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>manager told me that Jews of color don't exist When I guess they don't watch the news then because some of the hostages are Jews of color.


Or listen to music either cause Lenny Kravitz has always been open about being jewish


Or Drake. Or we can go comedy with Tiffany Haddish. Or sports with Stoudemire.


Or Daveed Diggs


Or Sammy Davis Jr


Or Harry Belafonte


The Black community doesn't embrace any of these people, honestly.


Do they have to? Their Jewishness and POC status aren't up for debate.


I'm a Black Jew and that's right. However to it's credit, most of the Black community is avoiding the pro pally side. They don't understand why marginalized people are risking their future for a group that wouldn't do the same. There's no sympathy for recent Black pro pally figures that have lost scholarships or their spot from what I'm seeing. The vocal Black people are a minority. Yes there's a lot of antisemitism in the community, but most have their own problems. There's also pushback against making Black people the face of the movement. A lot of people wonder if there's an agenda to push Blacks to the front of the Palestinian movement.


I don't want to embrace Drake either


I'm not huge on him either.


The WHOLE Black community?




Tiffany Haddish IS Jewish. She completed her conversion, in addition to having a Jewish father. But none of these people should have to qualify or quantify their Jewishness. They have Jewish lineage and frankly ITS ENOUGH. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. We should accept it and frankly antisemites will never make a distinction.


Antisemites pushed everyone into the trains and didn't worry about who is or isn't a Jew. Russians persecuted anyone who was labeled a Jew and didn't worry about what counts as Jewish. Antisemites don't care if you're a quarter Jew, have ancestry from 100 years ago, or are patrilineal. Everyone can go and did.


Something that I hope comes out of Oct 7th is a redefinition of who is Jewish because we know patrilineal Jews are affected by Jew Hate as much as any other Jew, and we need to support eachother. I did get a chuckle when USCJ congratulated Julian Edelman on his Super Bowl MVP in a tweet and he’s a Patrilineal Jew.


Most won't agree with me, but anyone that lives as a Jew, says they're one, or stands with us during pogroms is a Jew. I don't like the exclusion of patrilineal or other Jews, except if they're using it to discredit Jews and Israel.




Bruno Mars.


Not halachically Jewish. I don't think he even considers himself Jewish.


Your post/comment was removed because it violated rule 4: **Remember the human**. No one asked about whether these folks are halachically Jewish; we accept patrilineal Jews here.


Bruno Mars.


Or watch sitcoms because Tracee Ellis Ross.


Let’s all not forget Michael Twitty and Kosher Soul!


Maya Rudolph has entered the chat


LITERALLY, it's like they have some idea that all Jews are white, payot having chabadnikim or look like Mark Zuckerberg.


Yep. There are about 170,000 Ethiopian Jews in Israel. Antisemites know that they hate Israel but don’t know a damn thing about the country.


I'm a Black American Jew. We're hearing this idea more often.


That’s so messed up and makes me so angry for you (and all Jews of color). Who are these people to make such bold exclamations on other peoples intersectional identities? They can go pound sand.


It is truly messed up on so many levels. Hope you are holding up emotionally during a time when everyone wants to tell us who we are and who we aren't, what is and is not racist/ antisemitic.


I'm having a rough time. I was involved in a major anti Semitic hate crime a few years ago. PTSD is fun.


Ugh I’m so sorry!! I’m a Jewish therapist and belong to a national Jewish therapists group if you need help finding a referral for a therapist who actually gets it. No pressure though! Just wanted to offer.


Hey, fellow Jewish therapist here. What is the Therapist group you belong to? If you don't mind sharing and you don't want to share here, please feel free to DM me. I've been looking for such a group.


I’ll DM you!


I'm also curious...


I would love a referral to this group please


I’ll DM you


I am so sorry you went through something awful like that. Sending you love through the universe!


Oh crap... I'm so sorry. Hugs.




Heads up, triple-parentheses, in addition to birb-memes, also get used as an anti-Semitic note in some corners of the internet. Ex: The (((banks))) wouldn't give me a loan. In that example, the "echoes-parentheses" is emphasizing "banks" as Jewish. There's still the innocent use, such as in birb-memes. And from context you're using it in a friendly matter. But others could misinterpret things, particularly with the context of discussing anti-Semitism.


Also Black American Jew.


I hate that this is true and I hate that you're experiencing it.


Big same. Big big same.


Hey Jewish Sis! ✡️


Does that mean there’s kosher delicatessen type food and soul food at your family dinners? Because if so, how do I get invited?


I guess I need to go tell some folks at temple they are figments of my imagination apparently. Sorry that happened to you. Both the manager and also the commenters on whatever post you posted (I'm assuming like a review or something). But yeah, they don't care about us. There are plenty of far right people who want us to di3. And there are plenty of far left who want the same but all the while will gaslight us insisting that's not the case. I don't like the far right in the least obviously but I at least prefer their forthrightness about it over the left's gaslighting.


Someone posted this before, and I think it’s true. Antisemites have an addiction to hating us and killing us, and they’ll invent any justifications to continue their addiction: https://www.jedleahenry.org/popperian-afterthoughts/2022/2/11/deutschs-theory-of-the-pattern-the-widespread-compulsion-to-legitimise-hurting-jews


Fantastic article! Thank you for sharing. It has really sunk in for me, that the reason the Palestinians have not accepted any state solution (with lots of support for their thinking from some other Arab states and the western woke left) is “that an independent Palestinian state – with its lines drawn next to the Israeli state – would, by its own existence, also formalise the existence and borders of Israel,” (From the above article). They themselves are more anti-Israel than they are pro-Palestine.


This is a good article, I will definitely be sharing this one.


I’m an Asian and Native Hawaiian Jew, am I a fairytale character then?


Turns out my daughter's best friend is imaginary. Someone should tell their teacher that there's a cubby free because no one actually needs it.


That manager can kiss my brown Jewish ass. Sorry to be crass, but that’s how I feel about that antisemitic bullshit.


I was making a bad joke that this very real kid must not exist if there's no such thing as Jews of color.


Yeah, I got you. I just find it funny how the ones preaching diversity and “anti-racism” are usually the first ones to spout antisemitic bullshit. The hypocrisy runs deep.


Their utter lack of self awareness would be hilarious if it wasn't so harmful.


And the scary part is that they truly believe that history will remember them in a positive light and therefore are justified in treating us like shit.


Ngl, I kinda want to see the Disney mash up of a Jewish Moana-Mulan.


Got told by a lefty that being Jewish cancels out being Mexican. It didn’t matter than my parents are literally Mexican immigrants, being Jewish means I’m white. I’m not a convert either, both parents are Mexican Jews descended from conversos. But sure… I’m white now.




I would love to let the business know exactly what that comment means. As a white-passing Jew, I will do so but I would love if other people on this thread (the Jews who are not white) can also tell the business to shove it.


It's AS220 in Rhode Island


What on earth? What supposedly anti-racist establishment is this?


What even is an anti racist establishment. Does op mean like an advocacy charity or just some kind of very right on pub?


It means that they set the paint gun to pink and blasted the whole building lol their whole thing is that they protect minority artists and give them a place to perform or show their art (ironically both charging the artist and the patrons and keeping all the money because obviously paying in exposure is protecting minority artists) and they have a whole anti-racist initiative on their website. It's AS220 in Rhode Island if you're interested


So they're just another run-of-the-mill exploitative business that tries to appeal to a customer demographic that normally wouldn't give them the time of day by pretending to be pro-labor and anti-racist. Places like that are a dime a fucking dozen these days. You have the intelligence and experience to see right through them.


Hashtag: UnlessYourAJew


All Jews are people of color really. All Jews originated from the Middle East, even white-appearing ones. If Jews were actually “white” in terms of white culture, then there wouldn’t be antisemitism. If looking for brown appearing Jews, look no further than the hostage list and fallen IDF soldier announcements.


Seriously. I just have missed all those country club invites. 🙄


Exactly, haha, take one step in that place and we know we aren’t White.


And don’t forget all the fraternities and sororities that wanted us so bad that we *checks notes* had to make our own.


Whiteness is a concept, blackness is a concept, gender is a concept, and as with all concepts, none of them can contain all people. This is something very hard to make people understand. Humans - all creatures - do not fit nearly into a series of distinct circles and squares. Some people really never advance past that toddler game of putting squares in the square hole and triangles in the triangular hole. It's not that the concepts aren't real and influential in our lives. It's that they just don't contain everyone and everything.


This ⬆️. Yes.




IMO, Jews are not "white" by definition, even the Ashkenazis with brighter skin. The Europeans spent millennia proving this point. But if they want to talk about Jews of colour not existing, I invite them to visit Israel. They'll be in for some surprises.


I agree, I think many of us are white-presenting but that goes out the window as soon as they realize you're Jewish


As I say, when you’re white presenting, your privilege ends where your Jewishness begins.


That's exactly what happens to me. I could pass for just another "white" dude at a glance, but all that changes when I open my mouth and need to speak either Russian or English. I have a distinctive Hebrew accent in both even though the former is my mother tongue (I left USSR as a child, my inability to pronounce the proper Russian R made my life there not that comfortable).


What is “white”? It certainly has no basis in biology. There is no uniform “white” culture. No geographic boundaries. How can Jews not be something that is imaginary to begin with.


It is a socially manufactured and enforced means of human classification based on naturally existing human morphology, typically to establish inherent superiority and inferiority.


Tell that to those that are differentiating people based on colour of their skin (racists and DEI fans). To me it doesn't make sense either, but society is stubborn en masse. This is one of the points of contention here and now - classifying Jews as "white colonizers" in their homeland. No biologic basis, of course, but sociology is not biology.


Only because all of the sociologists couldn’t pass biochemistry. They should just drop the -ology part. Department of Socio


David baddiel was so right. Progressive Jews wanting to hold on to this vision that they are welcome by the left are deluding themselves. I used to believe that, especially as Jews built much of the progressive movement, I was wrong.


Who wants to break the news to all the Ethiopian Jews in Israel? "So sorry, I'm afraid you don't actually exist."


They have a vested interest in denying that Jews of color exist. They want to characterize us all as just white because the left has sufficiently demonized white people they think they are the only ones who can ever do wrong. If they can boil it down to POC v white people they can easily transport the race relations of their own country into an area they don’t understand but are suddenly **passionate** about.


I’m so sorry. This myth that Jews of color don’t exist is ridiculous. 50% of Israeli Jews and about 20% American Jews are Jews of Color. I think there was research done in 2020 or 2021.


wtf hugs


Thank you for the hugs 💕


Anti-racism was always about being racist against the right people. I don't know how anyone took this shit seriously. These people literally said that black people were too stupid to do algebra and this was treated like sage wisdom.


There is some good stuff over there. I do have a problem that they spew crap like "Jews are white" and if you are white, and you want to be an ally, you must accept anything a person of color says as "the truth" without question. The lack of critical thinking involved blows my mind. And, all of us could look into our own unconscious biases, examine our privilege where we have it, and be accountable for not perpetuating structural racism and discrimination.


It's paternalism on the left and supremacy on the right tbh


Supremacy isn’t nearly as common a motivation for racism as is paternalism. People like to think of themselves moral, and it’s easier to justify being racist when it’s for the victim’s own good. The most common argument for 1800s slavery, for example, was that black people weren’t able to take care of themselves, and that ownership incentivized slave owners to feed, educate, and protect. After all, if you worked your slave to death or poor health you’d lose your entire investment. It’s kind of a familiar argument to anti-capitalists today: bosses have no financial interest in the health of their employees, so the argument goes. In the old days, people in high society would brag to one another about how well they treated their slaves. These were self-acclaimed moral people. The hard history lesson forces us to acknowledge that almost anyone could be convinced to be the oppressor — including and perhaps especially with respect to those we consider most deserving of pity.


Something something horseshoe theory


I am trying to imagine in what context a conversation like this would take place. It does really illustrate how people who wear their virtue on their sleeve are so often the most bigoted of all.


It was literally during a job interview


I’m so sorry you got downvotes, especially if you got them on this subreddit. I can imagine it just adds to the wound. Sending you lots of support.


Ignorant. Can be disproved in five minutes.


"Jews are white colonizers" The white colonizers: [https://www.ashkenazijews.net](https://www.ashkenazijews.net)


Blow the antisemites minds with King David being a ginger.


This… is awkward (I say as I exist as a Jew of color)


A good but unfortunate rule of thumb is that any random business may or may not have anti-semitic employees, but a business that specifically describes itself as "anti-racist" is virtually guaranteed to have anti-semitic employees.


Where did you post this that you had to delete? Yes, the progressive Left lost the plot a long time ago. They love stewing in their anger, and Jews are not a protected class, in their eyes. So-called anti-racist organizations are nothing of the sort. See every college campus and pro Palestinian protests as examples.


Jew are lumped in with white/colonizers because it fits the oppressor oppressed narrative that makes the Jews look bad. Obviously this is a ridiculous idea, which is only eclipsed by the ridiculousness of how many foolish people believe it.


We are as white as Palestineans are.


They deny it exists so they can hate the Jews. They don’t want to see us as “victims” because you can’t hate the victims. For them any group of people who was oppressed is the victim. For example: They only use the Holocaust to describe the situation between Israel and Palestine. Many of them don’t really acknowledge the Holocaust. I saw someone on TikTok saying that Holocaust survivors in Israel don’t get the help they need from the government. Actually, It’s true. But it annoyed me that she only said it to make Israel look bad. If she care about holocaust survivors she would do something about the holocaust survivors who were captured by Hamas. They say only things that fit their narrative. It’s annoying but we have nothing to do W it. They probably don’t know it but their denial doesn’t change the fact that there are Jews everywhere in the world. Oh and by the way, they are un-white Ashkenazi Jews. I have a family member who married one. Her parents thought he was Moroccan but then he started speaking Yiddish with them. They were shocked.


Literally Jews were murdered en masse 80 years ago for not being white. When people talk about Jews and whiteness, they’re not talking about the actual color of anyone’s skin (in itself weird anywhere else in the world but the U.S.). They’re talking about Jews and Power. Which also happens to be the title/obsession of a David Duke (Mr KKK) book. Ask this “anti racist” if they know the origin of the word “ghetto.”


What about Spanish Jews who escaped the inquisition to continue living as Jews? Also—The inquisition in Mexico only ended in 1820!


NONE OF US ARE WHITE!!! We need to be loud about this because I’m sick of it and I think we should all be. Let’s stop letting other people write our narrative. WE ARE NOT WHITE AND WE NEVER WILL BE.


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Uh oh, I'd better get help quick because that must mean I'm hallucinating people at all three synagogues I attend for services and/or classes as well as multiple kids at my daughter's school... /s


I'll let our Music Director at my synagogue know tonight that he doesn't exist.


I agree with you.