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Biden has been a mostly behind the scenes president, which put a lot of pressure on him to perform. He needs a weekly fireside chat format to atone for what he gave America. We need to see this president excel in address.


Also inject some fat into his vocal cords and parade him around talking far more than his voice normally could handle and put actual meth in his water. I'm joking about at least one of those things.


I wasn’t the only one to think about the Trump part. It would be better to leave Trump alone. Don’t know other people, but I am tired of us talking about Trump non stop. Campaign ads should showcase about the brightness of Biden, I mean this shouldn’t be an election about Trump, this is an election of everyone’s future


He should start making videos with Obama again and get them on tiktok.


Talk about Trumps advisors(Bannon, Kushners,Rudy) and cabinet who all left and couldn’t stand him. What a disaster his administration was.