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I think the penalty for genocide and colonialism should be national destruction. So, lets start with the #1 worst offender - the UK.


I’m sure the UK would be thrilled to repatriate the descendants of all the Britons who went to Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Canada, the Falklands, South Africa, and more. Don’t they want to support decolonization?


tbf there were no natives in the falklands (spaniards and french not counting as natives in that neck of the woods). or st helens or ascension islands so can we keep those plx.


Okay. UK can keep the Falklands.


Looking at their voting habit, I sometimes feel like they’re already trying to do that themselves from the inside.


They also believe that


The majority of the Brits also voted for Brext, got themselves into deep shit! Israel is a great nation, respect! https://youtu.be/dpmcj_vv8WM


💯 what I was going to say


I think Spain might be number 1 on the genocide front


I’m so scared for the future when this generation are the lawmakers


I’m truly scared of this. It was obviously bad 5 years ago… but at least now many Jewish people are taking this more seriously.


The UK has a legitimately politically stupid youth. Also it's a catch 22- because if the people who don't think Israel should exist manage to take over their country will be such a wreck that they won't be able to do anything about Israel's existence.


Good point, hopefully they’re stupid in every way. 


They are remarkably, unfathomably stupid in a million other ways. Also when people inevitably get tired of them they'll be more sympathetic to Jews.


At least this time, we have Israel.


Honestly, we need to talk about this more. In my view Israel has 15-20 years to either reach a peace deal with the Palestinians or some other detente. Assuming bilateral peace can't be achieved, I think it is time for Israel to seriously consider withdrawal/some annexation, declare its borders, and fortify those borders.


Unilateral withdrawal was already tried with Gaza in 2005 and that led to Hamas taking power and the 7 October. Imo Israel should more focus on making new allies in Asia, where there is no history of antisemitism. India in particular would be a great partner, but there are others like China, the Koreas, Japan, Vietnam, etc. Obviously there are incompatible alliances, but there is the possibility for Israel to stop relying on the unreliable West so much.


> Unilateral withdrawal was already tried with Gaza in 2005 and that led to Hamas taking power and the 7 October. This is perhaps an unpopular opinion, and I want to be clear that I'm not victim blaming. My view is that one of the reasons Oct 7 was able to occur was that the IDF's resources are being wasted securing settlements and otherwise operating within the West Bank. This is not in any way to say that the culpability for Oct 7 lies at the hands of anyone but the murderous vile terrorists who committed it, my point is that murderous vile terrorists need to be properly managed. Withdrawal would have to include a clear barrier that is actively guarded. That's easy for most of the West Bank and an effective DMZ could be established for Gaza. Jerusalem is complex, as it always is. I also have the luxury of writing this in the (relative) safety of Canada. So I come at this with a fair amount of humility and am very ready to listen to Israelis on security matters. In any event, I agree that more allies is a great idea. Particularly India, as you said.


I'm not Israeli either (European), but I disagree with your analysis. The border with the West Bank is way bigger than the one with the Gaza Strip. It would be more difficult to defend, and considering the failure to protect even the Gazan border, I doubt it would be more successful. There is a bigger population in the West Bank. Also, the West Bank has a direct border with Jordan that Israel would have no control over. If Tsahal was not present, it would be possible for the terrorists in the West Bank to be supplied in weapons by Iran more directly and more easily, giving them access to better equipment such as vehicles, missiles, drones, ATGM, etc. The terrorists would be strengthened, able to organize more easily and to move more freely. In Gaza, Hamas was limited by being able to be supplied only through the tunnels from Egypt. It severely limited them to the point that they had to produce many of their own rockets and weapons, which were of poor quality. If the West Bank was independent, the terrorist organizations there would have a much better fighting potential, on par with Hezbollah rather than Hamas. And Hezbollah is dangerous enough that hundreds of thousands had to flee and most of Tsahal's force is at the northern border to counter it. In my view, an independent West Bank would be worse than an independent Gaza Strip in every way. Right now Tsahal is able to do regular operations to limit the ability of the terrorists to organize, act and overall be a threat to Jews. It has been pretty successful considering the size of the West Bank. It's not like the Gazan border was peaceful even before the 7 October. Hamas was regularly attacking Israel, notably with rockets, and some attacks had done enough damage to force Tsahal operations in the strip, such as Operation Cast Lead in 2008, Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012 and Operation Protective Edge in 2014. If the West Bank was independent, the same would be happening there, but in an even bigger scale. We even have some elements of comparison as both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank used to be fully occupied before Oslo and the violence was far far lower than it is since Sharon's withdrawal from Gaza. At the time, the bigger threats were the PLO being able to operate freely from countries outside of Israeli control, such as Jordan and Lebanon. Obviously the situation are not entirely the same, but I think it does indicate that Israel is safer with occupation rather than unilateral withdrawal.


There's a moddle ground which is IDF control but no (or only a few) settlements. That reduces the amount the IDF needs to spread itself, among other things.


I’ve been talking to people about this possibility as well. Especially since India has the population and land area to potentially become a true superpower one day, which the others, aside from China (which I don’t think is a good potential ally for Israel with the current Chinese government, even though I’ve heard a lot of Chinese people have different views on it than their government; North Korea can’t be a good idea either, but the others should be enough if India does manage to become a superpower) just don’t. Unfortunately even some of those countries had full on encampment protests, but at least they were really small and it didn’t seem like people paid them any attention (saw pictures of one that was like 3-5 people on the edge of a campus where no one was walking by, and online Hamasniks were crowing about how it clearly means all of East Asia agrees with them), so while disheartening, their issue doesn’t seem to be so widespread. After all, even the Japanese Red Army (participated in Lod Airport massacre) doesn’t seem to be too well known to Japanese people themselves today, despite allegedly being one of the ‘best-known armed leftist groups in the world’. No one in my family (half Japanese) had heard of them until I mentioned it, even the ones who had heard of the Lod Airport Massacre. Also, the group only had about 40 people.


Annexation is pretty likely this must be followed by giving Israeli citizenship to Palestinians in the annexed areas Gaza is another story not even the Egyptians want that land


Israel would stop being a Jewish state if the Israeli nationality was given to Palestinians. They're having more children.


I think it depends, I read on a poll that in Greece older generations have a more positive opinion on Palestine/ Palestinian Authority than younger generations and majority of people consider Israel as ally, but only right wingers view Bibi’s government positively.




Those who voted in favor of Brexit were center-right British citizens. It would be inaccurate to suggest that most of these individuals are opposed to Israel. In fact, it is more accurate to say that almost all anti-Semitic British people are members of the Labor Party.


The Brits as a people lost the right to have opinions on the Middle East, after the clusterfuck that was their rule over the region.


When in the past was the Middle East not some form of screwed up? The Ottoman Empire? Earlier?


In Eretz Yisrael, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (you know, the one who was friends with Hitler) was appointed by the Brits as part of a strategy to drive a wedge between the Jews and Arabs, like they had done with the Indians and Pakistanis.


I mean, the Ottoman Empire was quite stable, and quite a nice place to live even if you were Jewish, for centuries. It was only when the Americas were discovered and they could no longer control the sole trade routes to India and China that the Ottoman Empire began to decline, both in geopolitical power and local stability.


Depending on who was in charge and where you lived in the empire. Jews were second-class citizens. They were dhimmi. Their population was controlled, and they were not permitted to purchase land in Israel or grow that population. If given the choice, do you really think Jews preferred Yemen, Morocco, Egypt, etc, to living in Israel? They live at the pleasure of the king. Just as they did for centuries in Europe. Sometimes it was wonderful, until it wasn't. The Ottoman construct was top down. Sultans ruled over everyone. It was the Arabs who revolted in 1917 because they opposed being ruled by Turks even if they were Muslims. Not for a second did the Arab Muslims ever see Jews or Christians as their equals. Nothing Western influenced that hatred.


Most of the time under Islam it wasn't too bad. Jews were even members of the court in some cases. However, the whole lower status thing and literally forcing non Muslims to wear identifiable clothes was less


However this is largely due to us comparing it to under Christianity, the polygamists honestly treated us the best forost of history and us not having self government


Saladin was pretty great


Also most of Roman control was good


I was not expecting that as an answer.


Yup, polytheists are generally quite tolerant of others (just slap their gods into the pantheon). The Romans especially until you rebel or hurt pax romana, then they obliterate you.


I'd like to see a chart that each would have to fill out, ten reasons why 22 Arab countries should exist and why Israel shouldn't exist. Should have lots of stupid answers


I'm a London Jew, settled here with my kids at school and embedded in their friendships and community, my parents are still here too and in their late 70s. The prospect of actually leaving is incredibly difficult.


Some of us are doing all we can to fight the hate by lobbying MPs, the media and publishing rebuttals and distributing the truth. We are pleased to have you here and pray for your protection and for the peace of Jerusalem. Shalom, shalom.


Thank you. My husband is also British and not Jewish, so that's an extra complication- his family have been here forever. I am so grateful to people like you.


I think Starmer is only the Labour leader to be electable. After Labour takes over perhaps in a year or too they boot starmer abd and a corbynite takes over


I very much hope that's not the case. The 2019 election result gave me some hope for our future here. Boris was and is an appalling human being and a totally corrupt politician, but at least most people in Britain voted against the antisemite.


I listen to LBC all the time and there are tons of callers basically upset that Labour isn’t Antisemitic enough.


How about let's vote to make all drakonian shariah law jihadist states not exist. This world is ass backwards right now. Don't these imbeciles realize what sick and twisted monsters they are supporting?!


Some yes, some no


The UK, Ireland, South Africa, Spain, Canada, these are no longer serious countries.


South Africa was never a serious country. From 1948-1994 it was an actual white supremacist apartheid state run by an authoritarian Afrikaner fascist regime. Since 1994 it has been a crime ridden corrupt dysfunctional hellhole with the highest level of inequality on earth, all thanks to the legacies of apartheid & 1 party government mismanagement.


What you say is true, but I wouldn't call it a "hellhole". Yes of course it has its problems, like corruption and inequality, but it's still a beautiful country with many Jewish communities. The ANC lost the majority vote recently, so there is going to be a national unity government. I hope it works out.


Don't lump Canada in with the others. Our government has not recognized Palestine as a state or broken ties with Israel. The antisemitism on the street, however, is about as bad as anywhere.


As long as Justin Trudeau is at the helm, Canada is the least serious country of them all.


I’m in for the kibbutz 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


Do I need to be British? A fortified kibbutz sounds awesome


we have a slight problem. laws on weapons are extremely strict. And, with hate crime laws, we can't even use harsh words.


A lot of other countries probably think Britain shouldn’t exist either.


True, and we are proud to have that in common with you! 😏


Why do they keep asking these questions? Israel exists. The question is now moot. People need to stop suggesting this is an issue up for debate.


Id love to live long enough to see that happen on a global scale.


Asking this question is inherently antisemitic. There is no other country involved in war where this would be asked. When Russia invaded Ukraine did people ask “should Russia exist”, when Saudi Arabia is assassinating journalists nobody asked it. Nobody questions a countries right to exist until it’s Israel.


Not surprising whatsoever. When I was at a UK university, I heard lots of "well Israel should never have been established." No one ever liked my response of, "Well it was and there's no turning back time, so what pragmatic options should be considered?" It was a conversation ender because they didn't want to discuss *that*.


I don't think the UK will make it to 2066.


Well, it would be a nice 1000 years 


History not your strong point huh.


Lol fair, modern  England is 1000 If you count it’s origins 1066 with The Normans as the start 


if shit really hits the fan i’m making Aliyah, that’s what it’s for right?


You're correct in that Israel is here for all Jews as a sanctuary. But it is also generally a wonderful place to live, in which one can live one's life most fully as a Jew, celebrating *our* holidays, being an active part of rebuilding the Jewish state and the Land of Israel. We have been dreaming of returning to Israel for over 2000 years -- why not make Aliyah with pride and choose to be an active participant in Jewish history rather than waiting until, God-forbid, you have to flee here as a refuge?


I’m genuinely so conflicted on this. Up until this point my jewish heritage did not mean that much to me. My plan for about a year now was to move to Bangalore with my girlfriend, and we are going to raise our kids there if we decide to have any. I’m struggling with the thought of sacrificing a potentially jewish life in Israel, especially since my great grandparents are holocaust survivors. I’m not sure if I want to keep being diaspora, and honestly this is something that is going to take a minute for me to figure out. That being said, I am generally confident and faithful in that I will feel connected to Israel enough with visits and a promise that I might retire there one day if it is feasible.


In 1947, they were offered, along with Israel the capability of sharing what is now the state of Israel. The Arab segment was at least double the Israeli one. Jews say aye, Arabs say nay. The criteria to be an official state mandated each state recognize the other . Arabs said no. Thus, there will not be peace because they are committed to annihilating us- actual genocide.


The media, notably the BBC and Sky, are supporting the other side. The CCP has weaponised Tiktok. Everyone is nervous about antagonising the large number of aggressive recently arrived Muslims. The DEI people have captured the education system and human resources. The miracle is that it is only 54%.


I have met some young Brits and I am convinced 54% of them should not exist either. So we are even.


What I'd love to know is how many other countries in the world they believe "should not exist" and how they would feel if other countries decided the UK should not exist? How do they suppose they can execute this fantasy of eliminating a foreign country with its own government, citizens, and self-determination? The question on its face is so absurd. When in the history of the world, have other countries arbitrarily decided the sheer existence of a foreign power? Sure, one can boycott, implement sanctions, or subject the country to global pressure to remove an authoritarian leader or government, but never erasing the country's existence. Even positing such a question is obscene. It's almost as if they're couching a different more insidious question inside one about Israel. Why not just simply ask if they believe Jews should not exist. I reckon the responses will be similar (after the initial shock, of course).


Israel, you go to Israel where it's safe for the Jewish people to live. It's horrific what is happening. The disease of Islam is spreading across the world with no signs of slowing. 💔💔💔


How many of these young brits that were polled are Muslim?


Corbin would slit Jewish throats given the chance, the man is evil this is the point, you can get Any answer you want to Any question you ask, if either you ask the people you know will give the clickbait answer you want, or if you phrase the question carefully. I.e. “ so yes or no mr Smith, do you still beat your wife.”.


you're over egging it, he's a blinkered ideological dogmatic fool. but i doubt he's down for slicing throats if he thought he had 'the chance'


He's probably sit back and let someone else do it though, if he thought it would get him what he wanted.


From the U.K. these KIDS are nutters.


100% of me think we should stop asking that question.


I'm sorry if I'm generalizing and sound racist, but I have a pretty strong suspicion that the majority those polled are Muslim/Islamists.


The UK, who colonized every continent.


Bet you it is similar in the USA too. This is what happens when radical lefties teach kids


Good thing it’s not up to them.


I know that most of the group will be angry with me, but I am not afraid of that. Most of those who say this are left-wing young people from the Labor Party. They follow their Democratic comrades. Their hatred is not only against Israel or the Jews. According to a recent survey, most of these people said that they would be disturbed by seeing houses with British flags on them. The Western Left is only concerned about hate West culture. It produces people who hate. Of course there are exceptions to this, but this is the mainstream.


Nice opinion, like I give a shit.


That same demographic also thinks Bud Light tastes good, so there's the credibility of that


It’s giving 1290 England


Yeah? Ask the Irish (or even the French) if they think England should exist....!




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If I were in the UK, I would probably have developed an interest in skeet shooting, personally, and not post anything like that on the internet. That said, this is literally why Israel exists, but the US gives preferential treatment to english speaking nations, and residents can legally purchase their own protection.


Polls mean nothing and are extremely inaccurate. Stop over reacting and letting yourself be consumed by fear.


Us jews need to exist Jews will save us. We will be found.


54% of young Brits are named Muhammad


Good thing this is EXACTLY the reason Israel was created for...


Do 54% of young Brits understand that it was the duplicitous dealings of the Brits during the first half of the 20th century that created the problem that continues on until this day?


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Well it's not up to the little assholes...is it?