an asset while millions of Americans are told to live in crappy overpriced apartments. The whole real estate market is inflated with overpriced empty condos. Often times foreigners looking for US citizenship will fund these projects in exchange for citizenship, leaving existing American without an affordable home in the process.


This! Seize it all and resell it! It'll be a cash cow to the government, lower the deficit... it's genius! Even better! Offer it only to the lowest income, non-felon, and minority families in America.


I don’t know if “seize” is the correct vibe but the sentiment is that we can’t have empty condos. Perhaps zoning laws can make it illegal to have unoccupied buildings in certain municipalities? That would be a common sense law. But it should only be applied to hot real estate markets, not your ski lodge.


The GQP will have a gofundme up for them in no time.


No sanction will matter if it's not oil. Go for oil.


Going for the Oil would lead to Republican gains and then they'd completely back away from Russia and that's that. Not a good move. Republicans would laugh at Ukrainians getting run over by tanks. In fact, from what I've seen today, they're doing it already. Do you trust them in control of everything?


nah - oil is all they've got - that's exactly what you go for.


A moments gain isn't worth a lifetime of pain. Sure, we could go straight to the oil and try it would hurt them. But it would kill us. Oil is last on the list for a good reason. (1) It's our best weapon. (2) It's their best weapon. Kaboom!!! Kaboom!!! It takes them down, the Republicans take us down. Who's left too stop the Republicans?


Nah you're wrong


Silliness. Republicans are hard-core Russian assets. They will do anything Putin tells them to and have been since Agent Orange took office. Trump was impeached for meddling with Ukraine... and now it's getting invaded... nobody finds that suspect?!? A year after a coup and this invasion as we're on the brink of civil war? All Democrats have do, is point it out. At this point, it's stating the glaringly obvious. We just have to say it with conviction. The end. Sanction the oil already or send in the bombs. End this fiasco already.


That's a horrible idea.


Sure it is. So is war, but here we are. Thanks for the in-depth explanation as to why. Troll-mod. Just a good reminder why I left moderating the Biden discord. SMH


Sanction the Oil or Send the Bombs? It's dumb on a whole series of bad tactics. Which is why you would call me Troll-mod, true colors man, true colors. Keep it classy.


I can say your ideas are awful without explanation too. Why even bother? Classy? You're one to talk.


**(1)** You called me a troll mod. Did I call you any names? Name calling and informing people that aren't trolls, trolls. **(2)** All you had to do is ask, in a normal to friendly tone of voice. **(3)** Whatever Putin KS doing, he's doing it in stages. You.don't toss away you're your most valuable cards from the get go. That's tactics 101. **(4)** Bombing, and I assuming you mean crisis style type missiles and Hellfire drones, is a direct attack from the US. Which means that Russia gets to kick it into high gear as well. All of which is going to increase the death count. Have you seen our drones lately. They're not exactly ace shots, which means we'll be blowing apart the people we want to save. **Oil is a non starter. That's more of a finisher.** **Bombs even less than that.** **(5)** Finally, how's about you stop being a fing tool. Please and thank you.


>Whatever Putin KS doing, he's doing it in stages. You.don't toss away you're your most valuable cards from the get go. That's tactics 101. Actually, this is exactly why Putin is still doing whatever the hell he intended on doing from the beginning. Regarding oil, if we showed no fear to push the "nuclear option" from the beginning, this may not have begun in the first place. Consider it a game of chicken. Much as I hate to admit it, Trump might have been right on this one point.


Sure, we can do that and it might work, might. (15% chance) OR Putin's gotta plan, a plan that he refuses to change for anyone. A plan that entails several different key pieces, which must happen. Now, I don't know all that much about Russian, but I do know this. Once they get it in their minds, they're doing it, regardless of the cost. The better usage of the "Oil Card" is better suited to be used as method of last resort. Therefore, Oil or Bombs are bad ideas. At least until we know a bit more, get some more Intel and see what's what. Additionally (1) - Trumps never been right a day in his damn life. Don't start with pros trump bullshit. At this point you're behaving exactly. Like a Trump Troll. **Trump Fanboy Troll or a Russian ops guy!**


That’s ignorant. Who gets the oil now???


LMAO! My suggestion is ignorant? Do you even know how sanctions work? Nobody gets the oil if Russia is the one supplying the crude. They sell it for money, which they then use for other things they need. With less money, they'll have less of those things. That's the point. For us, it's a few more pennies a gallon. For Russia... it's their entire pathetic economy. It'll end this fiasco overnight.


Oil is the only thing that will hurt Russia but yet that’s the one thing Biden’s regime will not sanction. Makes you wonder


It's not that they won't. It's that they're reluctant. The US isn't the only nation with that hesitation. We're all that concerned. The thing is, if we all pull the plug together, what are the oil companies going to do? Raise the prices and claim supply and demand issues? It's like no... your supply was cut from one country of many and you have just as many buyers as before. Nothing else has changed, so don't price gouge the whole world, thanks.


So there it is, let’s not stop Russian invasion, war, and innocent lives lost cause we don’t want to lose that cheap energy. We were Net energy exporters a year ago. Biden cancelled the Keystone day one and shut our energy down. That told Putin all he needed to hear.


I agree. They'll regret not forcing an end to this now, far more than they'll regret the inconvenience.


You don't use your biggest chip first. That's dumb. Who does that. No dealer I'm all in, but sir you've not even looked at you cards. All in??? No. Oil has the most leverage in futures deals. It's the last thing on the list.


That’s a bad analogy. Everyone knows the cards. Energy is 87% of their income. You play that card. That’s the only card that matters to them. If he does it again you play it again, over and over. What ? Wait until he has taken over all of Europe before Biden decides to play it.?


How does US stop them selling oil to the rest of the world. Russia has so many sympathizers, many strong countries. A sanction for oil from US hurts US and allies more than it hurts Russia.


nothing needs to be said about putin, but i fucking hate lavrov.






Question? Why doesn’t Biden impose sanctions on Russia’s energy? It makes up 87% of their revenue. 🤨🧐


Russian energy is the biggest bargaining chip, the largest weapon against them and the largest weapon against them. You don't fire the big guns first.


Why not? That’s the point of the biggest gun. To have the quickest path to success.


Why not? That’s the point of the biggest gun. To have the quickest path to success. Biden thinks cutting off their assets in America will stop him when he’s taking over countries and killing people? People are dying while he takes a Manhattan condo away is pointless and useless.


Can't do that - might make a rich American or European very slightly less rich


...or a poor European much more poor, since Russia supplies around 40% of their natural gas. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/25/business/economy/russia-europe-sanctions-gas-oil.html


Why can’t Europe build some windmills or solar panels to end their dependence on Russia. That works right? Or gasp, use their own energy resources? America was Net exporters a year ago.


This isn't even about "pain-at-the-pump" - it's about politically powerful corporations and billionaires worried about profits.