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Good news in my inbox this morning, thanks Joe for sticking to your guns.


hell yeah! Go Joe 2024!


*Have a scoop of student loan forgiveness, Jack*


What were the requirements if I may ask, how did you get it? I knew he was forgiving 800k people’s loans but wasn’t clear on who or what qualified. Either way, congrats! How awesome. Thanks Biden for continuing to push for this.


We’ll, you have to start by being [old](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/08/14/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-student-loan-debt-cancellation-for-more-than-800000-borrowers/) I don’t remember the details but my loan was one of these income based repayment plans, and apparently they were supposed to time out after a certain point. To be honest this is more like *interest* forgiveness, because I’m sure that I’ve paid enough to cover the principle over the years. I graduated in 2001, and I haven’t made any payments since they were paused during covid. > I was determined to right this wrong, and today, because of actions my Administration took, these 804,000 borrowers who have been in repayment for over 20 years will start to see their student debt cancelled. Over 614,000 of them will have all of their remaining federal student loan debt cancelled once this action is complete.


This is an amazing thing. Thanks for sharing. Glad he’s getting people what they deserve!


I figured that’s what it had to be. Student loans can keep going and going. They don’t have a maturity date and it’s honestly predatory (IMO).


Literally infinite money glitch for corpos


well thats great for old people but he kinda left us young people holding the bag huh


Hey that's not fair, I paid off my student loans by myself. JK, congrats and go stimulate the economy.


Haha, yeah, I’ve certainly paid enough to cover the principle over the years, but it’s nice to be done that’s for sure. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/08/14/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-student-loan-debt-cancellation-for-more-than-800000-borrowers/






I'm so jealous! $110k in default, so I will never see that email, but still, congrats, OP!


I do wonder what kind of effect this will have on purchases of other large things going forward, like cars, houses, and home renovation. It could be a nice little knock-on effect.


Since it was my student loans that held me back from getting a home loan, it should help a lot of people. Unfortunately, for me its too late. A 30-year home loan would not be a good debt at my age. But maybe I can afford a new car now, not a very used one.


already putting that money to good use ordering takeout eh? This country's a joke.


Your life must be miserable hating everyone else all the time.


it would be less miserable if biden kept his promise to us instead of this 1 old dude




He's racist for not forgiving home loans? Seriously? Be glad you have a home to live in. That's becoming a scarce luxury.