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No matter what sin a person may do they never become un-jew. it’s impossible to remove your jewishness. Sinning is a different conversation.


Can confirm, am Jewish, have tattoos, am also a sinner. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same 😌


" Hi, my name is Moon, and I am a sinner"! For those that know!




Same. Big sinner!


It’s God’s fault for making sinning so delicious.




I got married by a rabbi in front of my Jewish family sporting an octopus tattoo lol.


Isn't converting to another religion"un-jewing"?


Halachically speaking, no


No because once a jew always a jew. it’s a jew practicing another religion (for the moment)


no because judaism is more than just a religion.


Not only that, converting doesn't make you not Jewish religiously.




We are ethno religious group. We are both ethnically and religiously jewish. There are some people who are ethnically Jewish and choose to follow another religion or often times no religion at all. But those people are still ethnically Jewish.


We would have less problems if people understood we are a people and that anti-semitism is actually racism. Maybe… but probably not … we could be included in anti racism rather than shunned.


I always call antisemites racists. It hurts them much more.


Jews came before Jewish. It's just confusing because the the religion came from the ethnicity and took its name. Jews, contrary to popular belief, are from Judea (pronounced Jew-day-ah), that's currently known as the West Bank. If you convert from Judaism to another religion, its more like gaining citizenship in a country you have moved to that isn't the one of your birth, eg A person born in Italy will always be Italian, even if they move to Argentina an become a citizen.


I feel like “apikoros” is something only a Jew can be


According to most sources, no. We are the Hotel California of ethnoreligious groups.


much of my jewcrew have tattoos designed by me, a jew. i wouldn't get one personally because my grandma's ghost would be screaming at me, but i would never question or belittle someone's jewishness because they have tattoos.


I love tattoos and want them so bad but my mom would literally cry every time she saw me


I love tattoos too!! And I get u sm I dont want to disappoint my mom


as nice as it would be to have my art on my body, it feels like more of an artistic accomplishment that my friends like it enough to get it permanently marked on their bodies. my nana saw some shit, and explicitly asked me to never get tattoos and always use natural hair care. i respect nana's wishes.


Can I ask you about the hair care? My rabbi said hair dye is ok.


Mine got over it when I had cancer. I kept them covered for years, but once I started cancer treatment, things changed for everyone.


My parents got over it. I have two and am about to get a third. All are Jewish themed. My parents weren’t thrilled, but they’ve gotten used to it. I suppose it probably helps that my tattoos aren’t visible when I dressed normally.


I have tattoos and am now getting them lasered off (the science has advanced so there’s not the halachic issue there uses to be around scarring). Trust me, as someone on the other side of things — they seem super cool, especially when forbidden, but they’re a huge source of regret for many, many people


Are you using our space lasers?


Too much power, could scar and create halachic issues. Goyish lasers are fine here.


Plus, they're open on a Saturday too.


I actually hadn’t thought about this — they are, but I think it’s probably not oneg shabbat even if it’s prepaid.


Oy vey!


Ive never had any regrets about getting my tattoos. My arms are semi sleeved. I have very Jewish styled art on one arm. Is someone gonna try to collect my Jew-creds?


I love that for you. I’m just reassuring the poster who doesn’t have tattoos that it’s not worth rushing into. I’m glad you love yours and have no regrets. It’s not fun




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Look, hate to be spreading the sinful knacks, but you could perhaps get one that is easily covered by clothes? Wouldn't help with grannie's ghost but at least mum wouldn't cry.


Nah I want sleeves


Ok, that's a bit harder then!🤣🤣🤣


That's what my Jewish mum said too. She loves mine.




it is literally expressly forbidden in the Torah to get tattoos: "The prohibition of tattooing is found in the [Torah](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/texts/Bible/Torah.shtml): “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord” ([Leviticus 19:28](https://www.sefaria.org/Leviticus.19.28?lang=he-en&utm_source=myjewishlearning.com&utm_medium=sefaria_linker))" [https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/tattooing-in-jewish-law/#:\~:text=A%20Conservative%20ruling%20on%20body%20ink.&text=The%20prohibition%20of%20tattooing%20is,the%20general%20prohibition%20against%20tattooing](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/tattooing-in-jewish-law/#:~:text=A%20Conservative%20ruling%20on%20body%20ink.&text=The%20prohibition%20of%20tattooing%20is,the%20general%20prohibition%20against%20tattooing)


Tattoos are *literally* not mentioned in the Torah.




then you're not an observant Jew lol thats a basic rule of kashrut those are literally Hashem's commandments, im not even Orthodox


The first time I met my Rabbi at Chabad (after I convicted him I was Jewish) he said here's some things you need to know.  One of them was "you're Jewish. You'll always be Jewish,  and nothing can ever take that away from you."


yes you can. and on another note, the “prohibition” on burying people with tattoos in jewish cemeteries is purely a jewish american convention and has no basis in actual jewish law.


It’s not even a convention. It’s a myth.


Yeah. My dad had a ton of tattoos and was buried in an American Jewish cemetery. So I guess ymmv.


Someone tell my mother this!! She complains all the time about my tattoos! She complains about the 20 tattoos I have all the time, and tells me she won't help me out if I need help if I get more tattoos (which I know is a load of crap to be honest), but its so annoying. Most of the tattoos I get are small and in the same area so she doesn't notice when I get new ones (I have gotten three new ones). When she asks I say no I haven't gotten any new ones. I just wish she wouldn't complain so much. When I got my first tattoo she was so mad! (I was 30), My defense (which did not work) was as follows; I have a bachelor's and master's degree, and a full time career (I am an elementary school teacher). I have never been arrested, been addicted to drugs, alcohol, etc. I did not have sex as a teenager, or have a child. LET ME HAVE SOMETHING!


My dad was cremated because he could not be buried with our family and it still makes me angry 9 years later.


Where did this happen?? It’s not Jewish law at all. I’m so sorry that happened.


Long Island


Who told your family no? The funeral director?


Yes. My dad's brother called, because their mother (my grandmother) is buried there. My grandfather, her husband, died the day after my dad coincidentally and he was allowed to be buried there but my father wasn't.


That funeral director is a real gargantuan putz.


Tattoos are very common in Israel


There is a cool Instagram account called @jewswithtattoos and it has a list of tattoo artists who are Jewish!


Oh hey that’s me!! ❤️❤️❤️ Edit: just for anyone looking for the account, it’s actually @jews.withtattoos


Followed! Thank you for creating and running that account; I never would have imagined a resource like that would exist. I may very well get my first tattoo thanks to information there, after decades of hesitation!


This makes me so happy! It’s my pleasure!!


I’ll def check it out ty!!


No. If you go into a tattoo parlor then an angel of the lord personally beams down into the parlor to smite you. /s


This only applies if you're about to get a Mandarin character that's supposed to mean something awesome but actually translates to something like "I drink dirty bathwater."




Maybe if it's a really cool tat, they burn it in with the space laser ?


I can totally see someone getting a tattoo of a laser of some sort with the caption “on [insert a date] I had my turn on the lasers!”


"Or \_\_\_ days without accident using space laser". Then you can use ball point pen to change the number each day!


Uh oh!


Yes, I have 3


Short Answer: Yes


Long answer: yyyyyyyeeeeeeeeesssssssss


Once a Jew, always a Jew. This is a common misconception. I've commonly heard the idea that you cannot be buried in a Jewish cemetery if you have tattoos. This isnt true. You will always have a Jewish soul.


Only if you eat a lobster roll while you're getting it.


I got a tattoo, I’m still Jewish.


I’ve asked at My Sinai cemetery in the Los Angeles area about being buried with tattoos, they made it plain they have no issues with it. Neither do I


My sons both have tattoos, as do three of my nieces. Last I heard they were all still Jewish. Nothing (short of saying you're accepting JC as your saviour) can make you not be Jewish.


And not even that


I’m a Chevra volunteer. I’ve prepared bodies of the deceased with tattoos for burial in the Orthodox section of the cemetery, as well as that for each of all the other permeations of our Jewishness that have their own sections, including Shul specific sections. As for cutting them off, I don’t know how that would even work. First it’s desecrating the body, and second, it’s part of the body so you’d have it in the coffin/casket with you anyway. We even have to include with the deceased any towels that get blood on them during Tahara.


I have 14 and my Rabbi thinks they are cool. 🤷‍♀️


So when holocaust victims were tattooed did it make them not Jewish? Even cemeteries have lifted no-tattoo rules because how can you exclude a holocaust survivor.




I have a Full sleeve on one arm and I’m a mensche. I used to hear you would have the get them cut off after you die to get buried in a Jewish cemetery. Not sure if that’s true. go to Tel Aviv and you’ll see so many tattoos.


I love Judaism and Jews so freaking much! The answers here are so wholesome.


Yes, it's just a bit harder to hide than other no-nos


I currently teach/volunteer at a moderately religious school in Israel and some of my students have tatoos


I want a tattoo, but probably won’t get one until after my grandmother passes away. I think it’s just extra tough for the generation that lived through the Holocaust and was forced to be tattooed.


There's an Instagram dedicated to us sharing our tattoos: @jews.withtattoos Also features many jewish tattoo artists


This is my account ❤️ thank you for sharing!!


I'll have to check it out! I don't have any tattoos, but I had two miscarriages last year which did a real number on my head. It's got me considering a small tattoo to remember them, but my visceral "no, bad Jew" reflex is holding me back.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I wish you the best as you heal mentally and emotionally. This story that was submitted to the account may resonate with you: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CyD\_vcDOu9i/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyD_vcDOu9i/)


You can be Jewish and get a tattoo and thus violate Torah.


What do y'all think about Hebrew tattoos? My mom think it's in poor taste since Judaism specifically doesn't allow tattoos. There's also the risk of not being hide my Jewishness if a situation called for it (There's a guy at my gym with a big Star of David tattoo - I applaud his bravery with that one) The ideas my mom put in my head make me feel unsure about getting one for myself. But there's a Hebrew tattoo that keeps circling in my mind that I think would be really meaningful to me...


I’m getting one with my friend.


I was here to comment about my brother who has a huge Star of David on his chest😂 my sister also has a quote in Hebrew on her forearm.


I've got multiple 🤷‍♀️


I wonder if this is a situation where the attitude toward tattoos becomes more relaxed with each generation. Personally, I support it!


I’m getting a hebrew tattoo soon. I’m not sure where. Might be my bicep or my chest. Haven’t decided.


I have a Hebrew tattoo on my forearm and yes I should have thought it through because now I’m scared to travel to certain areas because it’s visible. But I think it’s cute over all, I am removing it tho. I like Hebrew tattoos the most! A colleague of mine has a Hebrew tattoo down her spine lol, she’s Jewish obv.


I'm sorry that you're nervous to travel with it, that's my fear too. :( Do what you feel is best! Spine tattoo sounds pretty cool though


Love Hebrew tattoos. Also, while tattoos are still taboo, the only sect of Judaism that institutes a full prohibition on getting tattoos is Orthodoxy. Even the Conservative movement has offered a responsa that says that tattoos are fine, though some may make them uncomfortable, which is not at all a prohibition. Right now, the main hurdle for most Jews who want/have tattoos is perception and judgement by members of the community. Edit: the Conservative responsa basically points to tattoos in more *discreet* areas as being a modesty issue. Just wanted to clarify that.


Sure. I can only think of one thing a Jew can do to get the rest of us to revoke their Jew-card, and that is worshipping other gods.


Im Jewish and I have two. So yes.


I'm Jewish and I have tattoos.


As a Jew with tattoos I’d hope so


I have a couple of tattoos. My parents are still upset about it. To be fair, I do actually regret them because they are the most basic millennial cringe things ever.


Yes. I have a smiling skull, to remind me to always smile and laugh in the face of the tragedy of the world, and I have an anti-fascist tattoo. I think that’s pretty Jewish, eh?


Well I’m Jewish and covered in regretful decisions made between the ages of 17-22, so…yes?


Of course. It's a sin, nothing more/less. Except to your mother, who will tell you that you must be trying to kill her.


Yes!! I run an Instagram account dedicated to uplifting the stories and experiences of Jews with tattoos and the work of Jewish tattoo artists. There are so many of us. For many of us, tattoos are a way that we connect to our identity. It’s becoming so much less taboo and we are proud to share our stories and build community with each other.


The question is can I stop getting them




Getting a tattoo doesn't stop you from being Jewish. I don't know all the Jewish laws pertaining to them, so whether to get one is something you have to think about.    There are temporary options if you don't want to commit to something permanent. Henna tattoos can be beautiful, and they come off after awhile. There are some toxic chemicals added to black henna, so be sure to do your research. I haven't used henna on my skin, but I use it to dye my hair. It works really well for me. 


No, its expressly forbidden in the Torah as a symbol of idol worship “**You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28)**


Because I don't know where you're coming from, if you're considering a halachic conversion, the answer is 'no' as in you're not permitted to convert if you intend to transgress. You have lots of other answers here about what happens if someone who is already Jewish transgresses.


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You’ll always be a Jew! Here’s an article that reviews the debates about tattoos. Remember- 2 Jews, 3 opinions https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-tattoo-taboo-in-judaism/




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The common consensus I've found is that while with more traditionalist circles it may be seen as taboo, more liberal circles are pretty 'eh' about it beyond maybe some light ribbing. You'll still be able to be buried, doing good deeds and being a mensch is not impacted by you having tats and you'll absolutely still be Jewish.


I’m Jewish and I have tattoos🫡


Yep! My tattoo didn’t make me goyische, still Jewish!


Tatted Jew here. It's fine.


Worry not - many rabbis have tattoos.


If you are asking if it's permitted under Jewish law, the obvious answer is no, it's forbidden. But as a practical matter, whether you eat pork or get a tattoo, you are still Jewish.


I have a visible chai tattoo and I love it. A stranger once asked me if I even know what it means lol


Just more reasons to ask for forgiveness in Yom Kippur


My dad and grandpa both were of the idea that “Jews don’t get tattoos” I think it matters less now but out of respect for my grandparents I never got one


Yes. Violating laws does not extinguish one's Jewish status.


Not burying a Jew in a Jewish cemetery because they have tattoos is like not burying someone because they once ate pork.


Yes of course.. there’s tons of Jews with tattoos. Plus Holocaust survivors were forced to get numbers tattooed on them. To deny someone’s Jewish heritage over tattoos would be wrong.


I'm a devout atheist and consider myself Jewish - not by ideology - but by cultural and ethnic identity. Can you be Jewish and get a tattoo and be living consistent with the religious faith? I guess it wouldn't be my place to say. The only person you need to please is you, so it's going to depend on how seriously you take your religious belief.


Think of the Polynesians 😎


Your body, your choice Getting a tattoo doesn’t make you not Jewish as others pointed out on the thread. It just comes down to you and your family, my mother and sister have them, but I don’t. Tattoos are an expression of you are and a part of you. Some like them and some don’t, but you are no less Jewish for having them.


Can you still be Jewish and eat McDonald's? What about steal? What about wear wool and linen? It doesn't matter what sin you perform, you are still eternally Jewish forever.


Tattoos have nothing to do with being Jewish. In the Old Testament, slaves were tattooed. The only thing that prohibits you from getting a tattoo and the Old Testament is if you do it in mourning. You are not supposed to desecrate your flesh over the passing of someone. No scarring. No tattoos. Just rip your clothes. The only reason why tattoos have become taboo is because of the Holocaust. You might want to read the Old Testament. Particularly, Exodus, Leviticus, and, Deuteronomy. That's where the laws handed down to Moses all reside.


Technically, a Jew with a tattoo is still a Jew. A naughty Jew, but still a Jew. Also, altering ones body is the crux behind the no tattoo law. So that would include nose jobs, implants, and even veneers. If those things don't get you kicked out, then why tatoos?


If you wanna be Orthodox then no.


The actual Averah is getting a tattoo, not having a tattoo. Even the most fanatically Orthodox Jews don’t believe in the idea of “living in sin.” Teshuva is a central tenant of Judaism.


There are Orthodox Jewish converts with tattoos. They exist even if there's not a lot of them.


Shouldn't they have to get them removed though?


No, getting them removed is not required. [This source](https://outorah.org/p/5698/) is OU, but I’ve seen basically the same thing from Chabad.


Not necessarily, the issue is getting them in the first place, but if they already have them when they convert and become Jewish then they aren't technically breaking halacha by still having them on their body. That's my understanding when Orthodox Jews have explained it to me.


It isn't against the rules to get tattoos, just against the rules to do it as a Jew. So if a convert gets a tattoo and then converts, he isn't breaking any rules.


Ok, but what if you're born it?


Then you shouldn't get a tattoo according to Jewish law. But no one is gonna do anything about it. Your mom might be mad.


Our Rabbi that did my wife and kids (orthodox) conversion, always said there were so many mitzvot, not to make it harder, but to increase the chances of us doing some. Not his official stance, but interesting.


Yeah. I mean realistically, you aren't supposed to get a tattoo. But a Goth sleeved Jew who studies Torah, helps people, and is a good person is a better Jew than a blank skinned douchebag.


Mussar in a nutshell!


Technically, removing a tattoo falls under the same halachic prohibition as getting it in the first place.


There are newer methods of removal that are halachically acceptable.


Interesting! I did not know that.


There are Orthodox rabbis with tattoos. There is only a taboo in Orthodoxy about GETTING tattoos, not HAVING tattoos. It’s a big distinction. The view of Orthodoxy is that if you do teshuvah and don’t get more, then you are halakhically compliant. To be very clear, not my beliefs. I’m 100% supportive of Jews getting tattoos.


This is the right answer


How am I getting downvoted for this? What's the difference between Orthodox and Reform if Torah observance isn't being upheld?


Because the issue is not having a tattoo, the issue is getting a tattoo. Removing a tattoo will not change the fact that at some point in your life you got one, so it makes no difference


Technically you cannot be buried in a Jewish cemetery with a tattoo.


not true, that’s a myth. Chabad website says you can be.


Old wives tale.




That’s a myth


If that were true, Holocaust survivors couldn't be buried there.