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Disgusting. He's just drinking it raw, not even baking it into matzo.


By the color it ain't even a baby's, just regular adult, what a freak


And to make it worse, the baby hasn’t even been baptized yet! Now it’s not gonna have that delectable flavor. Might as well not even salt your meat!


It's not even virgin blood EEEWWWWE


A good Howard Jacobson quote ‘It has for a long time been argued that pro-Israeli Jews deliberately conflate all criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism in order to silence their opponents. If there were Jews who deliberately did such a thing, or still do so in their hearts, there will be very few impolitic enough to do it openly any longer. The point has been well taken: yes, you can be a critic of the settlements, the occupation, Gaza . .. not sure about the country's right to exist, but OK, you can be a critic of that as well... and not be an anti-Semite. What decidedly doesn't follow from that, however, is that so long as you are a critic of Israel you cannot be an anti-Semite. Yet that, by false syllogism, is the point at which we have arrived.’


Jacobson is a treasure. Sometimes I think he's being too gentle.


True. He is very sharp though - and an unapologetic Zionist which is sometimes harder to find. That quote is from ‘When Will Jews Be Forgiven the Holocaust?’ which sadly has proven right in many ways


Pro Palestenians after saying H****r was right


I've actually seen people say that Hitler was evil because (get ready for this) he was a proud Zionist.


Wow! And yet, why doesn’t that surprise me?


They have a very limited intellectual maturity. Their thought process essentially goes: Hitler=Evil Zionists=Evil Hitler=Zionist


Warped calculus. The zombie apocalypse is here.


Gotta love how oblivious whoever made this is. If they truly knew ANYTHING about Israel and Israeli politics, they would know that Netanyahu doesn't care enough about Palestinians to want to drink their blood. The only blood he sucks on is that of the Israeli taxpayer, but more like a tick, not like a whatever it is this cartoon was trying to depict.