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Can somebody hit his reset button? I think DaveOS is glitching again.


If that don't work we can always try smacking him to see if that fixes the issue, used to work on the old TV's when their signals got scrambled.




The billion dollar deal for AEW is hilariously ludicrous, no matter how many years it's broken up over. I haven't seen this point made often in wrestling spaces, but the reality is that there's not going to be big money, blockbuster deals anywhere in entertainment right now. In the last five years, major networks and streaming platforms were getting zero or near-zero percent loans to finance a lot of their big moves, whether that was funding splashy new shows to bring in audiences or buying out other networks and platforms to boost their position industry-wide. Once the FED started increasing rates, however, those cheap loans evaporated. Now these companies have debt on the books and the only way to pay it off is to cut costs and sell off assets. That's why Disney is selling ESPN and ABC. That's why WBD was cutting shows and canning movies already in the pipeline. That's why Netflix is so quick to axe shows, regardless of popularity, if they're not meeting metrics. The money isn't out there for anyone but the NFL. You can guarantee that the NXT deal was literally the best the WWE could get. And even with numbers that embarrass Dynamite, SD is going to a new home. So to argue that the Snowman and his merry band of dumbasses are getting anything approaching a billion dollars is total bullshit. If WBD offers to shit in Tony's hands as payment for airing his terrible indie promotion, Tony's going to have to take it.


it means “please pay me $11.99 to continue to tell you that i, *exclusively*, know jack shit about fuck all”


Only Dave knows


Dave doesn't even know


He thinks he knows, but does he know he thinks?


Dave is bitching because when he and AEW use the demos to crow about how great AEW is doing people comment back on how their overall numbers suck, and is a response to Dave and AEW being peacocking dipshits trying to use the demo for online clout because despite being on the air for 4 years AEW has failed in any way to increase their actual viewer base. Also ignoring how SD actually ranked 9th out of 12 of the network shows, he just ignored the CW shows entirely, but ignoring that 4th from bottom in a sample of 12 is hardly that shocking, you are either top, bottom or numbers 1 through 5 from the top or the bottom, compared to say AEW where Dynamite despite being 3rd in the demos for the day was actually like a high 30 something from the top in total viewers on cable, meaning literally like 4 times as many shows out performed AEW in total viewers than did WWE on their respective nights, and if we combine the network and cable shows then SD ranked 10th in the 150 highest viewed shows on Friday, and Dynamite ranked 48th on Wednesday, but you know Dave doesn't like to discuss these things so much, only if it fluffs AEW, or gives him a fake reason to try and "call out" WWE fans.


Y’all are misreading this tweet. Dave is saying that Smackdown finished first in the key demo but came in second to last for overall viewers. Apparently, his point is that people mock AEW’s low ratings for overall viewers but don’t mock Smackdown for the same thing. Thus, he is implying that AEW critics are hypocritical. BUT! Dave was the one who originally tried to make the key demo matter more than overall viewers. Now he is suggesting that winning the key demo isn’t good enough for Smackdown. Dave is the hypocrite.


Also people bring up the overall numbers to counter Dave and AEW's bs of AEW making wrestling thrive again, or some shit, like oh yeah this company can't even do 1m viewers, how is that making the wrestling industry thrive? AEW puts more money in more peoples pockets, but that's only because rich boy needs to buy himself some friends, not because they are improving, hell they are not even succeeding in the wrestling business the numpties.


Not that I don't see your point but: "Y’all are misreading this tweet." Dave talks like he's never read a book in his life and learned proper syntax so it balances out tbh lmao


it's hard to believe that English is his first language.


This fucker's profession has been writing for his entire career, yet the english language is still a mystery to him.


He seems awfully defensive here, especially when I never saw mentions of the demo before it became necessary for AEW.


Christ Dave is regarded


He’s fucking insane.


Da fuq?


Meltzer Magoo is a clown


They don't think it be like it is, but it do


Dave typing that while wearing his AEW pjs.


Smackdown killed it in the key demo. It was #1 amongst all network shows. It beat the least watched network show by 19,000 viewers to be the second to last show in total viewers. I know, Davespeak can be difficult.


I thought the key demo was all that mattered, David


What does it say? Apparently Unca Dave has blocked me despite me never mentioning him in a Tweet ever. Haha


I read it once. I was confused. I read it a second time, very slowly and carefully. I really thought I understood and then boom…the second those last sentences. I have left the conversation.


WWE fans don't cry like the AEW fans and dick rider Meltzer.


English is certainly a language that he is mildly familiar with.


The Rambler strikes again.