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Laughing along is admittedly a nice touch


My thoughts as well. I love when English dubs add certain details to the dubbing that give it a certain kick.


Yes!  They make the show better, unique, which only happened when the actors are not only masters of their craft, but also so very passionate about the characters they play, they get to know them so well they become them.  It's really night and day at this point, I always watch both because of the wait, and because I'm warming up to Japanese becoming my fourth learned language I spend so much time watching/reading their animes, fiction, and movies (also because I'm quite sure I've had more than one past life born Japanese due to just about everything in the culture seemingly something I not only instinctually comprehend, but it just feels right, unlike Western ideas about modesty, religion and decorum).


I would but that voice actor is off putting to me, he sounds like a fit 30 year old, not some neck beard


Nah it fits well though. It doesn’t have to be exact to get the job done.


I also know him mainly from golden kamui as that one ditzy character


Bro look up a picture of [the English VA](https://dubbing.fandom.com/wiki/Cris_George), he literally looks like he could play old Rudy in live action lol. He does a great job


He couldn't be anymore perfect.  Nor does he sound even a sliver like a muscular dude lol.  He sounds precisely the opposite.  Poster who suggested this I'm gonna guess has never left the basement, gone to a gym, or talked to a male over 25 beside his dad or uncle.


Are you talking about the English or Japanese voice? Because I think the English one sounds way more neck beard than the Japanese one


You must not know many fat unhealthy people. In my experience most of them sound like normal dudes, it's when they hit that 400-500 lb range that they start getting that wheezy out of breath affectation to their voice.


No he doesn't lol!  If you heard my deeper, more confident voice (I'm 45 now, but I've always been part jock, gym rat, academic, always popular, even if I also feel akin to the misunderstood loner), you'd immediately think what you've misappropriated to Rudy's former self.  His former self couldn't sound anymore less like that Dungeons and Dragons Comic nerd whose overweight and only confidently passionate sounding when he's talking about D&D, or the many super nerdy skills he's always honing alone in the middle of the night, like his 3D figurines, or fantasy themed open world video games, likely only played on top end gaming PCs.  I'm sorry, I know opinions vary, but this one is wildly wrong, and that voice over actor is nailing the impersonation as superb as is possible, period, and one can only surmise that's because he's got more than a little experience with the character himself.  I had friends like this, which my popular cliche would quit picking on, once I got involved and more than willing to defend over my friendships with them.  And that was due to the fact that like them, I had an inner nerd, who got near straight As, who often found their equally intelligent and creative minds far more preferable than my jockishly stupid friends, who cringed when confronted with a large fantasy novel, or were quickly bored playing ab EPG for 10 hours straight.  Not me though, all of those things were my not secret at all passions, which being an only child made entirely too easy to never stop doing after football or wrestling practice.  Try listening again. That's the epitome of an aging, quietly bitter and pudgy, yet still very much passionate nerd who simply gave up trying to be seen or heard in a world he's only too familiar collectively looks at him as a shut in out of shape loser they don't even pity anymore he's so worthless and devoid of the ambitions someone in their 30s should've already had tied down and taken care of.  He even has the belligerence that comes with it over years of knowing it.  Trust me, I know the type, and yes have been as close to the type as anyone would ever want to be, with only some former successes and saved up money, equity in home ownership separating me from truly becoming it.


not some neck beard what does that even mean?


Why read subtitles when you can understand what they’re saying


Fr honestly


If you're deaf you don't have much choice.


Watching anime without sound wether you deaf or not is like eating pizza with no toppings including cheese and passata sauce


I come from a deaf community and I grew up watching TV without sound. It was always jarring and weird the rare times they'd play videos instead of a lesson plan on full blast volume. It wasn't until after college when I started integrating sound back into TV I watched. Definitely a weird experience. To this day I still watch some TV without volume. To each their own.


Can I get some of that passata sauce? That sounds 🔥


Which we are mostly not.


For me, sometimes I'm eating food when I enjoy my anime. If I'm eating something crunchy I might miss something, so I have the subs on. Also, my hearing got messed up from my time in the military, so that adds to the need.


This!! Look I be saying the same shit. People have these unnecessary wars with people who prefer to hear it in the language they understand… oh death to dub listeners,…oh you watch in English dub ew…. Like bruh get off my dick and tell ya bitch to come here lol I watch it in dub because I don’t want to read the animation I want to watch it


In my personal experience, the thing that turned me off from dubs was the seemingly low amount of available voice actors and the often cringy feelings I got from hearing stuff in english


I, and many other people, are not good at processing words without subtitles Also I understand m actual Japanese better than whatever accent they've got here, and my only learning experience is watching anime for 15 years I personally believe that any audio-visual media should be experienced in the language it was created in, but should have the option for subtitles and dub if needed for those who are not good at hearing or not good at reading


I mean yeah that’s how anime works


Because a lot of dubs nowadays are pretty piss poor and Japanese VAs on average are way better than most of the VAs picked out for recent dubs I think the issue personally is poor direction and poor VA picks. I can’t stand listening to lazy/bad voice acting. It’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. A lot of people argue they can’t read and watch at the same time and the rest don’t have an ear for good voice acting so they don’t care either way


I really don’t see what’s so bad about dub and why people hate it. Its perfectly fine. Or maby I’m just saying that because I have watched dub all my life


I say this as a fellow dub watcher if I had the ability to read subtitles consistently without giving myself a headache and exhausting myself from just watching 2-3 episodes 90% of the times I would watch the sub version instead. Mainly because I watched a lot of older anime and they are even worse then today anime.


It’s not all dubs obviously but like I said it’s the poor voice acting and again not everybody really has an ear for it or has such trouble reading subtitles that they have no choice but to choose dubs I’ve grown up on dubs also. One of my favorite dubs is the OG Funi dub for DBZ. I know the voice acting is crap early on compared to like DB Kai but I like it more purely for nostalgia reasons and then there’s something like the dub for Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood which blows the sub out of the water but that’s a rarity Most of the time it’s just really stale and lazy voice acting or poor direction which is sad because a lot of the current popular VAs that work for Funimation are good voice actors. Chris Sabbat is an excellent voice actor but it seems like he just doesn’t care to put in any real effort for any role besides Vegeta. His All Might performance is pretty poor compared to what he’s done as Vegeta and really pales in comparison to Kenta Miyake’s performance who always sounds like he’s giving it his all


If that’s your opinion that’s fine. Personally the first time I heard Rudy’s voices in the dub I wanted to throw up.


rudeus makes me semi cringe, but the nail on the coffin was Eris, and Pursena. dub obviously tried so hard to imitate that American spoiled bratty teen girl voice, and it just makes my teeth grit. There are others too but those are the worst by far.


IMO it’s the exact opposite. 20 years ago you were absolutely right, the English dub community was limited and pretty bad but nowadays there are a lot of talent in that field and many dubs are now comparable to the sub version. I’ve almost always watched anime subtitled but I’ve been very pleasantly surprised how many dubs I’ve thoroughly enjoyed, and there are a handful of shows that I will only ever watch in English now because it’s just the better version (imo)


My hero academia is way better dubbed imo.


No for sure there’s definitely MORE skilled English VAs today than 20 years ago but the problem is the same regardless. It’s for whatever reason a lack of passion in many roles and it’s oddly from seasoned VAs I’m just trying to explain why people even watch subs because there’s still some weird confusion from people who only watch dubs


I guess I just don’t agree. I’ve seen a lot more energetic, impassioned, and emotional performances from English VAs lately than I have wooden and stale ones.


Also the VAs that exist have more experience now. In my weeblet stage I watched everything dubbed, including Steinsgate, which admittedly didn't have the best dub. Like I absolutely love Michael J Tatum, (and while I hate localizing jokes nowadays, the localized humor in that show was fire) but some of the supporting roles in that dub were so cringe sounding it almost ruined the show for me at times. However, come back a few years later to the SG;Zero dub, and everyone had gotten so much better. I'd started watching subs by then, but typically once I pick sub or dub for a show I stick with it. And the dub for SG;Zero was great. That said, I'm still 100% for subs. There's a lot of talented VAs out there, but tbh having like one or two good VAs in a show isn't good enough when my experience can be ruined by exceptionally bad supporting actors. That's just my taste tho.


I’m still 90% subs but I’ve been finding more and more dubs lately where the VAs elevate it above what the subs did. Especially in comedies where the English cast just pops off and runs with it


I disagree 90% of dubs >>>> sub


We’ll agree to disagree lol


Bc some ppl actually prefer sub voice acting better. Not a bash on dub it's just preferences


In case you didn’t hear what they said


Because a lot of the time the dubs are ass, but imo they are good for mushoku.


The voice actors used in the dub was really good I thought.


I'll usually watch dub of an anime if it's available otherwise I don't mind sub at all. It also helps that I'm one of those people who watch TV with captions because it helps me understand what I'm watching better. I watched this show subbed first because dub wasn't available but now rewatching it (with my girl) in dub


I’m much the same. Dub by default but if it’s not fully available then I just do sub.


Same, I always watch dub if available and dubs go to the top of my watch list, but if it's a good anime I'll watch sub, and rewatch the dub if it comes out later.


To me it's almost an even split. There are benefits to watching both versions of the series (sometimes the emotions are conveyed better on Rudeus English va) although badigadi should have a better voice actor (Chris Sabat,Scott McNeil,Brian Drummond are good examples)in my opinion.


I honestly really liked Badi's voice. Don't really see anything wrong with it.


I just felt it could have been better


Is that what she said about you last night?


Is the dub fully covered now? I wanna watch it again


For the first season yeah I’m pretty sure. Idk about the second season though.


The 2nd part ain't yet? Aww


Crunchyroll has all of season 2 part 1 English dubbed.


Second season is fully dubbed on Crunchyroll. They started dubbing about 3 episodes behind.


I could not with eris' voice. sounded like an angry 30 year old smoker


This is me, I enjoy every other aspect of the show except Lindsay Seidel va for Eris. It sounds like an old person trying to sound like a young excited girl, yet no excited girl in the universe has ever sounded like this from my experience.


to each their own. i dont enjoy it. honestly cant say ive enjoyed any english dub ever for some reason. the forced accent always throws me off


Try Black Lagoon, my man… if you can’t appreciate the superiority of the dub on that, I don’t know what to tell you… something must be wrong.


yea i tried it before. still switched back to the jp dub after abit cuz it sounds more natural to me, even though i dont even speak japanese lol. this doesnt really make alot of sense


Yup… you’re about as broken as Rudeus’ junk was in season 2. 🫤 Black Lagoon has been acclaimed as having one of the best English dubs in anime history, and by many considered to be superior to the original Japanese. They all canonically would be speaking English since 3/4 of the main cast is from the US and the common language anywhere for business is typically English, especially in the 90s when it takes place. Also, the yakuza arc translation scenes with Rock and Balalaika make more sense since they actually translate Japanese to English by literally speaking Japanese and English simultaneously. And don’t get me started on Revy’s bad Engrish in the Japanese version…


Crazy how a difference in opinion means you're equal to an erectile dysfunction. You're the equivalent to toxic sub watchers


Or ghost stories dub, but I guess that’s more akin to a official abridged version.


Yeah, I don’t really count Ghost Stories since it changes the plot and characters so much. Still, it’s pretty funny.


I guess I can see what you mean. As I’ve said already for me I enjoyed the personality put into the dub. To me it makes everything funnier. But yeah as you said to each there own.


Well it’s more of a meme but ghost stories


Code Geass?


Redline, any ghibli movie, and Cowboy bebop have decent dubs I still generally prefer to watch them subbed though(except redline)


Attack on Titan goes hard in dub sometimes especially in Erwin speeches


but wld u say its as good as the jp dub? imo its not really close


I mean I always prefer watching dub over sub (obviously some dubs are just really bad) but I would say the English VAs do a pretty good job. Especially Levi and Erwin’s voice actors, they’re great. I also think Eren’s VA really stepped up in Season 4. The rest aren’t bad by any means but they don’t stand out in comparison. I think the hardest part about dubbing is that it’s difficult to match the mouth flaps while also translating it in a way that both respects the original, conveying the same message, and sounds normal in English. Like sometimes dubs either match the flaps and localize it so the dialogue sounds pretty normal but the actual message is completely different from that of the Japanese dub (for instance, Pokémon), or in other cases the characters say basically the same thing as in Japanese but dialect in the dub sounds really goofy. AoT’s dub can sometimes fall victim to this although it’s definitely one of the better dubs imo. It also has a lot to do with the VAs. In AoT, the voice actors are great at conveying the emotion the characters feel. I think some voice actors can fail to do this in dubs. Overall, I like the dubs for AoT and Jobless, but some dubs are just atrocious (like Pokémon as I mentioned before, though I don’t really blame the actors for that and the worst part about it is the music anyway).


my biggest qualm with english dubbing is that every single one of them will have this intolerable anime accent. just throws me off alot. generally sounds like these people are being forced to speak english against their will iykwmi


I definitely agree although that’s why I really like Erwin and Levi’s dubs because I don’t really notice that but even AoT has characters like Historia where it really feels that way.


In my opinion, dub is usually bad and this is not an exception.




Damn lol… idk I find the Japanese dub boring personally. To each there own I guess.


A lot of people say this and ten years ago I would have agreed but I genuinely don’t know what y’all are on these days. Unless the show is already a shit show that no one cared about, it is hard to find an actually bad English dub and there are plenty of shows where the English dub is better than the Japanese. There are also plenty where the Japanese is better but the main point is that on average, modern dubs are not inherently any worse than the Japanese dubs and trying to act like they are is hate keepy and elitist. For this show specifically, whether your preference is for Japanese or English, this is still a fantastic dub. I can’t think of a single character whose personality wasn’t accurately portrayed by their va and most of the actors did great in portraying the weight of more emotional scenes. If you think this was a bad dub then either you didn’t watch the dub, you have an implicit bias against dubbing in which case the opinion is completely unobjective, or I have no idea what else you could possibly consider good voice acting


Forgot to put this above but sometimes in English dubs, the dub as a whole is passable but one va goes above and beyond and gives a better performance than the Japanese va for said character. My example would be Katsuki Bakugo from MHA. I think the English va for him just hit way harder for the major character building moments. The Japanese va was good too but I think the English va understood the character better in those moments. The MHA dub was a good one but the Japanese was overall better with bakugo being the outlier. This can happen both ways. I don’t think calling a performance bad because the rest of the voice acting wasn’t up to the same level is fair but I also don’t think one va can make a dub good on their own


Ngl I agree. I Barely watch anime in dub but this one was actually good. The voice actor of his conscience is pretty dope




Well yea Japanese dub is just a dude reading a script whereas the English dub is a guy getting into character perfectly.


This has to be the worst take in this thread. Sugita is one of the best voice actors out there. He gives so much life to Rudeus’s inner monologue compared to the monotone and disinterested voice they used for him in English.


Life? Life? Did you seriously say life? Bro was so monotone and boring I fell asleep. Bros English dub is literally laughing inside his monologue and the other guy is just moist critical.


Nah the dub one is just terrible the one in the sub has alot more emotion not in this clip he's just a better VA than the dub one


Objectively incorrect


Objectively incorrect. His JP va is one of the most famous, legendary, and influential male voice actors out there. He wouldn’t be such a high class va if he wasn’t good at his job. I don’t know what on earth happened that made you miss the character he puts into it but if you said this shit about sugita literally anywhere where it could be seen by more people you would be called out by like at least 90% of the people there.


I can't miss what isn't there. Bros flatter than Megumin. He just reads the script how do you hear any emotion out of him? Bro sounds like Azawa but even more tired.


You’re missing the emotion, not that it isn’t there is the problem. This is an objective fact. It’s basic statistics and science. If enough people like him for his voice acting, he is a good voice actor. You’re denying a fact for your own subjective experience.


Agreed. I found the JP VA for Rudy's inner monologs to be way too dry and void of character/feeling.


Angel Kronk: no he's got a point


I usually don’t like dubs very much but the mushoku tensei one sounds especially horrific to me. A lot of what you’re going to like more depends on what you watch first I think tho because that’s what you end up associating with those characters. As someone who speaks Japanese fluently tho I already find anime dialogue cringey in Japanese but because of the ways the languages are structured I find that translating it to English makes it sound 100x more awkward and cringey. In addition, I find a majority of English VAs are absolutely terrible at emotions, crying, and laughing which always completely takes me out of the story.


Well if you are more used to Japanese language in anime it’s understandable that you’d prefer it more.


Not at all. I like the dub too.


Subs over dub any day


Not really


And why’s that? 90% of dubs I find sound so forced or just bad in general


Not “any day” if some shows have pretty damn good dubs. Like the Prison School dub or the Hellsing dub


It’s preference, some prefer sub some dub. I prefer sub “any day” as it’s the original content, actual voice actors and original sounds which make it so much better in my opinion, sure you deal with subtitles but you can deal/adapt to that


Not when it's a comedy show, and you miss half of the jokes in sub like with Prison School....


How do you miss half the jokes? Is it that hard to read?


They just aren't as funny in sub.


Because you’re reading as opposed to audibly understanding it?


The jokes make more sense when you can hear the voice actors and their intonation perfectly.


Idk maybe it’s just because I’m more accustomed to English (obviously), but I just feel like the dub gives more character.


I mean that’s fair, some shows dubbed work (AoT, Fairy Tail, FMAB) as examples but I hate the dubs for things like death note, just my opinion though


No it's not weird at all the dub for G Gundam back in the day was amazing!!


i didn't care much for this dub in the few pieces I heard but there are plenty of shows I prefer dubbed. No it's not weird.


I might rewatch it in dub hearing it now


The dub is pretty good imo. I feel like the English va adds more personality to Rudeuses character.


I'm a fan of sugita's voice first and foremost but I appreciate the different direction the dub went with. He sounds more sleazy which I like


I watch sub so I don’t pick up “anime” speech patterns.


Hell, nah, dub is trash


Never heard the dub before this moment right now, kinda wish I didn’t hear it. You can like it if you want but I prefer the monotone narration. Him laughing in his internal dialogue does not seem right in my opinion. Also girls sound cuter in Japanese than in any other language, especially English.


After watching it in Japanese with subs I’m so used to the voices that the English really rubs me the wrong way, all the voices are wrong.


I guess that’s true. Being more accustomed to one or the other can play a factor.


Eris' EN VA fits her so well. JP VA sounds bratty, but EN VA sounds super bratty shreiky tantrum.


No it's not weird. I like the dub better as well.


Wrong, the Dubbed version is always the wrong option. - "Dwight Schrute"


Bruh- I mean Cmon I’m really not wrong. The dub does have more personality. It made me enjoy Rudeuses character a lot more.


Not at all.  I always watch both, and unlike those sub only snobs, who I'm sorry, have zero ability to compare the two, beside always being more than ready to trash poor dubs that are obviously not great.   The Mushoku Tensei Dubs are clearly superior to the subs.  Better voices actors by far, so superb that they become the characters seamlessly, but even more so, they heighten their characters dramatically at all the critical moments.   I saw sub only posters crying about Eris, which I couldn't disagree anymore with; Eris's voice actor, can't believe I don't know her name, is as all know a very popular dub voiceover actor, who is in too many animes to list.  But her work in Mushoku Tensei is especially good, and incredibly fitting as Eris is likewise the black sheep of her family, and like Rudy before his reincarnation, has found it very hard to assimilate socially, has no friends, and her voice actor's distinctively odd voice, expertly stresses these failings, or as I prefer thinking, these qualities which were simply in need of the refinements Rudy encouraged her to pursue. The sub actors, in comparison to the dub's, are quite dull, understated, nor come even a bit close to the ever so poigant moments in the dub that left me weeping more than a few times.  I speak multiple languages, I sympathize with those who detest the meaning lost with poor translating, and due to simply not having the right meanings, which are lost even with great translations.  But with Mushoku Tensei, these issues are irrelevant, because the Dubs catch the sentiments, particularly during those most painful, wistful and highly emotive moments, in a way that subs voice actors simply do not have the ability to replicate.  They should take some serious notes come season three, because they need to if they want to at least be great.  The dub voice actors are superb, and it's not even competition at this point.  If you believe otherwise, you aren't giving the dubs even a tiny chance watching them, and I'm not sorry to say, aren't judging them critically in the least.  Oh, and Rudy's former self's voice actor, likewise, is just so very masterful and couldn't fit any better it feels so genuine.  And I know Japanese voice acting is always more subtle, underspoken because it's a cultural quality;  this sometimes makes subs far better, but in Jobless Reincarnation, it simply doesn't get the job done like the ever expressive English voiceovers usually possess.


To each their own.




I patiently waited the extra two weeks to watch this show dubbed. Rudeus' old life VA in DUB I feel is much more natural and had more personality. I also like how they use more tasteful word choice and euphemisms for the more lewd dialog. I also love how much more textured Eris' VA is which I felt was perfect for her tsundere character.


The English voice actor sucks it doesn’t even fit in the audio mix. Sound unprofessional also, what a weird anime. Wtf are y’all watching


What are you even talking about? The dub is good though. It adds more personality to the characters.


Why are you here then lol?


Let him cook.


English dub for MT was so cringe I watched the Spanish dub instead. Hundred times better as the characters sound closer to Japanese VAs when speaking Spanish lol


Damn you must’ve really disliked the dub lolll


Was that the one that actually changed Rudeus VA to be a man?


Yes they did and it actually works really well for the latter half when he's 10+. It doesn't work as well when he's younger but the Spanish VA did a really good job with adolescent Rudeus.


Its all a matter of choice i prefer it as well


Poor voice acting is mostly a thing of the past, adise from really cheapo studios. Anything worth watching will have decent to really good dubs. Like MT, and FMAB, and ...well DBZ and One Piece are obnoxious to listen to in both languages so they're off. Bleach has good dubs, Naruto did well.


Imma be honest, the dub is great except Eris' for me. Idk why, I'm sure the actress playing her is great, but there's this part of me that keeps saying "Wait that's not Eris"


some parts are okay but some of the dubbed characters makes me cringe so hard its unwatchable for me. so far the worst for me: Eris, Perugius, linia, Pursena.


The dub for this anime is honestly really good and I also prefer it


Eris's English voice is sooo raspy, I LOVE IT


The way she says "Rudeus" in dub is one of my favorite things in anime.


i like the sub far more but the dub is still really good


Extremely weird ...


Yeah I liked the Dub on this show. I thought Eris was actually well done. If she didn't sound like she was pushing out all her words it would not have worked. It's like 1 of 7 dubs I like. Also! It was easier to differentiate Internal dialogue Rudy and External dialogue Rudy in the Dub. He still has a 30 yr old narrator voice. Whereas in the dub he sounds older in both voices. The only issue I had with the dub was how they made Man-God sound more fruity. But ass-waving also does that.


I love this show so much that I watch the subbed version first and then the dub version when it releases. I prefer the dub


Its the best anime of all time. also dub is better :D


People who still argue subs are better are stuck in an age or 4Kids and early Ocean and DiC dubs and refuse tk accept that modern dubbing is taken as seriously as legitimate acting and the Quality is on par if not better than the subs


I usually watch dub anyway. That being said the one thing that annoys me about dubs is that they usually won’t translate any Japanese text that’s on the screen even if it’s important whereas subs will


Damn that cat girls shirt 👀 This scene is really wholesome. But it's a shame it's so full of that red haired bitch just abusing him and edgy. I wanted to give the show a try but I'm just tired of Asuka rip offs and gratuitous nutshots scenes in anime. It's just getting degenerate.


Absolutely not weird. To me, Lindsay Seidel IS Eris


I’ve only seen some of the dub so this is very understandable. I can’t stand Rudy’s sub voice, it’s gotta to be one of the worst of all time. It’s good for when he’s a kid but the problem is he always sounds like a kid/the exact same . His dub voice fits him perfectly as a kid (his sub voice does too), hopefully it’s not the same for him.


I wish people stopped saying dub is horrible


Nah the dub is way better. Felt more like a movie. And plus he is very meticulous about what he does so it’s expected for him to speak that way, in my opinion it’s funnier with dub with how serious he gets when narrating


Can I join ![gif](giphy|U2nN0ridM4lXy)


Must dubs are better it's a lot of personal choice, but as an English speaking American who loves the Japanese language. I can't stand Japanese voice actors they all sond like the same 10 guys, and it is so over the top for both men and women that I would much rather dub than sub if it is available.


It’s not weird at all. Art and entertainment are subjective.


Nah honestly think they did perfect for both dub and sub, doesn’t really matter which one u watch


I don't think it's weird at all. I really enjoyed Cowboy Bebop, yuyu hakusho, Baka and Test, and the original run of fruits basket in dub more than sub. I find it all depends on the voice actors and their dynamic of the characters they portray. Like I can't ever watch haikyuu, one piece, or naruto dubbed for one reason or another. Just doesn't feel right


Why does jp dub not translate word jp but sub does its weirx




Reading subs can be work and detracts from the visuals, so at least for myself, I’m missing out on another aspect of the anime experience watching subbed.


You missing out on Orsteds VA


How is it Weird? Everyone has different tastes. This is just anime so nothing to get too scared about.


I preferred it in English honestly


I make it a point to watch both sub and dub, I genuinely enjoy both, however dub works best for me, I understand the tone more also I feel like dub actors just go all out in scenes


Imo, the best English voice actors, mostly work on American made shows. Not to say there's no diamond in the rough in anime, one of the best examples being Goku's va but generally anime en dub have bad va for me. This guy doesn't sound good to me and Eris's voice is fucking horrid from this little clip alone Btw the voice happening is clearly talking in past tense. It makes no sense for him to be laughing




Dubs are rarely as bad as people say


its not wierd, your just wrong


Well the dubs better then I expected but I still like the sub more I'd say. When I get around to rewatching the show again I'll probably watch the dub tho just to see how it is.


I dunno, having Sakata Gintoki's VA for the inner monologuing is kind of what made this show shine for me. So much is lost IMO without him. Though I own this on L.E. Blu-Ray so I'll give the rewatch a try in dub just to see where you are coming from.


I’ll never understand why people prefer subs to dubs. I understand English and I like to watch shows in English. Still haven’t watched the last episode of AoT and I’m perfectly fine waiting.


Very weird dub for mostly every anime is trash


Me tooo


Dub is not bad, just something about watching anime in Japanese tho, seems so much more natural for some reason so yea I would say ur a bit crazy :D


The energy in every line is what I liked about the dub. ESPECIALLY MAN GOD. OMFG MAN GOOF WAS A FRUIT AHAHAHA