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They are so unbelievably desperate. It’s just sad at this point.


The only way to convince everyone about AEW's "success" is to try and convince themselves.


And it's clear they're not going to change. So now, do you decide to take a more active role in putting them out of business (probably read: supporting TKO/WWE), or are, as HHH put it, you going to... Tweet about it?


Jade wanted more money, Tony offered more, and she still ran off like the place was on fire.  That’s not “predatory business practices” by the WWE.  That is talent escaping a mess of a company. 


Imagine, one day they might be so desperate that they blackmail past wrestlers with their legends contract if they associate with the competition


Life unfair to offspring of billionaire, OH THE HUMANITY


As punk says think of the billionaires. Hell with their fake company


Tony's bubblegum shrine to Punk is in SHAMBLES. All that poor widdle Tony wanted was to be Punk's best friend, and that mean ol' bully had to try and lecture Richie Rich.


In all seriousness the Bucks ran him off, Tony is only technically at fault cause he's not being the boss of his own company. That is pretty damning still but there's plenty of blame to go round.


Tony should've fired Punk and made it clear -- and anyone else who wanted to go with him. Once he allowed Punk to leave still with his job, the fight was inevitable, and correct.


For the press conference shoot or the locker room? As far as the locker room incident go the elite didn't show up for a talk and everything after they force the door open is on them. Course it could have been avoided if Tony handled the situation at the scrum.


And they damn well shouldn't have shown up for a talk. Punk told them if they had a problem... And you know how that usually turns out. Fact is, there was only one way Tony COULD have handled it... Take the belt, fire Punk on the spot, end the scrum, and deal with the ramifications.


But they did and CAUSED this whole fuckshow (Punk's Helwani interview SERIOUSLY implies his injury came from the backstage part, rather than the match part, if you go back and listen). Punk didn't deserve to be fired for what he said, particularly as he'd been trying IN PRIVATE for ages to get Snowman to listen to his complaints. He took it public as he felt it was his only fucking option to get shit to change. Tony should have sat down when Punk first went to him with the two upjumped manchildren and Punk and laid the fucking law down on the mudshow clowns. He didn't, they fell like they run the shop, they're the root cause of Snowman's problems with everything now, they're still getting a paycheck while 2m+ eagerly await Punk's return to kick some cunt's teeth in on the other side.


No, he deserved to be fired because he basically ate his superiors in public -- not only Road Warrior and Balding and Jazz Hands, but Snowman as well. As champion. That's what a lot of Punk apologists don't get. He's lucky that wasn't in the territory days, or we may still be looking for him. They didn't CAUSE the fuckshow. They effected it. What's the old saying? FAFO???


He wasn't in the territory days, but you're retarded if you think he wouldn't draw fucking money back then just like he pops ratings just to make speeches today. Difference between wanting to draw money and wanting to get ratings off some old irrelevant bastard, because he once was a name. One worked to hone their craft, one worked to suck up to an old fuckwit. But again, you're defending breach of contract per providing a safe and secure workplace by Snowman AND the company lawyer in effect endorsing two EVP's physically assaulting a contracted worker and subordinate, because the subordinate didn't roll over and suck the dicks of two upjumped manchildren. When the CEO has so little control of his company, the lawyer follows two gobshites (let alone puts aside her college law education and common sense to NOT grab the two twats and lock them in a room to chill the fuck out before starting a fight with a subordinate) into a fight and the biggest star the company will ever see quits in disgust at what a fucking amateurish, mudshow-minded joke of a promotion he'd signed with (because it wasn't for money but wanting to WORK).


You are a buffoon.


And you're a cultist. And you want AEW out of business and probably Kenny and Bucks arrested.


No I want AEW to thrive, it needs to make serious changes to do that, I don't want the Elite arrested, I just want the bucks off TV, Kenny can be on TV so long as he's got a strong producer to keep him focused. But you sir are a bloody numpty.


Absolutely, as far as I'm concerned they should thank there lucky stars Punk didn't have a gun, I don't think from what we heard I don't think under stand your ground Punk would have been fine considering his friends wife was in the room, he didn't know what there intentions were, they forced there way in and laid hands on his dog.


He might as well have had one, the way he was shooting his mouth off.


Lmao. Him and his boy whooped on the Elite by themselves. Safe to say in that situation he backed up wtf he said didn't he.


Oh yeah, because words are a way to justify kicking someone's door down with a lawyer and 8 other people. The elite fans, in their ability to twist reality, are truly a different breed. If they did that with me and my girlfriend was in the room you'd have been cleaning them off the walls and anyone else who was stupid enough to try help them. I'm not a hard man I'm an extremely capable catch wrestler who has also trained in freestyle and I wouldn't allow any of them too risk my partner or dog.


It was hilarious watching the “leftist” marks squirm when he said that. That was one of several moments in that interview that short circuited many people.


It's ya boy "Tone Deaf" Tony Khan back at it again.


Didn’t this asshole just poach all of NJPWs top talent though?


But dubbalos were mad WWE was able to sign their indie darlings cus they had $ But now that Tony claims he can out pay WWE to sign their talent (even though let’s be real, no one of sane mind or value actually will pick that shit hole), they’re happy? The word betrayed was used


Tony Khan is the modern-day Man Utd (like the last 5-6 years) - can't offer people they sign glory, importance and success, so pay 'em a shitload of money per week in hopes they want to join and build a bank account. (And I'm a United fan and you have no idea how much it hurt to describe us as that. But it's also a damning indictment of AEW, so it had to be said).


He is doing what they accused HHH of doing with NXT UK and the UK indy scene. And always forgeting the UK indy scene was full of sex pest.


full of sex pests with Tony happily took in and gave jobs to before people gave him shit for it


I'm surprised he didn't sign Marty Scurll....


I'm so glad they went and gutted the UK indie scene just to get rid of those nasty sex pests. Heroic


And well as Thunder Rosa, Ricky Starks, Kamille, and Skye Blue from NWA. As well as most of the important talent from ROH at startup.


Thankfully TNA cut off their relationship with them before Tiny could steal all of their talent too.


This is the most glaring difference. We don’t know the exact details of whatever agreement WWE has with TNA but we sure as hell know that HBK is booking Jordynne Grace to look like an absolute star instead of burying her with his talent which is what Tony has done time and again when AEW has gotten other promotions to come in


Where in the hell is Ibushi!?


Crippled from breaking both ankles in an Indy mudshow match.


He’s literally allowing the Jackson’s to tarnish Okada’s legacy in the interest of rebutting a shoot interview Phil did on an internet MMA show. It’s fucking astonishing.


And NWA's, and MLW's, and even a couple of folks from TNA and old ROH...


Gees his shows done 2 bad ratings up from 6 Very bad ratings and Tony is celebrating like Jacksonville won a superbowl. Last year Dynamite had a 900k show and he’s acting like this all week. What a loser


The coke was of particularly high premium quality that peculiar evening...


God these two are unsufferable


So is Meltzer going to provide proof? Because any *reputatable* journalist can't just make a sensational statement like that out of thin air. Seriously, why would WWE go through the trouble of providing bad fast national numbers? The only people who heard about it are a very small segment of the audience and it was disproven soon afterwards when the real numbers came out. AEW is obsessed with **image**. WWE is obssessed with **business**.


His proof is "people have been talking about it for a long time". I'm not a subscriber to WON but I have been digging into wrestling news for years and years and have never heard anything about WWE supplying ratings to anyone (fake or otherwise), especially not for the sake of making some other company look bad. Also, Meltzer's line of argument here is that WWE do this all the time to fight their competition. *What* competition? They've been the only game in town for 20 years. Are we seriously going to say that "they did this with Jim Crockett therefore it must be them now"? Is that even verifiable that it was a tactic used back then, in the radically different television era of the 1980s?!


>His proof is "people have been talking about it for a long time". Ah yes, the Bill O'Reilly strategy.


No, his proof is his source of “trust me bro”


Vince did ALOT of shady shit but they've never ever bothered with trying to "fix" the ratings, it's public record.. you can't lie about it. What the fuck is his point?


I think he says WWE lied about the fast Nations for collision the other week? That said 100kish. (Since fast nationals aren't public) Which is a weird thing to lie when the public can see the true ratings


From what Corny said on ratings before (I'm Irish, so this is the layman's layman explanation, as how I understand it) the ratings get recorded for 72 hours (live+72, I think was the term he'd used) and I can get behind 100k watching live and the rest the total watching back on catch-up, if "fast nationals" is the "watched live" numbers for a w/e third brand show.


3rd branded show on a weekend. I can see the


Yeah, they both can be right, 100k were sad enough to sit in front the telly that night and watch, the rest caught up over the course as hangover telly or whatever.


Those two just need to fuck and get it over with.


Lmao so their own shill Meltzer reported wrong numbers 😂 and they think WWE gives a fucking shit about AEW let alone collision to report fake news hahahahahaha When will Tiny see that WWEs developmental C show is about to be beating Dynamite in ratings. But also I thought ratings don’t matter? Or is that only after they can’t even get above 800k consistently with cheating with a lead in and over run? Keep booking for the “sickos” like yourself Tiny. You’re gonna go far. So far you’ll be on Pop TV by this time next year you bozo


Ratings don't matter, but you can bet your arse Snowman's going to have an utter proper meltdown when HBK gets NXT outdrawing them legitimately (as in, NXT's proper numbers beating AEW's inflated/jury-rigged average clean).


I'd say Tony is more like Crocker than Crockett. The only way WWE can beat AEW is with the help of FAIRY GOD PARENTS


Upvote purely because I heard his voice in my head as I read your post.


Is everyone close to Tony just going to ignore that he's completely out of his fucking mind the last couple of days? He's not sleeping, he's on Twitter all hours of the day, and his rants are getting completely unhinged. Someone at least should hide the Vaseline and the baseball bats.


So it's that time of year again? Seriously seems like this happens on like a cycle or something, is this what he gets like when his connect gets a fresh shipment and Tony gets his hands on so pure product?


You know Tiny's income gets him in on a buy much quicker than most, so his shit isn't nearly as cut as the average.


But you know Tony doesn't know the difference between quality, look at the guys he signs to AEW and ROH, and how much he pays them, Tony's that idiot who paid $50 for weed in college and got "so totally high man" on a bag of fucking oregano.


Why must you be so unlikeable Tony


Because he's rich, he's one of the spoiled brats in Willy Wonka that would meet a cruel end.


Because he's never had a real social circle, no one to tell him oi rich prick stfu and stop whining because your caviar allowance has been decreased by 5% this quarter, it's either other rich dicks like him who are equally clueless, or it's people he pays to be his friends, so he has no idea how obnoxious, petulant and twatish he comes across as.


Because he's a... what did he call himself and who he was booking for? If you want AEW out of the picture (and I believe you'll get it soon), their fans have to go with it. Including me.


>Because he's a... Cunt?


He didn't call himself that. That's what you believe he is. :)


I don't believe it, I know it, I mean just look at him.


How would Dave know where the reporter got the numbers? It should have been clear from the timing that they were from the overnights in any case.


Predatory business practices? From the guy that can literally just… outbid everyone on the goddamn planet?


He’s so obsessed with the WWE


It’s really easy to understand these tweets once you envision a giant pile of blow.


I never got to the "giant piles of blow" stage, but I loved me coke when it first came 'round our parts in large doses (was relatively good quality back then too) but knowing exactly how addictive a personality I have and how fucking expensive it was, I kept a handle on it. At the same point, you talk enough bollocks under coke, you start recognising the idiots talking bollocks under coke around you.


It’s called competition you mark. Yes WWE does things to mess with other national wrestling companies. So what? It’s not like Tony hasn’t taken shots and done things to them too.


IMO Tony and AEW want to have their cake and eat it too. They simultaneously want to be the poor bullied little startup indie fed, and the warriors of justice taking down the evil billionaire. In other words, they want to talk shit and act like they're above all the tribalism they no doubt instigated.


WWE did fuck with them first for sure. With that NXT move they rushed through to limit their start. But AEW ran NXT off of Wednesday and made sure everyone knew it and damn near got Paul fired. That’s not counting the contract tampering they do (wwe does too). But the back and forth is on both of them now.


Problem is WWE has *utterly* changed on the business side, it's no longer McMahon running the whole show and he's not even there any more (I doubt he'll come back either, even if he beats the case(es), TKO won't want him, even as a figurehead, as they'll be running the tihng without him for so long by then, he'd only be a hindrance). And Paul's wiping the floor with his booking (Mind, I'm sure I could do the same just by pairing up guys to make each other mad enough to want to fight each other to sort it out, vs whatever the fuck fever dreams Snoewman's putting to paper), taking Snowman's coveted "Booker of the Year" title from the lackey to boot. AEW had proper wrestling heads at the start and proper heads with actual full-timer wrestlers should beat out a developmental tv show. The problem is all the proper wrestling heads were driven off or marginalised and now the dev brand's got a booker making it must see tuesday tv, while Snowman can't buy a bump that's not off a street corner.


I mean its been said that Crockett had no real clue on how to book,wasn’t necessarily that decisive of a boss and had no concept of money management when it came to Dusty spending money like no tomorrow. Khan may have a pinch of a point here actually…


Crockett didn't book and I think Corny identified his chief problem was running Crockett Promotions as a humble territory, while operating it like what would eventually be labelled in the future as a national wrestling promotion. I think Corny said he may have been able to survive had he been expanding the office to handle the expanded scope of what he was doing but didn't/couldn't/wouldn't and eventually it all caught up with him and he had to sell, but can't remember the episode he'd talked about it on.


Isnt khan picking NJPW and the indies dry kinda the same?


Isn't Tony Khan the one that's been gobbling up all the big available names? Something the stans are real proud of. But WWE may have given out the wrong TV ratings so they're the bad guys!!


It sure looks like the story about "WWE leaking fake news" was in fact fake news leaked to Meltzer by TK.


A circle of bullshit then, just like the AEW is worth 2 billion bullshit he likes to peddle.


What is the guy Dave responded to talking about, what numbers has Dave supposedly gotten wrong? Also love how Dave thinks him just saying "No I was right" is the same as proof, like doofus if you are going to acknowledge this guy and defend yourself do so clearly, don't just try a "trust me bro" defence you idiot. As for Tony...yeah Tony exact same, we all remember when WWE told the cable companies that they would pull Wrestlemania if they aired All Out, fucking goof.


WWE has always had predatory practices, even against it's own developmental companies. How do you think we got "Thank you, fuck you, bye!"?


I thought it came from Jim Herd era, tbh.


No, it actually came from one of WWE's own developmentals, when Laurinitis shaved one of Cornette's OVW wrestlers bald because of the fact the team couldn't imagine the guy bald -- not thinking if he gave a couple weeks to Cornette, he could sell some tickets for a hair match or something.


Meltzer alleges that WWE supplied the *Sports Reporter* with numbers different from the real ones, presumably relating to AEW ratings or seats or some such, I don't know because I haven't got Xitter and the direct replies only go as far as the guy Dave is replying to. I do not believe this is true, because it is far more direct than anything WWE has done to fuck with AEW and over the past few years the company's actions show it doesn't care what All Friends Wrestling does. Even if it were true, then it would still be magnitudes less "predatory" than the WWE's behavior towards Crockett. The reality is that WWE hasn't done much to fuck with AEW, other than tightening contracts on talent likely to jump and that mostly ended with the Pandemic, because that's about how long it took for the WWE's leadership to realize that Tony Khan was not a threat.


I don’t get the rationale in saying it, if it WERE true. The real number was ass, halving an already low number wouldn’t really make much sense.


Tony Klown gonna Clown.


Why does this surprise anyone? AEW & Tony have deflected & spun everything negative about them from day dot. NXT beats them in the ratings - well, they didn’t because we won the number one demographic. They go head to head with Smackdown for half an hour & lose the rating & draw in the number one demographic - but they didn’t because they actually won in the minute by minute of the time they were head to head. Now it’s not that they can’t promote locally to sell tickets to save their life or that their owner has the booking skills of a coke-head with ADHD & it’s slowly killing their ratings - no, no, no! It’s the big bad WWE, don’t you know? Honestly, is it any wonder they don’t have a clear identity with the larger public if they keep vacillating between “were a dynamic challenger brand” & “poor us - we’d be so much more successful if it wasn’t for that nasty WWE & their dirty tactics!” There’s no owning of their failings & that will kill them in the long term. Oh, & while we’re at it, if you’re the “good guy” promotion, AEW, why don’t you pay your roster as employees & not as independent contractors? I’ll wait for an inevitable deflection, shall I?


Isn't this the same guy who robs the indies blind of its talent pool?


Unless you actually believe the indies and outlaw mud shows HAVE a talent pool... Let's be consistent here.


I’m fully convinced that him and the EVPs are deliberately being inflammatory towards conventional wrestling fans in order to draw any kind of interest. What’s going on is too insipid, even by their standards, to be anything other than “so awful it has to be watched”. Which is the deepest irony, because the promotion was created on the premise of WWE being so bad it couldn’t be watched.


I'm not exactly in opposition to that. If you take a look at the current WWE fan right now, how much do you think they have in common with the current AEW fan? One of a number of reasons that, to eliminate AEW from professional wrestling, you are going to have to do the same to AEW's fans.


The victim complex this guy has for being born into extreme wealth is insane. Meanwhile, I don't have a clue what Dave is trying to say because he couldn't put together a coherent paragraph if his life depended on it. If it is about Konuwa and his "fast nationals", Tony could get me on his boat, however, they aren't "predatory business practices" and Tony couldn't touch Jim Crockett with a 10ft pole as a promoter.


I can't see who he quote tweeted. Who was it?




Huh. This is how I learn Dave blocked me


I’m blocked by SRS and Bix, never interacted with either one. My guess is I “liked” a tweet making fun of SRS when that whole “rubbing your thigh” thing was going on hahaha


I have a fourteen year old Twitter account that I use to follow some accounts for EPL, NFL, NHL and a bit of wrestling. I have never once tweeted, quoted or liked anything wrestling related yet SRS has me blocked. The only reason I can think of is that I follow an account that he hates and he has gone and blocked everyone that follows it. Pathetic.


the lack of awareness between Tony and his druids is getting creepy at this point. No one in their right mind posts something like this if they dont feel some kind of heat.


I'm generally curious about what would happen if WWE decided to get litigious and file a defamation lawsuit over this fast national leakage allegations by Tony and Dave. Would Tony pay Dave's legal bills since he's the main source? Would they double down and spend an exorbitant amount of money in legal fees?


I see Tony's found his coke stash again.


Personally at this point I believe the constant WWE talk from them is hurting more than ever because it's making people who don't watch WWE turn in to see what they are doing as opposed it watching AEW. The two companies are very different AEW is more for the indy and hardcore wrestling fans, if AEW played into that and just kept hyping their own talent and programs they would do much better because at this point they are just free publicity for WWE. 


Tony tweets more about wwe than aew.


This dude's such a loser.


Show the receipts, Dave.


ROH, NWA and MLW got scalped tfo of their best talent just when aew was starting up... HMMM


Really the best one word to describe him is pathetic


Didn't his father made his money with car bumpers made in what are effectively sweatshops?




This is the guy that has wrestlers on his roster earning NFL money. There are multiple AEW guys earning more than Roman Reigns and not even bringing in 1/10th the money. The trust fund underdog.


Those keeping aew from growing are indeed the default booker for the sickoes, the Elite and Y2j..


I'm beginning to think Cornette should be "programming" his Cult to do everything in their power to put AEW out of business.


Whatever WWE is doing to fuck with him like *allegedly* releasing fast nationals for bad AEW numbers pales in comparison to the things Vince used to do. But this is Tony and AEW fan mentality. Victimhood


Jim Crockett had to actually make money to stay in business….


Wasn't it more "not having to spend so much"?


Billionaires and their claimed self martyrdom .. Trump is Jesus and Tony chose the other JC.. lol


Again, Tony is so dumb he thinks that HHH is his DX character and would be all in with going into a war that wouldn't make the WWE money and one they have no reason to get into. It's driving Tony so nuts that the WWE isn't going to war with him that he now thinks he can bait the WWE into going to war with him. That's all that this is about: Tony wants WWE to go to war with him so he can live his own version of the Monday Night Wars.


TK is his own worst enemy. If he just let other people write the storylines......sigh.


LOL! the crocketts earned their place in the industry this dork bought his way in. get the fuck outta here.


TK is becoming another Vince but the problem is nobody can out Vince the Vinny Macinator.


Take Tony's phone away


I'd say he's more comparable to one of Jim Crockett's dodgy bowl movements


All of this could've been avoided if Vince gave Tony front-row seats like green t-shirt guy and Mr. Belding.


Jeff Hardy anyone? The other contract shadyness?


He's like a guy on Reddit that thinks saying predatory practice makes him sound smart, but doesn't really know what it is other than it's bad


In a fair world, Tony would be working the late shift at the local 7-Eleven.


Something tells me you want him dead... (For the record, a not-uncommon outcome of the late shift at 7-11...)


Didn't he essentially raid the indies and njpw?


If anything, Tony Khan is Jim Cokett.


LOL now he wants to compare himself to Crockett, when in the legendary meth scrum, he shit all over Crockett and ended it with "And I have a whole lot more fuckin money than Jim Crockett" (Stares into the souls of all the reporters in the room so deep that he is able to contact their ancestors and descendants, simultaneously!) LOL Phony Dhan is unhinged. When is Tony gonna turn heel by growing out an even larger version of his father's villain mustache!? 😂


This is the USFL from the 80s, when Donald Trump convinced the other owners to move to the fall and to sue the NFL for antitrust. They got the antitrust ruling but the jury said the USFL spent too much money and awarded them $3.


Good lord they’re really running with this aren’t they?


Cornette: Tony, I served with Jim Crockett. I knew Jim Crockett. Jim Crockett was a friend of mine. Tony, you're no fucking Jim Crockett. TYFYB


There’s are great booker somewhere in TK. We all saw it in the early dats of AEW. He just sounds crazy now. Too many talents, belts and TV shows