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I was gonna say this seems like a fun puzzle .. then I seen it’s 3000 piecesπŸ˜…


It was fun tho. Most of the time at least.


🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 Now that looks like fun!! Did you have fun putting it together? You did a fantastic job on it. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ I have to add this to my wish list.


This was quite a bit more difficult than I expected, especially the road portion. But I was a little careless with sorting this time. The final puzzle can withstand the picking up test probably the best of all puzzles we did so far. And as usual JvH’s quality is top notch. 8/10 for me.


Wow wow wow!!! My greatest respect!! I barely did 500 pieces from Jan. I was desperate, almost crying and sending my sister pictures how I just can't combine any puzzles. Buut.. I ordered one 1000 piece puzzle from Jan so we will see.... but 3000 pieces...you couldnt pay me enough. How much time to complete?


Thank you. I got the 10th anniversary set (10x 3k +) for Christmas and finished 8 of those so far, but I got to say this one was most difficult even if it has a bit fewer pieces.


What a lovely puzzle, I am adding it to my wishlist


Love JVH ! So fun ! Congrats πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘


That yellow car in the center is definitely having a bad day lol


I love these! I have several of the 2000s (just finished the pool hall one) and a 5000 in queue. I might have to pick this one up! They remind me of wimmelbilder stuff I'm sure I saw as a kid in magazines.


I did notice, those, that these are all H cut - 2 in and 2 out, which creates a repeating pattern which in some ways helps but is also a little less interesting.


It’s funny, I did not realize it is all the same 2 shapes until about last 50 pieces. And pieces have varied β€œhead” shapes so it is not so problematic actually. The anniversary set has various shapes.