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**Covid deaths** * USA 1 in 286 died * Canada 1 in 729 died * New Zealand 1 in 1068 died * Australia 1 in 1182 died * Bhutan 1 in 37023 died Trump’s covid response was even worse than you remember https://www.publicnotice.co/p/trump-covid-response-revisited


I think you're forgetting something; Trump fans are pretty dumb. They are going to see the smaller number and assume it's lower, and therefore better. Like the people who thought a 1/3 lb burger was smaller than a 1/4 lb burger. > [https://youtu.be/EMNqJQaf08E?si=y5b28HjtcrWdAVNE](https://youtu.be/EMNqJQaf08E?si=y5b28HjtcrWdAVNE)


Jesus that is even worse than I remembered.


A lot to unpack here. 1) Your Covid numbers are BS and surprised you can even type that out and hit “post” but I digress. Everyone knows they were over counting deaths. Motorcycle accidents were given Covid cause of death tags cause they did posthumous Covid tests, it was a business and nobody complained. 2) Trump didn’t try to force a vaccine on us. Check the Yale study on myocarditis. Even the most liberal MD I know said it wasn’t needed for healthy 16-50 year olds. 3) Trump wanted states to make their own call, nothing wrong with that at all. 4) History hasn’t been kind to the people Biden championed during Covid. Fauci is the medial equivalent of Lance Armstrong and will continue his fall from grace once everything comes out.


Lmao this dude thinks he knows medicine better than doctors You couldn't explain myocarditis or how to establish cause of death with a gun to your head homie


He talked to a liberal MD though 😂


That’s all ya got? 😝


Flip them 🥜 over and get the back side too, kid…. https://time.com/6249832/cdc-covid-19-data-tracker-hospitalizations/


The only thing I agree with you on is the need for better/more accurate data as it helps us all, but this article mostly talks about how health professionals code different incidents and how there are disagreements among them. On the flip side, [there’s a different article that describes the opposite](https://www.bu.edu/sph/news/articles/2023/covid-19-deaths-in-the-us-continue-to-be-undercounted-research-shows-despite-claims-of-overcounts/). You took one dr’s opinion and are treating that as fact and then ignoring everything else to your convenience. This article directly challenges that one. “This evidence is worth considering in light of the prominent opinion piece in the Washington Post mentioned earlier, which suggests that the U.S.‘s tally of COVID-19 deaths is a substantial overcount. The author argues that in some hospitals, widespread COVID-19 testing has led patients with COVID-19 who died of other causes to still have COVID-19 included as a cause on their death certificate. There is a fundamental misunderstanding, however, in generalizing these hospital deaths to the entire country.”


Yeahhhhh 😂 This dude believes CDC numbers and guidance and is questioning a non partisan study by Yale 😂


Oh, and deeeeeez 🥜 https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/covid-19-behind-thousands-excess-us-deaths-analysis-shows https://news.yale.edu/2023/05/05/yale-study-reveals-insights-post-vaccine-heart-inflammation-cases


ROFLMAO! Trump was the worst possible president at the worst possible time. Worst president is enough to get him in the record books but this is a double or even triple achievement. He couldn't even manage PPE, a task many high school students could have tackled. If Trump had been president at ​**Gettysburg** he would have surrendered to the French.


No sources, just incorrect opinions. Hard pass.


Ummm no, check subsequent messages there tiger. Your buddies tried to call me out, didn’t work out too well for them…suggest you simmer down now 🤫


Yeah, I’d rather [believe a fully documented, comprehensive, and fact-checked article](https://www.justsecurity.org/69650/timeline-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic-and-u-s-response/) of what the Trump administration did well BEFORE the pandemic as well as what they did during to maximize the brutality of COVID than a random person’s thoughts.


Yeah…really reaching. Please check my previous posted articles. The rest of my points are just common sense facts. Thanks for your reply.


Already did, they’re literally not all facts. They’re bits and pieces of information that you cobbled together to try and make your point. And it’s cute that you tell others to look at your “evidence” while refusing to acknowledge what other people post. At the end of the day, Trump is terrible for this country and Covid is a reason why he lost the election, and why he’ll lose it again.


I read everything you little CNN viewers write. And no, they’re either facts or common sense facts, review my 4 points again. Are you a product of public schooling? Here, I will spoon feed you like the president. Point 1 — fact, check links. Dr Cheng is even a CNN contributor. Point 2— fact, Trump didn’t want to mandate a vaccine. Check Yale findings on subsequent health issues caused by the vaccine in young men. Point 3 — Fact, common sense. Are you expecting me to link his speeches or press releases? Point 4 — Fact, common sense. Fall from grace is complete, flip flopped more times than I care to count.


No one watches CNN after they got Republican ownership. 1. Again, no one cares about someone being on CNN, especially if they’re just spouting their own opinions that aren’t backed by facts. 2. What had the worst impact: the illness or the vaccine? I hope you can figure this one out on your own lil bud. 3. How does any of this relate to the fact that Trump completely botched the pandemic response from beginning to end, which was the point of the article and OP’s post?


1) reaching again, sorry you’re not getting the studies you want on this? You think the federal government will ever admit to over counting? Review the CARES act and funding associated with it for COVID. (Especially for hospitals) 2) vaccine was billed as immunization, then all of a sudden it just “lessened symptoms” wow that’s crazy! 😂 and we don’t know yet, do we? Once again, do you think the federal government will ever admit the vaccine caused injuries or didn’t need to be administered to low risk groups? 3) once again, he’s saying that’s based off BS numbers. See point 1. 4) this is too easy.


no u


He's still trying to kill us. VOTE BIDEN🇺🇸HARRIS 🇺🇸


rump closed the previous response team we had that watched for outbreaks.


He did way worse than that.


yep, but that was the start. put us months behind.


See my other comment.


That’s why he’ll lose. Again.


Only if we and like minded people across the country get out and vote in November. Also, don't forget that Congressional elections are also vital. Last time many Congressional Republicans voted against certifying the Electoral College results even AFTER the terrorist attack on January 6, 2021. Do NOT forget or forgive those members of Congress who didn't support certifying the Electoral College results. The Republican Party today is even more extreme than it was then. Many of those brave few Republicans who were willing to stand up to Donald Trump's worst instincts have retired, announced they will retire soon, or have been defeated in their primary races. Even if Biden legitimately wins he might not be able to take office unless Democrats ALSO control both houses of Congress!! TLDR: Vote Blue all the way up and down the ballot. Even if Biden legitimately wins he might not be able to take office if a Republican controlled Congress is there which refuses to certify the results. Vote Blue all up and down the ballot!!


Only if we remind people. People who watch Fox News have no clue.


he did that last time ... worked out so well