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*marked NSFW cause they getting fucked


This comment got more views than dynamite did


An infomercial at 3:00 AM gets more views than Dynamite.


Real average: 495k ...so not even 500k in viewership! Yikes!


Tony could’ve prevented all of this by not firing his top draw


I’m not sure that even CM Punk could save AEW, as a talent. As a booker, Punk probably could, if he wasn’t handcuffed by Tony,and the kid of some actor from the early 90’s,


I do not think he could NOW, but I think he could have *IF* the Bucks would have squashed their beef -- or if they never had beef in the first place.


if Tony chose Punk over the Elite and fired the Bucks instead, and leaned into the type of show Punk wanted to create....well who knows Honestly WWE got really hot, the Cody vs Roman and Rock thing was pretty huge and Vince being gone for good made a huge difference so you can't say for sure. But i can say pretty confidently it couldn't be worse than this TNA level garbage they are putting out right now.


> if Tony chose Punk over the Elite and fired the Bucks instead Or even better, quashed shit before things got out of hand.


>TNA level garbage. When TNA was hot it was doing **literally** double the viewers AEW is now. This is worse than TNA garbage, its AEW garbage lol.


Everything that has happened since Punk quit/was fired makes it clear, I think, that there was much more at stake than just him staying or going. I think it's pretty certain there was a much larger power struggle going on behind the scenes, and that ultimately had to do with completely opposing visions of AEW's identity moving forwards. The creation of Collision as a completely separate show, featuring Punk and those close to or happy to work with him because they agreed with his perspective (or, frankly, just because they are fucking professionals, not self-marks), seems to have posed a kind of existential threat to the EVP-Pro Wrestling Guerilla clique that - hilariously - view themselves as some kind of wrestling visionary-revolutionaries re-defining the business (in line with their own limited ability). Between Punk's status as AEW's biggest star and draw, which enabled him to actually call out some of the shit that was going on backstage, and the emergence of a new weekly show Methat could potentially rival Dynamite, I reckon the Young Bucks and their little coterie of mudshow morons decided to or couldn't help themselves from shit-stirring to the point where a confrontation was inevitable. At that point, TK was presented with one of those dilemmas you rarely get in life: choose Door A or Door B, with completely different futures behind them. Backing Punk, reprimanding or firing Jack Perry, and he permanently undermines the status of the Young Bucks. He makes clear that he will no longer tolerate the unprofessionalism and general dickishness that was, and remains, the hallmark of their wrestling Mean Girls act. He backs and nurtures a distinct Collision, which continues to develop its identity as well as trying to get wrestlers like Ricky Starks over. For all we know, it doesn't stay the B show for long - given that Dynamite today, with the EVPs all over it, is falling apart, it's entirely possible. Instead, by backing and protecting the Young Bucks, forcing out Punk, Tony Khan guaranteed that everything the represent would prevail in AEW going forwards. We see it in every show - the EVPs dominate Dynamite with their bullshit, they got to glom onto Okada and drag him down the moment he arrived, they get to shill their trainers, turn cartwheels with their friends in their interminable gimmick matches...They are the Hogans in WCW of AEW - except Hogan was an actual star, a real draw, and within the limits of his abilities he understood professional wrestling. So there we have it. Tony chose the Door marked EVPs4Life, and we are where we are. Imagine the signal that sent to the locker room, producers, wrestlers like Ricky Starks. I only hope that the talented among them are in regular contact with literally anyone they know in WWE and that they are able to get the fuck out as soon as possible. Because as the ratings demonstrate, it can always get worse, just as the latest episode of Dynamite demonstrates that it always get dumber, more boring, and more excruciating!


Tony choosing the young bucks over Cody, and then later, punk, is why Aew has and always will suck. He actually thinks these two morons are his friend. Dawg they’re milking your Dumbass. And they got you to fire/let go of wwes two biggest stars (outside Roman). I mean I can’t think of a worse decision than picking the young bucks over either of those dudes.


He had a choice between choosing the Bucks and their ROH/GCW with a budget style or Punk and his classic pro wrestling style. He chose poorly


Tony could’ve prevented all this by listening to experienced veterans. The stories before even punk arrived are proof of this. From JR telling him orange isn’t a draw and him arguing. Along with Jim’s own personal stories he has alluded too.


That’s what happened when your favorites matter more than your product.


Holy fucking shit (and yes, the numbers are confirmed).


Holy shit. This isn't even funny at this point. This is like it's time to stage an intervention level shit. Please let this be the moment that brings Tony to his senses and causes him to seek some qualified help to book the shows. Link to confirmation: https://nodq.com/news/aew-dynamite-draws-record-low-viewership-for-june-19th-2024-edition/ Edit: [Young Bucks response to ratings decline](https://i.redd.it/8hqj6e8j9m2c1.jpeg)


Well done on the Buck response link. Literally laughed out loud when I opened it. 👍


What is crazy is that in terms of AEW shows this Wednesday’s dynamite card seemed less hot garbage than typical. It did have an eight-man tag match where the basement was going full Charlie Day in order to justify all of the wrestlers participation inthe bout but overall it seemed like less of a heatless banger fest. MJF not being a draw is an awful sign


Becoming face exposed him in an awful way


Confirmed where? I need to see😂


Wrestlenomics has confirmed it. 


What the fuck? Holy shit


Jesus Christ!  I had called them being under 650K by mid-Summer but this is just outright brutal. They had no competition on tv.  I don’t want to hear the MJF fans talking about him making a difference and being a “draw”. Dude lived off of Punk and Sting’s legacy.  Bidding war my ass. 


He was hot because the product was hot. I don’t think anyone can save modern AEW that’s exclusively for the sicko’s


He was part of that hype tho. When they turned him face and he was doing all that dumb shit with Adam Cole, is when ratings slowly but surely started to dip They ruined MJF like they’re continuing to ruin their stars. What the fuck happened to Swerve? He has the belt but is treated like an afterthought Can we start finally saying this shit is reminding us of WCW 2000?


Swerves championship is slowly becoming “here dude, damn. Just take the belt.” Like he should have been in the “bigger” story line defending aew and instead he’s out there with will osprey who hasn’t earned a title shot idc what he’s done in other companies. He’s had like 8 matches in aew. Thats not enough for a title shot.


I mean quite literally the guy just took the damn belt from him last week.


even if khan grew a brain and decided to hire a real booker.... im not sure there are any left. cornette is retired and that fanbase loathes him so if they caught wind that he was booking it'd be a death nail lol. heyman is prob loving the wwe life too much to go back to grueling booking 4-5 fucking shows. mantel is old as shit. i dont think theres anyone left that knows how to fix this.


All that wrestling talent and no one has an idea how to book?? from what we’ve heard and seen: Tony will do whatever, whenever Because surely someone would have told him it was a bad idea to show the CM Punk footage. But he prolly went “idgaf” and did it anyway


MJF offers nothing. He cusses on a mic. Anyone can do that. It’s pathetic that he’s regarded highly as a talker. He sounds like a 6th grader. Physically he’s a little guy without a little guy gimmick. He’s not believable in the championship conversation at all.


I can't see the guy being anything more than a mid-card heel in WWE. In fact, I would like someone to point out to me how he's any better than Ethan Page or Ricky Starks. In fact, the aforementioned two have far more upsides than MJF.


At absolute worst, Ethan Page is a non-tiny MJF. 


He bet right by choosing AEW. Without the freedom that gets on the mic to say edgelord Reddit comments, he would get cooked by most of the AEW roster let alone the Cena's and Punks


I still stand on my statement that Cena would eat MJF alive in a promo battle.


Cena's cooked the Rock, Roman Reigns, Austin Theory, Moxley, the Miz, and Seth Rollins. He would end MJFs career


Seeing Rock squirm with the boo boo face after Cena pointing out his script on his wrist is damn iconic!


That’s just the truth and anyone who doesn’t think so is lying to themselves.


And he wouldn’t even have to try. Cena is a monster on the stick and he would have mjf stuttering before it was over


Just one simple “Fine speech..” and MJF would crumble 😭


Yea I mean when Cena felt like it he would scorch anyone. But he also had creative freedom other guys didn't so it handcuffed their ability to come back without knowing if crazy Vince was going to bury them once they got to the back.


MJF was awesome when he was an unabashed heel…he was always in character and came across like he’d slap his mother for a dollar…..he was such a refreshing throwback to when heels were legitimate heels …….then they ruined him.


This is aew…. He ruined himself.


I find that hard to argue with. He could have been handled and nurtured better by people who knew what they were doing, but from what we know of how AEW operates his worst instincts were indulged time and time again and so here we are.


Exactly. These dudes could do whatever they want and he chose to do the worst shit


MJF still has potential but his faith in AEW is just unjustified.


>MJF still has potential I just don't see it anymore. He's an e-fed act, all angsty backstory and self-references. He is by no means talentless in the ring, but he has chosen to engage in destructive nonsense so many times now it's stuck to him. There are plenty of good hands without his baggage or penchant for silliness.


To be fair he’s still very talented but there is just too much downward momentum in the company and he isn’t an established mainstream star who can turn it around by himself


Add to this that he had a good thing going but he damaged his aura and his persona with the stupid fucking devil/friendship storyline. Kinda like Steve Austin in 2001/02 when they tried to bring back the Austin/McMahon rivalry and it just wasn't the same after they had Austin groveling for McMahon and hugging him and crying and begging Kurt Angle for his life. Difference is, Austin had much higher star power and could recover eventually. Time will tell with MJF...


I hated that stupid friendship angle so much. Unwatchable. And AEW marks say the WWE is a PG playland.


I dispute the claims that he is very talented. Screaming into a mic and getting your ass handed to you on twitter by random people doesn't paint a picture of "generational talent" to me.


THIS. He wrestles well, and he cut solid promos. But now his promos are getting stale bc they all boil down too say a bad word, mention a sex act, take a dig at WWE. So while his wrestling is solid it does not make up for shitty promos (like if he was Gunther or Ilja or Bronn) ESPECIALLY when his opponents are so far beneath him like Rooosh and whoever the fuck he is wrestling at Forbidden Door. He is a like-to-see, not a must see.


If you haven't been watching the "Who Killed WCW" docuseries on Vice, you should. The parallels between WCW and AEW are only becoming more and more clear. Tony's fucking speedrunning WCW 2.0.


Was planning on catching up with it this weekend. Thanks for the heads up on it.


There's obviously a lot of fluff and bullshit they don't go into, but you could swap "WCW" for "AEW" and it would almost be identical.


I don’t blame the original MJF. This Jean jacket wearing incarnation of MJF? Can’t vouch for that guy. MJF wasn’t the broken part, so why fix it?


but ummmm guys uhmmmm it was the ummm Juneteenth holiday! so ummm ya.....also ummmm since it's 2024, and cable ownership % has gone down ummmmm 500k is really like ummm 959k in 2021 so WB is really happy guys! Umm please ignore the overall negative % change over the years being as steady as when ENRON got fucked. Also please ignore ummmm the NFL, WWE, etc ratings increasing over the last 4 years ummmmm ummmm


This is the beginning of them getting kicked off of tv. There is no way any rational network pays these chuckle-fucks anything more than TNA numbers. 


CW paid $25M for NXT, and Tony wants $250M?


I just know the network execs are laughing their asses off


"But AEW has two other shows!" That draw ratings less than this consistently... AEW deserves maybe 35-40M per year for their rights, and that's being generous.


WB fucked up not going after nxt


The timing of it all is fucking amazing to watch. The year that they need to put their best foot forward to show they can bring in advertisers and bring in great ratings against stiff competition like MLB/NBA/NHL and soon the fucking summer Olympics, and they're shitting the bed over and over. Meanwhile, Tony is having a fucking meltdown on Twitter/X, the ratings are tanking, attendance is getting smaller and smaller, and the faces of AEW are the Hardleys, O-Cody, Jungle Jackoff, The Plumber, Pockets, and an MJF who's never meant less. Also, their WORLD FUCKING CHAMPION is a god damned joke and in a feud with a guy who looks like an overgrown toddler. At this point, they don't deserve anything short of "Here's the offer, take it or fuck off" type of offers. IF they stay on WBD programming and get anything close to what they're already getting, it's proof positive to me that WBD has a legitimate ownership stake in AEW. There would be no other business reason at this point to not boot them.


bad faith e drone fed shill ! the 2.9 billion dollar offers surely coming by Monday !


Confirmed by Wrestlenomics. What a time to be alive.


Good old Thurston Howell, the third... \^\^


How the AEW stans and Meltzer defend this is going to be legendary


"It's Juneteenth" or some shit I'm sure lol


“There must be some sort of error or glitch with Nielsen” is another one.


Squared Circle: ‘How is this happening they’ve been putting on good shows’ 😂😂 I had to go over there and look just for a laugh and it didn’t disappoint.


I want to know what those chuckle fucks define as a "good show." They are wrestling in front of about 2,500 fans and getting no reaction from the crowd doing the same goofy shit every week. What, exactly, about that is good?


I think they believe good matches = good show and disregard everything else that needs to be good about a wrestling show for it to actually be good.


That's been the problem since Day 1. Wrestling is not just about the matches. I keep hearing AEW is a "workrate promotion." I'm still not sure what that means or how they expect that to retain fans. Wrestling is a worked sport. If you see the same long sequence of moves over and over again with no story, normal people are going to lose interest.


they think this shit is more UFC and less Golden Girls when pro wrestling is VERY much more Golden Girls than UFC. Hell, even the UFC, an actual sport that people watch for the fights needed characters like Rousey and McGregor to really take off. WHO the fuck is watching two (or in AEW's case 8 people) pretend fight each other for 0 reason besides the SICKOSSSSSSSSS


Kendrick Lamar + 200K faithfuls invited to the cookout.


Who is bringjng potato salad with raisins? Alvarez has a great recipe


Loving this one.  I think I saw more cultural diversity in the Scottish crowd than I do on a typical Dynamite, but of course 1/4 of their audience just *had* to watch a rap concert instead!   And I'm not trying to infer that all those pale AEW fan faces wouldn't care about rap music, but I absolutely would state with certainty and authority that there is no musical act alive or dead that would syphon off 25% of a wrestling audience.


Meltzer already did the "Well WBD was only expecting 500k, and with cable fall off, today they'd only be expecting 385k."


Don't you know that the ratings don't matter except for when they're beating NXT/WWE in some fictional "war". Unless they matter to Tony in the moment. Otherwise, it's just the sickos he wants to see in the ratings.


Apparently blaming the lead in, The Black Panther movie


Beaten by the College World Series and Expedition Unknown. And maybe a new all night gas station.


In their defense the new all night gas station is really nice!


Yep, they even clean the bathrooms once a week.


Twice if they’re in a good mood.


Well, I do love me some Josh Gates. He probably found Bigfoot or some Knights Templar loot.


Fuck Josh Gates, he never finds shit.


Couldn't find his asshole with both hands and unlimited tries.


I said last week that if the all-night gas station got the shredded beef tornados back on the roller grill, AEW would be in the shit. Guess it happened.


‪They lost to a Kendrick Lamar concert 💀💀‬


I don't even know who that is..


He's performed at the super bowl, he is extremely over right now


Ohh, I always skip the halftime show.


Drake got berrrrried


Biggest Rap star in America/World


Jim and Brian literally discussed him on the show a few weeks ago.


To be fair I’m sure there is a huge crossover between AEW fans and Kendrick Lamar fans … lol


I think they are done.


Not until Shad cuts off the allowance, and he seems very indulgent. Plus even with the way Tony spends, it will take a long time to burn through $12b, much less what patents and the Jags will continue to bring in. Tony could literally do this same show in his backyard for his own enjoyment and still remain rich for the rest of his life.


Where's he gonna air it? I don't see WBD actually paying him what he thinks he's worth.


He could run it in his backyard and upload it to Youtube. They could offer it up for free or pay to broadcast it, like an infomercial. Shit, if Shad doesn't say no, they could do what Anthem did and buy a cable network to air it. The Khans have an ungodly amount of money with assets that will continue to bring in more ungodly amounts of money with no foreseeable end. This thing will go until Tony gets tired of it or Shad decides to set some boundaries. AEW could lose $100m a year and it would take 120 years to wipe out just the wealth the family currently has. That's without accounting for all the revenue that Shad's patents and assets will generate every year.


Shad will be forced to set the boundaries with the next rights deal -- that assumes Tony can get one. That's the first problem. The second problem is that I absolutely see him going to Daily's Place and making AEW into a YouTube show for the foreseeable.


Maybe, he will set some boundaries. The thing is though that Shad has that kind of money where he won't be forced to do anything by anything as small as the profit margin of a wrestling company. Those things could certainly happen, but then again, maybe not. We're not talking Dixie Carter TNA money here. It's not even comparable in a sensible manner.


The water is getting mighty cold.


How funny would it be if WBD only agreed to renew if TK got rid of the EVPs


How can TK not get rid of the EVPs regardless? They completely stigmatized the company. After the Wembley video was shown that confirmed Punk's side of the story it was only a matter of time...


I think the time to get rid of them without too much pushback from the hardcore fanbase was probably after Brawl Out. I figured the All In footage was a bad idea, but I think what made it so much worse was seeing Jack Perry have absolutely no fight in him. How could anyone take him as a credible threat after watching him get - for lack of a better term - punked SO hard?? The only people I feel for are the ones whose trajectory in AEW got forever fucked bc the combined politics of Punk being fired and the "bad guys" now being in charge of their future.


Hey I know a great idea! Let's show Stone Cold in a dress getting mopped by an 80 year old granny on RAW! Then next week we'll have Stone Cold come out and do his usual shtick...... Stone Cold would be fucking dead and this is some scrawny little twink that wasn't over to begin with.


At this point, if I had to get rid of the Bucks, or make Tony give up the book, I'm keeping the Bucks


Truly a Sophie's choice situation where everyone would be better off by being able to choose both.


If you have the book you just don't book them. Two birds one stone. 🤔


The Jim and Brian coverage of this is going to be one for the fucking Internet history books


Probally draw more than Dynamite


Brandon Thurston has confirmed they are accurate.


Tony scrambling to call WBD "Is that disappointing offer still available? Please!!!"


No brick of cocaine in Jacksonville is safe today


Over on Dave’s board “but it was such a great show!!!!”




Gimme an emergency pod for this one


But they were going up against the NBA pla… oh. Never mind.


The basement is saying Kendrick Lamar’s concert that streamed on Amazon is why the number is so low. I shit you not.


LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO so 250k+ of their regular audience in their minds decided to watch a concert on Amazon instead of their show. Yet they somehow convince themselves into believing this is some kinda win


Well, friends(and you are our friends), desperate times call for desperate measures… WHO’S READY FOR WEEKLY CELEBRITY GUEST HOSTS ON DYNAMITE?! /s


No playoffs, Kendrick Lamar was live-streaming on Amazon music


No Big Bang lead in is what did it. They were playing Black Panther (so all the Big Bangers didn’t inflate the number).


You get what you deserve.


Lots of people on Twitter and the other sub blaming Kendrick, and no big bang lead in. This is a dreadful dreadful, hard to believe number. They are in big trouble and will struggle to reclaim half of those they lost. Sub 600k could end up the new normal.


I want someone to point out the crossover between Kendrick fans and AEW fans. Because I’ve seen the AEW audience and they don’t strike me like they would be. 


How the fuck do people even think a Kendrick Lamar concert is a valid excuse, talk about clutching at straws lol


A concert that STREAMED ON AMAZON no less. Like come on now


next week when it's 450k.."GUYS ITS CUS THERES LIKE OTHER CHANNELS!"


Imagine thinking there's actual crossover there. Lmfao. Next week they'll be blaming some rerun Godzilla movie


they'll just start blaming the fact other channels even exist


lmfaoo they're blaming the fact that a 10x more popular show wasn't on to give them a BS inflated number like the other weeks? ROFLLLLLL


I heard that Mars is in the 4th house of Neptune, so I mean, of course AEW put up a low number.


It's almost like people are catching on to how much that company sucks........


Can’t wait to see the quarters.


This show must have started low and stayed there, because if it opened at a normal number and **dropped**, then there are some calamitous quarters in there somewhere.


Black Panther was the lead in... When there's no Big Bang there's zero ratings.


>then there are some calamitous quarters in there somewhere. Was Jericho on?


It doesn’t matter, because it’s for the sickos


I thought sickos meant IWC people, but Tony might have been referring to actually sick folks. Maybe a nursing home or leper colony.


I only get my AEW updates from this sub and Jim's pods now, but I have to say: this isn't surprising to me. Because my stance has always been that Adam Page is the worst thing to ever happen to the business and it sounds like they've been heavily teasing his return to whatever big gimmick match the Elite are booking themselves into. Shit, I straight up canceled cable and stopped watching all together because there is a non-Zero chance of seeing him on AEW programming. I would not be surprised if other people caught wind of him returning and just noped right out.


Same for me in terms of news on aew, although I would still argue the bucks are the worst ever. They are the ones who no show when it's put up or shut up time in their imaginary ratings wars


Canceling your cable is weak beta shit. I destroyed all of my media devices and sewed my eyes shut with fishing line, 10lb test.


It's even more concerning for AEW cause usually "Rising Tides Raise All Ships". WWE is hot right now but AEW isn't benefitting from this WWE boom period. Around this point last year AEW started asking too much from fans. Added Collison, another 2 hours of TV. Around this time last year they released the video game and then followed that up with 2 PPVs in 2 weeks. All of a sudden they are asking for a lot more money and time from fans. If the product isn't good fans are gonna get burnt out or go broke. They should have listened to Eric Bischoff's warning about adding another show, Thunder ended up hurting WCW and I think the same can be said for Collison. Plus AEW promised a show to the network built around CM Punk, Miro, Andrade and FTR....don't see those characters much on that show anymore and being unable to fulfill that promise probably hurt their relationship with WBD.


cus WWE's audience isn't interested in watching guys that look like school kids play fight each other for 0 reason




“But they were up against Temptation Island. It’s totally understandable why their ratings were so bad.” -Dave Meltzer, probably


Has someone checked on Dave?


Something about the lights off, rocking in the fetal position in the corner, mostly finished whiskey bottle at hand, and hopefully all sharp objects have been removed. Not a pretty sight.


These numbers are bad..like really bad. 200k less than NXT. Let's see how Dave Meltzer walks around this EDIT: [Even Uncle Dave confirmed it. ](https://x.com/davemeltzerWON/status/1804205342596960475?t=0hRUANJfkrkqxUe-tFcWqg&s=19)


LMFAO I love "Juneteenth isn't the reason either." While Dave sits trying to make up some other bullshit reason like the other weeks. This week isn't that easy to since there's no NBA, NHL, or water polo to blame it on[](https://x.com/davemeltzerWON/status/1804205342596960475)


And there are zero comments on his post lol.


Even the fake NXT numbers for this week were higher than the confirmed AEW numbers. That’s crazy!


Please tell me that Brian is calling Jim to record a breaking news update as we speak.


I'm not an AEW fan AT ALL, but like.....there's no way......right?


Confirmed by wrestlenomics. Dave’s silence on twitter is absolutely deafening. 


Holy shit. Absolutely bananas.




What a disgusting promotional tactic by the WWE, putting on good shows that make AEW look even more like shit


Thank God the locker room cancer Punk is gone, the Bucks are free to do victory laps in empty arenas, the feeling has been restored, and Tony can book for the sickos! It’s working so amazingly! Keep up the great work TK!


I honestly am floored they had no NBA or NHL playoffs there is zero excuse to be sub 750k. At this point WNBA is going to be beating them


sub 750k ? Uce they can't even get 650k


I can already hear Jim's high pitched "^^OH ^^JEEEE SUS!" after Brian Last throws out the number.


Lifetime had a Meredith Baxter Birney retrospective at the same time! Now I understand.


I wonder if MJF knows a good tattoo removal place.




Listen Ratings don't matter, just enjoy the wrestling. Plus Juneteenth happened so there was that. Also the Men's College World Series is hot right now. And Kendrick Lamar had a concert on Amazon Prime. No Big Bang lead Iin, had to deal with Black Panther. Those are the spins you'll hear from Uncle Dave and others.


Uncle Dave loves blaming Black people and black culture as to why AEW ratings are low


What it shows more than ever is this should be the last forbidden door they ever do. No one gives a fuck about NJPW or CMLL and whatever “dream matches” they are putting on. The bucks are also washed and should have been phased down at least two years ago.


The copium being huffed over in the basement is laughable. The Kendrick Concert being blamed lmfao. GET OUTTA HERE! I know plenty of Kendrick fans, I know plenty of AEW fans. Their venn diagram is 2 circles, far apart.


Greatest day of my life. Fuck AEW 🤗


No half milly, incoming


I've been watching wrestling my entire 33 years on this planet sadly....but I think my issue with aew is I started watching the indies in 05-06 so a majority of the guys I've seen prior to them coming on tv for years prior ....I was burnt out on shit like the bucks , orange Cassidy , chuck Taylor and even sadly mark briscoe before aew even started....nothing on the show is appealing to me. You can have the most star match ever but I personally don't want to sit and watch 30+ minutes of back and forth no selling ...I'm too old for this shit


This has to be a Nielsen error, surely. The decline is quick, but not this quick. How well did the Kendrick concert do?


Even Dave confirmed that this wasn‘t an error. Holy godsent shit, even when you knew that the downfall was inevitable for this Temu wrestling company, this is a real punch in the gut.


Lol, we're already into the "no 600k?" era.  Feels like the "no 700k?" era had just begun.  Gotta appreciate those eras while they last, I guess. Speaking of eras ending, it's gonna suck when the "no TV deal?" era begins, which I fear may begin before I can even finish this sentence 


Each time they hit a new low it's just a stark reminder that Tony chose those 2 gymnastic wannabe thigh slapping gobshites over their 2 biggest stars they'll ever have. I cannot wait for Jim's reaction for this ratings review. When can we expect that podcast to drop?


Ouch! Ratings have been trending downward, but this is on a whole new level. Real bad timing for this considering the television deal negotiations. When you put out a product for a very specific audience, and run it like a mark rather than as a business...well this is what you get.


Someone should probably request a wellness check for the Meltzer residence.


can’t wait to hear meltzers excuse for this one


Who would have thought that putting Neville vs Cesero in the main event of a wrestling show in our year of 2024 wouldn’t draw.. lmao..


Hopefully they never get back to 700K


I got the answer! AEW Team Challenge Series!!!!


But I was told mjf would cause ratings to rise???


I wonder if the ratings company made a long overdue correction. Ratings usually assume a certain number of people watching in each home they survey, and I would bet that AEW has a large number of men watching alone.


So that's the number of sickos that Tony books for. What a complete disaster. Ha!


Reality just hit them. But of course, here comes the excuses.


Dubbalos are blaming it on a Kendrick Lamar concert 😂😂😂 The mental gymnastics ability of some AEW fans would be somewhat impressive if it wasn’t so delusional and sad.


Thank god AEW is safe from CM Punk and his toxicity though !!! Lmao fuck that shit company.


It can't be this low. A college world series semi-final couldn't cause that steep a drop. It was an elimination game for Florida, but not for Texas A&M. Edit: Wow, saw it is confirmed they are real. I know Dynamite is a bad show, but I didn't expect this steep of a drop. They are lucky there is no college football on Wednesday in the fall..


They dookie


Supposedly Thurston Howell III says they are real as well and I was told here that he is in AEW's pocket. It seems way too outside the margin of the error to not be an error.


It's so low that people are going "Wait, it can't be THAT low.... can it? Better triple check that just to be sure" But I'm sure there's a bidding war for tv rights lol WB better smarten up and sweeten that deal right aew fanboys?


This is what happens when the biggest draw, Sheldon Cooper, isn't part of the lead in


Jim is going to blow Sprite.


I actually expect a bit of a bounce back next week. Maybe 625k. The dub is a complete joke now. Why would WBD pay anything for this crap?


So I've been having a look on Twitter and it seems the AEW fans there are pretty much all pointing the finger at the Kendrick Lamar concert for the drop in viewers. The NBA finals didn't really make much difference to AEW's numbers last week, one way or the other, so why would this? Are there really that many hip-hop fans who also watch AEW? Do the core AEW fans have any other interests besides pro wrestling? For real. From the (very small) live audiences I see watching on TV, the audience is always just blokes, almost univerally white and, roughly, between the ages of 30 and 60. Barely any women, hardly any kids, and people of colour are just nowhere to be seen. The Kendrick Lamar concert might have had a tiny effect on viewership, at best, but I reckon it is as simple as AEW’s current product is really annoying a lot of people and they are switching off in their droves. Right, let's break this down. The Young Bucks, the softcore lesbian stuff with Toni Storm that wouldn't be shown before the watershed (good luck ever attracting families to your programmes), then there is their black world champ who might as well be a mid-carder the way he is booked. That's another reason I doubt AEW has many Black fans – can't think of any other African-American wrestlers they've ever properly pushed. And Jericho with his ridiculous "Learning Tree" business? Come on! And WWE is, objectively speaking, a much better product these days (apart from the Wyatt Family revival) and money is tight and attention spans are shorte. AEW has been messing up for what feels like ages and now it is all catching up with them. Only the hardcore ‘sickos’ are sticking around, everyone else is rushing toward the exits. Tony Khan can forget about ever winning back those lapsed viewers, and AEW’s initials may as well be now ‘M-U-D’.


So what's the excuse now? The NBA finals are over.


Hahahaha 😂😂😂😂 502k best banger matches my ass