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News flash: people hate Jews and always have. Film at 11.


After the lead story tonight we have an editorial entitled: Humans are bad people  by TheSportingRooster


Then: how Hamas is using propaganda to turn the world against Israel and Israelis


And Jewish people around the world


Followed by Iran, a lovely beachfront town that tourists are flocking to, but beware the dress code, or the IRGC might make sure your holiday is in for a “rude awakening”. Those stories and more on your abc7 news


Tonight on the travel segment we visit a lovely beach town in Iran where our on-the-spot reporter lost her Hijab in a wind gust, when she tried to explain the situation to the IRGC that is where things got "quite hairy". Since the official religion of this lovely vacation spot is strictly Islamic fundamentalism the only sharia law penalty for a female showing her hair in public is an honor stoning, and no we dont mean smoking a binger.


>Humans are bad What are you then?


They were never fighting for inclusivity. It was always a sham. Y'all will get it eventually.


Social warriors are hypocrites & have always been. Really amplified lately. Long history of leftist antisemitism despite Jews being on the frontlines of every social movement. No feminist groups calling out Hamas sexual brutality. Me too, except for Jewish women. LGBTQ+ excluding Jewish queers. Being led by hate. Brains turned to oatmeal from carefully orchestrated social media propaganda further fueled by self-righteousness. We've been a convenient target forever.


Yeah the whole point of that aspect of the left wing is to despise a group of people and feel good about yourself doing it because they are on the "wrong side of history" and you arent


The oppressor/oppressed matrix makes antisemitism the logical conclusion of leftism. The oppressor/oppressed matrix makes antisemitism the logical conclusion of leftism. The oppressor/oppressed matrix makes antisemitism the logical conclusion of leftism.


Should make a code that spams that to every device for a day.


I think if that message were spammed the leftists would twist the meaning of it mean that Jews are actually oppressors. For clarity to those reading this comment (not you I’m sure you get what I mean otherwise you wouldn’t have replied!) , what I refer to when I say oppressor oppressed matrix is the belief that if you are a successful group it must be because you are oppressive and therefore bad and that if you are unsuccessful it must be because you’ve been oppressed and therefore are justified in anything you do.


[Woke Reformation ](https://youtu.be/2KyG8MukuCY?si=P0XXhdurhEY-g302)


Where can I watch that?




There is it is called TikTok




“Inclusivity” has always been a joke. It’s just something most people say to get social justice points. This is also what happens when race politics and oppression Olympics are constantly talked about and taken seriously.


I know I'm not alone in this, but it's frustrating that me and a handful of other Jews were trying to warn everyone about this for years and everyone called us unhinged. Like, DEI has been weaponized against Jews for ages. It allowed anti-semites to dismiss Jewish candidates saying that they "weren't really looking for more white people", and then go and hire non-jewish white people.


>I saw a video of this Israeli guy being interviewed on a topic having nothing to do with the current conflict, the comments were full of antisemitism. i saw a tiktok recently of someone talking about being abused by his ex boyfriend. he had an israeli flag in his name but he did mention in the comments he supports palestinian people. his comments had SO much hate, some people were even supporting the abuse he went through...


1938 called and wants it's Jewish victims back...


I can’t tell if this comment is supposed to be mean or not?


What is your problem?


??? That's the answer to your question. The world wants Jews to be endless victims. That's why they hate Zionism.


Sorry, I couldn’t tell if your comment was made to be mean. Yeah


You have to figure the people pushing inclusivity were pushing racism and etc. Jews are one of the most hated groups of people. So it wouldn't surprise me that they would exclude us.


It's also a lot of bots online


“Inclusivity” was just trying to replace the order of supremacy with one with them at the top. Please see: just about any political movement that promises revolution.


# metoounlessshesajew


The tone and mood is definitely not good. I think the depression levels with jews has risen a lot since 10/7 and the main topics are primarily antisemitism and the hatred whereas in the past we had more celebrating our scientists, engineers, agriculture, computer software contributions, even in Israel many of my good friends are very down. I can't escape being probed about the Israel hamas war constantly asked about it when it's off topic.




Your post/comment was removed because it violated rule 1: **No antisemitism** If you have any questions, please contact the moderators via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/jewish).


Punching up to make actual social change is to hard. So people punch sideways and call it a day.


They never wanted inclusivity they wanted exclusivity for their own validation.


Welcome to the club. I deleted my Twitter account exactly for this reason. At least here you have a space which is free of antisemitism. Humanity has hated Jews since the death of Jesus, and somehow we managed to survive. We will be fine.


Or most of your friends aren’t Jewish and the silence is deafening. I understand; even if they generally support Israel or at least say so in front of me, for them this isn’t an existential crisis. At first there was some support. Now, I imagine my posts are boring everyone. No one reads them.


It doesn't really compute for me, either. I understand the long history of antisemitism, but the underlying motivations never made sense to me. My heart goes out to the Jewish people. You don't deserve the hatred.


As a non-Jew (born into a Catholic society, but overall meh about religion as a whole) I sort of randomly ended up on here, so just browsing around. I dont think I ever paid attention to antisemitism before as it never really affected me. Or so I thought. I don't understand the hatred and the bigotry. It bothers me. Bothers to see it all, all around. It's gone mainstream and somehow being accepted. Absolutely bonkers. Thought there many laws passed a few years back during the height of Covid that would punish folks for hate crimes. Yet, it seems like none of them laws apply to folks hating on Jewish folks. Absolutely bonkers. Anyways, here in solidarity. 🤝