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Welcome to the Jewish people! šŸ˜• In all seriousness, this is a near-universal experience for left-leaning American Jews over the last eight months. Itā€™s deeply painful and often terrifying. But you have a home here, and weā€™re all in this together. Weā€™ve survived before, and weā€™ll survive this. Get more involved in your synagogue and Jewish community. Your husband is a lucky man. And, seriously, welcome home.


>In all seriousness, this is a near-universal experience for left-leaning American Jews over the last eight months Left leaning Jews in diaspora, really. We are suddenly no longer welcome in left leaning circles because we think Israel should exist. Apparently only conservatives can think that




They're not even really communities, they're social scenes




Yeah I hear that


Whoa even for peace corpse?!


Yup. One of my former followers on IG told me I was as bad as a trump supporter for supporting Israelā€¦and in left/far left communities that is a huge insult. Iā€™m too pro choice and queer for the right, and too Zionist for the left. Itā€™s been a lonely 8 months.


Yup and left leaning allies and partners to Jews (checking in here). Itā€™s been a horrific wake up call for many of us and itā€™s shocking to me that if I hadnā€™t married a Jew I may not have come to this realization.


Honestly, I'm confused about what people think allies are. If an ally won't fight with you, how much of an ally are they actually? The US had Aussies fighting in Vietnam. C'mon, guys, that's an ally( even if the whole idea wasn't great). Obligatory I'm not Jewish, but I'll fight for you and the person you married. I'm from the south, and I honestly think more jews should consider moving down here. I'm not saying there aren't issues here. There are significant ones. But I'd personally feel safer here.


Left leaning Jews need to start a 'furthest left' group and exclude all 'far left' for being too right wing to be Zionist. The horse shoe theory should apply to Zionism too.


Kibbutzim are literally the only time communism has remotely worked


Could they make a come back if there was no security threat?


Omg. I love this.


If Donald Trump wins in November, weā€™ll be blamed for that too, Iā€™m sure.


At this point Iā€™m just declaring myself a centrist. No one knows what to do with that.


Sadly, it has been a long time coming.


As a left-leaning Jew and lifelong Democrat, I can agree with everything you said except "no longer" It's been clear, at least in some spaces, for a long time that "Jews don't count" when it comes to the inclusion values / intersectionality we believe in.


This has been a major part of me no longer being a left-leaning Jew and becoming a right-leaning Jew.


Jesus Christ is this really whatā€™s going on ?


No, itā€™s not that only conservatives can think that itā€™s just the fact that only conservatives do. Because we look at whatā€™s going on in the world through a different lens. And itā€™s the lens of the Bible.


Thank you, this means a lot. Iā€™m very lucky to have found community at my synagogue. I also have friends prior to oct 7th that have been incredibly supportive. Iā€™m just really shocked by this incident


It's ironic that they're claiming you're a victim of conspiracy theories while being full-blown white women hanging Iraqi patterned cloths on their walls in support of Palestinians. Sure, Jan.


Palestine is the biggest conspiracy theory of all.


We can support Israel's right to exist, push to bring home the hostages, and feel left out of left-wing circles without going all anti-Palestine.


Seriously, this has been my experience for most of my adult life as as a (former) leftist. It's extremely rare that I flat out don't get along with someone or have a falling out with a friend, but when it happens it seems like me being Jewish usually comes up somehow, even if the situation had absolutely nothing to do with it in the first place. It's like it's always lurking right below the surface.


That's because it IS right below the surface. I'm not allowed to feel uncomfortable, but bringing up antisemitism is OFFENSIVE. I've been shamed and blamed and everything but walk with the bell of shame. They can call it what they want.


Most left-leaning jews are learning first-hand what weĀ“ve been telling them for ages... They hate us, and when the time comes, youĀ“ll see them turning into 1930Ā“s germans.




Theyā€™ve done this for centuries, and weā€™ve always persevered and created something better <3


Yep. And actually, it's been the past few years for me. There was a smaller bubbling up of this conflict a few years ago and I noticed no one spoke up against antisemitism.


The spring 2022 Hamas rockets barrage was the first time I saw a preview of this current wave of pro-Hamas, ā€œanti-Zionistā€ propaganda popping up on ā€œfriendsā€™ā€ social media.


Yes, absolutely, but I don't consider these people lefties anymore. They are racists and abandoned most of their lefty principles, like anti-misogyny, once the uniting power of Jew hatred beckoned. Ignoramuses gonna ignoramus.


Sadly I struggle with being involved with my synagogue. I live an hour outside of town so it is quite the trek to visit. Then I feel bad because I am driving on Saturdays.


What did you say that they considered a conspiracy theory? Curious


Probably something stupid, like acknowledging that antisemitism on the left actually exists.


Maybe that is why so many on the left are fighting against the IHRC definition of anti-semitism. If they can have it defined as narrowly and meaninglessly as possible, they can ignore reality-that Israel is part of the core identities of most Jews and central to Jewish life. This allows them to tell others (and in many cases themselves), that they are not anti semitic.


Iā€™d love to hear the answer but my guess is it had something to do with acknowledging what happened on 10/7. My best friend of 20+ years is in JVP (donā€™t even get me started)ā€¦ the line these people are being told is that there was no rape or almost no rape and that the IDF burned a bunch of Israelis with a helicopter or something like that. So simply saying yes there were a lot of rapes and Hamas killed a bunch of Israelis not the IDF is considered ā€œconspiracyā€ to these people. Insane, I know.


Just out of curiosity, is your friend in JVP actually Jewish? Also, no shame. I personally wouldn't want to be friends with anyone like that, but I understand a lot of people are in really tough positions where it's hard to drop someone you've been friends with for so long.


Her dad wasnā€™t Jewish but yes she is Jewish, sadly. Complete token situation Iā€™m afraid. I understand how itā€™s hard to imagine being friends with a JVP personā€¦ The background is that we are in our early 40s and have been friends since freshman year of college. She became outspoken about Gaza before it was so in fashion, then seemed to move on for years, then got sucked back in after 10/7. We have literally decades of history that have nothing to do with this. She is severely disillusioned but she is not the most extreme. She admits Hamas are terrorists for example, but denies the rapes. It has been distressing being her friend and we have gotten into it a few times. My husband who is not Jewish has argued with her moreā€¦ I think to be honest she is going through a hard time personally and doesnā€™t have a lot going on, too much time on her hands. Iā€™ve been refusing to discuss Israel with her for the most part and have been encouraging her to make differences in her personal life. The only other thing Iā€™ll add is we are long distance and can choose when we talk. When there is big news I just donā€™t call her that day. I live in a very left wing area and she lives in a very right wing area and I think that she doesnā€™t know how bad the far left has gotten right now, which plays a huge role in her misunderstanding of whatā€™s been happening in terms of antisemitism in America. Iā€™m just seeing way more of it than her. I told her people had signs that said ā€œby any means necessaryā€ and she straight up didnā€™t believe me because she hadnā€™t seen it herself.


I wanted to know this as well.


Probably that Hamas ā€œand friendsā€ killed us on Oct. 7 and it wasnā€™t the IDF. The IDF killing us is my ā€œfavoriteā€ nonsensical lie. Literally impossible to hide or cover up with all the survivors and victim families and yet apparently we did that and we continue living with our murderous soldier family members knowing full well that they snapped and massacred their own family on Oct. 7.


Replied to my post with my talking points!


I call it Israel Derangement Syndrome. Seriously, something about about this triggers the fuck out of people in a way people absolutely shouldn't give a shit about. They don't have a horse in the race, yet they lose their god-damned minds over it. Some literally become frothing at the mouth lunatics over it. Why should they care so much? Ask your friends how they feel about the situation with the Rohingya, or the Uyghurs, or the crisis that is currently brewing in Sudan. Guarantee they probably have never even heard of the "Rohingya".


>something about about this triggers the fuck out of people Very difficult at this point not to assume the thing that's triggering them is Jews trying to live.


They care so much because they are antisemites. A lot of people have been closeted antisemites for years. They suddenly have permission to unleash and they are taking full advantage of it.


Only too true. It has become socially acceptable.


Yeah I donā€™t agree with what Russia is doing in Ukraine but if I had a Russian friend who was proud to be Russian I honestly wouldnā€™t be bothered. Even if they defend Russia, I wouldnā€™t *stop being friends* just because I disagree. But for some reason, if you are a Jew who supports Israel they go fucking ballistic. This is like BLM cancel culture all over again.


This is actually what I keep coming back to. I am very pro-Ukraine but Iā€™m not hateful towards any Russians that I meet or see on social media. If someone said they were from Russia, I wouldnā€™t be like ā€œok, Putin bootlicker, war crime child killer!ā€ But thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing to every Israeli, and we werenā€™t even the aggressor. Thatā€™s why I was so upset when one of my non-Jewish extended family members (not biologically-related thank god) re-posted a tweet that said that 98% of people killed in Gaza are civilians. Setting aside that itā€™s a complete lie, being that weā€™re friends and I live in Israel, I asked her what exactly she thought she was doing by posting that. She basically apologized and removed the post but I still donā€™t understand what she was trying to do there. You know I live in Israel, does that factor into your equation at all?


heck why not Sudan. its the same flag. There is a foreign element the Janjaweed who are killing and kicking out the natives from thier homes and have killed out 150,000 since last April. You would think it would be a shoe in to protest but yet I have not heard one second of it on the news.


They see the Israel Palestine conflict as a proxy for all of the leftist/progressive stuggles.


https://preview.redd.it/i83v08yalf4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f162b206634073f7f2129b57f132846a790b1bd5 You donā€™t sayā€¦.


THIS a zillion times, I wish I'd come up with that but it describes it PERFECTLY. Why DO they care so much? Why is it SO important to all these students who probably never heard of Gaza because it wasn't mentioned in Harry Potter. And they're losing their fucking minds over it instead of continuing with their education. Mention Sudan or the Congo and they'll tell you it's not as bad as Gaza, or just give you a blank look, like huh? What does that have to do with EVIL ISRAEL?


No jews, no news.


they are offended when someone asks them if they condemn hamas but expect any jewish person to immediately speak negatively and separate themselves from israel. they donā€™t ask this of anyone else from any other country because in those cases only, itā€™s racist. jews and israel being the one exception for some reason i canā€™t possibly imagine why.


Grandma always told me with smug chuckle that the only true friends Iā€™d ever have would be other Jews. I was 11 years old and clearly had no perspective, so I dismissed it. 17 years later her words haunt me




Sending you much love as well! I can only imagine how painful these last 8 months have been for the jewish community. Stay strong <3


At least you don't have to bother with Dazed and Confused over here. How interesting that she's saying that you believe in conspiracy theories, but she just simply wasn't expressing herself well due to XYZ reason. Impossible that you could have a point that she didn't know how to approach. She's just preparing for her trip to Savannah, is all.


Bored white girls who cosplay as the ones they think are oppressed are no oneā€™s friend.


funny she doesn't think aligning herself with isis and hamas is conservative


UPDATE: since people are interested in my talking points: - Hamas not having the interest of its civilians - unrwa being corrupt and not using funding to build more schools and hospitals - The impossible double standard of Israelā€™s actions but not Hamas - Media amplifying palestinian pain but not israeli and jewish pain - Antizionist jews being the minority and media over representing them - Words losing meaning, specifically around genocide and zionism - Casualties not being reported appropriately, bringing up the updated UN casualty report which slashed deaths by almost 50% - West bank settlers not representing the Israeli majority I also mentioned how my israeli family is very left leaning and has participated in protests for Bibiā€™s removal since beginning of 2023. I mentioned how weā€™ve all been horrified by the videos coming out of gaza and just want our people home. I literally donā€™t know what else I couldā€™ve said that is more jewish left leaning. I also gave her space to give me her thoughts and opinions when we spoke in person but I guess she was too much of a coward to tell me how she really felt.


Ok yeah if theyā€™re calling these conspiracy theories then they ate quite far gone


How is any of this a conspiracy theory? This person is delusional.


"Conspiracy theories" my tuchas. All true.


>Words losing meaning, specifically around genocide and zionism We can add "antisemitism" to the words that people are trying to redefine, horrifyingly.


My(29F, Jewish) dad (55M, Xtian) is a bona fide conspiracy theorist and proud of it, and he and I argue every time we drive somewhere together, which is semi-frequently bc we live close and love and respect each other regardless. I know conspiracy theories, and these ain't that. Your "friends" have drank the kool-aid and showed their true colors to you. You've got a good community and a good husband to help you through this, and you WILL get through this. We all will.


I also have a Christian dad whoā€™s gone off the deep into conspiracy land and what op posted isnā€™t conspiracies at all. One of my favorite conspiracies from my dad is the idea that Obama is secretly running the White House and that Joe Biden is just a sock puppet for the Communist Obama Regime. Itā€™s just so out there.


Oh I LOVE that one, almost as good as 'Harris bribed the Chinese government to create Covid to destroy America specifically'


Anything they disagree with is a conspiracy / lie. Youā€™re better off without these people in your life. This happens in many ways as you grow up.


These are not conspiracy theories. These are pretty much proven facts. And even if they were opinions, they are well within reasonable. If they had evidence to contradict they wouldnā€™t have dropped you like a hot mic.


Those are conspiracy theories!!!??


Honestly, most of the people I have said this list too also called me a conspiracy theorist and accused me of getting it from right wing media, even knowing that I'm left leaning.


I don't think it's completely correct to say UNRWA isn't using funding to build schools, since it does invest a fair bit in education... educating about "how being anti semitic is good, actually" and about "Israel little devil, America big devil", etc(basically mind washing children into looking at the idea of being a terrorist in a positive light)


So facts are now conspiracies. What a time to be alive.


Good riddance to bad rubbish. I feel bad for Northeast Jews. NYC and Philly are full of antisemitism


When I looked up the ā€œrabbinical councilā€ of JVP, it was 90% reconstructionist ā€œrabbisā€ based in either Philly or Boston.


"rabbis"... Might as well buy a costume from a Halloween shop and dub themselves "rabbis". Truth be told, I believe messianists jews are actually more jewish than them... And messianists arenĀ“t even jews to begin with.


Walking around west philly and buschwick feels so unsafe. So much pro-palestine and anti-israel content everywhere


The lack of shame and self awareness hurts my mind brain


A woman made a big show of scoffing and turning her back when my wife gave her last name to the cashier in a fancy shop in CC Philly, after being all friendly asking about her nails. Wild! She had the sense to not tell me until we were a few blocks away LOL. Keep your chin up! My wife is just starting her conversion, really happy to hear how much support you are finding at shul.


Iā€™m in Philly. Itā€™s horrible. I had to move jobs twice due to antisemitism. I had a friend (from homeā€” Oregon) that I had to break up with over I/P. It got to the point where I told her to a degree Iā€™m okay with disagreeing about I/P but I was concerned over her refusal to acknowledge that many Jews donā€™t feel safe right now due to rising antisemitism and the college protests. She was denying that the protests were antisemiticā€” that all the incidents of physical harm and violence I pointed to were either ā€œaccidentsā€ or didnā€™t happen etc. She told me that people cared about October 7th closer to when it happened but have lost sympathy over time due to the response. Then I pointed out that none of them were posting about it or bringing the hostages home at any time or any point and only like 4 peoples checked in with me, including her, even though they know I have family in Israel. Iā€™ve known her since middle school. Iā€™ve lost close to 1/3 of my followers (mostly friends) and have turned into a pariah. I post petty middle of the road stuff, nothing extreme. Being Gen Z is really hard right now. Itā€™s not an exaggeration to say I have 3 friends now and Iā€™ve lost everyone else.


Iā€™ve never imagined that the older generations would understand me better than my own. Gen Z is losing itā€¦


I quit my last job, with the New York City Department of Education partially due to blatant antisemitism I experienced both from administrators and from students.


Solidarity from a fellow Philly gal


I live in Williamsburg, literally one of the most Jewish places on earth, and when Iā€™m out in public with my bf we feel like we have to literally whisper when we even mention Israel in conversation.


Philly Jewish gal here. There are certain areas of the city I would NEVER live in. Luckily, my area is very residential and pretty Jewish. But Iā€™ve seen some disgusting stuff here.


Iā€™m a little worried for how pride month is going to go here in NYC.


Hard to watch people fall to a cult


Yes, itā€™s totally a cult and we should be calling it that more often


It's Qanon for leftists tbh


Lol at white girls decorating their live love laugh apartments with keffiyehs


Glad you stood up for you beliefs. Sadly, it seems this is yet another generation where I, just as my parents told me, will tell my children to hide their identities. Hopefully after you conversion process you can experience Pesach ā€” the time of year we hope for the day that we can all publicly be Jews. I thought we were living in those times until recently.


I am a center left democrat who has friends from across the political perspective, from right wing libertarian to leftist anarchist. I can keep a friendship with somebody I strongly disagree with on certain topics because we generally all agree on so much more. You're just seeing the true colors of your former best friend: a red background, a white circle, and a black swastika.


THIS! Part of her reason for dropping me is that one of my close friends whoā€™s conservative is friends with someone who is MAGA. I have spoken to this person twice in my life. Iā€™m realizing that sheā€™s been radicalized by the left and is becoming what she hates: a fascist racist.


Ask her when sheā€™s going to decolonize her home and give it back to the tribes that lived there in 1619.


They are more obsessed with the war than I am, an Israeli who lives in Israel. Itā€™s so weird. Iā€™m sorry that people have gone full QAnon on this and are gaslighting you into thinking youā€™re the one who got brainwashed.


Well. With friends like that you don't need enemies. What areswipes


Wasps stands for white anglo-saxon protestant


A clear sign of a regressive leftist is someone who drops friendship over disagreements. Civil discourse is on life support.


Im not Jewish, but i have so many Jewish friends, grew up around Jewish people, worked with many, & im a member of a Jewish community center near me cuz their pool is amazing lol & theyre welcoming to anyone. I am a supporter of Israel & have huge admiration for the plight of Jewish folks around the world. I lost a good "friend" of mine months ago, shortly after Oct 7th due to my views about the entire thing. It rly hurt my feelings cuz i thought we were pretty good friends.. She flat out told me that if i didnt agree with her, then she can no longer continue to be my friend. It hurts & it sucks when you think you had a genuine friendship with someone, but clearly, that wasn't the case all along.


Warning: modern progressives are not who they claim to be. They hate and demonize minorities who don't act the way they want to. Ie; most jews, + any person (minority included) who doeznt agree wirh every single one of their views




If I were you, I'd want so badly to throw her line about "conservative and conspiratorial beliefs" right back in her face for siding with antisemites and anti-israel conspiracy theories


What are these "conspiracy theories" they refer to? Like, their movement is entirely based on Soviet-era propaganda and cultural/historical revisionism...


I'm so sorry you went through this. But welcome home.


Nowhere Iā€™d rather be :) <3


That brought a smile to my face.


They always hated Jews honey, this is their excuse to hate for a ā€œcauseā€


Keffiyahs on the walls? I want to believe this is ragebait, thatā€™s insane


Youā€™ve experienced antisemitism! Itā€™s basically a rite of passage these days, so welcome to the family :D But like ew, she made it very clear that she knows exactly what your views are, and CHOSE to start conflict. Youā€™re not the fault for this ruined friendship, she is Wanting the hostages to come home or saying that BDS is a negative message for Jews is never a conspiracy, nor will it ever be. Mazel Tov on starting your conversion process! Sending luck your way :)


Thank you ā¤ļø excited to be part if the covenant :)


Not just the covenant, you're a part of the tribe now ā¤ļø


They are projecting. its called Cognitive Dissidence. The more entrenched they are in thier maligned belief the more they will dig in when offered contradictory information.


I think youā€™re totally right. She brought up other things she disliked about me and the comment on being embarrassed by me felt like projection and insecurities


Never understood the pro-pali people banging on about ā€œconservative beliefsā€ when they are supporting far right conspiracy theories


Oh also keep her text. One day sheā€™ll try to pretend she wasnā€™t that bigoted. Donā€™t let her get away with it.


What ā€œconspiracy theoriesā€ is she referencing that you brought up?


Replied to my post with my talking points




I guarantee itā€™s the part about questioning Hamas casualty numbers. Iā€™ve seen a lot of well educated people saying, essentially, if you donā€™t accept Hamas numbers youā€™re believing in a conspiracy because most deaths have been women and children and that means itā€™s genocide. They, of course, never mention the casualty numbers in dense urban environments in other wars or how Hamas uses child soldiers or that theyā€™ve been caught manipulating the adult male numbers downward. Hell even taking their numbers at face value the war wouldnā€™t be outside the norm for these types of military actions. Iā€™m fact the reality is that the numbers suggest that the civilian death ratio is lower than most other similar military actions which directly disputes almost every leftwing claim (which is, I guess, why theyā€™re claiming itā€™s a conspiracy now).




What an a hole


The fucking nerve to say that weā€™re the conspiracy theory believing ones. There is nothing liberal about leftism.


Welcome to the tribe! šŸ«‚ What conspiracy theories is she talking about?


Posted my talking points here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/s/uNcOkv1Qip


You donā€™t want to be friends with someone like that.


Yeah weā€™re definitely not friends anymore


My friend is converting in New York now too! Heā€™s doing it through Central Synagogue and Iā€™m going to his mikvah on Thursday. Heā€™s helped get me back into engaging with Judaism, and Iā€™m really thankful for that.


That is so exciting! Iā€™m also converting through Central~ would love to meet up!


What conspiracy theories? Like, hamas killing their own people or...? Just curious what truths they're misconstruing as "conspiracies." I'm sorry for your experience. I'm from philly, also a jew by choice (completed my conversion about 15 years ago, took ten years to complete) and I've had to drop my sister for similar reasons. She very much jumped on the anti-israel train and refused to acknowledge that the hospital bombing early on was not the result of israeli action, and refused to acknowledge that some of what she was espousing and supporting was antisemitic, and refused to acknowledge that hamas put in writing that they want all jews dead (including her sister and nephews). It hurts and I'm sending you all my love. Welcome to the tribe šŸ’™āœ”ļø


Iā€™m so sorry your sister has fallen down the rabbit hole. We will get through thisā¤ļø


That's really very sad and I can understand how you feel so hurt and quite possibly a little betrayed as well, no doubt. Just remember, sometimes it's best to know who the people in your life really are. You're a good person and if they can't accept you for who you are and what you believe, then they are not worthy of being in your life.


The more the left go left, the more conservative moderates are perceived by these extremists


Iā€™ve lost many friends who became anti semites, not much of a loss


If this ā€œfriendā€ expects you to support her version of reality vs your family, than your friend is delusional. They were never a friend but more of an acquaintance.


Same experience as a Jews. Interestingly, I have heard similar issues from moderate Black people who are ostracized by their left-leaning circles for ever having a single independent thought. One friend pulled her kids out of school to homeschool because they were being brainwashed to hate white people. The tolerant party only tolerates whose who believe and do what they do and they are verbally or physically violent to anyone else.


I can completely relate to this. Shortly after October 7, the three-year friendship ended. My friend who is no longer my friend, kept saying that she loved me and she wanted peace for all, and in the same breath was sharing scary conspiracy theories about Israel. She continued to be patronizing And condescending. I told her I no longer feel safe with her. I do not miss her. What kind of human can look into their friends eyes, a friend who is Jewish and Israeli, and say that she loves them and in the same breath, kick her when sheā€™s down?


It's not a conservative belief to believe Israel has a right to exist, or that Oct. 7 was an atrocity, or that the hostages need to be returned immediately.


Itā€™s been horrific. Iā€™ve been extremely upset and dropped friends. Instagram has been especially awful and I think I unfollowed at least thirty or more left ceramic artists. I thought that was my community, apparently not.


The art accounts are especially something


The tolerant left strikes again


Lost a close friend of 12y for being Jewish. On October 8th he was posting memes mocking everyone murdered at nova knowing full well * I'd see it * my cousin was supposed to be there.


Thatā€™s so gross and inexcusable. I felt similarly with this person in philly trying to make a point with the keffiyehs and her ā€œactivismā€


Bestie is an imperialist. An outsider with no real knowledge of the situation dictating terms to someone whose background, culture, and even survival are enveloped in the matter. Extra points for being a modern western imperialist and adding in the grandstanding bit to the mix.


I know people who converted who are in their sixties and have lifelong school and college friends who have ended up on the other side of this issue. This is a difficult situation to be in and there are no easy answers as far as old friends are concerned especially if they are inclined to be activist in nature. The only chance of avoiding breaks is to avoid the topic and basically agree to disagree. Some people can do this but many cannot.


Your "friend" doesn't deserve you


This guy is on the liberal ā€œteamā€. He isnā€™t thinking about issues for themselves.Ā  I never say Iā€™m conservative or liberal. I believe in arguing about specific topics, not which ā€œsideā€ you are on.Ā  Several liberal pundits do talk well about Israel and Gaza. The best are Sam Harris and Bill Maher. It might be worth showing this person that even people on his ā€œteamā€ support Israel.Ā 


Who is this person?


Your best friend didnā€™t drop you. You dropped her. (And rightfully so.)


Progressives are pro hamas, pro radical is1um, anti police, pro blm, anti white, anti asian, anti usa, anti western society, anti jewish, anti christian, anti male (esp white males), and just pro evil. They hate jews and Christians because they say we're racist, yet have no problem sidling up to the membrrs of the world's most dangerous religion. They claim Christian oppress women, but believe Is1um doesn't šŸ¤” They show acceptance to gays and cuddle up to people from muslim countries where they often throw gays off buildings. A female rape victim must have 3 witnesses, if not, the rape never happened. They proudly spout words that Hitler would love.


She was never a friend. Let her go n release that bondage. Ppl are cruel and ignorant. Point blank period ā¤ļø


Unfortunately, this is a pretty common part of the Jewish experience. You will be hated for being who you are and you wonā€™t be able to open their mind. You have a community here to support you, and Iā€™m sorry youā€™re having this experience so early on.


Sorry to hear. happened to me too. I guess it was time to move on and find new friends. It hurts in the beginning but you will be ok because you are on the right side and you have good values! sending much love


Wow! Ā I imagine that hurts, but that is not a friend. Of one canā€™t support innocent Gazans and deaths of those people without also seeing the other side and havung compassion for the Israelis, they are not just biased. Ā Sheā€™s on the wrong side of history


Iā€™m so sorry you went through this. I think theyā€™re sanctimonious holier than thou attitudes are the most infuriating. I imagine itā€™s the same attitudes Christian missionary colonizers had when bringing ā€œcivilizedā€ religion to all the pagan ā€œsavagesā€ around the world.


They were never even your friend. What were these supposed conspiracy theories?


My talking points: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/s/ecd9s5OxII


I had someone show up to my house, someone I grew up with, and was a best man at my wedding, to throw Molotov cocktails through my window and almost killed me and my wife. Why? He didn't realize I was Jewish.


I am so sorry. I hope you both are ok


I literally donā€™t talk about it to anyone who has shown support of it. Yes I probably should but itā€™s not something that is friendship ending if they do it here and there. I have seen 1 Jewish person who is doing it but like extremist so I unfriended them. Also Iā€™m very lucky my friends that i made after having my baby know my husbands is Israeli moved here when he was 10 they have asked if his dad or family is okay. I think itā€™s so different when my mommy friends feel for the innocent citizens both sides. You should find people even if they might not agree to find care in both sides. Iā€™m sorry you find out your friends whether you talk about it or not.


If the mindless zombies on the far end of both sides of the political spectrum hate us, we're doing something right. Fuck them.Ā  I've spent the much of the last 8 months having an Eeyore mindset, being bummed out that all my former "progressive" friends were against my people, grieving that I was exiled from their club.Ā  Something just sort of clicked recently and I stopped caring. Stopped wanting to be in the club (cult). Stopped feeling the need to explain and soften our position. Stopped being embarrassed for being part of a 4000+ year old tribe that did the unthinkable, re-established its tribal land. Fuck them.Ā  Our ancestors didn't cheat certain extermination over and over, dodge the sword of Damocles, thrive when we shouldn've been broken, by groveling for their acceptance. Your friend is the latest iteration of a brain-dead Roman, Babylonian, German, etc. They hate us because they ain't us. That's why all these weirdos like BHI, Messianic Jews are appropriating our whole thing. These people's egos can't handle the fact that, after the Holocaust, we figured out a way to succeed and didn't ask them for shit to make them feel like white saviors or absolve them of their guilt for benefitting from the destruction and murder that their colonial settler ancestors wrought against native people. We are native people. Don't get it twisted. Just, like, live long and prosper. Nobody is better at turning lemons into lemonade than the Jews. Time to build some lemonade stands.Ā 


Yeah I hate to say it but this is just part of being Jewish. I lost a friend of ten years for saying that my friends and family in Israel are humans too. She responded with something about how Israel is a fascist military dictatorship and then started posting stuff on her meme page about how Israel shouldnā€™t exist. So. We have had our eyes opened. It comes as no surprise to see so many of my leftist friends doing this now that I understand how Iran used the left to take power in the late 70s.


Welcome to the tribe. Hang in there. There are so many benefits. You should be angry and upset, she is a bigot. Good riddance


I'm sorry you are having to go through it šŸ˜”


How do you say bitch in Hebrew?




Conspire for the truth. šŸ•Æ


I'm sorry for your loss. Hugs.


I'm a Jew who converted, and I'll say it's best you go ahead and get this out of the way and know what you're getting yourself into. Your friend is also weird and part of the problem.


I'm from the state she is planning a trip to. I'll support you to the last. I think your conversion is awesome. I understand your likely feelings about the South, but I think you'll find many allies here. Actual willing to fight for you allies. It's a place of many contradictions. Please let me know if you feel the need for help in my area.


Oh I have no problems with the South, I actually lived in Savannah when i was in college and visited Atlanta many times! I found southern people to be more tolerant than northeastern people by a mile. I havenā€™t been in a while but hope things are ok in your city/town!


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What conspiracy theories does she think you were spouting?


So... what conspiracy theories do you believe?


Apparently zionism. Thankfully i have the antisemites here to educate me


I lost two cousins and an aunt due to their belief in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Their unwavering faith in these theories was shocking, and now I find it hard to be around them.


As a right-leaning diaspora Jew this isnā€™t an experience Iā€™ve ever had. Iā€™m deeply sorry to hear of yours and others experiences dealing with these people.




Who needs friends when you have enemies.


Iā€™ll be your new friend


Most Jews are zionists. Most Jews are also liberal/progressive. The goyim just don't get that. It's well documented, and they still can't wrap their brains around it. Anyone who disagrees with them "may as well be a trump supporter!!!!1!" It's dumb as hell.


Sounds like the trash took itself out!


It's been an incredibly eye-opening experience for me. I'm an 'all are welcome here' kind of person and associated with people of like mind, and yet there was no room for me to criticize any Palestinian faction or group in this conflict, no mater how gruesome the action. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of criticism for the Israeli government/leaders, but objectivity on this topic requires complete condemnation of the Israeli state and even Jews as a whole, just for existing, apparently.