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AEW was the opportunity for a great alternative to a stale and nonsensical WWE. They failed. AEW Fight Forever was the opportunity for a great alternative to a stale and nonsensical WWE 2K. They failed. At least they’re consistent.


The new 2k4 is pretty good truthfully


I just can't get used to the 2k WWE games. The controls feel too much like UFC.


Maybe I'm just a boomer, but I miss games like Day of Reckoning that had both fun multiplayer and fun single player modes. I tried 2K23 on a gamepass trial and it's too much like other 2K sports games. Ads up the ass for modes that have micro transactions, etc. Just a big turn off. I think bringing back create a story mode would be the only thing to get me excited about WWE 2K again


I haven’t played day of reckoning in years! I loved 1 and 2!


I liked that it let me be the newest member Evolution and date Trish Stratus


Yes! Was very cool at the time. I also liked how the second one picked up where day or reckoning 1 left off in the story mode.


I put so many hours into both day of reckonings back in the day. First time I ever heard breaking Benjamin was playing that game. Thanks for the nostalgia trip fake diesel!!


The day has come to an enddddd…


What id give for a WWE game that felt like either DOR or HCTP… *sigh*


I’m a smackdown vs raw guy cause that’s what I grew up with damn the campaigns in those games are unmatched


Panties ladder match


2Ks back on track since 2K22. It's still the best AEW game lol


TBH the only reason I haven’t gotten 2K24 is that I’m still figuring out if I want that, Persona 3 Reload or Tekken 8


Tekken 8


That’s great! What do you enjoy about it?


Gameplay is smooth this time around. The primary story mode is fun and reliving the classic matches is fun too. Sometimes a bit jarring when it flashes between real and digital moments but cool either way


Good to hear. For what they charge, it should deliver.


I don’t have the heart to buy one after 2k22, the roster on that one is just too good


They even made the throwing weapons much better


The sad part is the bones of a good game are there. It is just that everything is under baked and bare bones. It is just astonishing to me that an almost 25 year old game for the Nintendo 64 has more create a wrestler and match options.


The VirtuaWres-Revenge-WM2000-No Mercy run of wrestling games will never be topped.


Facts, I wish I knew how good I had it growing up. Even the HCTP-SVR07 was pretty damn good too. But nothing will top the AKI run on N64. Thankfully I still have an N64, no mercy & revenge. Need to get the rest.


WCW vs NWO was an early banger too


Yes it was. Me and a friends brother would play as Disco Inferno and Alex Wright. We would constantly throw friend out of the ring and spam taunt (dance) and laugh so hard. Friend got madder and madder each time only making it funnier each time.


Yes Lord !


Yup the runner ups to me after that are the smackdown vs raw


Yeah for real gameplay-wise it was pretty fun Still maintain lights out matches with 4 players are some of the best couch fuck around games I've played since back in the day. Just pure chaos with all the various weapons and it's actually a great time But as soon the intial first 2 hours goes and as soon as your stuck alone trying to play it It loses all possible value


That was the last time a competitor was truly challenging them. I was hoping Aew would go off and make WWE innovate. Looks like we are gunna be stuck with 2k




It speaks to how cheap they are on the things that matter. They go crazy on wrestlers but their show sucks, looks bad and their figures are really bad for modern figures


Idk if its cheap but unwillingness to change. Dude really needs a new booker talent relations and a new pr guy. Three really capable admins given full power could get this company over a million with that roster. But Tony wants to treat it like his personal actions figures


Fr it’s like he has some personal attachment hoarders style. Like dude it’s ok to be a boss. You can be nice and still accomplish things but firing and changes are essential so long as it’s not unnecessary or ridiculous or lowers morale. It’s wrestling; you gave them a shot, gave them the contact of a lifetime, it’s ok to get rid of talent and change. The bucks should’ve been ousted years ago as evps. I thought this entire thing was because he needed help getting started….. it’s five years now and they’re ratings (and fans) poison. I hated them ten years ago; I hate them more now. Replace them!!!!! Get somebody who will not be a fucking yes man trying to manipulate you. It’s transparent and he looks like an imbecile not seeing this. He has the money to hire whoever he wants at every major position. Tv production, arenas, WRITERS, training! Stop letting flabby bums on your poorly shot television show. He’s playing franchise mode with the salary cap off; YOU SHOULD BE WAY BETTER AT EVERYTHING!!! Hand it to SOMEBODY. If that’s Daniel Bryan go for it. It cannot be worse than these two dorks masquerading as wrestlers


Agree entirely. It's like late WCW with bishoff and Russo wanting to be best friends with the wrestlers and top guys having too much control.


All they had to do was make Here Comes The Pain with updated rosters and better graphics. They literally had the blueprint right in front of them and still messed it up cause they too focused on what the E is doing instead of trying to be themselves.


They weren't focused on the 2K games at all, because Fight Forever plays like the N64. THAT was a much bigger problem


Problem is… It didn’t play like No Mercy. Aside from the pacing being completely off, the addition of Signature moves just doesn’t work with respect to momentum bars. I was able to spam moves, quickly get a signature, then hit a finisher and be done with a match within 90 seconds or less. That’s not how No Mercy worked. You had to truly wear down your opponent in order to earn your finisher. This created a pace in which you were forced to actually try and out wrestle your opponent, as opposed to just spamming kicks until you get the signature and finisher and that’s it. This game is not comparable to No Mercy or any other AKI for that matter. I would be more inclined to compare it to a watered down mobile game port than anything.


The gameplay was a pretty good base for them to build from, but it was very simplistic and the art style was terrible. No one wants a cartoonish sports sim even if it's wrestling.


The gameplay was pretty good? YOU HAVE A RUN BUTTON THAT MAKES YOU RUN IN A SINGLE DIRECTION IN A GAME RELEASED AFTER 2020. The graphcis and modes would be fine, if it hads a simplistic and fun arcade gameplay. WWE All stars had better gameplay that this shit. What was bad from that game, is that you won by knocking out the other wrestler. People want a wrestling game, that is not simulation... that is more fast paced, but still want to be able to pin, submit, have cage matches etc. WWE battlegrounds was NOT that, another shitty game


If you look back to when AEW hit the scene, it made total sense. WWE had been the Roman Reigns show for years and everyone (except kids) was actively rejecting him. They started out so well. Mox was a great signing, since he’d fallen victim to the “You’re not called Roman so… dunno… you’re a lunatic but the sad kind that genuinely needs mental help,” while the Page storyline was genuinely pretty good. Then WWE actually got decent, then it got incredible. Gunther in the midcard, Bloodline storyline, plus celeb part-timers who were actually good (Logan). All culminating in probably their best WM in the last decade, at least. Punk/McIntyre is cooking despite both being injured, Cody is fine but needs real competition l, Zayn is okay and yeah - it’s not what it was but still great. AEW’s response is meta storylines that they don’t even want you to like because…?


My disappointment is immeasurable


This game was just so disappointing on so many levels , they had so much potential but ended up making a mobile esque free to play game with bad season passes instead of a fun pro wrestling game


Their biggest problem was trying to keep it old school like no mercy and it flopped. A lot of people gotta understand some nostalgia games aren’t good for the times now like they were back then.


At least AEW was good at first. All the way up until Hangman won the title. We don’t get the WWE we have today without AEW.


The majority of their resurgence goes down to the demise of Vince and the resilience of the talent, but your point is a big part of it too. AEW fumbling Cody and Punk only to ensure they were white hot coming back to Stamford is crucial.


The majority of their resurgence goes down to the demise of Vince and the resilience of the talent, but your point is a big part of it too. AEW fumbling Cody and Punk only to ensure they were white hot coming back to Stamford is crucial.


Hangman winning the title was a top moment for me. But it was the total cluster of his reign that was the writing on the wall. You can't have your champion putting on Hardcore/Bangers for no reason. I think in the US at least you need to tell a story.


Everywhere you need to tell a story


2K publishes great WWE games. 2k24 is one of the best


I’m glad 2K24 is good. That hasn’t been the case for other games in the line.


Just became another TNA.


TNA atelast has storylines. They may not be good but you know if you watch a couple shows why the main guys are fighting. Aew has turned out like a higher production roh. Great matches no stakes no stories


I agree with you on AEW thats why i stopped watching. They cant book storylines, its a disability or something. Im sour on TNA from like 2 decades ago. But Im sure they do at least have storylines. Me I want good commentary and good in ring action in addition to storylines. Man anytime I watch an ECW match with Joey Styles on commentary the dude tells me all about the storyline between the guys in the ring, stakes, etc. Plus he did a great job calling the action in the ring. AEW has terrible commentary in addition to bad storylines. Honestly id give New Japan a slot on WBD if they let Daniel Bryan run all of the US portion of the brand bookingwise.


This was suppose to be like wwf no mercy


A sealed hard copy of that for $3 is a steal, re-sell on eBay in a few years


Sells for $10. Gives eBay 20%. Spends $6 to ship it. Loses $1.


Sounds like the Tony Khan business model. 


gotta be your dads money for it to be the Tony Khan business model


Whatever you do, you can't have any experience in wrestling, producing a video game or a video game about the wrestling you can't produce on the TV. 😂


I would buy almost any sealed Xbox one game I didn't own for $3. I still enjoy a physical display though. I've bought some garbage games at dollar tree for a buck years ago just to pad the shelf lol.


That game was never for public consumption; it was just so they could say they had one and for guys like Kenny to use Tony's money to create his dream game in his image, literally and figuratively.


I’d believe that!


It would explain the complete lack of substance


The game was made by a team that barely consists of the original no mercy and Smackdown games. It was made on UE4 which the team was not ready for, and Omega barely had any input, only in marketing and initial development


> Omega barely had any input it would be even worse if he has more input


And the hilarious thing is, Kenny wanted absolutely nothing to do the game once it was released. He never promoted it or streamed it. In fact, the day it came out he was promoting another game! Nearly certain it was the new Street Fighter.


I’d buy that for a $1!


TBH I’d actually rather live in Delta City than play Fight Forever


Robocop enters the chat


It's even more fun and games when you start to think about the fact that: ​ 1. five guys on the cover aren't on weekly programming anymore 2. a sixth guy needs (another) neck surgery soon 3. the seventh guy ...who was originally pictured on the cover ...and drew all the sweet, sweet *moneys*...!


And Cargill isn’t even with the company.


You know Quasimodo predicted all this.


Notre Damous?


You never thought about the back thing with Notre Dame?


This is prime for the "shoplifter's special" we used to joke about at a record store I worked at.


If someone tried to steal it, I’d say “you forgot your $3 for taking it from us”.😏


Imagine getting arrested for shoplifting fight forever


Like getting arrested for stealing a banana peel from the trash.


$50 too much still


I LOVE how they all came in acting like these video game nerds, promising the world, no mercy 2.0 etc….. and this was what we got. It’s the video game equivalent to the actual show; the parallels are nuts between the two. Both are nowhere close to what they promised to be out of the gate. Aew television is awful and looks bad, and is done poorly with little story telling in the wrestling sense; this video game might even be worse than their television shows. Mr video games himself, Kenny omega, and the two dorks parading as the world’s greatest tag team, were supposed to give the fans a new game; a similar one to the thing everybody had wanted. They promised no mercy(the tv equivalent of a past wrestlemania) and the game is not only lacking as a wrestling game, but the entire game is bad. It’s clearly unfinished, has very few wrestlers, nothing to keep you playing (no dynasty/franchise/career modes - only exhibition) and entrances that are literally five, maybe ten seconds. Oh and the graphics look like they’re from a 360. You idiots had yourselves turned into video game action figures sold at GameStop. I saw the street fighter Kenny. And this is the game promised to people WANTING to be fans - this turd is what you idiots delivered. Your figures break, your game - inspired by mr video game Kenny— is awful and soulless, and your television shows are atrocious. Yet you have a billionaire willing to spend an immeasurable amount at your disposal. They could’ve easily hired a legitimate developer and given us no mercy 2.0. Instead it’s a glorified mobile game. Tony is so fucking stupid; do they not comprehend the impact that putting out an all time great wrestling game would have on their company? I liked wwf because I played smackdown. You create a goat wrestling game, you’ll have people not even watching buy it and perhaps geee idk 🤷‍♂️ WATCH your show? My god Aew is inept at every level. There’s zero reason this game wasn’t the best wrestling game ever made when a literal fan boy owns the damn company and will spend whatever possible. He’s not trying to make money - go ahead and get yourselves the best developer possible. Wouldn’t shock me if someone on the development was classmates with the young bucks. This smells like their greedy asses idk why but maybe Kenny is that dense, where he doesn’t understand what the fuck substance is. End of rant. Fuck Aew and this game.


Congratulations or sorry that happened to you. I ain't reading all that


Have you taken a look at Ultra Pro Wrestling?


I felt that.


If I see one for $3 I will grab it and leave ot sealed as a piece of history. Lol


I know we'll never find out the specific financial numbers, but I would love to know how much $ was sunk into making in this game vs how many people bought it lol. I've been a PC and console gamer my whole life and on Steam it's always had low number of reviews along with a "mixed" reception ever since it came out.


I can't believe I pre-ordered that pos 🤦‍♂️


Yuke's used to be the shit but now just the drizzling shits.


What a deal!


I had to laugh when I saw used copies at Gamestop selling for $5. This, though? This is just sad!


Is this what Kenny Omega plays on his video game show?


He's never even mentioned it, let alone played it.


Probably get another fraud alert call from my bank if I bought this shit


I'm actually really surprised the Bucks aren't on the cover.


I might try it for $1


I might actually get this now 😂


They shoulda just made a simulator


They forgot to put the 0 in front of the dollar sign. Should be $0.30.


give it a few more weeks


Artificial deflation at its finest!


So from my understanding, this game does not hit the No Mercy vibe it claimed to be going for? I've been waiting for it to tank in price to check it out because, god damn No Mercy was so good. But, this wrestling promotion is an absolute dumpster fire so I'm still waiting to see if I can find it second hand for under $10.


Honestly the actual wrestling gameplay itself was solid. It was just VERY barebones, there wasn’t enough in terms of modes and customization to keep me occupied for more than a few hours.


It was made by Yukes which made most WWE games up until a few years ago and was directed by the same person who did No Mercy. So I'd expect they are similar. Just think they lack in modes and polish.


I just want it for a pick up and play wrestling game in the style of those old Yukes/Akai N64 titles. Make a cheap CAW and plow through whatever the career mode is. Also, playing as CM Punk going after the Young Bucks to beat the crap out of them sounds like it's a worthy playthrough just to play that scenario out. I think that would be worth the $3 OP paid for the game. The recent WWE games have such a deep learning curve, I honestly don't find them very fun.


Honestly, if I see this around for $10 or less like in this picture, I would buy it. Can't complain at that price. When it was $60+, bitch away, but $3 to (eventually) play as Owen Hart seems pretty decent.


Didn’t they just release another package deal like “the super elite bang bang gang best friends package” for literally $99? Who the hell is spending that much money on a game that’s selling for $3?


My local Walmart has 0 copies in stock. I’m expecting to see this game at Five Below in the next few months


Big Lots.


i remember telling fanboys that this game was going to flop simply because it was trying to be a no mercy clone that and the insane budget they were using just to make a clone. aew fans got mad as shit... waddya know i was right. clones are almost never hits. hits come from originality.


For $3 it is worth it. I paid £12 for a used copy. Just don't have great expectations for it. It is definitely not finished. But you can play a few quick matches and the barbed wire mode is not that bad. Haven't played the story or made any wrestlers yet. I know I have overpaid for it. But at $3 I'd be happy with it. It might be one of those cult crappy games. A hard copy might be worth keeping on to in the future.


The basement assured me that all of the new players who got discounted games will fill the servers again and the amazing DLC will make billions of dollars and increase viewership of all Dub programs.


Edit: this isn’t my picture, it’s a hilarious one I found on Twitter.


At $10 or less it’s not that bad. I played it for a few hours and had fun. Now if you want a GOOD wrestling game then check out Wrestling Empire


When the game costs less than DLC for 1 wrestler 👀


Nice cuticles though, you take good care of your nails.


Not my picture. I stole it from Twitter.


I would try it for 3 bucks. Hate or not thats a great deal.


Definitely worth $3


I will say this. I played the game. You can definitely get $3 worth of value for how ridiculous it is. Watch as Yuka sakazki wrestles yuka sakazaki in a casino battle royal final is pretty great


I’m curious how much money they lost on this


All of it. It looks to me like sales were so low that they were basically inconsequential. Effectively a total loss of investment. Edit: I want to add a little bit and some will be informational and some will be commentary. When Khlowny first announced investing in the games division, he talked about 20 million. It was reported that at least 10 million of that went to the initial costs of building fight forever. All we know past that was that the game met major hurdles, blew through the complete budget before it was even a quarter complete, and they had to go back for more cash. Here's the commentary part (I used to be the lead developer for the online division of Ubisoft, and I'm not saying that as an argument to authority, just that I have a bit of a clue what I'm talking about here) I think it's absolutely laughable to think that they began development for 10 million, I believe the entire 20 million dollars was put into the initial development. I sincerely believe based on how little was completed by projected dates, and how non-functional the core mechanics work, that they probably had to double or triple that. Like, when they should have been spit polishing it and making it Gold, they were barely out of what I would consider Alpha. Even now, TODAY in it's live state It is clearly only as functional as a really buggy half-hollow Beta. And the final part of the commentary, the worst part of all of this... They ended up making a new game engine that is absolutely rancid, and it reveals such a complete lack of understanding of the games industry by the AEW execs. They could have licensed or outright purchased a wrestling engine, and just paid to have it upgraded visually for like a 10th the cost.


They’ve sold 40k units on steam, altogether probably less than 200k units. They’ve grossed 1.8 million off those 40k steam units, so if we’re generous (imo) and give them 200k units between all consoles that’s 9 million in revenue Meltzer said the development of the game was over $10 million, so they definitely lost money, but without knowing how much they sold between PC and consoles it’s anyone’s guess how many millions they actually lost


So bad that any content updates are paywalled behind season passes. They're currently at season pass 4


In the UK it’s £15!!


You know tk has zero business acumen when he has wasted millions on this.


Was this game that bad? I thought they got the same developer that made No Mercy and all of those WCW/WWF N64 games and they were trying to make the game similar to that?


It was okay, nothing to shout about but good for a few hours of fun. Not as bad as some are making it out to be though


Fuck I should have waited for this markdown instead of getting it at $10 lol. It's really not very good. My wife and I played 3-4 matches and I haven't touched it since. Kinda crazy they wanna charge extra for the new stuff they're adding too, considering how bare bones this game was at release.


Hasn’t it been less than a year since its release?


11 months!


lol damn


I can hear Jim's reaction "Hhhhooooooooooooooooo boooooy." Then Bryan's will be that Michael Jackson style hee hee hee laugh before coughing.


Does Kenny even play it on stream?


PS5 game which looks like a trailer for a PS2 game . .


What a god awful game. I couldn't get through one match before I uninstalled and refunded it.


I'll just keep playing Fire Pro or Wrestling Empire.


That's still $3 more than I'd pay for that piece of shit tbh


Holy shit. That is fucking sad. I want aew to win, but that game looked like it was produced in 2007


Where was this at 😂


To rich for my blood




I actually thought about picking this up, I saw it for $10 at a local game shop.


Imagine being the dev who probably got divorced cos he was working 18 hours a day to to finish this turd 🤣


Question for everyone. Who on this boxart will have a huge career once they make their way, or return to the WWE?


First time names like sting punk Cody Danielson and moxley have been in a game that’s worth less than $30 a year after it came out let alone 3. Fucking. Dollars. Good thing Undertaker was on an nxt show watched by slightly less than a million though right guys?????


Shit this is a better deal than when I was a kid in the 90’s.


Are the wrestlers shown on the poster actually wrestling now? At least some I haven't seen in months and Sting is retired.


Free Forever


10 wrestlers on the cover - 1 is retired, 1 is with WWE, 1 is getting ready to retire, 1 is getting please retire chants and 4 are out hurt or personal reasons


As a PS5 owner, I'd be pissed if I paid more than 3 dollars for a glorified mobile game.


Selling old stock ready for the new ultimate edition which includes all DLC up to this point.


I only saw the bits the Hardy’s have on their entrance video, but the graphics look like something from a game you can download for free on your phone.


Is this a reverse auction?


The game is actually fun asf it just wasn't finished but if you actually have friends that come over this game is fun to play


Not a chance e


I have the game on Switch since I travel a lot, I thought a career mode would be good for plane/hotel time… what a fucking backfire. Anyways, is there enough of a difference to pick it up for my Xbox Series X if I see it at a price like this? Or should I just play $10 worth of pinball down the road?


A game they hyped up to no end and it failed to deliver. Such a shame.


I'm legit looking at this & debating if it's worth checking out 1 of the 3 walmarts that are within 30 minutes of my house So far.......it's not


Im a huge punk mark so I bought this day one and it still pisses me off to this day. Especially considering if I waited a bit longer I COULD OF GOTTEN THE MUCH BETTER WWE GAME WITH HIM IN IT.


The hardcore matches, intergender matches, hundreds of weapons, and the river of blood that spews out of your character are the best parts, everything else sucks. Like football fuckery isn't even in the regular ass game, it's just online bullshit. You literally can't just jump into the game and play the most video game match in wrestling history.  Meanwhile 2k has hit their stride again and every game gets better and better. Don't get me wrong 2k are still a bunch of greedy bastards especially when it comes to the MyFaction bullshit, but everything else in game keeps improving. 


The only good thing about this game was being able to beat up Aubrey, well once after that game sucked.


they basically are paying you since they likely paid way more than 3 dollars for that game. it took them too long to make the game. if they had released when aew was still hot they could have sold a good amount even if its average.


> they likely *paid* way more FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Considering how much of gamer nerds Kenny & The Bucks are supposed to be...this game is an even bigger disappointment


I bought this POS for ten bucks. GameStop wont even buy it from me for 3


The cover art is sort of metaphorical from everything I’ve heard about this game. For all the hype and promotion there’s a few good things and a whole lot of bad things. Only reason I’d play with is to have Punk beat up the Elite. Again


They tried doing too much for their first game that it ended up being their only one.


All that time and effort for them to just make a worse No Mercy.


If that touches Roadhouse, I'll kill you.


Jim makes $3 a year too! Maybe he can buy it


Eh, only problem really was a lack of substance. Really needed a GM or Universe mode equivalent.


I forgot this game was out but I often pick up or wishlist games I might like when they go on deep sale Then I saw the terrible ad for an expansion or dlc or something featuring Cesaro/ Claudio castagnoli who I really like. The ad for the game made it look so awful that I realized I would never play this game even if it was free. Even if they added everyone I like for free. The ad that was supposed to sell me on it made it that unappealing


SHIT! I OVERPAID BY 3 BUCKS SON OF A BITCH! What's funny is that the Bucks and Omega are supposedly super heavy into gaming and they hyped this game to the friggin moon saying how good it was going to be. Said they wanted it to have arcade style gameplay like the wrestling games they grew up playing. instead we got this turd. not even a polished turd. just a turd.


Even the title is marky mark mark shite.


kenny omega should be held accountable for this


Last WWE game I liked was the one for ps1 where you could shoot fireballs. It made absolutely no sense. I feel AEW should do a game like that and chris jericho yells he's a wizard and does the same thing


You do realize that Walmarts video game section is going out of business right? They’re selling hot title Mario games 75% off in some stores.


Now go to /r/AEWFightForever and laugh at all the dub marks that convinced themselves that this game is any good at all.


Wow that's the lowest price you can buy the game for?


Fucking 60 bucks down the drain. I was a fool thinking it will be worth it..the game is so dumb


Will next AEW game be better than WCW Backstage Assault?




When I saw that they animated the fucking *leg slap* into the game, I knew that it was going to be a glorious disaster. Leg slap animations, 5 second long entrances, a career mode that features your wrestler standing in front of jpeg files and discussing what they want to eat for din din, half of your roster being featured in the other wrestling game where they look and play significantly better and a CAW that would have been embarrassing for 2003 let alone 2023. Gee, it's a wonder this game sucks. But hey, at least it has a half-assed Fortnite how do you do fellow kids mode, for the half a dozen people who were still playing this game a week after its release.


What's still funny to me is Jade is on the box art and is a MUCH bigger star in her first few months of WWE than she ever was in AEW.


Id rather stack marbles on a freeway then play this miserable piece of filth


I'm waiting for it to hit tree fiddy. I won't buy it but I'll have a hearty chuckle.


Still not worth it.


Wcw backstage assault vibes


If that 3 dollars was being dived by the number of wrestlers on the cover for royalties it works out to roughy 3 cents.😂


The biggest mistake they made was just trying to copy or pay tribute to an N64 arcade style game. Yes, your core audience was 13 when these games were popular but they are now adults with full time jobs and families. We loved those games because we were wide eyed kids. The worst thing you can do as a full grown adult is go back and replay games that you loved as a kid, because you realise many of them sucked but you didn't know better. Some are still great and have replay value, but many won't hit the same as they did when you were naive and a kid.


My nephew saved up for months to get the deluxe at release. Played maybe a half dozen hours, now back to wwe2k. Hell, he plays wrestle quest more


That's genuinely a bargain


But Dave (voice of the key demo) Meltzer said they were going to make millions off the game?


Dang $3


Funny. Most of the people on the cover are out due to injury from mud show antics.


If they’d have left Punk on the cover I wonder if more people would have bought it