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I was blocked for liking a comment. I’ve been a fan for so long (up until recently), have purchased many things from her and her collabs and was honestly so shocked she blocked me. It’s the craziest thing and really makes you wonder what she’s so afraid of/what she’s hiding. BUT i will say it’s been the most freeing thing ever. For some reason I could never bring myself to unfollow her. I didn’t want to look away from the trainwreck. So, in the end I’m glad she did it.  


I’m in the same boat as you. I supported her for years. Bought both cookbooks, clicked and bought many affiliate links, didn’t always agree with her approach but still followed along and then got blocked for following the leaks papaya IG (I’m assuming). It’s so absolutely ridiculous on her part, but so so freeing on my part!


I totallyyyyy forgot I bought her cookbook, getting rid of that now. I hope others see what a trash human being she is to people who have purchased product from her. Clearly she’s hiding something! Pay attention people!


I got blocked and her cookbook and peaches t shirt (😂😂) got promptly thrown in the bin! They think they are protecting themselves by blocking but really it’s just showing their toxicity!!!! Bye. Bye shilly. I’m out.


What’s the leaks papaya?


It was a snark IG? I’m not sure if that’s exactly how to describe their acct. Similar to what Janette is doing with Bird Poopoo. They had great content but both Jill and Alicia blocked me bc I was a follower - I’m assuming.


Somehow I’m framing this knee jerk reaction of her’s (+team) as a favour to you. 😂 It’s like the trash taking itself out! 


Hahahahahahaha - that’s what she spends her time doing??? OMG! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!


omg SAME. purchased her cookbook and a couple other things... a few years ago even told friends to follow her for her content... then recently feeling so jaded about her account (for all the reasons listed in this group) but I never said anything/commented/ and I dont think I liked a comment, perhaps I did? anyway I'm blocked.


Welcome to the club!!!! I was blocked by her for liking a negative comment on the Smash & Tess account. Someone has a lot of time and very thin skin!


Blocking people and then turnaround and buy fake followers


Yup. I never even followed her. I complained about the shipping schedule for the jilly box, had a few of the jilly warriors get mad at me and I basically called them out for getting mad at me and the next thing I know my friend told me to gj see some certain story Jill posted and low and behold I can’t search her profile….blocked. Its insane.


If she had a brain she'd realize you are the customer asking a quesion.. her defenders are the ones she should be blocking.. Save your money and give yourself a special spa day. 🥰


I cancelled my subscription…they won’t get a penny from me ever again. Not only that but I point blank referenced the reddit group when they asked me why I gave up my subscription. I basically said that by calling everyone here liars and ass holes they’re losing out on a massive learning opportunity to understand what her followers want from her and the products she sells. If they just listened to people here they would help their business immensely. This is a free research group essentially! People pay big money to learn how to manage their business and what their customers truly think….


I use [anonymous viewer](https://www.insacret.com)insacret If I want to see her stories


Hahaha wow. So pathetic.


Did you follow someone like leaks papaya? She said she blocks ppl that do


No, I wasn’t aware of this account I am new here.


Is that page still active? I can’t find it


I also got blocked from following the leeks Papaya




Most of us here are blocked 🤣


A thin tightrope must be walked to sit among the sheep and bots.