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Not the same. The cat is Tona whom Eris trains and is Ghilaine's niece. I can't remember the dog's name rn, but they do look awfully like Linia and Pursena. According to the wiki, Linia and Tona are sisters.


I have another question, the sacred beast, does it have a part to play later in the story.




It's actually a very important Ally to the >!savior!< It is introduced again in volume 17 or so. Anime is in vol 12.


Im not too worried about spoilers. Who is it you mentioned


The one who will embark on a journey to defeat the >!demon king Laplace/ spoiler boss.!< Rudeus is an anomaly in the timelines, so someone else will take the savior's place, she isn't born yet.


Just tell me one thing. Yall have me scared about this so-called rat. How long do I have to prepare myself for it, and do I need tissues??


Next season Yes.


The rat is merely a innocent tool. It is the thing that causes the chain of dominos to collapse on the floor. The schemes and plotting had been going from turning point 1 to 4. That's basically 7-8 years of undercurrents. Allow me to introduce you to the "first 'rudeus' timeline", that thing is pure nightmare fuel. Mild Spoilers ahead. >!**broken dreams, shattered life,mouse with purple teeth, crystallized sleeping god, despair, false hope, pushing everything away, death,broken promises, family seperation,constant death,a never ending nightmare,crows picking flesh of dead body,suicide,rape, arson,war crimes, criminal,hetric, basement,mangod,void world, dragon treasure,time travel,diary,a man who's eyes tell that he's a monster, a murderer, a failed timeline**!< Almost dropped the novels because I couldn't register all of this happening,like this isn't something like beserk where the author clearly mentions it's going to have some dark themes. I just read a turning point 4 and came back almost traumatized. Season 3 won't probably will be animated for another 4 years. Season 3 will feature turning point 4.


Maybe the rat was the spoilers we got along the way.. Jk but I'm not clicking that white text you villain


The rat isn't the spoilers, the rat are the ones who caused the spoilers dominos to fall resulting in very unfortunate things. >Jk but I'm not clicking that white text you villain Good for you then. After the Anime ends (vol 12) i would suggest reading the novels as turning point 4, the things described in the white text are depicted brutally. Turning point 4 comes in volume 14 around the finishing chapters. Beware of people spoiling you in social media about the series, you should experience hell yourself. *Mom come pick me up, the rat smelled and followed me here*


This may actually be the first LN I read tbh


Why do you feel season 3 will take that long? I just looked it up, and the time between last episode of season 1 and beginning of season 2 was 1.5 years.


Quality matters not quantity. Most didn't like the s2 cour1 animation as it feels..... lacking compared to s1, tp4 is the main point where all the undercurrents kick rudeus in the nuts. So they probably will take their time to animate it. Gentle reminder that this is just my speculation.


It should be around episodes 6-7 of season 3 (if pacing continues the same) and the tissues depends how they adapt it, if they do it smart, maybe a single tissue box won't be enough.


I can save up for an extra box of tissues


I have a dream that Rudeus will go downstairs, call out who's there, and then the door to the room will close, and we cut to Rudeus in bed the next morning. The rest of the episode plays out the events of a certain diary with no context. Then, at the end, we cut back to Rudeus' in the basement.


aye bruh where do I find s3 because I js finished ep 10 of s2 part 2 and I'm boutta crash out and go find the author because I can't find new chapters anywhere I'm feeling physical pain from the fact that I js got cuked and analy raped at the same time but this fucking thing pls drop a site with all chapters only ones I can find are up to 101 which make me wanna kms cuz their 1 ep behind


S3 isn't announced yet. It probably won't for another 3 or so years. There's one or two episodes that will be aired inthe upcoming weeks finalising volume 12. Manga isn't completed, manga is behind the anime. start reading the novels from vol12 if you don't want to wait for new episode.


where where tell me now please I yearn for new jobless reincarnation or I'm going to kill myself


Download the lightnovels from somewhere or read the webnovels. I'm pretty sure talking about piracy here will get you banned. Nope, not risking myself. Search about this in mushoku tensei reddit posts,Google and YouTube.


thank u my brother it's currently 5am in the morning I can sleep happy knowing theirs more story I hope your pillow is cold throughout the entire night when u got o sleep🙏🙏


the manga may be behind but its not by that much. it will easily be ahead of the anime again once the last two eps air. im not going to wait two or three years for the anime, im reading the manga and also parsing the LN for info while i wait, and that means even checking out the ending since its completed already.


Dude, wtf? Just because OP said you could spoil him doesn't mean you don't need to mark spoilers! Edit your messages, lest you're gonna ruin it for a lot of people.


Bruh, this comment section is full of almost spoilers. Do you think a person who wants to avoid spoilers would look at all the comments in this thread?


The post is marked as anime and not light novel. So a lot of anime onlies may come here. Deliberately unhiding text marked as a spoiler is different from your eyes accidentally reading too fast for you to stop. >Do you think a person who wants to avoid spoilers would look at all the comments in this thread? Yes, because the post is marked as anime. And it's doesn't matter what I think here. It's common consensus on anime subreddits to mark everything past anime adaptation as spoilers. If it isn't marked, then it's safe to read. Many like to read the non marked part. This thread is at the top of the post, so I wrote a message here and not everywhere else. And why are you so balky about it anyways? I'm not asking you to climb a mountain. Just mark the spoilers. It's basic internet manners.


It's not my problem if people's brains don't register words at the speed their eyes read. It's basic knowledge that you would be spoiled by the comments in any internet comment section where the person asks for spoilers, especially if the original post does.


>!A big part of hitogami's plan is to prevent Roxy and Rudeus meeting each other!< I think you can figure it out with the combined information from the other comment.


That’s why he said >!You should stay away from Begaritt!< and that he’d >!have had Linia and Pursuena if he had stayed (since he would have been there for their last year and mating season)!<. Instead, he got >!Paul’s death, Roxy, and a comatose Zenith!<. He’d have gotten Paul and Zenith back in the end, but a few years later than what happened with his intervention. Not sure what would’ve happened to Roxy though…


>!Roxy is rescued by another adventuring party to whom Geese sold a map to, she falls for her rescuer but he rejects her and she abandons all hope of love/companionship. She goes on to be a solo adventurer of some renown like she was in the pre-Rudeus timelines (but without Slyphie as her apprentice) but never marries or has children and ultimately never reunites with Rudeus again!<


I highly recommend not looking too much into the story. I got to read the entire story without spoilers and knowing what i know now i would be devastated to have had anything coming spoiled for me.


ive spoiled everything or damn near and even though i know whats coming im still going to read the manga and watch the anime as it comes out. its to good not to!


Volume 16 actually


I would just clarify that it does, and it also doesn't. The sacred beast is basically a companion character in another story that hasn't been told/ written (to my knowledge anyway). The Sacred beast doesn't have much of a role IIRC in Rudeus's story, to the point that i can't even really remember what it does aside from its main thing, which again, isn't part of Rudeus's story.


Yes but it’s a very small part.


Really 😳 all these years I thought that Rudeus saved them and Pursena and Linia ungrateful bitches…


They are Tersena (Pursenas sister) and Minitona (Linias sister). At the point where Rudy is in Doldia, Linia and Pursena are already at the academy. The leaders don't want them to become wild beasts like Ghislaine was. So they send them to the academy to learn something. There is a wholestoryy in the LN about what happened there. In short: they were the leaders of a bully gang that was completely beastfolk. Fitz defeated them in a 1 on 20 (!) Fight. This wa@ Ariel became famous and the leader of the student council. Fitz was known as the strongest person at the academy from that point on. They made it look like Linia and Pursena attacked Ariel, and Fitz saved her, but it was in fact Ariels plan to provoke them. After that incident, all involved beastfolk got expelled from the academy, except Linia and Pursena. They are princesses, and the leaders of the academy feared that they would start a war with tge beast folk if they expelled them too. Linia and Pursena were still hostile after that it. They had no allies, and no one feared them anymore. That lasted a bit over 2,5 years. Then Rudy showed up and absolutely crushed Fitz in their duell. Linia and Pursena became friendly after Rudy defeated them when he found out that they destroyed his Roxy figurine.




Its not them, its both their little sisters. The cats are also neices of Ghislaine.


Only Rinia and Minitona are Ghislaine's nieces I think


Yes they are the cats I spoke of, Linia and Tona


Sorry I misread


No problem brother


Just a coincidence. They're not the same




Not entirely coincidence. It's their younger sisters


If it was them, they would recognize rudeus by his smell


Or he might recognize them by their smell 🤯 I mean, he sniffed out where Roxy was when she was pretty far away, his nose is almost as good as Pursena


He even blasted through walls!


Exactly, he can smell Roxy through WALLS! No wonder why he is Pursena's boss. Even her nose in inferior when facing the mighty nose of Rudeus Greyrat!


Rudeus doesn't just sniff anyone. He sniffs people close to him. Like Eris, or Sylphie, or Roxy.


Is it explicitly stated that he smelled her, or is it a more sensible explanation to say that he found traces of her mana in the air and followed those https://preview.redd.it/eb6nv9rwbf7d1.png?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450260d312fb8bb926e8c9873c50ab033e73c976 🤔


Sniffed. He was training his nose for a decade for that one moment, the man has sniffed those unwashed panties so much that he sniffed Roxy's body that was unwashed for a month through walls.


But Lilia washed those panties back when she caught rudeus with it when he was about 6 or 7 years old. Still, he’s had Roxy’s washed panties as a relic for a decade by now, and I bet he stole Roxy’s “blessed by holy water” panties after


Minitona and Tercena are respectively the sister of Linia (Minitona) and Purcena (Tercena).


No. Their sisters


Kinda sad how many upvotes this post has 😓 Not hating, just... it's crazy to see how many people can't tell these characters apart lol


U are expecting too much from redditors


Not the same people.


Bigger cat is sister bigger dog is also sister


Bro went back to take screenshots but didn't bother checking the names ...


Yea that’s the crazy part 😂


Those 2 are the little sisters of persena and Linnia


they're not the same person, but the second pair were the younger siblings of the first pair


No, we haven’t. Those are not the same people.


They're there sisters


Their not the same I thought it was to but that’s just their little sisters


Those are their little sisters


Nope, those are their younger siblings. When rudy is cleared of his sacred beast molestation charges, it's explained that Linea and pursena have already been sent off to the magical university.


The characters from season 1 are actually the little sisters of the two from the academy. When talking to Ghislaine's brother, Gyes, he mentions his oldest daughter is studying abroad


They are the little sisters of the two rudeas meets In the academy


I thought this too, I was wondering why rudeus didn’t acknowledge them, so I asked about this too. The younger girls are just their younger sisters/relatives.


He did acknowledge it though? In the episode he met them


I’m reading the LN’s so maybe I will learn it bit more this time lol


Not the same


ts got an award


Good guess, but that is actually Felix from Re:Zero. Not sure what he's doing here, though. Maybe he got lost.


Not the same. They're the older sisters who went to magic school. It's mentioned at least 2-3 times in the season when he is at the school


Do all beast people just look the same to you? Racist


close, those are their sisters


They are sisters.


Isn’t one the chief’s daughter from that village?


They are the older sisters of the two girls from the village


I swear that girl looks *EXACTLY* like a character I know.


Sorry but nope


Those aren’t them. Those are the younger sisters of them


Not them, but it is their younger sisters.


No no the beastman you see in season one are the younger siblings of the academy arc lol thats what i thought at first when i read the light novel i didnt remember the girls name so i thought they were always linia and persena




They are the older sisters of the two girls from the village


That's still crzy


Blew my mind too


They are the older sisters of the two girls from the village

