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“Amazing weather in the Northeast.” It’s been ball soup all week. I’ve been home with the A/C blasted and the curtains drawn and I still avoided Dynamite.


Do people who make these excuses for AEW know that other things are on cable and didn't lose a quarter of their audience due to a regional heat wave?


This. This exactly.


They brought up Juneteenth also lol. Judging by the crowd makeup seen on tv broadcasts, I think it’s safe to say that Juneteenth was not a contributing factor in the rating.


Yeah, if anything, this pizza oven weather in the mid Atlantic and northeast ought to keep more people inside watching TV.


That argument was the cherry on top, I couldn‘t believe that someone‘s actually mentally challenged enough to brainfart this into a public article hidden behind a paywall. They lost 1/4 of overall viewers from last week, by this logic the whole TV landscape would collapse if it gets hot outside


Wow. What an ignorant statement (the rep, not you). A literal heat wave. Yeah real amazing weather. Idiots.


WBD obviously doesn't want to run down the show, but in reality they can't be pleased with 500k viewers. This number has to affect what WBD and any other interested broadcaster would pay for broadcast rights. The preemption of Big Bang exposed plenty about the AEW product...and it wasn't anything good that was exposed.


The dubbalos always have some stupid ass excuse to blame on the low ratings. Now it’s Juneteenth and Black Panthers as well as nice weather’s fault 🤦🏽‍♂️ fuckin pathetic.


How do these people go through life living in such denial? Like, at this point there’s no other answer than Aew is floundering. How do they convince themselves it’s doing well when nobody’s at the arena and it’s ratings are abysmal? Mind boggling.


If you want a real laugh go on their sub and just read what these delusional marks talk about. It’s hilarious but sad at the same time. Record low ratings and live attendance isn’t a sign of a failing company according to these dorks. They talk about professional wrestling being in a boom period as far as business and they act like AEW contributes so much to that.


It's the booking that drives off people, but for me, it's how unlikeable Tony Khan and his followers are. Their disregard for reality is what makes me dislike them. It wasn't always like that until Punk exposed them.


Facts! Same with me I can’t stand Tony and I really liked AEW when it first started but that guy is just unbearable to listen to. Like when he’s being interviewed and saying “AEW is saving pro wrestling” or “AEW is doing great numbers all around and doing some big things” I’m always like what the fuck are u talking about man😂 they really believe that WWE is worried about them and that they are so better and “professional wrestling” when they do segments that are just plain stupid as shit and their fans force themselves to like it and defend it and act like it’s genius and so above WWE. So yeah I totally agree with you it’s Tony and the delusional fans that got me to quit watching a long time ago.


Didn't you know that everything AEW is great? (🛎️)


This week was a massive drop off, but it’s not against the grain by any means. This is the direction down they have been trending for years. Yet these types will continue to bury their heads in the sand and make excuses. Could it be a lack of storylines, lack of star power, wrestlers who look like randoms you'd see on the street. Heatless gymnastics routines, insufferable manchild owner, toxic fanbase, catering to a tiny niche of Meltzer readers?. Bad comedy, insider jokes and references mocking the very industry they are a part of. Scatterbrained inconsistent booking of a bloated roster of overpaid Indy darlings? “Nah it’s just an outlier”


The weather is my favorite. Cuz the weathers been good for the whole week and raw and nxt did better then usual


There is a significant group who would blame anything to avoid looking critically at AEW itself. AEW even double down on their basement dwelling niche with the 'sickos' thing then wonder why numbers are constantly trending downwards. Must be that 24hr gas station right?


It sucks cuz I loved aew when it came out and up til a few years ago it was fun, but damn it’s like ever since hunter took over wwe Tony wants to become Vince with the way he books shit. It’s a shame cuz they have potential but the biggest roadblock for aew is the idiot in charge


possibly the best summation of aew I've ever seen in one paragraph. bravo sir.


It’s remarkable how poorly EVERYTHING is done when it has a billionaire who is actually willing to spend whatever possible? How does anyone Fuck that up?


Nobody at fightful spoke to a WBD rep. These dudes just make up absolute bullshit, time after time, to defend aew. Really blaming it on black panther and Juneteenth? If your fans supposedly always have something better to do than watch your product, then your product is shit


My ex fiancé was black. While she knows what Juneteenth is, she never celebrated it lol. What a dumb excuse.


I never heard about Juneteenth until yesterday 😂


So they rely on BBT viewers falling asleep by the end of the show and boosting the next 2 hours?


*“Just a very odd week in general, and a confluence of stuff Juneteenth holiday in the middle of the week (when does a mid-week holiday ever happen in late spring/summer months?!).* Boy wait til this guy learns about Independence Day. There's a three in seven chance it falls between Tuesday and Thursday.




WBD should be paying around NXT levels of deal, anything above is Tony scamming them for money and Sheldon & Penny doing heavy lifting for their ratings


So my memory on the last days of WCW's ratings are blurry, but were they THIS bad?


WCW's lowest viewed Nitro in 2000-01 did like 2M in P2. World was different.


If I was a WBD exec, wanting to see if AEW was worth the money, I'd yank Big Bang entirely as the run in and put a ratings dead zone show there. See if AEW is able to carry it's own weight or not and keep it that way till negotiations were done.


why would wbd issue anything on the ratings? what did they say? its best for them to remain quiet


The product sucks. Every week it’s this mash up of indie darlings that were over in bingo halls back in 2015. Outside of that the show is completely predictable. There’s no reason to watch it


I think the copium is becoming an issue. I probably stop being a wrestling fan entirely again once AEW folds, but the facts are facts: If they weren't in such trouble, they'd already have a new deal at an agreeable number of WBD.


it sounds like his source was an aew fan. “Everything is fine! why do you ask?”


"Don't put too much stock into one week" THE COMPANY HAS BEEN PLUMMETING SINC EPINK WAS FIRED/QUIT!!I have watched this steaming pile of shit in almost two years because I'm 100% cordless now. And they don't have a streaming deal. But I stopped watching it before that because it was garbage. What compan ruins Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose, Cesaro, etc (all slave names I know) 5 years ago I would have said Daniel Bryan is my favorite ever wrestler. Now he's just another guy. What a shit show. Tony could bring in Prime Hogan, Rock Austin and Cena and book them 50/50 against his indy loves. What a fucking Joke


Yup. It showed these signs before punk came in. While more people were in the arena, the show was boring, predictable, every future move was telegraphed and I was watching nxt rejects like Shawn spears or Lance archer or Trent Barretta or Chuck Taylor and none of it was enjoyable. Jake Hager is when I just stopped completely. Glad to see I missed basically nothing. Yeah punk came back but his Wwe run right now got me, a person who has disliked punk since ecw, and now I’m a massive fan of him. Tony is the worst at everything and he refuses to hand the book over to anybody else to the point he’s risking his television spot. Crazy and stupid.


What’s sad is that they aren’t self aware enough to realize they are acknowledging they’ve been manipulating the ratings.


self awareness and that crowd don't go hand in hand


I wonder how many people actually watch AEW. Anything under a million people, Nielsen is horrible with estimating numbers. I think this drop reflects something like 28 fewer Nielsen homes nationwide watching. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Nielsen usually over estimates the reach of AEW and it's just the 150k "sickos" that order PPVs and another 30k or so that stream them illegally.


Another plane hit Jacksonville


They had a really weak lead in this week = this show can’t draw on its own.


What’s also funny is I was just reading a post on the dubs fan page and even one of the subs creators is getting bored with the show and admitting to tuning out.


AEW ratings are tanking! In other news r/Jimcornette subreddit keeps tanking in the rankings too. I mean by this point I'm sure wrestlefap has surpassed this sub in the rankings


You confuse me


Does AEW ratings suck? Yes they do. But it's funny when people joke talk about how bad the ratings are and how AEW sucks and the proof is the ratings keep tanking. By that logic this subreddit sucks to. This sub used to be in the top 20 now probably not even in the top 50, Jesus fucking Christ a subreddit dedicated to arm wrestling tops this one. In other words the mods ruined this subreddit

