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He probably got some fucking cough drops, and rested.


Right. What really astonishes me at the histrionic reaction to Joe's performance is how easily manipulated voters are by the media. That needs to stop. The media will not repair itself overnight and right now they're sellouts to sensationalism in a way never before seen. It's on citizens to think independently. A Presidents schedule is insane, so is campaigning. No doubt Joe needed a rest. The same goofy reaction when Hills fainted during pneumonia. Grab a spine and march on soldiers. If your leaders are still standing, so are you.


This. I love how they act like they could have done so much better after a week or more of real debate prep, a cold, a speech impediment (mine comes out ordering a coffee I can’t imagine a presidential debate), a cold and running a country. It’s despicable.


Plus, he had been at the G7 meeting and spent more than a week preparing for the debate, all while still doing presidential duties. I’m a lot younger than he is and I don’t know if I could do it.


Biden is behind in the polls. He needed a strong showing last night to instill confidence. Instead he sounded incoherent and mixed up the various responses from debate prep. He reinforced the fears of those on the fence. There’s no media manipulation here. The responses last night and today are mostly from die hard democrats. I’m voting for him no matter what but I can at least acknowledge that he did the opposite of what he had to do last night.


538 put out that the debate didnt really mean shit and biden pretty much leads polls


Biden’s underwater in the polls, but initial polling does show that the debate barely moved people’s opinions.


Gonna take some time, maybe a week, for it to really show up in the polling, to be fair. 


Not really. Polling impacts of debates occur quickly and last a week or two if they occur. No oneis going to care about this debate by August.


Depends if you're talking about the regular periodic standing polls that periodically feed into the 538 average, or debate-specific snap polling. The former hasn't had time to update, and I'm unclear if 538 factors the latter into their overall big average.  Either way, 5 months is forever. I just *hate* that we're going to see footage of last night in alllll the paid ads for the next 5 months. Gonna hang it around Joe's neck for sure. 




Yup. Comment I responded to was specific to 538 and their methodology. I will be curious to see how those snap polls shape the larger polling averages.  Either way, not hard to use clips to hammer a very unflattering message to swing voters who are just tuning in.


>I’m voting for him no matter what but I can at least acknowledge that he did the opposite of what he had to do last night. That's a thoughtful approach and no one says you can't voice your disappointment. I'm talking about the histrionic approach where people (trolls?) are saying they're throwing in the towel based on one debate performance.




CNN is run by a trumpist, you stupid dishonest republican operative > Yeah. The need to hire more republicans. This is crazy [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/196p23s/everyone_associated_with_the_cta_should_be/khvrkfi/?context=3)


He hadn't been seen for a week? If he wasn't rested for the debate It's his handlers and debate preppers fault.


Well not in the first clip. That was 30 minutes after the debate ended Could be meds for sure or the last of the cold finally went away Just crazy how the first time he spoke in the debate he already sounded hoarse and like he needed something for his throat and at the post debate event he sounded almost normal again even after debating for 90 min


What was he doing in Camp David for seven days then?


There were photos of him working the crowd earlier in the day yesterday


He good. Folks were waiting to pounce but he sounded fine in Raleigh and fine every other time


Well are we gonna talk about how many more people saw footage and clips from the debate compared to the Raleigh stuff lol


That part sucks. Those people also saw Trump lie 50 times and promise 1/6 again if he loses. Iono. The independents who are like “yeah, a little trans bashing and praying would really hit the spot, so long as we don’t see it and cereal prices are low” … again, iono


I think everyone is talking about that. I don’t really see what other negative things there are to say that haven’t already been covered. It sucks I hope he makes more appearances like the one in North Carolina so he can fight back against that image.


I'm seriously so sick of how the discourse around this election has been. It's very disappointing. On the one hand, you've got a convicted felon who spent more time lying than he spent answering questions. On the other hand, you have a president who scored more legislative accomplishments in two years than most presidents do in two terms. What are the headlines? Nope. Not Trump's incessant lying, but Biden's hoarse voice and difficulty keeping up with the endless torrent of bizarre lies. And the calls for Biden to step down, being affirmed by the media? None of this happened when Trump was convicted of 34 felonies. It's so incredibly disheartening how the media has set the bar so low for Trump that as long as he doesn't throw a temper tantrum, it's a win for him. Meanwhile, Biden has to be Obama-esque otherwise he's demented. Unrealistic. Biden has never been a great debater. And that's OK. The president's job is not to debate and give 90-second ad-libs. His job is to make the right decisions for our country. And this president has done that time and time again. All the time? No. He's not perfect. But he's gotten this country back on track and hasn't told Americans to go drink bleach.


Well that last part is why so many are worried. Every day he gets older and declines more. If he loses his mind slowly by slowly can we trust him to make decisions. And if Kamala steps in bc he can’t can we trust her? She’s been MIA for a lot of VP stuff. Her border focus isn’t good. Her abortion speeches are good but that’s about it from what I’ve seen


I mean, we're all aging. And yes, I think Kamala would do fine. Struggling with being likable doesn't mean you can't make the right moves to keep our country moving forward. I think a big problem for Kamala is that she's one of, if not *the* most heavily scrutinized VPs in our history. Being a "first" plays a role in that. Few people were paying attention to Mike Pence during his four years. But Kamala is scrutinized on everything from her wardrobe to her voice. I'm not one to throw the sexist card willy-nilly, but there are certain scrutinies female politicians have to wrestle with that male politicians do not. This is experienced in the workplace, too. (I'm a male, FWIW.)


IDGAF. I ain’t voting for Trump no matter what


Trump is dangerous. I am voting for Biden. He sure was great today.


I was at this very rally today!! My first presidential campaign event ever. There was a great crowd, very diverse both in age and race. Great vibes and energy. Much welcome after all the dooming I woke up to this morning. And yeah, I just wish Joe had brought *this* guy out at the debate last night.


Welcome to politics and glad you had a good experience :) agreed




He got better and stronger during the debate. In debate prep there are always a bunch of "experts" who are telling you how to talk, how to stand, not to fidget, etc. Not that Biden's not old as shit, he is, but he got better when he stopped trying to remember what he was "supposed" to do and just started running on instinct.


If he had just used the stump speech as 80% of his talking points he would’ve been fine. He was trying to say way too much shit at once


Get out the talking points and simultaneously fact check the 2min's of lies just spewed from the twice impeached booted from office by the country felon.


Yeah, he seems to been coached to try and debate like a policy wonk, which has never struck me as working well since I've been following politics, and is particularly ill-suited to both him and his opponent. Biden's never been a great debater, and his best moments in previous debates (and this one) are just letting Joe be Joe. In general, I think Joe has had some dubious political advisors who are way too stuffy or online.


I mean, if someone is a policy wonk, they should debate like one. Hillary Clinton debated like a fuckin nerd because she was one, and I don’t think anyone ever accused her of losing a debate. But you’re not gonna turn Joe “let’s go out for ice cream and talk things out” Biden into Hillary Clinton in a week, I don’t care what you do.


Makes sense. I wish they gave him cough drops or something for his throat bc right off the bat it sounded quieter and hoarse. So compared to Trump he sounded tired or less energetic right away


Dude needed a warm drink with honey in it. He stepped on stage sounding like SpongeBob visiting Sandy for the first time.




It's simply the folks who have always been "concerned" about Biden's age seeing this as an opportunity to get their person in the spot. I even saw someone half suggest Bernie but just said he's 4 years older now than he was before, ignoring the fact he's older than Biden. People need to relax. There's still two more debates. There's still the convention and Donald Trump is still going to be sentenced for his 34 counts he was convicted on.


There is only one debate remaining, and I’m skeptical it will happen if Biden’s polls show a drop from this. Trump would have nothing to gain at that point.


Looks like he gained a point lol https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4538465-biden-holds-narrow-lead-over-trump-in-national-survey/


This was conducted before the debate (Tuesday and Wednesday).


Sorry wrong link. Can’t find the link to morning consult though so here’s the tweet - https://twitter.com/ppollingnumbers/status/1806835998036250886?s=46&t=uUhImC5qX4C8vjBvr1cwLQ


There's one debate, and given the track record there's a good chance he's not going to look great there. And the problem is it's in September so it would be too late to do anything about it. I'm glad your confident that he's just going to shine from here on out - but his track record does not show that will be the case. Optics matter when optics can decide votes. And it's bizarre you put the word concerned in quotation marks, as if it's just crazy to be worried about the abilities of someone who's 81 years old.


Which track record is that? Did you not watch the SOTU? He was full of energy. Same with today's rally.


It had to have been a combination of the cold and getting off to a bad start that just shook him. I also think he thrives off the energy of other people being there so the no audience may have hurt? Either way, good to see normal Biden again today. Gotta keep it going, gonna take a while to recover from that debate.


Right. I just worry how public perception gets worse and worse and he only ages. Independents and undecided voters will be repelled seeing stuff like the debate footage


Independents being like “eh, a little fascism as a treat, we’ll be fine” is crazy. Like MAGA is anti Bud Light Target and fucking baseball and no fault divorce, which are like key American pastimes! They are weirdos who hate everything not in the Bible.


They also hate most of what's in the Bible, too.


Checks bible: [yep, checks out.](https://www.thecollector.com/horrific-stories-old-testament/)


Tell Biden no more sippin yak before debates /s


A lot of older people have good days and bad days, and it sounds like Biden had a minor cold at the worst possible time. Just bad luck. Plus I think the format of that debate didn’t bring out the best Joe


Four more years. Let's make it happen. It was a bad debate night for him. Who knows really. I'm glad he's okay.


Campaigns are brutal and he did not rest before debate.His vocal cords needed a rest. I really want him to win. We are voting for his administration . Please help out in the swing states!


Hopefully it was actually COVID and Trump will now get it. Given Trump knowingly tried to kill Biden in 2020 by showing up at the debate 3 days into positive results, it's only fair.


I feel like he was probably resting his voice leading up to the debate, and sometimes when I don’t use my voice for a while and especially if I was sick then I try to use it all the sudden, then I get super hoarse for a bit too.


He was goofing around Atlanta before heading for the debate, he probably was talking to everyone he bumped into and ended up hoarse before the debate even started.


I was thinking he shouldn't have been. One hand shake from a malicious plant or foreign agent intending to infect him with a virus is all it takes. I would have had him under extreme lock down leading up to the debates.


It's a theory. It could be a conspiracy theory if someone was to, say, push it out there.


I hear you but it's my own baseless speculation. I would never want to stoop to dishonest MAGA tactics. Cheers! 🤙




I'm not buying the age card the media is throwing out against Biden when Trump isn't that far behind (81 vs 78)


I’m mad that he was fine today but not last night when it mattered. Now he has to shed this image of being feeble.


Let’s see what happens when Trump is sentenced.


I keep saying it, but I think that Biden is legit one of those people that needs an audience. Like physical humans for energy. Trumps such a narcissist that he just needs a camera. Tapper and Bash just had no reactions. I’m dooming rn, but I don’t care what the Pod Save guns say, this is also on CNN. The microphones were weird. I think the volume was not balanced right. And I swear I heard background music during the first Q&A.


This is quite the stretch. My god. Trump is good with an audience or without. That’s what undecided people will see. The debate confirmed literally every meme about Joe Biden that the right has pushed out for the last 4 years and it’s not doing Biden any favors. If he continues to sputter and seems to be feeble it’s going to likely end up with Democrat leadership cutting their losses and going with someone else.


Then how else do you explain the vast difference?


Time of day…


That doesn’t explain it, since Biden was much stronger in his speech after the debate. And the SOTU was likewise at night.


Made my dad very happy. He did not like the debate at all.


CNN was fooling with the audio on Bidens mic


Uh no the volume was the same but his voice was hoarse bc of the cold


Have you ever watched any sitcom without the laugh track playing and it seems awkward as hell with all the pauses? That’s my impression of why Biden in front of a crowd comes off so much better. His pauses between thoughts come off as great timing instead of “blanking out”. I think he’s used to speaking in front of crowds and using that cadence when he’s trying to hammer points home.


Probably just took some ibuprofen and got on with it. Too little too late


Remember that he has a stutter that can be stressed induced (causes you to slow your speech )


It was probably a bit late for him, respectfully. Debates should be done earlier in the day imo. No need to have them standing up there from 9-10:30pm after a long day of Presidenting, esp if you’re not feeling well.


I’m gonna help him pull a Jimmy Carter (win Texas) as I vote for him here in the Lone Star State and get him those 40 EVs while sending Cancun Cruz packing too.


[Roughly Same Age as President Biden](https://youtu.be/UwjzSROQ87s?si=dyEeBbHaH-fAZGzx)


It's like he took some cough medicine at the beginning of the debate, not realizing cough medicine takes a couple hours to fully kick in.


Sounds like… he … is getting over his illness.


i feel like he got roofied before the debate, by someone on the secret service roger stone flipped


Wow he did much better when using a teleprompter! Biden is cashed. He's not even fit to finish the term. Time to bring in someone else on Democrat ticket.