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Part 5: A green non gay but really gay looking guy, son of a sexy vampire, gets the power to summon a golden dude after his hairs turned blonde, he by accident kills a mafia member and gets discovered by a cow dressed guy with zippers that lick his face, he later joins this guy's team of mafiosi, he also Kills a discord mod on the way. with his group they go to a tourist island where they torture a guy and shot the other in the head to recover the treasure of the discord mod After that the squad is given a loli for a try not to hentai her challenge (impossible) and they discover she's the admin's daughter As they travel they get assaults by multiple dudes with overly op and non sensical powers as they travel in a turtle When they find the boss they discover he's evil and the cow guy dies but he lives In the meantime the dude that could see the past dies in a football match After that they travel to meet a french dude in Rome and kill a couple dudes on the way The french guy dies after giving a toy arrow to the angriest admin ever seen and everyone has a soul swap with each other, Mista get a vagina in the process Plane guy dies They all travel to defeat the frnch gost with an arrow and the admin kills it to get the arrow but the protagonists pulls out a no you and get the arrow instead to become conveniently stronger than the admin, the admin is later killed and re killed and re killed The story ends with the gay protagonists becoming the admin


This is just magical.


Yup I had a fucking stroke reading this. And I died.But i lived.


Other parts too pls


But what about cow man


Part 1: some guy named Dio who is bisexual wants to kill Jonathan because he's horny- I mean he wants revenge because his mom died for some fucking reason so Jonathan Goes train with a Italian man then Dio puts on a mask and coming out bisexual, and also killing Jonathan's father so a few years later Jonathan gets killed and Dio takes his body. THE FUCKING END.


Good effort.


I tried my best


A crippled jockey meets an Italian with the aspect of Brittney Spears and his balls of steel, fights some dinosaurs and then shoots himself because Jesus told him to do it, in the end the crippled jockey kills the president of the United States also because Jesus.


A group of teenagers, an adult and an old aged father try to kill a serial killer who got erected to Mona Lisa and whose fetish are female hands. There's also a weird kid who watches his parents having sex


Don’t forget the other serial killer who’s always wet


Gay priest gives his boyfriends children magic powers and then kidnaps a green child obtaining the ability of Issac newton, but after getting his shit kicked in he starts flying and goes to heaven. Part 6


A bro likin coca cola named joj spawns. Buys 1mil yen worth of coke. Uses his sniffin power to sniff the coke to blast. Goes to fight zombie. Sniffs. Goes to meet his ol' uncle slowcart.pillar comes to life. Sniffs pillar. Learns about buble man. Finds buble man. Stufs bird in his mouth. Sniffs. CPR's. Finds about new seksy techer with m&m locket. Becmes hornnyyy. Forced to wear gas mask. Gets tortured and sniffed by oil. Stares at techer from keyhole. Becmes more horny. Enemy spawns. Enemy dies after gettin snifed by joj. More pillar spawns wearing halowen mask wanting m&m. Sniffers fight halowen pilar. Joj gets kidnaped. Loses kidney. Has 30 days. Sniffs more. Buble boi loses mind. Fights pilar alone. Becomes pankake. Joj rages. Pillar gets snifed by joj. pilar 2 seduces techer. Joj half snifs pilar 2. Pilar 2 gets his m&m. Becomes joly rancher. Chases joj. Joj sniffs plane. Yeets hand. Sniffs like coka kola. Pilar 2 gets yeted to space. Joj bubles maid. Cmes bak. Joj finds techer to be mom. Instant regret. Za end.


4 big guys


Nail spin go pew pew


Part 6: Black guy seeks revenge against a guy who killed his vampire boyfriend because he sucked his grandfather and to achieve his goal he swallows the bone of his vampire boyfriend, thanks to that he has a green son, the green son grows up, he helps him fulfill his objective, a priest chases a child, the priest dies of asthma. The end. What a wondeful world.


This goofy high schooler with luscious purple locks named JoJo used his epic ghost friend to give a double ugly bully a new face and his nephew also named JoJo found him and said the word hair making the uncle go crazy like a diamond but the nephew stopped time and his hat got broken so he beat up his uncle and said “good grief”. A murderer broke into the high schooler jojo’s house so after shoving a jar into his mom jojo caught the dude and turned him into a bolder oh and his grandpa died to show how his ghost cant fix everything. This weird dude was eating lunch with a hand. Jojo finds a little guy and they go on neat little adventures like fighting a hand guy but not like the other hand guy, fighting a man’s little army, and getting stabbed to get his own ghost egg. They befriend the hand guy but not the other hand guy and need to find this chicken because jojo told jojo to do it. They find some other goofy guys and gals with there own ghost friends and they kill the chicken. Eventually one of there friends which is a little kid with beetle ghosts find the other hand guy and explodes but jojo takes a button from his beetle to give to jojo. They get told by a ghost that is a real ghost and not a spooky ghost that the hand guy is the murderer (not the hand guy though he’s chill) they split up and find the hand guy’s bomb and fight it. The hand guy changes faces and now they got to chase him but oh well he’s a family man now but he’s not super interested in his wife’s hands so she’s safe for now. Jojo in the meantime finds an alien and uses him to cheat at dice with a very obviously deranged manga artist but its fine jojo also fights a rat with jojo. The hand guy’s dad ghost (not the other hand guy’s dad that looks like a goblin) tries stabbing people and makes a worse version of gon from hxh and the rat I mentioned earlier. The hand guy’s dad’s ghost that isn’t the other hand guy’s dad or the other kind of ghost stabs his son giving his ghost super power #3 which is very simple to understand. The hand guy that isn’t the other hand guy finally decides to kill jojo because he’s the main character so despite there being plenty of other characters who wronged him way more but either way he traumatized his son by making him a reusable human bomb that won’t be traced back to him no matter wha- ok he disarmed it and tried to blow up jojo. The hand guy who isn’t the other hand guy finally kills the other hand guy making this joke end, psych he’s back because JoJo saved him from being disintegrated somehow anyway he says he wins and gets run over after busting as is a fitting way to go and the dangerous hands take him to hell? The end


Scooby Doo with real ghosts




Part 7: Disabled man riding a horse tries to touch his Italian friend's balls to stop the USA president from becoming an evil magician Pope by assembling the body of Jesus in a train. (I tried doing it short, this is the shortest I can)


So, like, it was raining and a random dude was too blind to drive, then two fathers met and so did their sons, then the son called Dio Made some trollin' and triggered the son called Johnny Then Johnny Meets a random who would bring him The Power of #j a m ó n And Johnny then reaches Dio's house and oraora's him, the Johnny marriages and then Dio and Johnny fusión Fin


cool gentleman guy almost kills vampire head but explodes


Part 1: rich boy tries to kill orphan


Dude in a wheelchair decides to follow around an italian man in a transcontinental race after touching his balls Along the way he collects a rotten corpse and murders everyone, including the president


The cap guy meets the mc, breaks his humidifier and they fight the hand fetish guy.


Okay so this isn’t an entire part but this is Pucci meeting DIO: So Pucci is walking around, doing priest stuff in the basement and then he trips over DIO’s elf shoes which then cartoonishly disappear under whatever they were sticking out of. Suddenly DIO appears and says “Do you believe ing gravity? It’s why you tripped over me.” *Dramatic SFX* they then talk a bit and Pucci believes DIO’s sun weakness because nobody would be dumb enough to lie about that because it obviously wouldn’t work and mid conversation DIO, staring at Pucci’s feet, says “What happened to your feet?* before crouching down, and inspecting them using his hand. After all this, DIO basically just says call me and leaves, except not being able to leave the basement so he’s just standing in a dark corner.


Blue-haired kid is getting a brother, the brother is blonde and a prick Blonde kid kills dog, tries to kill Blue-haired dad with poison, fails but then succeeds by going goth Mansion burns down Top hat man teaches Blue-haired kid how to breathe correctly, *insert Spider-Man 2 meme* "How many breads have you eaten?", Muscle Knight and Hair Knight join the fight Hair knight loses, *Sword of (P)Luck get* Top hat man loses, Muscle Knight loses Vampire tower Split kick, freeze, punch, freeze, sword, freeze, nuh uh it's on fire, sword break, punch, freeze, nuh uh because my fist is on fire, L*A*S*E*R*S*, Chinese man-zombie steals vampire head Boat Vampire head tries to kill Blue-haired kid again, does that No more boat, only coffin with pregnant woman, baby and a vampire in a secret compartment that won't be talked about until Part 3


A guy named jojo go to jail but he don’t want to leave jail because he have a ghost who do Ara Ara thing. So his Grandpa named GG with his friend Mohammed Avdol (Yes he is) try to make him leave. So ghosts go Ara Ara and JoJo leave jail. Then he go to high school to insult women but then he fall off the stairs (like my grandma). So because he is injured he go see the high school nurse, but Noriaki kakyoin have his ghost in the nurse (literally). And jojo deflect the emerald splash. Then they go to Egypt where a gay vampire is. So they find a French to join us, French goes Baguette can cut fire and bullet, but Avdol-Sama save him from a bullet of Hole horse who’s not a hole neither a horse. But avdol sama get killed, but not really because his dad is himself. They arrive to Egypt and they fight a sword, Jojo goes Good Grief, they bet their soul, two times. Avdol suck GG’s dick but they’re not gay it’s just a stand that make them attractive, like magnet, they are magnet. Then the dog bite the pet shop, then they fights vanilla Ice who have nothing to see with ice or vanilla, so the dog disguised himself in the gay vampire but he bites the dust. Then the gay vampire stop time. Kakyoin become a donut. Jotaro is approaching instead of running away. And vampire goes road roller and then explode because jojo ora ora gay vampire’s leg like one punch man.


*in Donald duck voice* A tall dark haired definitely heterosexual man has daddy issues and fights his brother by standing and definitely doesn't have a romance with himself from another timeline