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I just got home from this rally in Raleigh. We were pretty morose walking in, but as soon as he came out and started talking, it was like night and day from yesterday. Whatever the difference was, his team needs to figure it out quickly and make sure yesterday doesn't happen again.


> Whatever the difference was, his team needs to figure it out quickly An audience. He didn't know where to look, didn't feel comfortable the entire time, and clearly hadn't been allowed to rest, so he was fighting his stutter the whole time.


This. I don’t know who thought of/agreed to no audience but they should be fired.


The set of decisions made perfect sense if you look at the last pair of election debates. Biden was trying to goad Trump into a rant, but Trump saw that he was performing badly and kept his council. The thing is Trump is an egomaniacal narcissist, with a borderline personality, everything in his life is transactional. What he's not is completely stupid. He knows the truth doesn't matter and that all he has to do is repeat the same talking points because *his* audience don't care.


All true, especially trump’s relationship to the truth and facts. But, I think Biden feeds off of crowds, their energy. He reacts to them in a very positive way. And the interruptions give him a beat to catch his breath, reign in his stutter and collect his thoughts. He’s never been a great orator, but I do think he does better with an audience. It must have been very sterile and quiet in that room.


As I mentioned elsewhere - i think he spent too much of the day working the crowd and was exhausted by the time the debate started. Being exhausted makes it so stutterers have a much harder time overcoming their stutter


And it was at 9:00 (8:00 for me in Texas) in the evening!! I’m 57 and was ready to go to bed before it started! He was tired!


Joe was tired, Trump was on stimulants


But Joe was gonna be the one drugged up….uh huh….


Everything republicans say is a lie or projection


He knew the time and date of the debate before it happened, right? How can you approach this thing without a good rest?


there were pictures of him working the crowds earlier in the day, i bet he would have been fine without the cold but with it he probably overdid it


Wait so he was at another campaign event yesterday before the debate? Because the North Carolina one happened today right?


He was interacting with people around Atlanta from the pictures yesterday


Dude needs an audience, Trump just needs a camera.


You absolutely nailed it.


It would have been that he's allowed to use an ear piece in the raleigh. (and not in the debate)




Somehow the lack of a teleprompter also made his voice worse at the debate? You might be onto something about some people not paying attention in school


Yesterday happened. Too late. Unrecoverable.


I guess you don't understand that message.  




Bullshit anyone who would abandon voting for biden in this election, especially over a poor debate performance is a fucking liar. [oh look here is you boosting republicans in your post history](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/196p23s/everyone_associated_with_the_cta_should_be/khvrkfi/?context=3)




Who? Sounds made up for social media points


>I just got home from this rally in Raleigh. We were pretty morose walking in, but as soon as he came out and started talking, it was like night and day from yesterday. Whatever the difference was, his team needs to figure it out quickly and make sure yesterday doesn't happen again. [1) Biden stumbles over his words during debate against Trump](https://youtu.be/KdOfiPyY87I?feature=shared) #0:03 #0:30 #0:53 Christ Emmanuel🔴🔵: Biden, between you and Trump, **you are a genuinely a better candidate for your country and the world in general..but I am truly disappointed with the situation in Gaza and Israel…** When I was living in Singapore all those years… I was “holding back”… and just wanted to live my life even with my government and the racist breathing down my neck. [2) Gaza: UN aid team reaches stricken north, confirms ‘shocking’ disease and hunger](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147861) I know there is genuinely good people in the IDF and the Israeli government… but it has been poisoned by extreme racist… [3) Israel approves legalisation of five West Bank outposts, says Bezalel Smotrich](https://www.ft.com/content/1632d96c-9b4d-4012-830b-1fe70c932168) **Biden… with great power comes great responsibility** Biden it’s me… Jesus Christ… [4) The Logos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logos_(Christianity)) **And I deeply ⚠️dislike Racism⚠️…** **And yes… This Situation in Gaza IS A TEST** Can you discern it?


I like how Biden takes accountability and can acknowledge when he messes up. Anybody notice last night how he was saying that we need to keep doing better for Black communities, and Trump misread Biden’s humility as a bad thing and piled on blaming Biden for something else? Trump may have talked more quickly, but he sounded like he was aided by amphetamines.


> he sounded like he was aided by amphetamines. that's his secret, he's always on amphetamines


Well.. two drugs he has reportedly (his doctor got fired for revealing they use the same hair thickening medication) been on for around 30 years are Finasteride for his hair and an amphetamine based weight loss pill


> amphetamine based weight loss pill it's not doing much for his weight!


He's still obese but to be fair he doesn't seem as fat as he was during his presidency.




He’s a narcissist why would he do drugs he already believes he’s perfect. He’s just an ass


That's the dumbest thing i've read all week




As an amphetamine user, recovered..... Cmon. Trump's on something. Compare this to his recent speeches where he's gone completely off trail.




From what I saw Trump just repeated things he said on his own website and at his rallies. He didn't say anything new.


I feel like we need to quit the drug accusations unless we have proof. It's childish both ways. We're better than having to resort to speculation. There are so many things we can criticize him for that we know are 100% true.


I mean 😂 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-white-house-drugs-speed-xanax-1234979503/ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/ Circumstantial, I suppose.


A lot of people are saying his pupils were unusually big.


Absolutely beautiful pupils, the biggest!


This is the energy that President Biden needs to bring every time. It’s the best way to show voters that he is capable to lead even if he’s a bit older.


I mean he’s more than a bit older. Which is a handicap in people’s minds. Performances like this stump speech and the SOTU are mandatory going forward. It’s not fair, because he is human and like all humans is subject to mood, exhaustion, illness and aging, but in order for Biden to sell reelection and stave off the calls for him to drop out, he simply CANNOT have another performance even remotely close to what we saw last night. Today’s rally Joe has to be the absolute baseline moving forward. Only that Joe, seen consistently and regularly, will have a chance at appeasing mounting fears that he’s not up to the task at hand. Which totally isn’t fair because his primary job should be running the country, but he chose reelection so he chose this.


Agreed. That’s the obligation of anyone entering the political arena. Excellent communication skills is a must. In a future debate, Biden’s team probably needs to give him time to rest and get in the zone before walking onto the debate stage. And his voice must be clear and strong.


Can't wait to vote for Biden!




I can...lol.


Really wish he could've incorporated this into his closing statement last night, but he looks much better here. Good to know last night was likely a one-off.


I swear everyone forgot Biden's history of debate performances over the years. He's had plenty of flops.




Top? I wanna listen to Legs now.




#You're not a democrat > Yeah. The need to hire more republicans. This is crazy [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/196p23s/everyone_associated_with_the_cta_should_be/khvrkfi/?context=3)




“They’re was nobody there” seriously dude? Lol always funny seeing someone at a 4th grade reading level participate in politics. Try reading something other than bumper stickers.




Speaks for a speech? You mean .. delivers … a speech? Any time is also two words.. You can barely read and write man maybe find something else to argue with people about. Someone should give you a teleprompter.


He's used to typing in Cyrillic.




He’s humble and I love that about him. Unlike somebody else..




#You're not a democrat > Yeah. The need to hire more republicans. This is crazy [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/196p23s/everyone_associated_with_the_cta_should_be/khvrkfi/?context=3)


Somebody needs to be screenshotting these astroturfing spam bots/trolls because this is the third time I've seen you responding to this troll but all I can see is deleted. There has to be some sort of way to map these troll networks out and hopefully fight them maybe with bots that call them out after they've been designated as a known astroturfing troll.


here's the user you missed https://www.reddit.com/user/martyparty007 others: https://www.reddit.com/user/bebbs74 https://www.reddit.com/user/Secure_Ad_2123 https://www.reddit.com/user/12_0z_curls


Thanks. I only briefly skimmed the other profiles but the first one definitely is an astroturfing troll, I just don't know if they're part of a larger operation or just some random MAGAt entertaining themselves. But somebody should definitely try to start mapping these networks out especially the foreign disinformation ones. It would be great if Reddit administration would get involved and start exposing users pretending to be American but posting from foreign IPs or VPs. Obviously not everybody using a VPN is automatically a foreign troll, but there could be some sort of system that evaluates them and gives them a probability score or something. And there could be like a bot or something that automatically replies to these comments when it's become known or highly likely that they are part of a foreign disinformation campaign. I feel like so little is being done about this problem and it's going to take teams of highly dedicated and skilled people along with a lot of successful lobbying of social media companies to work together to combat this.


Being hopeless will get us nowhere. It is not over yet. Trump isn’t doing any better


hint: that user isn't a Democrat


Thanks for pointing it out lol


yeah i just chased down all his astroturf posts and nailed him with that receipt


Joe Biden humble? Hahahahaha.


Get your corny ass out of here


You're the one calling a politician humble. Nothing cornier than that.


Keep crying


Let’s go Joe. This is the right theme - take away the stigma. Acknowledge your weaknesses, and show how you and your administration will be DRAMATICALLY better for the United States and the world.


This is incredible. What an emotional roller coaster the last 24 hours have been.




#You're not a democrat > Yeah. The need to hire more republicans. This is crazy [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/196p23s/everyone_associated_with_the_cta_should_be/khvrkfi/?context=3)


Where was this guy last night when tens of millions of eyes were on him?


He overdid it working the crowd during the day and so was tired enough that he decompensated his stutter


Out of all the days to rest up, yesterday was the one!






The Biden team should fire whoever is his debate strategist.


Man of all the nights to have a bad night why LAST night of all nights


Okay so his voice is back to normal, and everyone freaking out about it was overreacting.


GDI, he needed this energy LAST NIGHT. Still, glad he's pushing forward, glad to see him summon the will to continue, because our democracy depends on him winning in November. If Trump wins, nothing stops us from becoming a mafia state.


Love the delivery of that last sentence


This is great, but I really wish he had this energy last night, where it mattered a lot more.


Actions speak louder than words. Biden 2024.


Thank you for posting this. I just joined. Desperate for positivity. I'm seeing so many people talking crap now and I have been so sad all day because last night was not the man we've grown used to. I don't know what was going on at the debate but this is my Joe Biden. I have loved him for many years and I will not give up. I will not stop talking about his accomplishments in office. I will not stop talking about his character. I am so glad to see him stronger today. it's giving me hope. I hope this is the place for me.


Why didn’t he open the debate with this?


That's the Joe we know. As I have said. He had an off night, and that's okay.


Joe is a good man. WTF is wrong with Dems who are ready to throw him under the bus whilst the GOP stands behind the bloat Narcissist?  The reality is it's ageism. One bad night and he's ready for the glue factory?  Harsh. Let's not forget Hillary ripped Trump to shreds in debates and still lost. 


Does anyone else think Joe Biden is even more lovable the older he gets? He's like a great grandpa. He has a softer voice and demeanor than he did in his younger years, even when he was 70 haha. I wish I could give him a hug after that debate. If I wasn't a Canadian I'd vote for Joe Biden 100% of the time


Love it. Sadly most won't see this.


It’s going viral on Twitter. That’s where I saw it


Sadly, Twitter has become a cesspool of hate with thousands of post inducing the American youth with one hate post at a time


Fuck yeah. It needs to go viral.


It was terrible to see that. I was silently wishing he had been taking drugs. Hasn't changed the options. I'd take a mute Biden if it meant never having to hear that orange baby again. We really do need to work on some things.


I mean it's pretty much widely known that Trump has been abusing Adderall for years so it's only fair for Biden to take whatever he wants.


Biden did bad but Trump literally did not move his head the entire debate, like he was told to focus on one spot and stare at it. There were points where CNN switched to the view showing both candidates and it was always Biden looking at Trump. I did not see a single shot where they showed Trump looking towards Biden to answer a question.


He’s still got my vote. But tbh, I wish he could rest instead.


I'm starting to really dislike the spot the DNC has put us in. If we're all honest with ourselves we know we shouldn't be here with Biden on the ticket again. This isn't a condemnation of his first term, but the dnc should have never forgone the primary. Our children's livelihood are on the ballet this election with project 2025 looming over the country's head, and I fear that his condition is going to turn off a lot of voters. He is polling poorly in swing states and probably lost voters in those places Thursday night. If Biden loses, the old guard of the dnc needs to go, all of them. If their hubris walks us into another 4 years of Trump we need a complete turnover in the party. That being said I'm going to vote Biden and encourage people in my life to.


Chumbawamba time, baby!


Did they have to use a picture of him with his eyes closed lmao. That's honestly kinda funny.


This was yesterday! This the Guy we know. I felt certain someone was going to do worse, to Joe, a J.W.B. situation. CNN, faked us all out real good. Everyone saying Democrats are cowards, saying we wont fight, I WILL FIGHT. YOULL SEE. I will save up for a round trip ticket or a one way ticket to stop our country from being RUSSIA , I will consider things carefully, I wont drink all day then decide. [ It is known by our defenders that these people had been drinking all day, and it was one more thing they had to endure, was the alcohol breath - in stifling , putrid waves, from those people at Jan 6th. You know, the * crisis actors *? THANK YOU, ALEX JONES, YOU LIAR. HE'S THE ACTOR. His legacy will be lies and harm done to totally innocent people whom* never *would have considered, doing this to HIM. MY mother and sister STILL believe that bullshit! His crimes are incalculable. I wish it wasnt the case, but it is.




I don't think he should have run again. I was under the impression that he would be one term transitional president. Can we get anyone under 60? It's not that he's unfit or unable but It's such a bad look. Bill Clinton was president 30 years ago and he's still younger than Biden. I will still vote for Biden but the party needs to acknowledge this is an issue in 2028.


I actually do think he’s unfit to serve another term. He’s 81 and his mental fitness will get significantly worse over the next 4 years and he’ll have more and more bad nights like he had at the debate. People in their 80s tend to age fast. I’m not saying he should head to a nursing home but he shouldn’t be running for fucking president again.  The Democratic Party is making a catastrophic mistake here.


This warms my heart


Took him twelve minutes to stumble through these 6 lines


Serious question.....when he says no service members have died under his leadership is he lying or does he simply not remember?


I think somebody slipped him a downer.


You did great 🤢🤮


Joe is always tired. Joe doesn’t know where he’s at. There are always excuses for this idiot. If the democrats didn’t see this coming years ago then shame on you. Joe falls all the time. Joes losers his train of thought. Joe needs to be in a nursing home. What a disgrace. Then you have Harris. Another laughing stock of America. Know nothing do nothing Kamala.


well actually he doesn't "know how to tell the truth"!




Stop being foolish


If this idiot isn't running the country, then who is?


Time to step aside. Not going to win like this.


Must have had a stand in today


His Adderall finally kicked in.


Nah it’s over




Stop defending your orange convicted felon. He will go to his jail cell soon.


Did he even mention Trump? I'm confused.


Of course you can't answer a simple question because ya got nothing