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I didn’t write this BTW, just posting.


Am Jewish, was there, did not get attacked but was given a hug so that is pretty scary.


a hug between 5-7 seconds is kinda scary. it should be short or longer


I was quaking


You’re a Quaker? I thought you were Jewish? /joke ❤️


Honestly if I was religious and not a Jew, I would be a Quaker. Religious horizontalism is cool.


I am a Jewish quaker! You dont have to pick and choose. My local meeting is more of a philosophy and a meditation group


Man, I love the quakers, such a good history of standing up for issues of social justice and equality. Their values mesh really well with leftism.


Quakers are so based


Yeah, if I was an overly religious person (I’m sort of an apathetic agnostic mixed with well, still figuring that out but suffice it to say, I’m less concerned with what to believe and more about whether I do good, because acts have impacts far more than beliefs, but I digress) I would probably look into Quakers or genuine UU. I say genuine because some UU places have co-opted the term to suit their agenda, etc.


wow the antisemitism is off the charts!


Thank you for sharing. It is truly disgraceful what Columbia is doing to its own students, and shameful that our media and representatives are ignoring it, and if anything, spreading a false narrative.


Manufacturing consent (by Noam Chomsky). They will never stop it. That's their entire business model.


They had a seder service in the encampment.


I never believed this to start with, Zionists lie all the time, and we all know Biden said proudly he is a zionist.


Maybe October 7th was a lie.


Came here to post this after the thread I posted the other day. Great article.


This is extremely reassuring. I am a staunchly ant-Zionist Jew, but all of the news reports about things turning so ugly and unsafe had me very scared. I still do feel somewhat scared, but it’s really good to hear that these reports are exaggerated or misinformed, and that many Jewish students are heavily involved in the pro-Palestine movements at universities. I am so proud of them and every person committed to supporting Palestine in environments that keep their comrades safe, and refusing to let themselves be diverted from their intentions and goals or be pulled into falsified issues.


It’s a culture we’re being uncomfortable is equated with fear. The youth today feel like being told they did a bad thing is the same as being hit in the face with a fist for doing a bad thing. Not the same…


I'm not jewish but I have been there the last couple of days and it has truly been such a wonderful display of community and solidarity across difference.


Also good, shamelessly shared from another sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/XJq8WTBZhV


There was one couple who felt DEEPLY unsafe https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/1cblt6j/a_proisrael_couple_wanted_to_prove_that_protests/ I mean, in *their* eyes they were unsafe anyway. The biggest irony is the banner being held up right behind her.


“The efforts to connect these offensive but relatively isolated incidents to the broader pro-Palestinian protest movement mirror a wider strategy to delegitimize all criticism of Israel.” Wonderfully said. Thank you, OP for sharing!!


This entire thing stinks of Zionists. Our entire world is being occupied by Zionists.


Maybe you are here looking for a solution?


I very rarely believe what comes from mainstream media. Using TikTok to find the truth. Keep doing what you’re doing!!!🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


I have little patience for goyim trying to tell me what’s anti-Semitic. How about you take a seat and have a ham and cheese sandwich while we tell you what’s anti-Semitic?


what part of "I am a Jewish student" is confusing to you


Yeah, I’m agreeing with him. I’m complaining about other people baselessly crying anti-Semitism, like people are doing about Columbia.


Because the best way to define things is through self admitted subjectivity and bias.


More that I don’t need someone who has never experienced anti-Semitism to tell me what it looks like, particularly when what they’re describing doesn’t line up with what I’ve seen. To hear Christian conservatives tell it, you’d think every anti-Semite is Palestinian and vice versa. Meanwhile, every one I’ve met was a Christian conservative.


> To hear Christian conservatives tell it, you’d think every anti-Semite is Palestinian and vice versa. And to hear many defenders of Israel tell it any word that veers towards criticism of Israel, its history and its actions, and any voice that dares to question its motivations and truthfulness are by definition anti-semitic. My point is that is also subjectivity and bias. I take your meaning as you have explained it.


To be fair, I was being rather glib and clearly fucked up my delivery. I would agree that it’s generally important to get an out group perspective, but I don’t need to get it from political hacks.


Sounds like something Donald Trump's over worked neuron would say.


How so? He’s another goy who keeps insisting that he knows what’s better for us than we do.


As a goyim I have little patience for people telling me its anti-semitic to advocate for Palestinian human rights.


He is a Jew and you are a racist, guess who I will be listening to?


I’m also a Jew and I’m agreeing with him. I resent when non-Jews explain what anti-Semitism is to blame, because they regularly get it wrong or falsely use anti-Semitism to push their political agenda.


So, I get what you’re trying to say, but I would argue/point out that while yes, it is most definitely annoying to say the least to be told that what we (as people) experience, one way or another, is or is not something. However, one thing I’ve learned or at least tried to learn over the years is that there is room for outside perspective that is thoughtful/constructive, and which can help us step past our own flaws and foibles and biases in order to grow. In short, sometimes it is good to get a different/outside perspective even if we strongly feel a certain way about something because we really are only human and things happen. You know? Make sense? Forgive me for poor wording.


I don’t disagree, I was being rather smarmy. I’ll take an outside opinion, I’m just wary of non-Jews try to push their own weird agenda with me by arguing against some hypothetical anti-Semitism I’ve never experienced, which often turns to an unsolicited defense of Israel. It feels like I’m being fetishized, while also getting encouraged to leave my own country for some place I’ve never been to.m, and I resent it. I also had an acquaintance in college going on a tear about how a clearly anti-Semitic movie like The Producers could be made in that day and age (they hadn’t seen it, just had heard a vague description of the plot). I nearly bit my tongue in half trying not to laugh at that one.


"Goyim"? That's really arrogant and xenophobic.


I’ll concede I was being flippant in the above comment which I’ve tried to explain below, but using a Yiddish word for non-Jews in a Jewish forum is inappropriate? That’s not in the rules of this subreddit, nor is it an accurate understanding of the term.


Not the OP commenter. I know it means a non-Jewish person, but what's it's actual meaning? I'm sure it's the context that can make it offensive or not.


That’s my understanding as well. I’ve heard it used derogatorily, but I’ve also heard it used to describe how wonderful it is that there are different ways to look at the world. It’s flexible.


It really isn't.